Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Mary M. Meek
Thanks for the heads up! I might be at the track that day (I like to go up to Arapahoe Park on the weekends) but will have the DVR set once I find out what time it will be on TV in the Mountain region. Your pictures with your friends (human and horse) are sweet. Pirate Queen is looking good, too. :-)
Mary MMM
Sally L. Hopkins
Can’t wait to see you on tv! Love Ya Z! Lots of hugs and kisses from Southern California
Love the photos! Are you and PQ still Paddock mates? Can’t wait to see the ESPN special on you sweet X! Cathleen XOXOXO
That is AWESOME!! can’t wait to see the broadcast! Always wanting more horse racing coverage on ESPN!!!
Stephanie J Lambert
Zenny, your kisses are the very BEST!
Dawn Deems
Thanks for the update on the ESPN piece. I’ll definitely be watching!
Hope to visit you again someday.
Hugs and kisses from Ohio. XOXOXO
Dearest Sweet “Z” and little “z”,
Good morning and Happy Wednesday! A nice short week before the Races. Good luck to The Moss’ and Shirreffs’ with #1 “Greencat” in R2 Tomorrow with J.Talamo aboard! Maybe we’ll see some Green$ How exciting that you will be on TV again! I don’t think you need worry about the extra 10lbs (or is it 100 for a horse?) that the camera puts on! We all know the ‘Good’ reason :) I hope “your” John and Dottie are highlighted in the feature as well. PQ’s ears are burning with the news!
Will check back later to visit with “MY” Stable Friends…we are GREAT PALS TOO!
—–Blessings for a beautiful Today—–
Can’t wait to see the segment! I love the pic in the barn – how you “tower” over your barnmates!!! You are just a magnificent horse, so statuesque and yet so gentle, graceful and pure beauty!! xo
p.s. To Matt: Something tells me you cannot take a bad picture! Especially when “Z” flirts with the News!
Zenny – Make sure htey get footage of you with PQ and TT and all the other “ladies in waiting” in your barn!! – I know you LOVE to share the limelight with your pals!! TOO CUTE!!
I’ll be there (in front of the TV that is). Z, I haven’t read all of the posts on here, but is there any CHANCE that your greatest fans will get to see you in person anytime soon or ever :) I’d love to.
Can’t wait to see it Z!!!! Your looking great by the way!!!
Cathy Marshall
It looks like you have a little “crush” on Matt! Bernie better not find out about it.. Can’t wait to see it Zenny. Love, Ya!
Today is Operation D-Day! Please help our Karen Gogue and e-mail her if you have not done so already! This is the home stretch and we are approaching the Finish Line!
Don’t Be Left Behind :)
Debbi M
Can’t wait to see it!!!! I am sure you will look ‘marvelous’.
Yvonne and Maurice Kirby
Hi Zenyatta. Wow, I can’t wait to see the special. I am already getting ready to tape all the segments so I don’t miss you. Your pic with Matt is the best and too cute. Love you chatting with PQ – I know all of your BBFs are so proud of you. Love you, stay comfy, eat well for two, enjoy your grazing and chats with everyone. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Wow that is sooo cool Z! I wish I could see it, but I’ll be at a horse show Saturday…. but I can still see it on youtube! haha! :D
Martha Kinkead
Oh, I can’t wait either to see you on TV (ESPN)!!!
Have a wonderful,lovely,restful,Wednesday, Lady Z.
When I saw your picture today, I thought, “I want a kiss too.”
Hugs to you and Blessings to all your friends both equine as well as human.
Dearest Z,
This sounds wonderful! I will definitely watch. You will have to tell us all about it. I really like Jeannine; enjoy watching her. I don’t know Amy. I know we would all love to see a little dance if you have one to share! Love you,
Your humble J
Can’t wait until Saturday. Just can’t get enough Z news and pictures. Have a great day Z.
Martha Kinkead
Oh, I can’t wait either to see you on TV (ESPN)!!!Have a wonderful, lovely, restful Wednesday, Lady Z. When I saw your picture today, I thought, “I want a kiss, too.” Hugs to you and Blessings to you and to all your friends,equine as well as human.
Zenny, you make the day brighter for everyone. You’re special
hi Z! oh I can’t wait to see YOU on ESPN!!! YOU are just too cute, get your beauty rest;) love you gorgeous mama xoxoxo
FYI just checked ESPN sch. for Sat., and the Hollywood Park Gold Cup is on 7:00 PM till 8:00 PM EST.
Robyn Mullhausen
Hope to see you on TV again.
Lise from Maine
Oh Zenyatta!
You look wonderful, and I wish you were kissing me instead.
Let me know the time of the ESPN show.
Thank you!
Lots of love, Zenyatta!
Trina Nagele
Dearest Z, my Internet connection went down again yesterday, and I wasn’t able to say good night to you or reply to comments. So I’ll say good morning, and post my catch-up comments now.
@Ann—Congratulations on your 47th wedding anniversary on the Fourth of July—I guess you two still see fireworks when you look at each other!
@Linda Henderson—I hope to meet you at HP. Does Diana S have you on her list for name tags for the Zenyatta Dumplings?
@Pat Beck—Glad you are home again after the fire.
@Sami—It was posted some time ago that the Mosses prefer for the sex of a foal to be surprise when they are born, so I guess you and I will just have to wait and be surprised along with them.
@Joan—Yes, it is so important to save America’s horses from shipment north or south for slaughter.
@ The Following—Thanks for all the comedy and fun today:
@Terry Crow—Loved the Lone Ranger joke and anecdote.
@LauraJ—LOL in response to “Don’t expect us to reciprocate!”
@Sherry Drish—LOL for “I’ll tranquilize you and the mare will be fine!” Too cute!
@Carol Lake—“Eating like a horse”–good one!
@Sandra Frey—Loved your “hip” comment!
@Brenda—High hoof, keeping your weight secret even from yourself!
Wouldn’t miss it, Zenny!
Christine in VA
Can not wait to see you Zen…Those eyes say it all
Thanks sooooo much Dottie for making this happen for Zenny.
Can’t wait to see it. Wow during the Gold Cup. All those colts are going to be giving you the eye. Hope they can race with your tempation.
Dumplings have fun at the track this weekend.