Hello Everyone,
In life, we all have things that don’t always go as hoped or planned. I am not any different than anyone else. At Lane’s End, they did a recheck on me today and discovered that I am no longer in foal. Just as with humans, horses also have this type of thing happen.
I am feeling terrific! I am totally looking forward to becoming a MOM in the future. I want everything to be perfect when that time comes!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~
Shari Voltz
@Ingrid well said :)
Kim Ramsey
I am sorry to hear Zenyatta came up empty at her 35 day check.
I thought I would offer some information to help some people understand more about what happened here. Just so they know this is NOT a big deal. We would of course rather see her have an earlier foal next year, but it is only the end of March. She could very easily be in foal again very soon and even end up with a march baby in 2012!
You have to remember when comparing to human pregnancies, Zenyatta is in a way seeing a specialist and we knew she was in-foal much earlier than we would have if she were a person. In a person, we actually never would have known she was pregnant in the first place. According to the New England Journal of Medicine in humans 60% to 70% of ALL pregnancies are lost earlier than when HCG levels would be high enough to show positive on a test. Zenyatta had a scan done within 2 weeks of being bred.
I hope this helps!
Ella Emery
My Dear Zenyatta…I am getting ready to get the school bus and am SO SAD about your loss of your foal. My mom said that we are so lucky to have this site that Dottie has for us so we can let you know how much we love you. She also said that sometimes this is life’s way of reminding us to be appreciative of what we have and I am so glad we still have you!
Sending Lots of Hugs & Kisses. I will see if my mom can get another box of those delicious honeycrisp apples to you that you like to cheer you up!
Love Ella Emery
Zenny, glad to hear you will be able to have another date with Bernie, with good news to follow, I’m sure. You will be a superb mom, it is clear, just as you have always been a superb racer. So, there will be happy days ahead for you most importantly, then for your Z Team who watch so carefully over your good being, and for all your loyal friends who cherish you. Reading and being part of this site is important to an awful lot of folks, who share knowledge and life experiences. We can continue to ignore those whose joy comes from speaking hurtfully to others. Let’s just say they are in the middle of a forest, so when they fall down (post) we won’t hear (read) them.
Anyone who puts up a negative comment here is a sick and small individual who only wants attention and to hear themselves talk. They need to GET A LIFE!
Jean Moore
Beautiful Zenyatta, So many people coming forward sending their love and concern for you is so heartening to witness. You will always be the Queen with your positive attitude and the classy behavior. Could we love you more, oh yes! And to your dear Dottie and John, you are always in the forefront of our thoughts too. A happy and peaceful day to all.
Well said…your post gave me a chuckle. The only argument I’d make on your observations of the ‘non-friendlies’ would be to “embrace” them. The folks that come on these blogs are not what you envision….lost souls, grammatically challenged, but innately good. I know your attempt to rationalize these knuckleheads with Z’s opponents was a little tongue-n-cheek, but Z’s opponents deserve a better. I won’t give you my visual of these folks, because it would truly be going to the gutter, which I refuse to do.
I’ve seen similar situations with troll/flammers on other blogs and like you and others have mentioned WE MUST ignore them no matter how VILE their post. It is the only way…..
Now to Z. Good morning beautiful girl. Even with yesterday’s unexpected news and let’s say you sensed something…. I know you will wake from your morning slumber, happy, hungry and anxious to take a run with the girls. Life is good…
Shari Voltz
We are so sorry about the baby
love, Mrs voltz class
Mary G
Hi Z, So sorry to hear you are not in foal anymore. these things do happen although this was not the news I was expecting to hear when I logged on with my morning coffee…Wishing you all the best-you took your sweet time getting around the track in your racing career and I am sure you will someday get there in your mommy career. You are just going at your own pace!
That explains it….being ‘slammed’ yesterday. That is what I suspected, the website being mentioned somewhere. Curious, why would DRF be resentful? Is there some kind of territorial competition going on?
Remember, the trolls that slammed us, don’t care about Z or how we feel about her, their focus is maintaining an audience. I’ve even seen them on my girlfriends CaringBridge.. sad. Sometimes I feel not everyone should have a computer or access to the internet. :/
@QH BREEDER. Thank you for the explanation. Learned something new. :)
Oh, Zenyatta and team….I am so sorry to hear the news. I am happy that Queen Z is OK and wish you all better results next time.
Everything will work out as it should.
Neva Rae Powers
Sorry big girl. Glad you atre feeling OK. Bernie needs a “do over”.
@ QH Breeder–thank you for the insightful info; @ Mrs. Volz & class–love that your class follows Zenyatta and not, say, Lindsay Logan; to Zenny (and Dottie) I follow and post regularly–thank you for the daily almost daily inspirations and for letting us fans be a apart of your career and post career. You will be a mom soon! From a 50 yr old CEO and mother who leads a full life, who counts among her Facebook friends several dozen thoroughbred athletes, and regularly “talks” to them!! ;)
Some one said: (sorry I don’t remember the author) “Grief is the price we pay for love.” We are all grieving today in some way for Zenny, Dottie, John, Jerry, Ann and all of Team Z. One thought though – spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. The Queen will meet Bernie sooner rather than later and we can anticipate a foal in Zenyatta’s future next year when Kentucky blue grass covers Lane’s End.
I am grieving in some small measure for posts to #214. Educators, students, and horse lovers of every stripe read these diaries avidly. I don’t know handicapping, furlongs or anything connected to racing technicalities. I follow magnificent creatures who thrill us with their beauty, speed and skill. Never – and this goes back to Secretariat, Ruffian, Barbaro, – have I watched a Race Mare stun me like Zenyatta. Never in the history of the sport have we been allowed access to a champion of her caliber. There will never be another Zenyatta – unique in charisma, talent, and sweetness. We want access to her to continue.
I would say to those who have elected to use this site to rant: Anonymity shields you and the 1st Amendment grants free speech. I do not consider you mentally ill or schizophrenic.
Those who suffer mental illness (and I am the mother of one) are not vicious. You who hide behind the silly monikers you have tagged yourselves are venomous. I will slide by all of you and talk to Zenny and Team Z – HAPPY THOUGHT!
Zenny: you will do well and be a great mom. We all believe that.
Annabel Girard
I know that is so sad for expectant mothers of all species. Take care of yourself — enjoy eating our fine spring Kentucky bluegrass.
Hello Zenyatta, I’m glad you are well. All good things have their time and I know when the time is right you will bring a beautiful foal into our world. Enjoy the spring and beautiful new grass and have a lovely, fun and relaxing summer. Keep us posted and this fan looks forward to reading your website during the triple crown this year. There may be a few bumps in every one’s life and that’s what makes the good stuff even better.
Gloria Jeanne
G O A W A Y ! ! !
There is a time and a season for all things. A time for joy and a time for sadness. We have shared both with you now but we look forward to the future and all the good things that God has for you, Zenyatta. Love you much.
My teacher knows I am a HUGE Zenyatta fan so she told me in class what happend and I started to cry. Good luck queen Z and I hope everything goes well this time!
What a beautiful picture of Zenyatta!! Am very sorry for the loss of foal hang tough sweet Zenny..
Jennifer Hodell
Hey Zenny… Sorry for your loss. I’m glad you are feeling well and when it’s right it will happen. As always and always kisses on that beautiful nose from me…
Sharon Call
@youpeoplescareme. If this web site is so difficult for you, why are you reading it? BTW, posting as Jess Jackson was pretty crude and totally transparent.
When I first looked at this website I knew eventually there would be negative posts due to the unfortunate sad side of human nature. Anytime something beautiful and wonderful comes along to brighten a persons day and/or life like Zenyatta, there will be jealousy and ill intent to dampen the truly good and decent things in life. I believe it is safe and certain to say that those of us who visit this website with good wishes and almost child like wonderment can ignore attempts to rain on Zenyatta’s light. Her shadow is already so tall and strong, negativity was left at the starting gate. May God bless Zenyatta, her owners, team and all who love and follow her journey.
I am truly sorry. I know when the time is right you and Bernie will be the best parents! Keep looking forward, never behind, and it will happen for you. Love you lots!
Dear Zenyatta,
You are the most brave and beautiful girl ! May God continue to keep you safe! You have touched us all and we want you to know that we LOVE YOU!
Dallas from Texas
Hey baby girl, I just heard the new…I’m so sorry baby. Something must have happened, you’re not to get checked until first week in April. I know this is difficult on you because all your life you have been perfect, and in my eyes you are still perfect baby. My prayers will be with you and the ones that care for you.
Patty Hale
For all of you who would like to know what might happen next for Zenyatta, check out the following web-page from Horse and Hound. It does a great job of explaining how the throughbred breeding season works. Many times it takes more than one breeding shed session for a viable pregnancy. Be patient all.
Sorry to hear that the first cover didn’t work out for Zenyatta. :( But at least its still early enough in the breeding season that she can attempt it again shortly! It will all work out in the end and soon the offspring of Z will be on the track and trying to live up to her fan’s/owner’s/mother’s expectations!
Sally L. Hopkins
Zenyatta, I’m sorry to hear about you losing your foal. I know there will be good things coming your way. My prayer will be you and for those who take care of you. You will have a birthday coming up soon on April 1st. Lots of xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo