Hello Everyone,
Del Mar sure got off to a wonderful beginning yesterday! I gather it was quite a party atmosphere with approximately 48,000 happy people in attendance. The racing was fabulous and the crowd had a great time. It was perfect weather…in the low 70’s and really pleasant. Good luck to everyone during this entire meet.
While all of those people were enjoying their ‘DEL MAR FUN’, Tasty Temptation and I were out having a PARTY of our own grazing and enjoying the outdoors. You can see I am getting a bit more of a baby bump and my coat is ‘highlighted by the sun’. I do think it is definitely a great look for ME… if I say so myself.
I’d also like to CONGRATULATE my pal, MR. COMMONS, for winning the Oceanside Stakes on Del Mar’s opening day card. At Barn 55, he was stabled about 3 stalls down from ME. We saw each other all of the time and often grazed together in the afternoons. He is one handsome lad and I am so proud of his effort! What a great victory from off the pace! YEAH, MR. C!
I also noticed that MY JOHN had on his LUCKY Z CAP…..which has MY NAME on the back. It looks terrific on him….if I say so myself. The guys on TVG even commented about it. I know he really thinks about ME often and I will ALWAYS BE A HUGE PART OF HIS LIFE. What a bond we have had…very special and very nurturing. He was always so lovingly supportive of ME and ALL OF MY NEEDS! I, in turn, totally loved every moment of being at Barn 55 with MY JOHN and MY TEAM. I always tried to do my VERY BEST with every task I was ever asked to complete!
It’s starting to get a bit warm out here now. When it is like this, they take us back to the barn and let the fans circulate the cool air around us while we are relaxing in our stalls. I’ve even heard they are going to cancel the Woodbine races today because of this extremely hot weather!
Just as I thought….here come the guys now to take us inside!
Just like we are doing….please take extra care of yourselves in this HEAT!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Don’t forget….Saratoga opens tomorrow! Our sport is SO MUCH FUN! Something is always happening!
Tracey Dryka .. Ottawa, Canada
I hope you and the rest of the beautiful horses are keeping cool from the heat! I know it is especially hard on all of you
Debbie G
@Diana Harris – I’ve never been to Texas, but I can’t imagine the humidity there being any worse than it is here in KY. It gets VERY humid here I’m afraid!
@Brenda S – Wow, your trip to Lane’s End today sounds fabulous. I am so excited about going next week! I was unsure about whether to take peppermints or not because not all farms let you feed the horses, but I definitely will now. I can’t wait to see Curlin! He’s one of my favorites. I hope you have a safe trip home, Brenda! :-)
judy berube
Dear Z and Dottie:
Thank you so much for these gorgeous photos. Z you look absolutely stunning (and TT is very beautiful too). Read Monmouth has cancelled their card for tomorrow and will run it on Monday. Heat wave is everywhere now. Love you and your baby bump. Love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube
Dear Diana S:
Thank you for the address for JAG’s sister’s charity. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in SD:
Thank you for your always informative posts and links. Very interesting on Slew’s surgery. Same as humans; it’s remarkable. Hugs, J.B.
Hi Zenny you look beautiful all highlighted out! My husbands memorial service was on tuesday, I think he would have liked it. There was a group of horse people and a group of dog people and a couple who adopted our bottle raised kittens. My non-animal loving sister in law commented what a nice group of people it was, maybe there is still hope for her! There were about 20 dogs in the church and allthough there was no airconditioner they all performed wonderfully. My sister in law was amazed! She also had no idea what some of the servicedogs do. There is a Italian Greyhound that is his owners mothers diabetes alert dog. He alerts when her bloodsugar drops, and a Whippet that is a seizure alert dog.So now life goes on and hopefully soon I catch up on all the posts. Thanks for all the support that all Zenfans have been giving me. Greatly appreciated! Love all the stories, links ,jokes etc.
Cheryl Smith
You are SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Good day, pretty girls. I must say that you and Tasty Temptation make a very beautiful pair and it’s just lovely to see you so relaxed.
So much news these last few days!
It’s 45 degrees outside @ 6:35 pm in Montreal. Jericho went out at about 1 pm for a nano-second. (Poor guy — he’s never been a summer dog but when he hit this wall of heat today he looked up at me as if to say, “What’s going on here?????!!!”) Our police force is busy delivering water to the city’s homeless and answering distress calls from those without air conditioning
… the sidewalks are pretty much empty … and I have the first real sense I’ve ever had of what it might be like to live in a (yellow) submarine! We hardy Canadians adore our brief summer, but not when it’s like this!!!! So Zenny, you are RIGHT. Everyone needs to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES — drink lots of water, even if you’re not thirsty and for heavens sake — don’t go out for a run!!!!
I was charged to see Mr. Commons’ victory march yesterday @ Del Mar with our Mike in the saddle. I’ve gotta say he sure looks like a grass horse to me & it’s great to see him switching to turf. I couldn’t help but notice how Mike’s riding style reflects his experience in the UK because that’s exactly how the great British jockeys do it….the horses kick in at the last. For the rest of the time, the jockeys are concentrating on placing them in the field. Congrats to John, Mr. Commons & Mike. GREAT race!
Glad to see you back Kari — missed you!
Thanks to Judy Berube — I signed up @ Del Mar. YEAH!!!
Last but not least, there’s a new read on THE VAULT. This one is about 2 great EURO mares and there will be more in the series, although not necessarily in sequence. The topic was suggested by reader John Embry.
It sure is interesting to see you “thicker” than you were in your racing days, but don’t worry Zenny, it’s normal now, and reassuring to see the progress you’re making. Still miss you on the track, but I’m happy that you’re healthy and content in your new life.
judy berube
Dear Kari B:
Missed you too. Glad you’re back. Hugs, J.B.
Wendy in St. Louis
I know horses should have water when it’s so hot. What about sunburn ? Their coats are very short in summer, is it enough to protect their skin? Zen mentioned highlights. Do the hairs get sun bleached?
Lynette Lucas
Zenny – Please tell Sarah I love the photo she took!!! You look awesome and so does your friend Tasty Tempation!! Love you beautiful girl!!! Hugs and Kisses from Roswell,NM!!!
judy berube
To Rosemarie Cola:
Too cute. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Abigail In Montreal:
You’re welcome. Looking forward to the Euro articles. Hugs, J.B.
Sharon in Seattle
you and TT are quite the pair of lookers!!! gorgeous and serene! keep cool, ladies!
judy berube
Dear Eveline:
It’s good to hear from you. The service sounds extraordinary. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Sue MacGray and Kari Bussell:
That would be a great song to have a dance video of Z. I wonder if I could talk Kari Bussell into doing it. Kari, would you see what you can come up with. Don’t know if anyone has already done it. Going to check. Hugs, J.B.
Janet Cutting
What a beautiful picture of the you girls! Love It !!! I would frame this one!!!! I get a little choked up when you mention your John— You two are joined at the heart (sigh)
nancy in nj
i think mike smith needs our prayers, perhaps. someone just told me that he has been arrested for dui. not sure about this but maybe you have heard. i do know that a jockey weighs so little that it wouldn’t take much to test over the limit. sad.
nancy in nj
Z – sorry – i forgot to tell you just how fabulous you look! “tiny dancer” is starting to show!
judy berube
Dear Sue MacGray and Kari Bussell:
Couldn’t find anything on Z with that song. Kari, what do you think of that song and a Z dance? Hugs, J.B.
tony and sue
Zenny, yoour john took such wonderful care of you…always. It seems like ther eis news every day of horses suffering injuries of one type or another which affects their racing careers. Yet, you always came back safe and sound. What a credit to the expert handling you received from your Barn 55 family…especially John. The Mosses were so smart to put you in his trusting hands.
By the way, we love this picture of you and TT. Your dapples are magnificient!
Dr. Grant seems pretty ignorant. Caught early laminitis is easily cured with ice water aka cryotherapy. Removing shoes is recommended. A rubber tub or two filled with ice water and kept at 40 degrees farenheit for at least 2 hours is good or ice boots. Ice has been used for laminitis for a long time and was recommended back in the 60s in books that I have. If not caught soon enough stem cell treatment might be necessary to help repair the damage. There are numerous articles on the subject. Too many researchers have documented cryotherapys effectiveness the wrong way by inducing laminitis and not treating all 4 hooves with cryotherapy and then euthanizing the horses after causing acute laminitis. One study used cryotherapy on only one hoof which was of course laminitis free but there was acute laminitis in the 3 non treated hooves. They used sound healthy young horses for their “studies.” The right way to do research is by saving or attempting to save lives like the stem cell treatments that saved the quadriplegic donkey. My horses do not have fans but one of them likes cold water from the hose sprayed on him. He got hosed today. They have shade with a cool breeze and have by their own choice spent the day outside. My fan was just blowing warm air around till I left the door open.
Gary Moulton
It’s so funny, I said a first timer wouldn’t hit the board and all 3 spots were a first timer. Oh well it’s a tough game. Line up and try them again tomorrow.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. We, in Texas, have been having very hot weather. We have been retired going on three years and this year has been hottest, setting all kinds of records. I heard today and a few racetracks in the northeast as well as Woodbine are cancelling their cards for tomorrow due to excessive heat index. Hopefully Saratoga will be able to open. As we said yesterday, Mr. Commons ran and looks awesome! You look so beautiful as well as TT. Take care, stay cool, eat well for two and continue to have a great time grazing and “girlie time” with your BBFs. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
judy berube
Dear Brenda:
Sounds like you had a great time in Kentucky. How good that you were there at the same time as Dawn and spent time with her and her Mom. Also meeting Sarah C., Curlin and some of the other boys must have been wonderful Safe trip home. Hugs, J.B.
Stay cool my Queen and your friends too
Kari Bussell
@Eveline & Lil in Ky- OH…dear…I left a comment on diary 301 towards the end at 3:ooam this morning after I finally figured out how to connect my new box for internet. I was very tired and addressed a comment meant for Eveline to Lil In Ky…..I do very much know who is who…I am 48 years old..will be 49 next month and I seem to be having extreme memory blank-outs….
You both remain in my thoughts and prayers and may you be blessed with Joy, Peace Love & Happiness!! Please forgive my error…
i have been thinking about you a lot zenyatta… with the heat back east – i check the lexington weather all the time, just because i am thinking about you – stay cool and take care of yourself honey – we all care so much about you!! wishing you cool breezes – love, a friend in calif… monica
To Eveline: Your husband’s Memorial service sounds so tender and touching with the 20 dogs participating in the Church! Bless him on Eagles Wings, and bless you too! There is always hope for the non-animal lovers… and possibly a gentle spark could have ignited in your sister-in-law’s heart.