I hope you had a lovely weekend! TASTY and I truly did along with our pals here at Lane’s End.
It is also such a busy racing time now. The 3 year old scene is definitely starting to ‘heat up’. During the month of March, the number of graded prep stakes ‘step up’. Everyone is trying to earn those necessary GRADED STAKES DOLLARS to qualify for Kentucky Derby Field.
As you may know, the horses who comprise the field for the Kentucky Derby and are ‘in the starting gate’ the first Saturday of May, are those who have accumulated the most GRADED STAKES EARNINGS during their careers. So, it is not only competitive for these horses and their connections when on the track…it is also very competitive to earn graded stakes dollars to ‘make the cut’. The Kentucky Derby Field is limited to 20 starters.
The publications are now listing the TOP EARNERS to date with the most black-type earnings. The horses who won the most at 2 are currently at the top of this list. This stands to reason! Per the DAILY RACING FORM, the current top 10 horses based on earnings are:
#1 Hansen
#2 Union Rags
#3 Sabercat
#4 Wrote (Ire)
#5 Creative Cause
#6-7 (Tie) Liaison and Dullahan
#8 Excaper
#9 Algorithms
#10 Drill
This list has the ability to change “dramatically” between now and the first Saturday in May. New horses are appearing ‘on the scene daily’ and as the distances stretch out and become longer (the Kentucky Derby is 1 1/4 miles), horses who were extremely talented at 2 years old going 1 mile or a bit longer as 1 1/16 miles…may find the added ‘Derby’ distance a bit more challenging for them.
The Future Book Derby Pool #1 just closed on Sunday evening. If you go to DRF.COM or The Bloodhorse.com, you can read all of these details. It is so much FUN to follow.
The next several weeks will really tell us a great deal about WHO will be RUNNING FOR THE ROSES! There are lots of races to watch, horses to follow, and graded earnings to chart!
TASTY and I are going to be extremely busy keeping up with everything…and, oh…by the way…becoming MOM’S as well!
Have fun! Who is your early DERBY HORSE?
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations, Black Caviar on #18!)
Enrico Equus
Zenny Dear,
I love reading your diary. I’m a huge fan — you’re not just the Queen of Racing, you’re the Queen of Hearts. I’m writing to ask a favor.
A man named Anthony Catanoso has decided to bring the Diving Horse show back to Atlantic City’s Steel Peer. This cruel “entertainment” will force your noble friends and relatives to repeatedly dive from a terrifying height into the water below. Please ask all your fans to sign the petition started by Jennifer Mishler to stop this barbaric torture. All signatures will be sent to Mr. Catanoso, President of Atlantic City Steel Pier, expressing outrage at this heartless, infamous, unnatural, and dangerous “act.” Your fans can sign the petition at:
With the help of your fans, we can stop this! Stay well, dear Zenny, and get lots of sleep. You’ve brought new meaning to “needing our Z’s”!
Enrico Equus
So glad that you are number one today.
Love your post and links.
Enrico Equus
Thanks, signofthetimes! 37,428 people have signed the petition — maybe we can double that! Zenny, Alpha’s my Derby Favorite, sired by your sweetheart.
Forgot to add:
Alpha to my Derby Trail list, even though he is not on the
formal list.
Janie (in L.A.)
Signed the petition. Wow – it’s unbelievable that something like that would be going on in this day and age. I hope the petition does the trick!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Signed the Petition.
Enrico Equus
Thanks, Rosemary! Nearly 40,000 signatures for our equine friends.
Maryp (New York)
Signed the petition. Never heard of this….sure hope the petition does the job.
Janet Newman
Signed the petition and posted it my FB friends, hopefully they will step up. This is just insane to put these beautiful animals in harms way. If people want to do crazy things, go right ahead, but do not involve any animal in their stupidity.
Cris Chastain
Hi Zenyatta,
I got to meet Sarah Campion at Starbuck’s here in Lexington a week ago. You are a lucky girl to have such a friendly outgoing young lady as your personal spokesperson.
Cannot wait to see your baby !
xo Cris
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I’ve signed, and I hope many others do too. Thanks for posting, Enrico!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I just signed it, Enrico. Thank you for posting it!
Vicky polenz
signed the petition, and am pulling for union rags.
Signed and I sent the link to all of my FB friends! All 162 of them! lol
Alex Bowdoin in MA
I signed the petition…
Cheryl Y
Thanks Enrico for thinking to add the link to Zenyatta’s site about the petition to stop the diving horse in Atlantic City ! I signed several days ago but didn’t think to add the site here. Several of my friends have signed also.I saw the diving horse years ago as a young child and thought it was cruel,even then.So hopefully with all the Zenyatta lovers in the world,we can stop this barbaric act from happening again.It was stopped years ago because it was deemed as animal cruelty so what makes it safe now !!!!!
Paula Higgins
Already did it (signed the petition).
Betsy McGrath
Hello Enrico~
I’ve sent this email along to many of my vet friends. I will get in touch with PETA in the morning, where this barbaric “entertainment” will get national attention. Thank you for letting us know about it.
Stephanie in San Diego
Enrico..signed the petition. This is horrible.
Michele M.
Dear Enrico,
I just wanted to let you know that I signed the petition to help stop the cruelty. This is the first time I had ever heard of that and I am truly disgusted. Could or has anyone alerted PETA or the Humane Society, this is absolutely insane. I’m enraged by it.
It’s the same way I feel about the new HBO SHOW Luck…I was so excited when I watched the first episode because I liked the story line and the actors. But when I found out that two horses have already died. I lost my respect for all of those responsible on that show. No horses (or any animals) should be harmed, injured, or killed for any show or entertainment.
It breaks my heart. That person should be ashamed of himself. What else can we do stop the nonsense?
Thank you,
Michele M.
I signed…the thought of this makes me sick to my stomach!
Wendy from IL
Thanks for all the great info! It is an exciting time. Stay warm Z!!
Jo in Nevada
Feelin’ that Derby fever comin’ on. Lots of good races this past weekend. Best to you and Tasty and the upcoming little ones.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Happy Day Before Valentine’s Day, Zenyatta – stay warm and think February 25.
Good morning Zenny. Happy Monday!! Boy what a beautiful face you have. Every morning I can’t wait to read your blog. Hope you had a great weekend. I am excited about the Kentucky Derby. Well have a wonderful day beautiful Momma’s ( you and Tasty).
Dear Zenny,
Love you so much and this wonderful diary.
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
Happy Monday to you and Tasty,
My “favorite” so far for the Derby, and hopefully triple crown, is Algorithms. Handsome colt and, I am sure you will agree, his daddy is not too bad to look at, either!
I spent time this weekend researching a stud for one of my Vizslas due in season next month. It made me wonder….have they done, or are they considering, a repeat breeding of Street Cry to Vertigineux?? Seems to have been successful the first time!
I also spent time this weekend “watching” one of the Lhasa Apsos I co-own who is due to whelp at any moment. It, too, made me think of you who is also under a close watch!
Everyone out there be sure and watch the Westminster Kennel Club dog show tonight and tomorrow night! My breed, vizslas, will be on tomorrow night in the sporting group. Great fun to watch as well as participate.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Lynn – thank you for reminding everyone of Westminster. I have a friend who is judging at Westminster. It has always been one of my favorite shows. Good luck with your Lhasa’s litter.
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
Which judge do you know? If I ever show under him/her I will have to drop Zennie’s name……
Also, on the subject of race horses and dog show judges, does anyone out there know Michelle Billings the judge? I know there is a Michelle billings listed as a race horse owner, is she the same person? Both happen to live in Florida. If so, I will HAVE to mention it next time I show under her!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Clay Coady is the judge I know. He is a former top notch handler who is now judging. He is the son of Jack Coady, Sr., the founder of Coady Photography. Jack, Sr.’s sons Jeff and Jack, Jr. and their sons have continued their father’s legacy and Coady Photography is one of the premiere race track photographers in the industry. Turf Paradise in Phoenix, Arizona honors Jack, Sr. every year with the Jack Coady, Stakes. Coady Photography covers race tracks in several states. Wonderful people, all of them. Don’t know about Michelle Billings. I have had a couple of dogs show under her and they always did well. Don’t know about her owning a horse, though.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Michelle “Mike” Billings is a well known dog show judge, I’ve shown Salukis under her several times and would do so again. Good in handling the dogs and has a good eye and doesn’t seem as “political” as soome judges. And she seems to have a good sense of humor, and enjoy the “job.”
On the subject of whelping, a friend back east lost her beautiful bitch during a C-section (5 of the 8 puppies were saved) due to hemmorhaging, turns out she was affected by Von Willebrand’s Desease, which (to put it simply) is a lack of clotting factors, and actually could have been lost if she’d had an accidental wound running in the yard… she was the ONLY one of her litter not checked, one other was a carrier.
I did a little (VERY BRIEF!) research on the subject, and this is apparently something that affects several species — something like hemophelia in humans. But it can affect both genders and there are degrees of affectation which can be determined with a simple test.
SO — anyone expecting to breed a dog, this is something to be aware of. And yes, if the genetic factor is there, it could come from either or both parents even in mixed breeds. My friend is grieving not only her beautiful bitch and 3 lost puppies, but her own lapse of attention re: a simple test… even an
Anyone with a Quarter Horse knows about HYPP, and responsible Arabian breeders know about SCIDS too… but Thoroughbreds don’t have these particular things in the gene pool, thank heavens!
I know that you, Zenny, have had all the preliminary work and any tests were done, and that you are in the best of hands… so now we (you, Tasty, and the entire Z Team and all the Zensters) are within the last month of our wait! How exciting!!!
Pam Homeier
Michelle Billings is a neat lady! I have met her several times while serving as Chief Ring Steward for our local kennel club. Wish I had known she might own race horses. Interested to find out if she that Michelle Billings!
Oh yes, Lynn. “V” was bred last year to Street Cry and should be due around
her daughter, our Zenyatta’s time.
How exciting a full sibling to Zenny.
Never thought that Coolmore and Darley
would be willing to let breeding between the stallions of
their empires.
Joanna from TX
I see you got a reply re the repeat breeding that produces our lovely Zenny. Interesting to note that a repeat breeding was also done that produced Rachel. It gave the world another filly (2011; picture of her and dam Lotta Kim in the Bloodhorse ’25 Most …’ issue) and she was also named for a granddaughter, Samantha Nichole.
I too watched most of Westminster. My family had a show kennel (Starcrest, in Calif.) of Beagles mostly but I was into Afghan Hounds. That was back in the 60’s. My mom kept up with the Beagles for many years. All dispersed around the end of 2000. Had some world class critters…I know 1 that was at the Garden at one time and several were sold to breeders all over the world during those years.
Anyway, the Visla I saw last night at the Garden looker very nice. I hope you enjoy showing as much as I did. I was thrilled that the sight hound won but I really loved the smooth fox terrier.
Patricia/Far northern CA
? I think you must have been watching last year’s Westminster? 2012 show begins tonight. Good luck to all.
I have a couple of friends with Afghans who do sprint and oval racing and lure coursing with us. What fun. One old lady is eleven and still gets out and runs for the fun of it. My now 8 year old Saluki still runs too. I must agree that the sighthounds are my favorites…. but I have a friend with one of the top Anatolian Shepherds (who did not go to Westminster) and she is a big sweet galumph of a dawg… pretty different from a sight or scent hound.
Made it to Crufts the last 3 years but not going this year, have a new puppy instead… that’s an AMAZING show. Now that I’ve been to Crufts I want to go to Churchill Downs and Royal Ascot and the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe… just for the experience; I hate crowds but the critter watching (horses AND people!) must be terrific.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I’ll be watching Westminster as well. However, I will be rooting for the Doberman to take it all. I will be especially happy if said Doberman is Fifi. I’ve met her a couple of times and have a nodding acquaintance with her “mom’ Jocelyn. One of our local Dobe club members has Fifi’s litter sister Porsche. I’m hoping this is her year. It has been a long time since the Doberman won BIS at Westminster.
Christine in Placerville, CA
I too will be cheering for Fifi. She’s a lovely girl. I met her here in CA when Michele S. was handling her. :)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Hi Lynn, yes I already was on board to watch the Westminster. Tuesday night will be “my” Group night too….The Sporting Breeds. My breed is the German Shorthaired Pointer and the American Cocker Spaniel (although I’m a big fan of all the Sporting Breeds….and of course just dogs in general). I was very excited in 2005 when Carlee (Officially named Ch. Kan-Point’s VJK Autumn Roses) took Best in Show.
“In 2005, we saw Carlee the German Shorthaired Pointer with the stack heard around the world,” recalls Westminster announcer and spokesman, David Frei. A “stack” refers to when a dog stands in such a way to best show off his or her confirmation. The stack might last for 10 seconds as the dog stands perfectly still for inspection by the judge.
“Well, Carlee went to the center of the ring and didn’t move for at least a minute — and the crowd went crazy,” says Frei.
Carlee is a direct descendent of the only other GSP to win the Westminster, 1974 winner Ch. Gretchenhof Columbia River.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I remember Carlee, and the collective gasp that the entire audience let out when she finally broke her pose. Poor little Coco–she had just lost.
Pam Homeier
Carlee the German Shorthaired Pointer was bred by a Kansas breeder! That was very exciting for all of us. The breeder had the #1 GSP in 2011 but I don’t think they are going to Westminster this year. Will watch the dog show tonight till my Jayhawks come on!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Good luck on your search for a good match for your Vizsla bitch. I went thru this process a few years ago. Trying to get accurate info on health issues can be tough. I had a litter of 9 (bless her heart). I had all the health checks done before breeding and she was clear which was a relief. The litter turned out wonderful so I wish you well. I bred for temperament first, then health, conformation and birdyness .VCA Nationals is really a good place to check out stud dogs and talk to their owners. Or the Field Nationals if you compete in that arena.
Sounds like lots of Zen admirers are dog people too!
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
Were you at nationals in Denver this year? My Brook win Bred by Exhibitor, bitch, this year! I was so proud of her. She won the next day at the regional specialty and went on to take winners bitch for a 5-pointer! She finished at Golden Gate KC 3 weeks ago and is now CHAMPION Kiralyi Kicsi Peros Brook!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
No, I didn’t make Denver. My male is Kizmar breeding and my female is from Titan lines. Both are finished and neutered so can only show them in Sweeps. Last Nationals I attended were in WI. I would love to make it to OH this year and show the dogs in Sweeps. Max is going to be 11 in May and Jesse will be 7 in April.
Congrats on your placing at Denver! Jesse made the first cut in BOB at the Omaha nationals and I was thrilled (top 18 bitches out of some 75 entered).
Z, what were YOU doing as a three year old? I remember YOUR John saying YOU weren’t ready for the Derby. I’ll bet you were working on YOUR dance moves instead! (tee hee)
Hey Zenny! My early Derby horse is Creative Cause. He is by Giants Causeway whom I hope is your next “date”. Hes also grey, and I have always had a soft spot for grey horses. Hello GIACOMO!! Hope your day goes well for you and Tasty-Love You!!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I love Creative Cause too. I fell in love with him at the Breeders Cup.
Debbie, I have some cute pix of him (somewhere), I’ll send them to you when I get a minute.
Zenny I am super happy you had a great weekend.Can’t wait for your foal!
Zenny-Glad you and Tasty had a good weekend. It was cold though. Hope you kept you blankets on! I absolutely can’t wait for your babies to arrive.
Have a great Monday, Big Mare
Love You, big mare,
Linda from Chicago
There is a beautiful little foal who will melt your heart – “Baby Jewel” – Please check out http://www.horseandman.com and search for the February Bucket Fund for “Jewel” and the Many – for the full miraculous story. As of this morning they are only $1475 short of their goal. So to honor Our Zenny and Baby Z with a virtual Baby Shower – please donate to this very wonderful cause in Zenyatta’s name. When you donate their is a place for a message – just tag it in For Zenyatta. I’m sure it will put a smile on Zenny’s face and certainly help those deserving horses. Plus it will just make it a Feel Good Day!
Lisag in Texas
Baby Jewel is so precious. This breed is beautiful, have a crush on Moses.
Darlene Daniels
Hello Zenny/Dottie. Thank you for all the great info. I am very excited about the Ky Derby and have been for awhile. I was in total awe when we went to visit Churchill Downs last fall. It is my favorite place in the country followed only by Santa Anita. Have a wonderful day Zenny and Tasty. Love to all.
P.S. My early pick is Hanson. But this may be subject to change.
Love these Derby pics, it is so fun to be involved in the Derby Trail with these wonderful
Three year olds; It is just so amazing that such a young horse can so be so talented
and the wonderful jockeys guide them through each race, teaching and learning.
I love the following 3 year olds: Hansen
Union Rags
I sure my favorites will change as time goes on.
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Zenyatta,
Yippee! The most exciting part about the Kentucky Derby is in the getting there! I love watching these young horses work to establish a place for themselves in that huge, twenty gate field. It’s so much fun and my favorite time of the racing season. I’ve not yet picked a favorite yet, but will soon.
Glad that you and Tasty had a lovely weekend. Hope your weather is getting warmer and that pretty skies will be in store for you this week!
Love to you two beautiful mothers to be!
Jan S. in Houston
Good morning Zenyatta, Happy Monday to you and Tasty too. Hard to believe that the Kentucky Derby is only a couple of months away.. Love that big boy Hansen. Hope you are feeling well and getting lots of rest for your big day. Lots of love and kisses coming your way. xoxoxo.
Zenny, Hi right back at you! Sarah has given us another wonderful picture…you are one curious girl! It would be so exciting if you and TT had your foals on the same day.
Imagine your little ones having the same birthday…TOO CUTE!
Yes, another racing season is coming up for the 3 year olds. Regardless of WHO they are …. they won’t grab my heart like YOU did.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
sue and tony
Hi Zenny, thanks for the info on the 3 year olds racing season. You always give us such interesting facts …. because of you we’ve learned so much about your industry.
We watched your 2009 BC win again yesterday…in a word, PERFECTION!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Happy Monday My Queen!
I was going through my memorabilia this weekend – I swear, between YOU and JOHN HENRY I should open a museum :-D
I came accross every one of my Visitor Passes to Barn 55 – no wonder people accuse me stalking YOUR JOHN!!! And DOTTIE!
Speaking of John Henry, his message for you today…………………………………………………. Think PINK on March 9th ;-P (Or, the 8th – Full Moon)!!
Z’sters everywhere – have a great Monday (if THAT”S possible lol)
Judy G pacing a hole in the carpet at home and at work………
P.S. I wonder if your pedigree would be a good match with HENRYTHENAVIGATOR? Then you could have “Henry” in your foals name – TOO CUTE!
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
Enjoy two Eagles awaiting the arrival of their eggs – TOO CUTE!! Last year one of their 3 eggs hatched the day after Zen’s birthday – 4/2.
Of course, we must not forget Cigar making his appearance at the KHP in Lexington – not far from Zenny! :-)
Especially Horses / Southern California
Isaiah 40:31….”but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles…
Maryp (New York)
JAG, I love watching the eagles too. Didn’t realize the date of the first one last year was day after Zen’s. They are magnificent birds!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Z’s mom Vertigineux has had two Henry the Navigator foals, so it’s not a far-fetched idea.
Zenny will have a full brother or sister anytime now. Her dam was bred back to her sire last year. Can’t wait to see that one either.
I thought the same thing about HTN,
I really want her to Galieo or Sea the
Stars, but that won’t happen unless the come
Here. Abigail did not mention Cape Blanco
So I am assuming not a good pedigree
Kari Bussell/Tn.
MY Queen,
I am so glad you and Tasty had such a great weekend.. I Love today’s photo. I did this video for Valentine’s Day….I am posting it a day early..You are the reason for so many beautiful friendships….You Zenyatta are the reason I am still alive. I love you!
Happy Valentine’s Day – Love -Joy & PEACE to ALL!
PS- Hansen and Union Rags!
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Kari. You made me cry again and I love it. Happy Valentines Day to you too. Love, Darlene Daniels
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Darlene,Thank You for taking the time to tell. Also, how I wish Cynthia H. and I had been in Florida that week…..Your “vision” of where we were made laugh..in a very good way!
Sally B. (cherish Z- Wi.)
Hi Kari; you have done it again!! Tears of joy for Zenyatta. Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine ever loving another horse as much as Z!!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Sally, thank you for taking the time to tell me. Zenyatta owns my heart too.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Thanks so much Kari I loved todays and the one from yesterday too. When I see those pictures of her running for the first time in the pasture at LE I get goosebumps, and when she winnies like that I get tears in my eyes. Those are good memories, thanks for renewing them. Hugs
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Sue- Thank you. Zenyatta always gives me goosebumps to!
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Dearest Kari, your Valentine’s Day tribute to our Queen and to the connections who people her Court is a videographic love poem. For all of the untold hours which you have spent honoring Zenyatta through music, film, and photos in a pure labor of love—THANK YOU. The joy which you scatter falls on our souls like a gentle rain, resulting in the most beautiful flowers of friendship.
12th ♥
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Dearest Cynthia,
THANK YOU! I am so very blessed to be privy to your beautiful, poetic way with words on a daily basis the past few years….You and our friendship mean the world to me…
Thank you Zenyatta for all the great friendships made in Your name!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh my, SO beautifully said, Cynthia! And SO TRUE!
Maryp (New York)
Thank you Kari for such a beautiful Valentine tribute to our Zenyatta. It brought tears and chills and smiles and all good feelings….you are a special Valentine!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Maryp, Thank you for taking the time to leave such a kind coment.
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Kari, thank you for the video. Love the pics with her and Anne. When I see those two together, it always makes me smile and tear up. The love and bond is and always will be very special between Anne and Zenny! Plus, you picked a perfect song!!!!!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Heidi, thank you. I agree some of my favorite photos of Zenny ever are the ones of her and Ann.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Oh my gosh. How beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to put the video together. The Reason…..too cool. The song was just perfect. :0)
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Joy, I love your name. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the tme to tell me.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wonderful video Kari! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us. Some familiar photos but many I have never seen before! Love the one of Zenny and Tasty sort of “neck and neck” :-) You are amazing!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Sandy, thank you so much for your kind,generous words…I do so love making these videos….They give me such joy!
Kari, Wow! What a great clip on Queen Z. It brings tears of joy to watch this. The song was “Fantastic” with the great pictures that were shown. Thanks for sharing. I ran across a clipping I had that Ann wanted to put Z in her backyard, glad she didn’t or we would not be on pins and needles waiting for the little one to get here.
I hope Mario can be there for the birth, I know it would make his day! He loves Zenny so much and misses her so bad, as the rest of Barn 55
I wish they would put up a web cam for the birth so all of Zenny’s fan base from around the world could see the birth , that would be very thrilling to watch
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Ginger, I remember when Ann said that….I hope Mario can be there too. Thank you for your kind words….
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful video Kari!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Debbie G- thank you. Your neighbors remain in my thoughts & prayers.
Celeste in TX
Thanks, Kari. How beautiful.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Celeste, Thank you.
Cindy M. Ottawa, Canada
Loved your video. Thankyou:)
Zenny Happy Valentines’ Day to you and your connections!!!
I’m cheering for Union Rags, I think he’ll get the distance more than Hansen will.
Pamper yourself these last couple of weeks, because you won’t get much sleep afterwards.
Marty R / Colorado
Kari, Another wonderful tribute to Zenyatta. Seeing some of the pictures was like revisiting old friends. Happy Valentine’s Day to you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A beautiful Valentine for Z! Thanks, Kari!
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Thank YOU!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta What a Beautiful picture of you. The children and I are cheering for Hansen. We sent him cards before he won the Breeders’ Cup. The children think he is Mistletoe’s boyfriend and that he look likes Pegasus. I hope you and Tasty have a wonderful day. We all love you. Hugs and Kisses, Mrs. Voltz and Homeroom 215
sharon in seattle
the books are getting closer and closer to Ohio!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
I too love Hansen!! With some meditation classes, maybe he will learn to relax on the lead and he can become a front-running masterpiece!!
I agree, I think he is still running like a two
Year old. With training to relax I think he definately
Could win the KY derby. Not sure if he has a distance
Pedigree, though.
Uncle Mo was a talent, but could not get the Classic
Distance probably due to pedigree. Don’t think his
Illness had an impact on that. He had never met
A horse like Game On Dude that is so tenacious
And determined to not let anyone win. Mikey strategized
That win with Drosselmeyer staying away from
Game on Dudes site.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thank You Kari so much for the beautiful video. Just loved it.
Zenny, I really like Algorithms!
Dear Zenny,
Happy Monday! How about the performance of your old stable mates from last weekend. El Vino, G Ten & Utopian all did very well. Did they each get to enjoy a Guiness?
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Good Morning, Z. You look wonderful as always. Would you consider February 22 to have your baby? That’s my birthday. That may be a little early since it’s next week.
I’m watching Hansen. Impressive 2 year old record. Let’s see if he can keep it up and stay sound.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
ALGORITHMS ♥♥♥ is a Bernardini baby – I have to pick him!!! I love those Bernie Babies XO
Good Morning everyone! My favorite is Hansen. I think that is partially because I’ve been able to watch every race he’s run and was at the BC to watch him last Nov. His looks probably also play a role…;-)
So, yesterday the decision was made. I am NOT going to do my art show the first weekend in May – even though I have been already accepted. I’m going to the KY DERBY w/ my family this year. It was a tough decision since my artwork is how I attempt to make a living and that show is usually a significant one for me. My sweet man said it was ok not to do it – that he’d rather have me come to the races. The rest of my family agreed. He knew it was a tough decision for me – feeling guilty for not trying to make $ and going on a vaca instead. Him asking me to please come this time (I’ve been once before, but have missed quite a few) absolved me of the guilt I was feeling.
All that’s left now is to figure out wardrobe and HATS! I am one very lucky and thankful gal! ♥♥♥
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Stay warm Zenny & Tasty. Looks like there may be some snow heading our direction. It’s in AR now. Bundle up gals!
Patricia/Far northern CA
Tatia, be sure to carry lots of business cards with you everywhere you go… hand them out everywhere… you never know who’s going to be looking for just the sort of art you do!! Also take a small photo ?album? with photos of some of your representative work. That way you CAN go on vacation and still not totally neglect your art.
Retired equine portraitist
Especially Horses / Southern California
Titia, you can network anywhere, even the Kentucky Derby. I agree with Patricia, make sure that you have some means to show off your work in between the races (iPad, camera, something) and then strike up a conversation with the person/people around you and pass out your business card. Do you have a website you can share? Good luck and go get ‘em! Women entrepreneurs rule!
Abigail from Montreal
Hi there my sweet Zenny, TT, Babies, Dottie & Zensters:
Today will be a busy one, so this might be my only post. A friend & I are making a MacBook for my late Jericho’s wonderful dog-walker, Elizabeth. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer & is not doing very well at all. However, on a recent visit she told me that what she most wanted were photos of some of the dogs she walked. So we helped her to list all of their names, got email addresses of the owners & asked everyone to send us photos. We’ve gotten a GREAT response and are going to make Elizabeth a hardcover book today through iPhoto on Mac. You can pop in photos & text, select a layout and then send your book by email to Mac to print. The books are AMAZING and very reasonably priced.
As for my Derby hopefuls, here’s my list (not in any order of preference): 1) Hansen; 2) Union Rags; 3) Alpha; 4) Out of Bounds; 5) Discreet Dancer; 6) Algorithms; 7) Creative Cause; 8) Sabercat.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
So sorry about your friend….she will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I like your list of Derby hopefuls…they are on my list as well. Hugs, Ann Maree
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Abigail- I will add Elizabeth to my prayers…..My Dad survived stage4 lung cancer and lived an additional 14 yrs before it returned….and took him ….
They have made so many advances since then….and I myself am a talking, living, breathing miracle…..
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
So sorry to hear about Jericho’s friend but if anything will cheer her up it will be a book of doggie pictures with comments by you. Hope Miss Daisy Doodle is recuperating well.
Debbie G/Kentucky
So sorry about your friend Elizabeth. I’ll keep her in my prayers.
Celeste in TX
What a wonderful gift for your friend! I’m sure it will cheer her up. She will be in my thoughts and prayers also.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So sorry to hear about Elizabeth’s diagnosis. Please give her our best from all the Z-stres. Your most thoughtful gift will certainly lift her spirits. Maybe you can make a little DVD about Z that might speak to her too, as Z spoke to our dear Kari, grabbed her heart, and brought her back to life.
Joanna from TX
Oh gosh…pick a favorite for the Derby!
I adore the grays, so like Hansen and Creative Cause, tho not too sure about Hansen’s ability at the classic race distance.
I also love Algorithms, Discreet Dancer and Out of Bounds. I like Union Rags too, but also iffy re his talent at derby distance.
I’m watching fillies trying to pick a favorite for whatever they want to run in, derby or oaks.
Exciting times! Foal watch too!