Cozmic One retired from the track in 2017 to embark on a second career as a hunter/jumper. He is trained and managed by Isabela de Sousa and her father, Sergio, at De Sousa Stables in Lexington, Kentucky. Notably, Isabela and Coz appeared together at the 2018 Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover.
Paulick Report recently published an article about their progress that can be read here, and Isabela has this exclusive update for Coz’s fans:
Coz had some time off last year, and then we turned him out for the winter, like we do with all of our Thoroughbreds. The break helped him mature mentally and physically since the 2018 Thoroughbred Makeover.

We had our first show back together in June of this year, and I can’t say too many good things about his performance at that show. Ever since he came back into work I told my dad, “I really want to work on the basics, make him stronger, and help him be the best he can be.” By that I mean we are doing a lot of flat work to make him straight, lateral work to keep him flexible, and gymnastics and grids to help the shape of his jump so that he can use himself better.
As everyone knows, Coz has a very strong personality and can be tricky to ride—this improves as he matures mentally, and he is making a lot of progress. He’s a big horse, and he has the coordination that his size requires. We have been jumping him so small for a long time, so he doesn’t try too hard over the jumps, which is okay. At home we just work on the shape of the jump, as the height never really daunted him.
My dad has taken over the reins for now, since I am heading off to college. I’ll still ride him when I can. We aren’t worried about how far he will go in his new career, it’s his “retirement” and we want him to enjoy himself without any pressure. With all the shows being canceled I’m not sure when Coz and my dad will be making their debut, but I certainly know they enjoy each other, and he is a happy horse!
-Isabela de Sousa

judy berube
Dear Team Z, Isabela and Sergio:
COZ, is living the perfect life. He enjoys his work, has his needed rest and is well loved. What a magnificent looking horse he is. Love him and thank you for keeping him fit and happy. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
So true Judy, Coz, loved, happy and healthy, what more could you want for your horse. I think the knowledge that Isabela and Sergio have will also give Coz confidence as well which is really important in jumping. He just oozes happiness though. Cheers
judy berube
Dear Kathy R:
Indeed! Same for your sweet Thurzel. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Mary Jane
It’s so great to know that Coz landed exactly where he needed to be – with people who love and care for him. Love the photo of Isabella riding him bareback. The freedom in that photos speaks volumes. Wonderful update. Thank you.
Jane W
What a wonderful life Coz has with the DeSousa’s! ❤??
Best of luck in college Isabella…I’m sure you will be just as successful there as you have been in everything else! ❤???
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for posting the Coz update and the beautiful pictures!! Our first-born prince is a magnificent animal, indeed, and we are SO happy that he has such a loving home. I was thrilled to see him in person at the Thoroughbred Makeover and meet Isabela and her dad along with Ann Moss. That is a cherished memory – especially as any additional competition seems iffy at best.
Great story about your horse doing her mud thing, Kathy ?. On my tablet, the elusive “categories “ are at the bottom as you scroll down the page past the last comment.
So happy for my boy, Nyquist, getting his first winner!! He must be so proud. Best wishes for more winners to come, Ny?
Max certainly proved that he is the real deal – just wish Midcourt had gotten a better trip. Am putting all of my eggs in the Honor A.P. Basket for the Derby.
Kathy Rabl
Hi Sandy
What a great memory to have, meeting Sergio and Isabel de Sousa and Ann Moss plus Coz! Hope you took happy snaps! Cheers
Barbara Brayton
Good for Coz. He deserves a good life.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks so much for the lovely photos and update on Cozmic One!
He looks so good, and it’s obvious that he is happy and relaxed. Love all the pictures, but the beautiful photo of Isabela riding Coz bareback is very special!
Many thanks to the De Sousa family for loving this handsome boy. ?
Hugs and Love
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
I’m grateful that COZ is in a great place. I’m happy to see Isabela wants him to enjoy his retirement. The pressure of racing ? is well in his past.
COZ you are ? loved. You are a treasure to all of us.
HugZ and kisses ?
Thank you so much for the update.
So glad that he is living a great life in his forever home❤️
Barbara Spencer
So happy to see how happy and LOVED Coz is. He is a gorgeous horse with the grace and elegance of the Prince that he is ! Love sweet boy ! ?❤️?
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you so much for helping Coz Be the very best he can be. He is happy and loved in his new vocation. All Z’s kids are doing great!
He has needed the layoff and slow training, just as you said. I still say he would be a better dressage horse. He also needs to do some uphill and downhill work at the walk, lots of it. I hope he finds a fit somewhere. And I’m really glad he’s at a place where he’s happy and getting excellent care. ❤️
Coz I am so thrilled to see these pictures of you, but most of all I am delighted to know you are Happy and Loved. Thank You Isabela for all the Love and care you give the Crowned Prince. Again I am so glad he is enjoying his retirement, and thanks for the update.
Ann NC
Dear Isabela,
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos and for taking great care of Coz.
Best wishes on your new adventures in life. How exciting!
Keep soaring!
Luv ya,
Ann NC
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
As with everyone else I am thrilled to see Coz happy, loved and enjoying his new career. Now for the questions starting with Zenny. Has Zenny been bred back and will we be blessed with another member of the family come spring. What about Ziconic? How is he doing? While it doesn’t appear that Zellda will be making her race debut this year, is there any news at all about how she’s doing? To all the Zsters out there stay home and be safe and well.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?and Team Z
Ditto to what every1 has said about Coz! I completely agree.?
@Kathy R, enjoyed ur story about Thurzel. Typical horse. ?…. Sigh.?. They love being dirty?♀️.
Cont HugZ ❤prayerZ for every1, Luv vamp
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cool. Love and Hugs, JB❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone!
Hovey has had a rough week – the title says it all?
Can’t believe that the Kentucky Derby is now just a week away. Hope all of the entrants stay safe and have a good pre-Derby week. Lots of good racing this weekend too. Safe trips to all!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thank you for our weekly visit with Hovis the Great! Poor Hovis, what a revolting development this is (apologies to the late William Bendix, in “Life with Riley”). Wow, am I old. I feel his pain — mini-mum has cast him aside, and Mum had the nerve to ride Bob!
Oh what a world.
Have a good weekend and enjoy the races! Safe and sound racing everyone.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Brain short-circuit! The show was “The Life of Riley” from the ’50s.
I knew that, of course, but as I said, I am old!! ?
Hugs and Love from your friend, the relic❣️
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Oh boy, can I ever relate. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Oh, poor Hovie. The humiliation!
Glad he’s feeling better physically though. Hopefully, Mum will apologize for her insensitivity! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Join you in wishing all horses and riders safe and sound! Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Marshall, many of us are chronologically gifted. You are not alone.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara,
I love that description — “chronologically gifted”. Makes me feel happy!!
Glad to be in such great company. ?
Hugs and Love
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
OMG. That’s a perfect description. ? luv & HugZ ❤
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I believe you folks have no clue about the “chronologically gifted” thing.
Cheers from the dinosaur ?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Dear Zenyatta family
Just back this afternoon to look again at these stunning photos. Don’t think I’ve seen such mutual love and companionship between horse and rider in a long time. It’s just so good for the soul. Many thanks to all at Lane’s End and the de Sousa family
I hope my post will be allowed as last week as it never made it past “modification”. In this new post there is a video and article by TDN all about the decade that Zenyatta has resided at Lane’s End. It gives you a close look at baby 20Z and how she is so much like her mom. It suggests that Zenyatta is the most important horse there and that she knows it! Delightful article and it will let you know if Queen Z was bred back to Candy Ride! Lindal
Kathy Rabl
Hi Lindal
Found your post from Lanes End on the Forums. It’s entered under the heading 20-Z (Candy Ride x Zenyatta). Thanks for the story. Didn’t pick up any confirmation on Zenyatta being in foal though.
judy berube
Dear Lindal:
Thanks. Will check it out. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Dear Zenyatta fans,
Sad but lovely story about the passing of Subzero. As the story in The Australian begins: “Subzero, one of the most iconic figures in Australian racing, has died. The 1992 Melbourne Cup winner passed away at Bendigo Equine Hospital at 2.38pm — exactly the same time his lifelong carer Graham Salisbury died on June 20.” I hope you can read the full story on the link below.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Kathy R.,
Thank you for posting this. I could not read the article unless I subscribed, but I know Graham Salisbury is happy to see his dear Subzero again. I remember Sheena used to keep us updated about Graham and Subzero.
RIP Subzero and Graham Salisbury, more good times ahead.
Hugs and Love
Kathy Rabl
Dear Marshall
On Subzero and Graham Salisbury
Was afraid that the paid subscription would block you out. The extract I put in has covered the story though. Will watch out for that in any future posts. Had a similar thing happen with some of Sheena’s posts because they are owned by the same company in Australia and I couldn’t get them to let me read either. But it was a great horse story and she would have loved telling you all about it, so was keen to do that on her behalf. Hugs and love
Kathy Rabl
Dear Zenyatta fans
Reported in earlier posts about the deaths of Subzero and Graham Salisbury. The post was blocked because of the need to be a subscriber to the paper. I’ve found a link to our National Radio Broadcaster, the ABC which covered the story and doesn’t charge. So here goes. Sheen was very fond of the two so do it in her https://amp.abc.net.au/article/12609634
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Yes, our Sheena often posted about Sub Zero and Mr. Salisbury. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Miss-typed Sheena’s name and left “name” out completely in the last sentence. My apologies for that. Sorry Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Kathy R.,
Thank you so much for posting the ABC link about Subbie. Very nice article indeed and so nice to watch the video of Subzero winning the Melbourne Cup in 1992. Subbie and Graham were quite the pair, and I am sure they were greeted warmly by our Sheena. Thank you for doing this on her behalf. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
RIP Mr. Salisbury and Sub Zero. May you reunite in Heaven.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Waspirant, son of Life Is Sweet and Union Rags and trained by John S. won his Maiden race today at Del Mar. It was his second start. He is gorgeous. Congrats to him, Mom and Dad, John, jockey U. Rispoli and all connections.
Here’s the replay of the race.
Ann NC
That’s great! Congrats to all.
Gorgeous is right, JB. Looks like he enjoyed his sweet self out there and found that camera too. Hahaha.
Our new summer crush at the beach.
Thanks for sharing.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Woo Hoo!!! Life is Sweet must be so proud (if they can wake her up to deliver the news?). Thanks for the replay Judy – forgot to watch it live.
judy berube
Dear Ann and Sandy:
I was wondering if Waspirant likes to sleep in like Mama!
Love and Hugs, JB???
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this link. Yes, Waspirant is soooo gorgeous! Congratulations to him, Umberto Rispoli, John S. and all connections! Life is Sweet and Union Rags must be proud of their boy.
Looking forward to seeing him again! Best of Luck and safe, sound, successful racing to Waspirant. ?
Hugs and Love
Donna Gail Heim
Coz looks wonderful and as so many have said he appears very happy. I’m sure he senses he is loved. He was sort of a special needs horse in regard to his personality and so glad he found his niche. I have a dog that is so smart but has special needs in regard to relationship to other people than us. Thank you for the tremendous care you are giving him. He’s just beautiful.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the article on Zenyatta from TDN that Lindal referenced. Enjoy!
judy berube
There’s a video included too.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Great article on our Queen Z! Thanks for posting the link — enjoyed the video very much, also. She is so special❣️ Royalty indeed.
Love that little redhead, too!
Hugs and Love