Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Robin from Maryland
Dear Zen, I am so very, very sorry to hear the news. They say things happen for a reason. You will be in my prayers.
Barbara Grimaldi
I just read the comments of Scudsomething and have observed that the person writing that message is most probably deranged. Nothing in it makes sense. The brain is in disconnect. Sounds like someone who is incarcerated somewhere, perhaps jail, perhaps hospital. How he or she found this site is anyone’s guess, but if Dottie could block this sender, it would be good for the rest of us who care for Zenny as if she were ours. What this person wrote is drivel. What this person wants is attention. I suggest that if Dottie cannot block his or her further comments, we all IGNORE the ravings. People with mental impairment like that do things–good and bad–for attention. I do believe I sense a religious fixation in the message…he or she is using it to fantasize…a sick person. As for the rest of us, all we care about is Zenny, and I will not desert my post beside her through these messages.
Liz Tobey
Dear Zenyatta,
I’m so sorry to hear this. But I’m confident that you will have a foal, and probably sooner than later.
One of my favorite racehorses when I was a kid was Genuine Risk, who won the Derby. She had a lot of problems carrying a foal to term, and they had almost given up on her having a live foal, but when she was sixteen years old, she gave birth to a healthy colt by Rahy! She had a second colt (by Chief Honcho), who I saw several years ago at Newstead Farm in Virginia. I visited “Genny” several times at Newstead Farm, the last time in 2007 when she was 30 years old. What a wonderful horse she was, just like you.
I’m sure that Bernie will be happy to see you again! I wish they would let the two of you have some time to get to know one another – maybe eat a pear or two together!
Megan S
Oh Zenny, I am so sorry, but I know you will be the best Mommy ever when the time comes!
Theresa Spears
You are strong girl! When it is time to happen, it will…I would just love to scratch behind your ears right now and smile at you!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!
Donita Fox
So sorry to hear that Z! Take some time and relax and enjoy your new life. It will happen when it is meant to be. You are a gift to the world and we love you.
Carmela Bozulich
Oh no…I’m so sorry Lady Z. But these things can happen…we love you & know that the right thing will happen at the right time.
Oh Zenyatta, I’m so sorry it didn’t happen this time, but everything happens for a reason and only God knows why….I love you so much that words can not express. I know that Team Z is greatly disappointed as well, but the MOST important thing is that you are feeling terrific….and we can’t ask for more than that…Love forever your #1 fan in Montana!!!
No worries not uncommon but kind of weird that they check like 3 days ago all was fine now they recheck and nothing. You will probably go back in 2-3 weeks. Sheds dont close till early July.
Zenyatta and team. I am so very so to hear that bad news. However the good news is that you are healthy and there will be another chance to have a foal.
xxxx000 -from Lynne
Paula Higgins
First, let me say how sorry I am to all of her human family. I know how disappointed you must be. The good news is that Zenyatta is o.k., suffered no ill effects and there is always tomorrow. It will happen. But this is nature’s way of taking care of something that was not quite right. When her first foal is born, we will be ecstatic and the wait will be worht it.
I’m sorry to hear about this Zenyatta. But it probably is all for a purpose. You’ll be bred again when it’s time and maybe then you’ll get in foal. Until then at least you’re healthy and happy, and enjoying your life. You deserve the very best.
Susan from Fl
So very sad Z. Peace to you.
Im so sad to hear this bit of news, but as long as you are healthy that’s all that matters!! At least it is early enough in the breeding season for you to be re bred hopefully everything is going to be fine, we love you Zenny!!
I am so sorry that all did not go as planned and hoped for. But everything happens for a reason and when the time is right, you will become a mom. In the meantime…we wish you health, happiness and all good things.
I hope this doesn’t hamper your birthday plans tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day and a new age. It’s suppose to snow your way tomorrow, maybe this is representative of better things to come. I have to say, if it was destined to happen, I’m thankful it happened early. It has to be horrible for mares that endure labor to deliver a stillborn.
Enjoy your birthday tomorrow. Play in the snow. Roll in the mud and run like the wind with your friends. Tomorrow is a new day.
Love you Z.
correction-your b’day is on the 1st….
I’m so sorry Zenny. My heart goes out to you and your family. Sometimes nature has a way of stepping in. Your day will come when you will be a Mom. Love and hugs to you big girl.
Debbi M
Oh, Zenny. We are so sad to hear your news. :( Big hugs to you and all your connections. Very sad news. :(
Dear Ms. Queen Zen….hey, it’s OK. You are the ultimate athlete and that can bring on its own set of challenges. You are dearly loved and held, and all will be well!! There is a perfect little foal soul waiting to be YOURS!!
cindy from seattle
As long as you are well, because that is what is really important, everything else will happen as it should. keep taking your vitimins, and know i am sending you a great huge hug. love you,
Good Evening Special One. My heart goes out to you and your connections. I know how much everyone was looking forward to your foal. Most importantly is that you are physically okay! Sometimes things like this happen and truly they happen for a reason.
Big Hugs and Kisses to you always.
Lots of love
Sharon in Issaquah
So sorry!! Good news is HE is still there and looks forward to your next meeting you beauty…all will be as dreamed for your future foal. We loveyou and believe in those who are in charge of your destiny.
AWWW :'(
Suzanne in NJ
Hi Zenny. I am very sorry about your foal, but don’t be sad. My Standardbred mare, One Hot Beach, carried her foal to term but the foal was stillborn. But God blessed her with a 2nd foal, Palm’s Beach, who is a handsome colt & is currently a successful harness racer. So Zenny, have faith & I am sure you will have a successful next “preganancy” like One Hot Beach. You are so pretty & I enjoy reading your diary.
Ok, so get back in shape run a few more laps, win or lose we’ll be there to watch you run!
Ha!! Some very strange folks are feeling pretty free to drop their negative baggage into a very loving site. Just can’t leave it alone I guess. The fact is, whatever one believes, every kind and loving word we think towards Zen, as well as put on this post, ripples out to her and she feels it.
I am so sorry for your loss. Perhaps it was not meant to be this time. As others have said when the time is right you will have a baby, It happens to us humans too, don’t worry. I’m sure the Mosses and all your team is just as sad as we are for you. Thank you to Dottie for sharing the news with us. I know your team is going to make sure you are well cared for and ready for next time and they love you just as much as ever.
Henrietta Wolfe
I am so sad to hear this news. Zenyatta, my prayers will all go to God that you are healthy and did not have any discomfort. Team Z I know you are all very sad and disappointed. My thoughts will be with Z and all of you. I know in my heart that you will do what is best for Zenyatta. God Bless all of you. There are millions of tears being shed today. xoxoxoxxo
Linda/Orange MA
So sad, but there was a reason and the next time will be the charm. Zen you will be more relaxed the next time. Love You Zenyatta and your team.