Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Was this website hacked? I hope it isn’t true. If it is, well, we love you anyway, Zen.
Kim F.
I am so sorry Z…I just know you will be the best momma when the time is right. We all love you so much and wish you the best.
Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry. I just got a knot in the pit of my stomach when I read this. You are so brave. I know it will happen for you. Maybe for this year? It’s not too late, is it? This doesn’t take anything away from how wonderful you are. Keep your chin up!
Bummer… that’s really too bad, Z. It’ll be all right though. When it’s time, you’ll be a gorgeous momma to a gorgeous baby :) Take care of yourself, girl!
Awh, poor Z. :( When will you get to try again? Best wishes.
Oh my! I am soooooo sorry Zenyatta. That is so sad but I am glad that you are still doing well, considering.
What sad news! Glad to hear all is well with you though beautiful girl. We’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed for next time!
Oh no!!!! Better luck next season, Zenny!! :(
Hugs! It will be when the time is right! Keep faith!
I am so sorry to hear that! Are they going to breed you again this year?
I am so sorry Zenny & Bernie! How sad! Will be praying for you!
please let us know if they will re-breed you this season? i know it is still early so i hope they will continue to support you Z!
Jean Moore
Oh Zenny, I want you to be happy too. I love you even more than yesterday.
oh! i’m so sorry… this happened to me
several times so i know where you!re
coming from… it will be much better next
time… i promise..
Aww Z!!!!! So Sorry to hear that! Everything happens for a reason though and I’m sure it’ll work out as planned when the timing is right <3 love u
Christine Wright
:( Better luck in the future for the most precious of gals!
I thought it was a little too soon. Not enough time to come down from racing. Take the year to relax!
Oh no! I’m so sad! Well, I’m glad you’re feeling good and we’ll just have to wait a little longer to see a little Z!
You and your family/friends take care!
Oh poor Zenyatta, I know that all that are with you love you and as you said :) you are feeling well so try again and you still have time to be a momma next year. Love and hoping for the best when you are tested after your next round.
Stephanie Quilichini
So Sad:( Will they try again this year? Also heard Zardana retired not a great day :(
Is there a chance she could be bred again this year? Or will they have to wait for next year? I’ve read about breeding, but now I can’t remember what I learned. Sad to hear, though. Disappointing..
I’m so sorry to hear that. Glad you are doing fine otherwise. Keeping fingers crossed for a successful breeding next time.
Susan Edwards
So sorry to hear this. Will you be bred again this year, pretty one? Please keep writing about how your friends and siblings are doing.
Judy Maass Gadwood Loves Zenny
Oh, Zenny, Sweetheart!!! :-( I’m fighting tears!!! I love you so much!!! God is good, He will let you get pregnant again!!
I hope you are feeling okay…
The important thing is that you are healthy. When the time is right, you will have a foal. I can’t wait to visit you and bring lots of mints.
Mary Check
My prayers are with you sweet Zenyatta…remember, God knows what is best for us…I love you…
Bonnie Jo
Its ok Zenny you took your time becoming a race horse too and just look how that turned out! 19-1 some boys cant even say that! Sometimes things are meant to take a little longer stay strong girl!
Zenny I know you are disappointed. I know how hopeful you were that you would soon have a little angel to love. You are still young with lots of time so I know you will bounce back from this disappointment. Love you forever.
Dawn in Ohio
It just wasn’t meant to be this time. Prayers for the next try! You have so many people that love you. My heart sank when I read this, though. Just glad you are feeling fine.
I have helped with breeding seasons at many farms and have helped foal out many mares. Many of those mares I have been quite attached to and it is always heartbreaking when something bad happens. I feel as close to you as any of those mares I work with daily and my heart just hurt so bad when I read this news. I am so sorry, Z. Do you know if they will try to breed again this season or let you enjoy lush pastures and play time for the year with your girls for the year?