Good Morning Everyone,
I sincerely hope you had a great weekend! Mine was quite nice and very relaxing. I’ll share some current photos with you during the next few days.
I thought all of the weekend racing was quite captivating. I was especially pleased to see Bernie’s son, STAY THIRSTY, win the Jim Dandy Stakes-G II at Saratoga. Bernardini also had some other nice winners over the weekend. This is great news! Congratulations, BERNIE! I’m sending you a HIGH HOOF!
On another note, I am very pleased to share some information with you this morning. It is so special to touch base with an ‘old friend’ and keep up with how he or she is doing. This weekend, Dottie was able to get an update on my PONY PAL, HOOTIE, to share with ALL OF US. You have seen HOOTIE in countless photos with ME…accompanying ME back and forth to the race track. While I was in training, he was with ME on these walks the majority of the time. He has been my very dear friend for years.
One of the many jobs at the race track is to be a ‘PONY PERSON’. In this position, you and your ‘pony’ (which is often a retrained retired race horse) work with different trainers and accompany certain horses from their barn to and from the track. A man named Freddie Wilson owned HOOTIE and he was a pony person at the track. Since I really liked HOOTIE and got along so well with him, MY JOHN worked out a schedule with Freddie so HOOTIE could be MY PONY in the mornings! As we have written in a previous Diary, after I retired….so did he. HOOTIE was adopted by TROTT of Southern California and now has a second career working with them. In the above photo, he is getting his daily “SPA TREATMENT” from Dee, on the left, and Susana, on the right. Per Bonnie, who updated Dottie on all of this, he is truly one of the BARN FAVORITES. HOOTIE has truly become part of the TROTT TEAM!
TROTT is a wonderful organization which ‘adopts’ horses from the racetrack and retrains them for their NEXT CAREER. So many dedicated people work endlessly trying to accomplish this goal to help horses. The organization is volunteer based and the hard work and loving care given by these people is truly appreciated by all of US! MY TEAM and I have also worked to help raise funds for TROTT. I loved the one T-shirt they did with ME on it. MY JOHN came up with the words to be placed underneath my picture stating……’DANCING AGAIN IN 2010′.
I have been told that TROTT is currently planning a Del Mar Charity Fundraiser. They are a 501(c)(3) organization. It will take place on August 28th at the San Diego Polo Club from 6 to 11 p.m. More details may be found on their web-site….TROTTUSA.ORG.
I also understand that Liza G. Fly will be singing at this event . I hope she sings the song she wrote and recorded for ME! I must say…I DO GET A KICK OUT OF LISTENING TO IT! (Blush, Blush)
Watch it here…ENJOY!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Great to hear from you, HOOTIE! I’m SO HAPPY to see you again!)
Gloria Jeanne
Horse Racing was so much fun this weekend – Can’t wait to go to Del Mar.
JAG from California :-)
At this hour only 7 candles :-(
To Terry C: Thank you for the joke of the day. Another that I wish was more funny than true! Unfortunately..I wish I could use that plan on our neighbors adult children who are up having pool parties until midnight this summer, but I can’t afford them! :)
Kari Bussell
This is the video I did yesterday Karen G was referring to. Nothing gets past our JAG….photos mostly from Z diary and Z’s FB- Karen Gogue took some beyond precious pictures..Jag and many other’s pictures.
Zenyatta- I love you. You brought us all together and it has been nothing but love. Thanks to Dottie we have a place to fellowship, share, talk horse racing& keep updated on Our Queen. This is for Zenyatta- Team -Z and All of the “Dumplings”….I have “Nothing but Love” for you All!
Kari Bussell
@DJ- Thank you- I am glad you enjoyed it. Karen Gogue is who took the photos of Z’s tongue waggin as well as the 2 shots with Mikey.
To Kari B: They are wonderful..both of you together make a great team :)
To JB: If I don’t see you later…Hugs!
To Kc: Miss you and your wonderful insights here. Know you are busy, God Bless You!
Hootie is so cute – just like you beautiful girl. Have a blessed day. Hugs and kisses.
To Barbara W: I hope your ‘Hi Ho’ will ‘get up and go’ soon! I have been there all too often :) At least the solace of having this wonderful Paddock of friends to enjoy while awaiting repairs..right?
So glad you had a great weekend. Hootie looks great too, and he has a wonderful home. Have a good day Z! xxoo
Zenny, loved the picture and update on Hootie. You were the best of pals…sharing lots of time together. Here’s a high hoof for both of you!
@Lynn Martin, the foal is as yet too small for her to feel its movement. The foal is somewhere between the size of a 6 week old kitten and a rabbit. As for twins, twin conceptions are fairly common in horses. However, twins rarely make it to term. In horses, twins are very undesirable. If a twin pregnancy is detected (usually early; it’s one of the things they look for), one of the embryos will be aborted. Twin pregnancies that are not detected usually miscarry. If the pregnancy proceeds to term, either or both of the foals will normally be stillborn or die soon after birth. It is also a life-threatening situation for the dam, as horses are not designed to carry and give birth to two fetuses. The chances of both foals coming to term and all three surviving the birth have been estimated at one in 10,000. Even if both foals are born alive, they will be undersized. The size of a foal at birth is limited by how much room is available in the uterus, and mares generally have room for around 100 pounds’ worth of foal, give or take depending on the size and breed of the dam. If she is carrying two foals, that 100 pounds or so will be divided between them. Last year in California, a Quarter Horse named Leah gave birth to living twins. The twins survived with considerable veterinary assistance and are now healthy yearlings. They were 45 and 35 pounds at birth. The only twin Thoroughbreds that I know of by name were the twin fillies Go On Green and Stop On Red, foaled in 1959. Both they and their dam lived. The sisters grew up to become run-of-the-mill race horses and moderately successful broodmaress. Stop On Red was the second dam of the great Spectacular Bid.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Happy Monday. Hope you are cool and comfy. Great photo of Hootie and glad to here he is doing well at Trott. We look forward to seeing the recent photos of you. Dottie, thank you again for all you do to keep us in Z’s life. Love you Z and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Robyn Mullhausen
Great news about your friend Hootie. God bless TROTT and all others who rescue Thoroughbreds as well as many other horse breeds. They are special humans. Nice post Zenny. xoxox
Looks like Hootie is very happy at his new location, but I bet he sure does miss you Z. Great weekend racing, way to go Thirsty. Queen Z I hope you have a great Monday, and please try and stay cool.
sherry drish
Diana Hanson
I hear your song everytime my cell phone rings…LOLOL…it is my ringtone! When I am down or discouraged, I just play that song. I can’t help but kick up my hooves and keep trotting. Hope you are doing great. Love ya, Queen Z!
I did listen to your song…again…I love it….I love seeing you racing….and seeing that made realize just how wonderful it is to now see you happy at the farm in foal….and never been hurt. Hootie is a handsome horse…it is great he is now enjoying the next phase of his life. Love you Z….hugs to you ….it was good seeing Mike….hope he is doing well just like you. There will never be a team again like you and Mike…you two had that special connection.
Zenyatta, does “E” have a pony friend? Can’t wait to see the photos that Dottie is going to post this week. Stay healthy and happy.
Hootie is a cutie. I’m glad he has a good home with the fine folks at Trott. Hope you are getting plenty of R & R and keeping cool. Never get tired of listening to Liza’s song. Hugs and kisses Big Mama. xoxoxo
judy berube
Dear Sunny Boyde:
Just read your post from Diary #308. It’s true, never less than devastating to lose one. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Just read your Evening and Morning Prayers. Beautiful, thank you. Hugs, J.B.
Linda Henderson
Love reading about Hootie and you
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Very funny and clever joke. Hugs, J.B.
Gerrie P.
Great news hearing about Hootie.
I hope is future will be as happy as secure as our Queen.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
Just watched your “Nothing But Love With The Dumplings” video. Thank you so much. Beautiful photos; especially the one of all the Dumplings and the one where Z and John are looking directly at each other. Wonderful. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari B.:
Is that pretty blond Dumpling in the photo with Z you or JAG? Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari B:
Just watched the video of Z going to SA. Answered by own questions. Recognized JAG at the end so that was you in the “Nothing But Love” video. Too Cute. Hugs, J.B.
Hootie sure is a cutie and so are you, Zenyatta, the ultimate cutie pie. Congrats to Stay Thirsty and also to Barbaro’s baby brother, Lentenor, who won his race yesterday (at PARX RACING/Race 8).
judy berube
Dear Barbara Grimaldi:
Sorry to hear about your fall yesterday. Hope you are alright. Hugs, J.B.