Good Morning,
Firstly, I’d like to mention how ADORABLE all of you are as you respond to the SWEET SIXTEEN participants in the contest. You are so supportive of each other! This is absolutely TOO CUTE! Upon reading your comments and responses, I see the same KINDNESS and SUPPORT you have shown to ME during my career…and I realize again for the zillionth time how appreciative I am of ALL of YOU!
We will draw the ELITE EIGHT tomorrow…and they will be published on Saturday! Good Luck to ALL!
You have also asked what will happen with the postcards after the contest. As I mentioned in the original contest guidelines, by submitting a card to ME for the drawing, you are also granting your permission for ME to use your card in the future. John and Dottie have been reading them and enjoying all of your wonderful and inspirational thoughts. In the future, Dottie will think of a way to share them with ALL of YOU…in one form or another. The words are too special and the thoughts too kind not to be shared with MY DEAR FRIENDS! Thank YOU for being YOU!
Another thing you asked about in the responses is the HORSE PLANE. This is a topic in which I do have experience. In the above photo, you can see ME (my blaze stands out in the crowd) with members of MY TEAM getting ready to deplane. I always flew on TEX SUTTON planes so my comments will be based on my personal experiences. The Sutton plane is designed to accomodate approximately 21 horses in all. The plane is divided into ‘rows’ with 3 stalls in each row. It is set up just like a horse van inside with the stalls being OPEN so the horse can see things going on around he/she and not feel closed in at all during the flight! Per my John, that is the beauty of this plane…it is secure, safe, and open at the top for the horse not to feel closed in at all while traveling!
On the day I was flying, the van would pick me up at the barn. MY BELONGINGS (tack, blankets, equipment etc.) would be packed and ready to also travel with ME! Before I’d be able to travel to another state, I also had to have a HEALTH CERTIFICATE and a COGGINS completed to certify several things: I was healthy and fine to travel and also that all of my vaccinations were current. This paperwork is extremely important and would always TRAVEL WITH ME!
Once loaded on the van, we’d leave BARN 55 and be off to the airport. Tex Sutton planes fly out of Ontario, California. It is about one hour plus driving time to get there from Hollywood Park. Members of MY TEAM traveled right with ME! Mario always flew with ME and went with ME on all of my van trips. When possible (meaning depending on space) Steve, Frank, and / or John would also go on the van and / or plane with ME.
Once we’d land, the plane doors would open up…as you can see above…and Mario and I would walk right down the ramp directly into the waiting van. This is an amazingly WELL-ORGANIZED way to travel. All of these people do a great job to make it so safe and yet relaxing for the horses!
As a matter of fact, my JOHN has some video of ME while on a plane trip! I’ve got an idea…why don’t you COME FLY WITH ME!
With love,
Hugs to ALL~
Sharyn Priester
Wow, just amazing how calm and relaxed you are even flying!! Loved seeing your video and sharing with us.
Deborah Richman
I just love all the things we learn on these posts…yesterday it was stakes races, today it is what it is like for you to fly on an airplane! Great post and wonderful video. Thank you so much, Queen Z!
@Kathryn Cogswell…I’m still laughing over “Air Horse One” :)
@MLV…really enjoyed your story about traveling to Europe with Rum Car, hearing about your rescue of Heart of Battle, and so sorry about your dear Oliver.
Good luck to the Sweet Sixteen! Wish you could all go on to the Elite Eight!
Love the video. Got my hay bag, check, Mario is right here, check. Nothing bothers you, Queen! Hugs and kisses!
Deborah Richman
Oops…the post on stakes races was two days ago, the day of Ann Moss’s spectacular photograph.
judy berube
Dear Abigail:
Your suggestions of a Journal with photos for the postcards sounds like fun. We could all buy one as a keepsake and maybe some of the money can be donated to retired thoroughbreds and other horse rescues. Maybe Dottie will like the idea. Love, Judy and Russ
Pat Beck
Big girl, big appetite. And so mannerly–always eating with your mouth closed!
hi Z! that was tooo fun, popped a guinness and watched YOU! love you so much xoxoxo
judy berube
So sorry for your losses. We too have experienced the sadness and lost feeling when a beloved dog has died. It is losing family. Hope you can give yourself some time to grieve and when your ready, welcome another little love into your life. Hugs, Judy and Russ
Barb France
That was the best “flight” I had..enjoyed your video and picture. Thanks for the “flying lesson”! Looking forward for the next “eight”.
@MLV- wonderful story! Good memories of our loving animals are fun to share!!
Charlotte A. Farmer
Wow, times have definitely changed since the days thoroughbreds traveled by train. Thank God, Zenyatta, you weren’t born during those times, although I believe you would have handled it with the same class you handled everything else.
Love You!
Rosanne Glynn
Ok I feel better now seeing a video of Zenyatta. 2 weeks was too long. Is that Mario with her? Is she flying to see her Italian boyfriend again?
Queen Zenyatta. This was a great post. You do everything to perfection and you look very beautiful doing it. I love to read your stories. You are the most interesting horse ever. Stay well.
jeanie langford
Good luck to the sweet sixteen. When are we going to get some current video and find out about another visit with Bernie. I am starting to worry about you.
Hugs and Kisses
Janet Cutting
@MLV- Enjoyed reading you comments-you have a true love for animals. I really liked this Diary about Zenny flying — terrific-I learned so much from so many interesting comments, also I was viewing the pictures and video John shared and I see all the love and good times everyone experienced with Zenyatta–she is just like a member of the family. What cherished memories to hold on to.
Julie Ann in O.C. CA.
Dear Zenny, Thanks for the info on HOW you fly! I’ve learned so much from you! AND I too would fly any where with you! How much fun! Ok…I love the smell of horses and I can just imagine what it might smell like. Am I crazy or what? Sorry I haven’t been in touch for awhile…it’s the last trimester at school and my students are getting ready for a big production of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” Thanks again and como siempre…ABRAZOTES! JULIE ANN
Wonderful diary! Thank you for this info and the picture again is TOO CUTE! :)
Sharon Simons-Passmore
WHEN can people come visit Zenyatta at Lane’s End??? I am just four hours south. I am a professional artist trying to finish a painting of Z. Could really use some good reference shots. PLEASE… when can we visit???
Cindy from LA
Just saw a great tribute to Steve Willard on HRTV.
John Sherrifs complimented him on his ability to read
And communicate with the horses and actually gallop
The horse with the goal of getting them trained to run their
Race. Steve said Zenny was very smart and wanted things
Her way. He at times had to “reprimand” her in a gentle
Way to get her to do what she needed to do. Steve was definately
A big force and reason Zenny was such a good race horse. Of
Course she had a HUGE AMOUNT OF TALENT !!!!!
Thanks Steve and Team Z for developing Zenny to be
All she can be!!!!!
@MLV – Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story.
“The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.”
(Hilary Stanton Zunin)
Julia B
Hay Zenny, enjoyed the flight..thanks! i sure am enjoying this sunny day, hope you are too ! Best wishes to the Sweet Sixteen i know they will be tickled! Good night sweet Zenny !Thanks Dottie!
Cindy from LA
Dear Zenny
Love your flying video and love the post. TOO CUTE !!!!
You are sooo cool calm and collected munching on that
Hay, while Mario watches over you. Hope you had a great
Muddy day with your BBF. Enjoy those pears, carrots
And bananas !!!!!!
Thank you for this excellent information. I have wondered what it was like for horses to fly and, though I realize that this experience is illustrative of the particular transport you were using, it helps me to understand the method. I see that you even had an inflight meal, a precious commodity these days.
You and your team are so thoughtful and sharing, Queen Z. I treasure these web posts and the opportunities they offer to keep abreast of you and to learn more about your experiences.
Cindy from LA
What a lovely post. So very touching and moving.
Thanks so much for sharing.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Thanks for the wonderful pic and video Zenyatta-enjoyed seeing how you traveled in such grand style. Thanks lots to Dottie and your team for sharing everything will all of us out here. Enjoyed all the information here in your diary, my oh my, I am sure learning lots of goodies, things I wouldn’t learn anywhere else. Your life is such a fantastic journey and I feel like you and your team make all of us a part of it and it is so fun. You keep shining brighter than any star up in the sky-I love you Zenyatta!
Z-I always wondered how horses traveled on planes and if they ever get freaked out or air sick but judging by the cute video of you and Mario it just seems like you are really enjoying the trip and your meal in the air. Must be a 747 or something huge to fly up to 21 horses. Loved the video today and also the mystical pixs that Ann took of the plane reflection with a rainbow circle (awesome) posted the other day. I really LOVE you and everything I learn from this site!
@MLV – thanks for sharing the story of your beloved horse and how he said good by to all his pals….animals are amazingly intuitive and deserve more credit than most people give them.
Lynette Lucas
Zenny – Loved the video!!! Great story!!! Love you Zenny!! Hugs and Kisses from Roswell,NM!!!
Hey pretty lady, when will they be breeding you again?
Dear MLV,
Thank you for sharing your heart-felt “tail” of love. It is a beautiful one; and recalls the spirit and everlasting bond of dignity between horse and friend. A delicate example of ‘that which we see here on earth is temporal but that which is invisible to the eye is eternal.’ Blessings to you and “Heart of Battle”…so much in a name.
Christine in VA
Hi Zen
Could not watch the video as it is Quick Time and can not download any more stuff. I am sure it was great and you are a star traveler as you are in everything