Good Morning,
It is now just a few days before Christmas! SOPHIE looks like she is anxiously awaiting her presents from Santa Claus. I know she received a big package from STELLA and VIOLET last Friday…as they were busy sending out their holiday gifts. Rumor has it she opened them all immediately ! You know how it is….she just couldn’t wait!
Oh, look….I think I’m in the picture right next to SOPHIE! I so adore the fact that I am truly very special to my California families!
I know my BARN 55 pals still think of ME often! As MY JOHN said to Dottie just last night….ZENYATTA will always be a big part of our lives and in our hearts….ALWAYS!
May all of you who are busy with this year’s HOLIDAY RUSH take some extra time to enjoy spending special moments with your loved ones. Our wish is that you are ALL blessed with great health and many memorable and happy moments during this holiday season and throughout 2012!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(A special big hug from the SHIRREFFS’ HOUSEHOLD TO YOURS this holiday season!)
I think John and Dottie said it all. You are a blessing and will always be in our hearts and apart of our lives forever.
Love you so much
Love, hugs and kisses
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakkuh, and Happy 2012 from Massachusetts to the Shirreffs, Mosses, and everyone here!!
And…most of all, happy happniness to Zenyatta, beautiful mama that she is.
Best of health to Z and all. I cannot wait for 2012! So many good things happening!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakkuh, and Happy 2012 from Massachusetts to the Shirreffs, Mosses, and everyone here!!
And…most of all, happy happiness to Zenyatta, beautiful mama that she is.
Best of health to Z and all. I cannot wait for 2012! So many good things happening!
Elizabeth G.
Peace, health and joy to Zenyatta, Dottie and John. You enrich our lives everyday.
Elizabeth G.
oops… Sophie too!
Susan in TN
@ Dottie and John, the Mosses, Mike S, Barn 55: Happy Holidays to you all! Thank you for all you do!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
What a lovely greeting with the much-TOO-cute Sophie. We always love pictures of OUR Zenny, Sophie, Tasty, and anyone connected to them. We are so incredibly thankful for the time given to us to post this daily diary. We never want to take it for granted. To me personally, with my small family of 3, it has absolutely changed my life when I thought my “usefulness” was all in the past. (Well, at least except for in the kitchen!) Merry Christmas to everyone, hugs to all, and prayers for everyone who needs them.(God knows who they are even if they don’t post…but I wish they would.) The more, the merrier.
@Yvonne and Maurice–where are you in TX? Fossil Rim is mighty close to me here in Waco. Wish I could dash over to Hammond’s in Glen Rose for some BBQ.
Sherry Skinner
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and suporting team. A very special thank you to Dottie for keeping Zenyatta’s news for everyone. It is the highlight of my day. Lexington weather is wet this year. We are hoping for a little snow for Christmas.
To John, Dottie, Mike, Mr and Mrs Moss, Sophie and Zen – This has been a special year thanks to all of you and your graciousness. We thank you for all you have done. This site has done so much good.Happy holidays to all.
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
Good Morning sweet girl- I just watched your Breeders Cup win on TVG Legends and here I am sobbing at my desk thank goodness most of the folks are off on vacation they would think I have lost my mind. Sophie is too cute waiting for her presents. Merry Christmas to you beauty, TT and all the wonderful caregivers at your barn and at Barn 55. Dottie, John, Ann, Jerry and Mike thank you so much for keeping our beautiful Queen in our lives what a great Christmas present for all us Zenny folks. Merry Christmas to all of you out there hope you all have a happy and safe holiday.
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
Bernie Baby! :-)
Stay Thirsty – still playing Rodney Dangerfield
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
What a wonderful and heartfelt Christmas message from our favorite mare and her absolutely FABULOUS family. I send my Christmas love to all your team,(cute Sophie) and all the great people at Lanes End, my very favorite farm! How could all such unbelievably fantastic people come together around one horse? It must be the Zenyatta MAGIC that surrounds YOU!!!
Merry Christmas to all my wonderful Zsters you have meant so much to me this year thru good times and bad you’ve all been there…..Hoofray to you all.
Love you Z with kisses on your nose and Tasty too!
Marilu V.
Dear Zenyatta:
Have a Blessed Christmas and wonderful New Year.
Give my best wishes to the entire Z family.
God bless all of you this holy season and every day of the year.
Love and Hugs to you and Tasty! Marilu
Jeffrey M
Happy Holidays to you, all your employees and great owners
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
Remembering those we lost in 2011
I’m not sure the above link was previously shared…
Susan in TN
@Peggy N: Wonderful news about the one lump going away! Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way <3
@maryp in New York: Prayers and best wishes for you. I hope whatever burden you are bearing eases up. <3
Nancy C from California
Sophie is just TOO CUTE!!!!. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Queen Z and Tasty take care of yourselves over the holiday. Hope you get lots of goodies.
Leslie R.
Happy holidays dear Zenny, to all of Team Z (Sophie too), and to all my fellow Zenny lovers! I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe 2012!
Love to all,
Susan in TN
When I received my Zenyatta ornament, I (slightly) tore the box getting it open and looked all over the ornament for John’s signature- sometimes I am too literal :) Anyway, as someone said, it’s on the box in beautiful gold along with “Barn 55”.
A very Merry Christmas to you and Tasty and little Sophie. Zenny, you bring so much joy to all of us, Thank you so very much for all of the posts. I can’t wait to read them first thing! Love you so much, pretty girls!
A very special Christmas wish to Zenyatta and the crew at Lane’s End and to Dottie and the rest of Team Zenyatta for all they do all year long keeping the fans up to date and making the world a happier place to be. Merry Christmas to you all!
Mary Margaret
Dear Zenyatta hope you and all your friends and families in CA & KY have a very Blessed Christmas. Hope you get lots of candy canes from Santa Claus. I think of you every day and imagine what you and Tasty are doing. Anxious to see “War Horse” on Christmas day. Finders Ket is certainly Mr. Hollywood. Those who are at the Rainbow Bridge will never be forgotten. Best wishes for a very Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year.
Marilu V.
@ Judy: Thanks for the link Remembering those we lost in 2011. What a great tribute. Regards, Marilu
JAG ~ Queen Zenny's Auntie Judy (So. Califoria)
If you will be at the track on opening day ~ PLEASE BE SURE TO WEAR YOUR DUMPLING ID TAG so we can spot you!!
The plan is to meet at John Henry’s statue (main entrance; near fountain) at 10:30. If we don’t hook up there, please congregate at the paddock before the 1st race. If WE don’t see YOU, please shout out to someone you recognize!
Diana S., Trina, Karen G, and I look forward to seeing you! :P High Hoof!
Judy G
Jill Mabry
Merry Christmas to ALL!!
Zenyatta, I am hoping that You, Tasty, the Lane’s End gang, The Mosses, John, Dottie, the Barn 55 gang and ALL of your Friends/Fans have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
To EVERYONE who touches Zenny’s life (LE and CA) the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years to each and every one of you. Little did I know months ago that I’d be communicating with a horse! But, after watching Queen Z race during 2010 and being there in person for the BC I was hooked. My wife kind of helped things along…but it’s all good. We all thought we’d lose sight of Zen after she retired but that has hardly been the case. We continue to walk along with her through this diary. My wife and I were pleased to read that she still dances. She really is our Dancing Queen. God Bless all who visit and post here. It’s a great place for the head and heart.
Beth Alexander
Merry Christmas to Zenyatta, Dottie, John, Sophie, Barn 55 and Lane’s End! Love you always!
Merry Christmas and very happy and healthy holidays to our Queen Zenyatta and her wonderful families in both Kentucky and California!! Thank you to all of you for giving us the gift of Zenyatta, whose love goes both ways. She truly brings out the very best in people. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Moss for sharing your wonder girl with everyone!
May the new year bring peace and joy to all!
Dawn Conrad - Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. The snow has been falling outside my window for hours and everything is covered in a blanket of white. Burrrrr! John’s picture of sweet little Sophie just warms me right up. What a little love! Your “Premium Sweet Feed” shirt is the perfect accompaniment, Zenny. You are and will ever be so very special to all of us. I love you so!!! Thank you for your wonderful holiday blessing and tell Dottie and John how much I appreciate their Christmas hug. Sending one back to you all, including everyone in Team Z, Barn 55 and Lane’s End. (((((( ))))) You all touch our lives and our hearts daily!!! Love to everyone! Sweet dreams to you and TT, Zenny. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
@Trina – The poem for Celeste was wonderful and the sentiments you expressed are so fitting for all of us who face challenges and hold onto the positive energy that surrounds Zenyatta and this diary site when we are in need. Glad you enjoyed the link to “Dreamer”.
@Cynthia H and Kari Bussell – You are both so very sweet. Love and healing prayers to each of you. Cynthia, Mr. Darcy is safe and sound!
@Peggy (N)- Hello my sweet sis! You could never be saying too much when your need comes from the heart, we are all here for you. I know how scary it can be when you discover something. So glad that one lump has disapperared!!! Will continue praying that everything turns out just fine! You have the power of all our prayers and the angel Zenyatta on your side.
@JAG, Stephanie and Others – Thank you for your links to Zenyatta’s tidbit blog and pictures. Wonderful!!!!
@Barbara Wood – I so enjoy the Horse and Man site. Thank you for sharing.
@Delrene – Glad your son is home for the holidays. That has to mean so very much to know that he is in the arms of his family. Please let him know how much we appreciate the sacrifice he and all other service men and women make on our behalf.
@signofthetimes – Aren’t foals just the cutest babies ever!!!!
@Shari V – Hello my dear, dear friend. Love and hugs to you!
@The Kennedys – “Joyeux Noel” to you both!