I hope you had a lovely weekend! TASTY and I truly did along with our pals here at Lane’s End.
It is also such a busy racing time now. The 3 year old scene is definitely starting to ‘heat up’. During the month of March, the number of graded prep stakes ‘step up’. Everyone is trying to earn those necessary GRADED STAKES DOLLARS to qualify for Kentucky Derby Field.
As you may know, the horses who comprise the field for the Kentucky Derby and are ‘in the starting gate’ the first Saturday of May, are those who have accumulated the most GRADED STAKES EARNINGS during their careers. So, it is not only competitive for these horses and their connections when on the track…it is also very competitive to earn graded stakes dollars to ‘make the cut’. The Kentucky Derby Field is limited to 20 starters.
The publications are now listing the TOP EARNERS to date with the most black-type earnings. The horses who won the most at 2 are currently at the top of this list. This stands to reason! Per the DAILY RACING FORM, the current top 10 horses based on earnings are:
#1 Hansen
#2 Union Rags
#3 Sabercat
#4 Wrote (Ire)
#5 Creative Cause
#6-7 (Tie) Liaison and Dullahan
#8 Excaper
#9 Algorithms
#10 Drill
This list has the ability to change “dramatically” between now and the first Saturday in May. New horses are appearing ‘on the scene daily’ and as the distances stretch out and become longer (the Kentucky Derby is 1 1/4 miles), horses who were extremely talented at 2 years old going 1 mile or a bit longer as 1 1/16 miles…may find the added ‘Derby’ distance a bit more challenging for them.
The Future Book Derby Pool #1 just closed on Sunday evening. If you go to DRF.COM or The Bloodhorse.com, you can read all of these details. It is so much FUN to follow.
The next several weeks will really tell us a great deal about WHO will be RUNNING FOR THE ROSES! There are lots of races to watch, horses to follow, and graded earnings to chart!
TASTY and I are going to be extremely busy keeping up with everything…and, oh…by the way…becoming MOM’S as well!
Have fun! Who is your early DERBY HORSE?
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Congratulations, Black Caviar on #18!)
Breeder’s Cup Zenyatta Party 2012??????
Zenyatta, would you please let your adoring fans know asap if there will be a party at this years Breeder’s Cup?
We need time to plan; air tickets, hotel, if we have Zenyatta box seats (I think your invitations included seats?)Thank you.
Hugs and Prayers for you and Tasty and all the other moms and moms to be
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
Hello Z….on this beautiful Monday……..it was so cold here in Virginia over the weekend …cloudy and high winds…..but today it is sunny and the 47 degrees today feels like 65. Glad you and Tasty had a good weekend. The count down is coming…..you all will be a mom before you know it…..no backing out now. I guess you horses do not want to do that ….like humans sometimes think……oh my gosh…..what am I doing….. then it happens…..and you are so happy. I cannot wait to see your little one right with her mom. Hugs to you Z……..
Shari Voltz/Ohio
hi this is katie nd i want hason to win the Kentucky derby . we are going to be sending him stuff becouse he sent us pitures with him on it and the jockey even signed it!!! . so i hope he wins from katie to zenyatta:)
Eveline / Maryland.
Hi Katie, you have good taste. I like Union Rags as well. It’s great that you have a signed Hansen picture.
carol in utah
Hello Katie….I love Hansen too….we will cheer him on together
Lisag in Texas
Hansen the Handsome will win, Katie. Keep you hooves crossed.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Katie – how fortunate you are to have a picture of Hansen signed by his jockey. I think he would make a very good Kentucky Derby winner also. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Katie:
Hanson is a good choice. I like some of Bernie’s sons as well: Alpha, Algorithm and Consortium. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Katie-Hanson is a good horse and will probably give a good account of himself in the race. But, when you come right down to it, I wish all of the horses well and hope they have a safe journey. At lease Hanson will be in the leading group, if not the early leader, and there is less chance of him having trouble.
hi Z! Happy Monday to YOU and Tasty! Have a wonderful day!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Terry Crow
@Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you use electrical tape as eyeliner. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if your two front teeth swivel like a saloon door. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever rolled over in bed and started a lawnmower. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if your smile resembles a busted window pane. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if you have ever had a catfish appear in your bath water. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you have ever e-mailed a famous animal (Lassie, etc.) @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You may be a redneck if you’ve ever had to get stitches because of a horsefly bite. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever woken up with a crop circle shaved into the top of your head. @signofthetimes, president, and Barbara Wood, charter member of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if the flowers in your back yard have beer bellies. @carol in Utah, president of Utah chapter-You might be a redneck if you think cocker spaniels are illegal aliens @Sandy in northern Ohio, president, and Shari Voltz, charter member of Ohio chapter-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever used algae as the base for a salad. @Sue Colvin, president of New Jersey chapter-You might be a redneck if you ever let your dog clean your contacts. @Brenda S, president, and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if your town is named after a guy who got drunk in 1887. @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever brushed your teeth with a lucky rabbit’s foot. You might be a redneck if you’ve ever let your dog baby sit for you. You might be a redneck if your gynecologist is (was) Earnest. You might be a redneck if you own more than two clappers. You might be a redneck if you’ve ever ridden a bicycle without a seat., You might be a redneck if you think Jack The Ripper was famous for passing gas.
carol in utah
oh lord……jack the “ripper”…..gas…..my hubby is actually laughing…where do you think this stuff up….YOU ARE A CREATIVE TALENT..
Terry Crow
carol-Glad you are enjoying the jokes.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
Once again, rolling laughter….LoL!
Terry Crow
Anything that brings a smile to your face makes my day.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Terry, Terry, Terry omg I’m roaring. You can’t possibly be making these up, if you are then your brain belongs in the museum of Science and Industry. As for the crop circle reference, I don’t know about that but I’ve had some pretty bad haircuts. ! LOL
Terry Crow
Vicki-Explain your comment. What do you mean by “passing” on to others.
Terry Crow
A lot of these are revised from their original form to fit the category.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
These are great, Terry! Electrical tape has some appeal, as I always hated eyeliner. LoL at “rolled over in bed and started a lawnmower.” I have had a few redneck relatives whose “smile resembles a busted window pane.” And “Jack the Ripper”, I am passing on to others.
Terry Crow
Vicki-I replied to you up above.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
LoL, Terry, yes, but I hadn’t noticed my unplanned “gaseous” reference until just as I was submitting it.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So who spilled the beans about my lack of cooking skills????? (algae for salad – REALLY!). I’d just like to point out that if Zenny had an email address, we would ALL be rednecks!
Terry Crow
One of the redneck jokes today involved sending e-mails to famous animals. Zenny certainly would qualify. As for me, I would have sent one to Francis the mule.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Just Google “algae salad”, and you will find RECIPES, seaweeds, and Japanese. Not for me, but just sayin’.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Oh Noooooo! You MUST be kidding (but I’m afraid you’re not :-)
Terry Crow
Who says redneck jokes aren’t educational? Take note, Ms. Voltz. I give you credit, Vicki, I never imagined this or I would have looked it up before I made a joke about it.
Darlene Daniels
OH! Terry You are the best!! Thank you!
Terry Crow
Darlene-Thank you.
These just keep getting funnier and funnier !!!!
Flowers with Beer Bellies, UMMMM !!!
How about Bare Bellies????
Terry Crow
Noted for future reference.
JAG / Pacing Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Tummy rubs for you and TT – if I could, I would whisper Sweet Nothins’ to your foals who are going to be soooooo darn cute!!! I wonder if Tasty’s will be gray….? I wonder if your’s will have a blaze very similiar to yours….? Oh, I’m getting so excited!! ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Judy G
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Z, love this photo of you at the paddock gate. Thank you Sarah C. and Dottie for all the lovely photos. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Thanks Zenyatta/Dottie for your diary and all the great information that you give us about horseracing each time. I appreciate all your posts that keep your fans informed about the sport and walk away with inspiration and feelings of good will each time I read your diary. I cannot thank you and Team Z enough for all that you have done for all of your fans. You “ALL” are simply, TOO CUTE!!!
For all Z fans and potential Z fans, it would be great if we could give back to Z and Dottie for all the work they do to keep us updated and inspired in this diary. Please help reward her with 100,000 “LIKES” before baby Z arrives. Get the word out to all your friends, friends of friends and so on and so on to make this happen for her. We are short as of this moment by 1740 votes. Please invite all you know to “LIKE” Z’s FB page and repost. We are running out of time before our new champion is born! Thanks so much for help!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Russ is “cracking up”. He thinks you’re so funny and so do I. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Hope Russ is enjoying the jokes and that he is doing well.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Russ is doing well, and says thank you for asking. He looks forward to my reading the redneck jokes to him. Thinks you’re hilarious. He keeps asking me where you find them and never a repeat. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
I have a vast file of these, both original and previously published. There are thousands of them, but I must admit it is getting harder to create new ones. Again, glad Russ is enjoying them.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Oh,I LOVE this picture! Makes you want to reach out and plant a kiss on that soft,sweet nose!!! Every day,I think how blessed Sarah is to have the job she does and to have such wonderful interaction with you!!
I am behind again on reading the posts for the last couple of days,but have read all of YOUR posts,Queen Z!
Have been busy the past few days re3hearsing for and singing in our Valentine Cabaret Show. We have one more performance tomorrow night,which will be a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
@ Terry Crow–Noticed your post a few days back about the Marine Base in an odd state–have to tell you about one place my dadwas stationed during WWII–a Naval Air Station in Ottumwa, Iowa!!! That was a pretty odd place to be in the Navy!! My mom and brother and I were able to go with him there–went East from Washington state on the train–filled with lots of troops. We lived in a little farmhouse outside of town and he and his pilot used to buzz our house in the early mornings when they were aloft doing their weather readings. I can remember those times like they were yesterday!!
I got some very sad news last evening. A very dear friend of over 35 years was killed co-piloting a Gulfstream jet into a remote landing field in the Congo. He had led a very adventurous life,becoming a pilot at a young age and being a rock and roll musician and composer on the side. He had a fabulous sense of humor and a real lust for life and living it to the fullest. He came by his love of flying naturally. His father flew Spitfires in the Battle of Britain and rose to the rank of what we would call a brigidier general while in the RAF. He,the father,was himself a survivor of 13 plane crashes!! After retiring from the RAF,he emigrated to the US, in 1961, and proudly became a “yank”. He had a life-long passion for TBs and in his later years bought a daughter of the great Secretariat,whom he named Joy Joy Joy. She had a minor injury in her first race,I believe,and was sold as a broodmare. He competed in jumping into his 70’s and was the person with whom I traveled to see Seattle Slew at Longacres,after he had won the Triple Crown. The only consolation in all this is that my friend died doing something he loved to do and he is now with his mom and dad in Heaven.
Eveline / Maryland.
Sorry for your loss Sue, it sounds like your friend had a great life.
carol in utah
Sorry tor your loss…sounds like he lived his life to the fullist…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Noel:
Sorry for the loss of your friend. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Sue-Thanks for the story. My son-in-law was also based in Kansas and Missouri. Sorry about your friend, but at least he went out doing something he enjoyed. May we all be so fortunate to have that type of end.
Kari Bussell/Tn.
I am very sorry for the loss of your friend….You are in my thoughts and prayers..
Elizabeth in NM
I’m very sorry also for losing your friend. His life will be honored by ;your sharing of his stories. God’s blessings of comfort and inspiration from his life – I pray for you and his friends and family.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
So sorry your dear friend is gone too soon. He remains a model to us all for living life to the hilt—he clearly did it HIS way! May he now forever soar above the clouds.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
So sorry for the loss of your friend Sue. What a fantastic life he led. RIP
Trisha from VA
I don’t have a favorite yet. I will wait and see who does what.
On another note. I signed the petition against the diving horses at Atlantic City. What are these people thinking of , oh right $$$$$. Excuse me but isn’t cruelty to animals against the law? Totally inhumane and an absurd, stupid, cruel and dangerous circus act .
Someone needs to take those horses away from that idiot.
Now that I have vented, I hope your day is a great day. We had a thunder snow storm Sat it was sunny one minute, the next was dark and then boom and snow. Crazy.
Love hugs and kisses to you and all
Lisag in Texas
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends family. Not many of us will leave this world or have left this world doing what we LOVE! I cheer your friend for this accomplishment. With all the gifts given us, I can only believe that your friend is still doing what he loves, heavenly style. Lisag
Lisag in Texas
Above is for Sue.
Hi Big Z! Union Rags has been my favorite right from the start. I’m having trouble signing that petition. Every time I start typing my name, it goes immediately to the ‘share’ page. I have shared it and asked my friends to sign it, but I myself have not been able to. I’ll have to find another way to access it. Hope you are doing well. Can’t wait till you become a Mommy!
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Hi my adorable Zenyatta I thank you for the information I cannot wait for the K Derby, my favorite is Alpha and Hansen, love you I cannot wait to see your baby and also TT’s, Ingrid.
I like Hanson and Algorythms (yikes is that how you spell it). It would nice to see one of Bernie’s colts win. Happy Monday to Z and Tasty. Hope you are having a wonderful day!!! Love you beautiful girl.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta, we were in Arizona for the weekend, watching the famous champion, Freaky, compete in a match race. He won and it was awesome. What a big difference in temperatures, in Arizona, it was in the 80’s and back here in Texas, it was in the 30’s with snow, rain and some ice. A climate shocker. Tomorrow, we are going to Hot Springs, AR for our Valentine’s Day Weddning Anniversary, just over night. Wednesday morning, we will visit the race track with mints for the horses. A real treat for us. I love Hansen, not sure if he wants the distance and he needs to relax and Midnight Transfer, gorgeous!! Love you big girl, you and Tasty stay comfy, eat well and enjoy – I just know you will have a peppermint cake in the shape of a Valentine for tomorrow. Enjoy. Love you, Angels.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Yvonne and Maurice: I have been wondering where Freaky is now. He is a beautiful horse. Is he racing in Arizona, or was this a one time only match race? Where did you see him? I lived in Arizona for many, many years. I love the weather there. Hot in the summer, and you have to limit any activity to very early in the morning. The weather the rest of the year makes up for the firey summers.
Terry Crow
Saw Freaky compete several times at Los Alamitos. Glad to see that he can still go.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy Wedding Anniversary tomorrow! Too cute!
Robin - Ventura CA
I finally got my Zenyatta poster framed! It is in a perfect spot in my house, that when I sit on my couch I can stare at it all night and day long except when I am at work from 8 to 5 everyday. I am thinking of ordering another one so I can put it in my office.
Have a wonderful day to all Z fan’s.
Happy Monday Ms. Z. So glad that you are fine and can’t wait to learn if we have a Baby Z or a Baby Bernie.
As for early Derby picks which will change as the races progress I love Union Rags but………my heart is really with Margano if that is the path he will choose. Problem is he is having a growth spurt right now and don’t know if he will be able to compete in time for earnings. There are so many great horses out there and earnings are just starting to heat up, who knows what the outcome of the 20 will end up being.
Especially Horses / Southern California
@Shari Voltz/Ohio and
@Sue Fredrick – Wisconsin:
I so enjoyed both of your posts from #435.
Shari, I mentioned in a previous post (don’t know if you saw it) that I would have been in horse heaven with a teacher like you. I had some excellent teachers, but not one ever mentioned or showed a passion for horses, let alone for horseracing! I bet your suggested reading list includes all kinds of wonderful horse books and an assortment of other animal related reads; fiction and non-fiction alike. I struggled in grade school, but discovered a love for the written word by reading books on animals. By the time I entered Jr High I was an avid reader and I strongly believe that my enthusiasm for reading was responsible for an increase in comprehension and discipline that resulted in me never getting any grade below a B once I started Jr High. You, Ms. Voltz, are a blessing to this site!
Sue, growing up in an urban setting I was always on the lookout for other horsey girls to “talk horses” with. The neighbor girls (sisters) next door owned a book on horses that had the most wonderful artwork representing many horse breeds. We use to sit on the front porch for hours talking about each picture and selecting a new favorite horse at any given time. During the summers when we had thoroughly exhausted every other activity someone would say “go get the book”. Years later, while antique shopping with my husband I found “the book” and of course it came home with me (I’ll have to pull it out tonight because it’s bugging me that I can’t remember its title). Like your daughter, with any school project where I was given free rein to select the subject matter, invariably the topic was equine in nature. I still have my 7th grade project titled, what else, Horses (coincidently the cutest boy, in the class also selected horses as his topic, but alas I was too shy to take advantage of our mutual interest).
Along the same lines, having an older brother finally paid off in the 9th grade. I had a crush on one of his friends and when my brother casually mentioned that this friend just happened to own two horses, well the world just about stopped at that moment. So it was like a dream, when one day after school my brother introduced me to his friend, Mike, and the three of us drove over to the property, owned by his family, where Mitzi and Princess were stabled. I just about died when the two of us rode Mitzi double and bareback, my arms around Mike’s waist; a very fond memory, LOL.
Despite my singular interest, I think I turned out well adjusted too.
P.S. MS. Voltz, I’m still an avid reader, and happy to report that I’ve expanded into many a diverse topic. God Bless our teachers.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Especially Horses, where were you when I was a kid!!!! We should have been neighbors imagine the fun we would have had. I had horse statues instead of dolls I played with for hours out in the dirt. I learned about them from reading books, like you, and I’m not ashamed to say when we played horses in the park, we ran around with a pencil in our mouths with strings attached for reins. I also had one of the best whinnies…..friends said I really sounded like a horse!! Too fun. I loved your post. Hugs
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Sue, too funny!! Growing up, we had some horses boarded at a stable and all of us youngsters would put on a “human/horse show!” While we were prancing around the arena, acting out this breed etc., the adults would be the judges! Wooo, we sure got our exercise on “show days!” Not to mention how the horses would look at as. You just know they were laughing at us! What great fun it was though!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Heidi, never thought of that, bet it was fun!! Too bad the kids of today don’t know the simple pleasures (and inexpensive) that we could spend hours doing. Glad we have each other, most people would think we were wacko. Hugs
Terry Crow
Heidi-You are one of the few people who were able to convert childhood dreams into reality, even if it was short lived. Bless you.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you. You made me cry. God Bless : )
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Especially Horses – I liked your story, thanks.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
To Especially Horses, Sue Frederick and Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)—Lovely posts!
Daina Ryan
Of the Derby list – – I like Union Rags,Algorithms and Creative Cause. As for Hansen – maybe the Preakness but not the Derby and definitely not the Belmont.
PatB from NM
Happy Monday to you too, lovely Z!
I’d like a filly to win the Derby, if one is robust enough at this point in her life to carry it off. Prefer someone with the blood of Swaps, meaning for the most part Giant’s Causeway’s or St. Liam’s line. Would love for Matz, YOUR JOHN, or Baffert to win.
Love you always, Z.
Terry Crow
Swaps is/was the fastest horse I have even seen race live. He was under wraps in almost all his races. Who knows how fast he could have gone? 1 and 1/16 in 1:39 was not bad.
Patricia/Far northern CA
SWAPS was my idol for a long time… he had a terrific series of races and set 2-3 track and/or world records, if I recall he did the mile in 1:33 1/5 which at that time was the best ever, and stood for a while. And it did not hurt that his jockey was none other than The Shoe…
If a horse had Swaps and Round Table in its pedigree —- WOW. They were both legends in their own time.
Terry Crow
I know that there have been several great jockeys both current and past, but for me there is/was only one–The Shoe.
Thanks to post from “Enrico Equus” at top of page about the horses that are forced to jump off a high platform into water. It’s an abusive and cruel spectacle. Please sign petition. Thanks!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Bonnie:
I signed petition last week. Hugs, JB
Linda Shull
Love the information you provide. Not much longer and you will be a MOM.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this exquisite slideshow of Zenyatta photos taken by John Kaiser. He has taken some of my favorites of her. You have to click on Slideshow in the right hand corner. Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Gorgeous photos of Zenny and her Team.
Have not seen these before.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Some of these I had not seen before. Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / Southern California
Beyond exquisite.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
OOOOHHH! What beautiful pictures of Zenyatta and Team Z! The slide show makes the pictures quite large which is really a treat. EVERYONE – this is a MUST SEE! Thank you so much, Judy, for finding and sharing this link. So many nice shots of Mario. Does anyone know how he’s doing? He must miss Z so much!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy, Sign and Especially Horses:
Z truly is the most beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
I think Mario is probably still missing Z. In some of the photos where he’s leading Z or just standing with her, he always seems to me to have such a proud expression on his face; like he’s so aware of how awesome she is physically and he’s so proud to show her off. Hugs, JB
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Judy, thank you for the beautiful slideshow, loved that they were full screen size. Zenny has the most expressive eyes.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda S.:
You’re so welcome. She’s just gorgeous. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Judy, it really is great!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B., Marty R. and Celeste:
You’re so welcome. Mr. Kaiser has really done a wonderful job capturing the beauty and essence of Zenyatta in his photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Marty R / Colorado
Judy, Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. Some felt like you could reach out and touch her. Magnificent.
Celeste in TX
Very cool. Thanks for sharing the link. Wow. I can never get enough of just staring at her beauty.
Lisag in Texas
Thank you for this link. Every time I see her, I am in awe of her beauty and style. I love the pic with Z snuggling with Mario, and the one from behind and our Queen is the only one that looks behind her into the camera, the favorites. O, please, there all my favorites. She is MAGNIFICENT. Thank you, again.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Simply STUNNING! Thanks JB!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Very, very interesting article on Black Caviar. This writer seems reluctant to give her credit due. Hugs, JB
I have found my KD posters. I went through a momentary panic when I couldn’t find them earlier this week, but I did. I have one for Hansen and one for On Fire Baby, the filly. She was nominated, but I don’t know if she will go yet. Hopefully she does, as it would be awesome to see another filly kick some male booty. She is looking very strong. I’m aweful excited to see her develope!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Zenny, love to see that soft nose poking over the fence, boy if I worked there you’d always have a lipstick nose. It’s hard to get excited for the Derby when we are hanging on your every word. Once baby Z is here and we have fawned all over him/her and we know all is well, then maybe we can start to think Derby, At least that’s true for me. I do have favorites though, love the Bernies Alpha, Algorythms, love Union Rags (Matz) Hansen, omg I like too many of them. Have to think later after baby comes.
Kisses on your noses you and TT Auntie Sue
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Sue Fredrick thank you for saying so many nice things. Shame on that teacher who told you your daughter was One Demensional. That teacher was ONE DEMENSIONAL. I am sure that he would think my classroom is One Demensional. My room is Horses Top to Bottom. My children are so in love with Zenyatta , Uncle Mo, Hansen, Stay Thirsty and our Mistletoe. We play games and the team names all are Race Horses. When we have an orange item in the room it is no longer just orange but Uncle Mo orange. I mean they are so cute. These horses never let them down win or lose. They love unconditionally. The children really relate to them. If you have time check out http://www.peppermintpal.com We have been working with Mistletoe all year. Again thank you and Big Hugs right back to You : )
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Kari – thanks for the beautiful video of our QUEEN, we never get tired of seeing her.
Abigail – so sorry for your friend with cancer, we will pray for her.
Z. – A special HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you and TT. Hope you two girls are very happy and resting up for your BIG day. Sweet dreams and kisses on your soft noses and belly kisses for your foals. XOXO
Teresa E.
oh Zenyatta, how you are missed on the track…there is still a photo of you and Mike at the bottom of the Blood Horse magazine that says Perfect Return, and the photos of you on this very web page show you racing in those very beautiful photos! If I had one wish, you would be racing yet. There’s time enough for foals later on…
You are SOOOOO missed :((
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. I was happy to hear that you a Tasty had a good weekend. We got some more snow here in Colorado last night, but pretty much melted off already. Isn’t it exciting that we are starting to she the qualifiers for the Kentucky Derby working toward a position in the final field. It is aways such fun following how these talented three year olds are doing, picking some favorites and cheering them on!! Thank you for sharing the current top 10 list. I know what you mean about it changing. Unfortunately it seems every year that quite a few contenders that never make it. Congrats to Black Caviar. Take care, my love. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses to you and Tasty. XXXOOO