Happy Friday, Everyone!
Wow, it has been a very busy week in our industry. There is so much going on that I want to share with you.
First of all, I’d love to congratulate FRANKEL (GB) on his success in winning the SUSSEX S. (G1). He is now undefeated and has a race record of 8 for 8. FRANKEL (GB) is truly a sentimental favorite in my camp as he is named for a very dear friend. Jay Hovdey, in the DRF, wrote a special piece on all of this in a recent article. Dottie and Bobby were very close friends for years. Ruben Loza, who now works as one of MY JOHN’S assistant trainers, held the same position for Bobby for 25 years. Jose Luis….who currently grooms MR. COMMONS and STAR BILLING for My John…was a long-time groom for Bobby. “Chuma” (as he is known around the barn) is also such a hard-working gentleman. He has groomed so many other wonderful horses during his career as Medaglia D’Oro, Sightseek, and Intercontinential to name a few.
So, it was with great joy and pride that MY TEAM watched FRANKEL(GB) win #8 on Wednesday. A heartfelt congratulations to his owner and breeder, Juddmonte Farms, his trainer, Mr. Cecil, and the entire team who works with this exciting colt!
I’m sending him a special HIGH HOOF for a job well-done!
Both of the SUMMER MEETS on each coast are in full-swing….and this weekend, Monmouth Park has a wonderful stakes program including the HASKELL. This should be a very exciting race!
Then at Saratoga, several big stakes races are taking place including the JIM DANDY and THE THE RUFFIAN. These should be great to handicap and enjoy. At Del Mar, we have some very accomplished sprinters competing in the BING CROSBY. So much action!
From all reports, the dirt surface at Santa Anita is terrific! This is fabulous news. In California, they now have Santa Anita open for training in addition to Del Mar. Hollywood Park closes for the next 5-6 weeks to allow the maintenance crews to completely clean out the barn area and freshen up everything that needs to be repaired and painted. The track crew, headed by Dennis Moore, is given the opportunity to work on the track and the surface to get it freshened up for the upcoming year. This is traditionally done in CA each summer…one year Santa Anita is closed to accomplish these maintenance needs and the next Hollywood Park. This alternating system works out quite well for everyone and it really helps to keep everything in the best possible shape.
Thus, since nothing can be left out at Hollywood Park for this big clean-up process to take place…everyone and everything needs to be out of Barn 55. My John and his crew did a great job getting this organized and properly storing everything that was in MY STALL. It was all safely packed for the future!
So all of my horse BARN 55 friends had to relocate as well for the summer. They were split between Santa Anita and Del Mar. In the photo above, you see STAR BILLING on the left and EBLOUISSANTE on the right getting ready to travel. They are loaded on the van and on their way to Del Mar. They are comfy, cozy, the windows are open just right…and these girls are READY TO GO TO THE BEACH!
I gather “E” wanted to snack along the way.
The TOO CUTE part of all of this is that “E” is in the same exact stall on the van I always used. In California, I shipped on Vida and David Randall’s Ranch Runner’s van. That was MY STALL! They even put a plaque on the side of this stall with MY NAME on it. So, I guess for all practical purposes, I still get to travel right with them…..in spirit!
Have a FUN weekend…and enjoy RACING!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Go go go Stay Thirsty!! Dottie you remain a dream come true for all Zenyatta fans. And John thank you for all your photos. I really enjoy them and they add so much to the diary. Everyone have a great weekend. :)
@ Judy B. & Gary M. – Don’t forget about the baby races at Delaware Park. Some decent horses have broken there maiden there. (Barbaro, Hard Spun, Havre de Grace, Afleet Alex etc.) Check out the 6th on monday. We have a first time starter we’re quite high on. The only thing is ,he comes out of the gate a step slow in the morning, that can cause him to get cut off, and than he’ll get a lot of kickback in his face. Nothing more exiting than a nice 2 year old ! So far a good week, 2 winners , one in Colonial, one in Charles Town, tomorrow 2 VA bred stakes, hope it’s not too hot in Colonial and than monday off to Delaware. Tonight the 9th race in CT it’s 99 degrees right now, he runs at 11 pm ,hopefully a little cooler than.
Charming picture!
@Judy B, I don’t know how tall Mr. Besilu is now. I bet he is still growing though! He will probably be a big boy.
Sorry about all the typo’s, wish there was a way to fix them
Dear Zenny
Love this post and pic of Lil Sis in big sis traveling
Stall. Wonder whose idea that was? TOO CUTE!!!!
It is raining at Saratoga!!!! Go Stay Thirsy your “dad”
Won a couple of years ago. They have been showing
That race on HRTV. Good luck to all the horses this
Weekend; a safe and sound trip for all.
Charlotte Farmer
@Dawn Conrad & Susan in TN – Maybe I have missed your posting but haven’t heard from you in such a long time.
@Old Timers – Not everyone can be on vacation where is everyone?
@Terry Crow – I am glad you are feeling better. I hope that you get back to your old self. Tell me, did you ever run into the legendary Casey Tibbs at the tracks? I know he called many Hall of Fames friends.
@Zenyatta – When are we going to see some new pictures of you. I am anxious to see how you are weathering the heat back there.
@Dottie – When do you take a vacation? If anyone deserves one it is you.
@To all who sent your good wishes, thank you. I am feeling more like my old self every day.
@Noor – The box is being worked on. Slow going which is surprising my boyfriend, but he knows how I want it to look and I believe he is doing his best to make that happen.
@Stronach – If I understand the news from a while back, is Stronach really planning to level Golden Gate Fields? If so what happens to Lost in the Fog and Silky Sullivan? I am so glad that Peter Tunney, VP of Golden Gate said that I couldn’t bring Noor in because of environmental issues i.e. the infield is supposed to be considered a “wetlands.” Interesting.
@Bill Hardtack – Does anyone remember this legendary jockey? He has been overshadowed over the years.
@Zenyatta – I love you and I hope you are doing alright there at Lane’s End.
Charlotte Farmer
I goofed, it should have read that Casey called my of the Hall of Fame jockeys his friend.
Dearest Sweet “Z” and little “Z,”
Well how precious is this photo and story!? What a treat to arrive home now, and see a new Hoofprint! Always the unexpected from you. And yes, “E” is enjoying her snack and the view in your Stall with Star Billing for company along with YOUR good Spirit! “Save some greens for Star “E”!! It looks like you have some of “Z”‘s good appetite!” That’s great! A sign of good health is a hearty appetite. Keep munching and enjoy the beach :)
@Judy and Brenda S, anyone who wants to donate to OF can do so via Paypal at their website, by credit card over the phone, by mail or in person. I prefer to make a general donation unless they have a particular project in mind. I am not sure where they would put an additional barn or if that would be the best use of land and money. They might think it a good idea, or they might prefer to spend the funds elsewhere–maybe on more run-in sheds, for instance. I don’t think a barn would have helped Awad in any event–I read that he hated being in there.
A few months ago they planned to bid on a farm that was being auctioned off and had started to raise money for it. Unfortunately, this was right before that financial crisis where the bank botched some paperwork to the tune of a couple hundred thousand dollars. That crisis was averted (thanks in part to donations from the Mosses and from many Dumplings), but it put expansion plans on hold. I hope that if a suitable property comes up for sale, they’ll be able to buy it.
Theresa Buck
happy weekend to you
To Kc: If you are around for Green Hour..we are serving Mint Juleps with sauteed Frog Legs. Order the #3 Favorite “Past-the Repast”. Delicioso and Chef Kermit is happy to Oblige. Of course, lime sorbet for the palate cleanser.
Don in San Diego
No one can replace Zenyatta, but I am now championing Eblouissante. She is in good hands with John Shirrefs, who had the insight to delay racing Zen until she had outgrown the gangly teenager stage. John has not received the recognition he deserves for bringing the horse of the century to a decade of excellence. In my mind she has never lost a race. Go John!
Hey Big Z
I just wanted to say I Love You. I also have a special feeling for Ebylou too. Just wait till your foal hits the groung. It will be love at first sight for all!!!
Have a grat weekend.
Hope someday you have a date with the Mighty Curlin! Lori
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wow! This is exciting! We may have to postpone our trip to Europe.
Brenda S
@ Judy B – Thanks for the link, now I’m trying to figure out if I can squeeze in a visit to Old Friends Cabin Creek when Vic and I are in Saratoga. I had forgotten about the NY farm.
@ Laura J – I did make a donation when I was at OF two weeks ago but I earmarked it for Noor. I have been thinking about Awad and Miss Cozy and remembering how hot and breathless I was the day I was there, and I wasn’t wearing a fur coat, although I do have a pacemaker. I would love to know if equine senior citizens can be affected by the weather like their human friends.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Queen,
This is a very exciting weekend to watch the races, I hope you get to watch and enjoy, too! Frankel was so impressive in his race this past week, no wonder you want to give him a high hoof. As for the Haskell, I do adore the big red blazed face Shackleford!
Thanks for the wonderful pic of Star Billing and Eblouissante. How lucky for them to get to train at Del Mar. I’m sure they’ll love the ocean breeze.
Hope you have a great weekend, Z, with all your friends.
Hugs and kisses,
judy berube
Dear Brenda:
I think they are definitely affected by the heat. I guess it also just depends on the particular horse’s age, overall health, etc., just how harmful the heat can be to them. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kennedy’s in S.D.:
That will be exciting if Blind Luck runs against the boys. Hugs, J.B.
@Dani and signofthetimes. I am with you. Go Stay Thirsty. Do it like Bernardini and take the Jim Dandy.
Azaria C
Did you know that tomorrow is National Dance Day? I hope you’ll be strutting around with your trademark dance, and teaching your friends at Lane’s End some of the Queen’s dance steps :)
Have a wonderful weekend beautiful Zenny!
judy berube
Dear Laura J.,
I read about that. I think it was Hillcrest Farm in Georgetown, Ky (where OF is located). I couldn’t find the original article about it. It’s too bad they weren’t able to purchase that property. Russ and I usually just send our little check by mail. Hugs, J.B.
Azaria C
Woops sorry, TODAY is National Dance Day actually! But you dance every day!
judy berube
Dear Eveline:
So true, very good ones came out of Delaware. It’s just that Saratoga is my favorite and I always like to try to pick the babies there. Good like with your two year old. Let us know how he does. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Max, Dani and Signofthetimes:
Rooting for Bernie’s boy too. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Charlotte Farmer:
Glad you’re feeling better. Hugs, J.B.
Sunny Boyd
* * * * :)
Kinga K
Wow “E” looks very tall just like you!
For those who would like an Evening Prayer/Hymn:
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;
To his feet your tribute bring;
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Evermore his praises sing:
Praise the everlasting King.
Praise him for his grace and favor
To his children in distress;
Praise him still the same as ever,
Slow to chide and swift to bless:
Glorious in his faithfulness.
Father-like he tends and spares us;
Well our feeble frame he knows;
In his hand he gently bears us;
Rescues us from all our foes:
Widely yet his mercy flows.
Angels, help us to adore him;
You behold him face to face;
Sun and moon, bow down before him,
Join the praises of our race:
Praise with us the God of grace.
……………………….H.F. Lyte 1834
Terry Crow
@Judy Berube-Guess you weren’t walking around lucky today.@Charlotte Farmer–I have never met Casey Tibbs but my son-in-law does know the current champion bronc rider. He is from Kansas, but his name escapes me at the present. One time at an exclusive club he showed the door man his championship belt and we were treated like royalty. Frank Stronach? Can you believe this guy? Apparently he wants to corner all of the California racing dates. If the people who live in the area of Golden Gate Fields allow this to happen it is a crime. I have posted this before, but I’ll repeat it. I used to see Bill Hartack in the market near Santa Anita when he was a color man on the racing telecasts. He had a reputation as a difficult guy but I decided to take a chance and talk with him. I was the only one who recognized him. He was a very pleasant man and we had a nice long conversation. The subjects included Northern Dancer and Majestic Prince. He had some candid comments to make concerning Shoemaker’s decision to ride Hill Rise in the Kentucky derby instead of Northern Dancer. He kind of laughed about it being his good luck. He and Shoe had quite a history in the Derby. Hartack rode iron Liege when General Duke, the favorite, was scratched right before the Derby, and won with him. That was the time that Shoemaker stood up on Gallant Man before the finish line came up. He also thought that Longden should not have raced Majestic Prince in the Belmont. All in all, a most pleasant conversation. I was sad to hear of his death and the apparent poor financial condition he was in at the time. Gary Stevens was attempting to raise money for his burial but I don’t how that turned out.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Wow, when I first looked at the pic, I thought it was you instead of E. She is very gorgeous! Yes, it is going to be a great racing weekend. Last year, I was in NJ for the Hambo (Trotters) and Haskel. Had a great time. I am routing for Shackleford. He is so handsome. As I mentioned previously, Frankel is awesome – ranked at this time as the number 1 horse in the world. Since you are no longer racing, there are no American horses on the “world’s top ten list”. You are always mentioned, no matter if we are watching racing from England or Ireland. You are so well respected by all. Love you big girl. Stay comfy and cool, eat well for two and have lots of fun time and girly talk with your BBFs. Love you, Angel in Disguise.