Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Linda E (Ohio)
@Kari’s daughter-I wish I could find the right words…I have tried several times to type something to show how much Kari meant to me. Each time I have cried and erased my message. My words failed me. I wanted to say something so special because Kari was so special. She was an inspiration to all-courageous, passionate, caring and brought joy to so many. She set an example of how to embrace life and live it to its fullest. Even though we never met, she touched my heart. Forever. I just know that our Kari will now be by Zenyatta’s side acting as her guardian angel. And smiling. I hope the loving words of so many here bring you comfort.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Linda, you succeeded. Thanks.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Linda, I know exactly what you mean, sometimes our words do seem inadequate to carry the emotion we are feeling. But love, coming from the heart seems to find a way to be expressed. Your words are wonderful!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I find myself in tears the last two days whenever I log on, it’s too hard to post anything that hasn’t already been said and I am trying to console myself with thoughts that Kari is no longer in pain. It’s not working very well.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Brenda, I so agree with you. I know being a Christian I’m supposed to feel she’s in a better place, no pain, etc., but somehow I just can’t let go of the fact that it’s so unfair. All this beleagured woman wanted was to see Zen’s foal, maybe three more weeks and she couldn’t have that. I know as time goes on I will picture her watching over her family, us, and especially her love Zenyatta and baby, but right now the tears just keep flowing. I so ache for her family. Hugs Sue
Abigail from Montreal
@ Brenda & Sue: I understand completely. I’ve felt absolutely nothing but sorrow since I learned of Kari’s passing. I’m a spiritual person and I think we are called upon now to believe that, as my dad always said: “Matter can’t be created nor can it be destroyed. It just evolves into something else. When you feel the sun on your face, that’s matter. So are the wind, the stars, the clouds, a blade of grass.” Our Kari is among us even though we don’t see her. I know that. But my sorrow is still great.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I like the quote from your dad, Abigail. I think that’s so true.
sharon in seattle
thank you, Abigail.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, Brenda and Sue – I too understand what you are saying. My tears have flowed throughout the weekend. It is actually about 3:00 in the morning my time and I haven’t even been able to respond as I would like to the amazingly beautiful posts of others until now. Thank you so much for your dad’s words, Abigail. I have always felt it was so beautiful to see and feel our loved ones come to us through nature.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I read with great sadness that Kari has left us. I never met Kari face to face, I know that if I had been privileged to have met her, we would have had an instant connection, thanks to Zenyatta, her connections and this website. I know that Kari wanted to be here to see Zenyatta’s baby, but Kari already knows what the foal looks like and whether it is a colt or a fillly, My condolences to her family and to all of her friends.
Karen Gogue
Hello Zenny …. Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, I do, more and more each day. Mmm mm? … Yes, I know, I have not visited with you in a while … awww, I missed you too. You look so sad …. what’s that? … Yes, I know that your Kari has passed on. That’s why I’ve come – I just had to come to you, to be with you now …. Mm mm? … I know, I did not want to believe that she really left us. I, too, am trying so hard not to cry anymore …. I am still numb – she was always so real, alive and vibrant. I feel a deep void this day and I wonder if this too will ever pass. Awww … it’s okay girl, it’ll be all right, don’t be sad now, she’s happy among the angels of God’s creations …… Mm mm? Yes, it isn’t easy … we all are broken hearted …. I have been in tears the last few days … What’d you say? Mmmm? … I know, I don’t want to be sad either, but being with you and to talk to you, I feel better and can let the tears flow. But, you know girl, there are times when it is okay to grieve and mourn for those who touch us so deeply, and YOU touched her heart like no other girl! YOU had her heart. Why, Zenny! are you blushing?! ha-ha, Kari would love that! …. What’s that you say? … Oh, yes, she always told everyone how much she loved you and how much you meant to her – you were her lifeline, her everything … Mmm? …. yes, I’ll stay with you for a little while … no, I won’t leave you just yet … we’ll hug each other, comfort one another and remember …. Mm mm? … Yes, her love for you carried her all the way through, she was at peace when she left us … she closed her eyes and dreamed of heaven … and heaven was always you girl … whether her eyes were open or closed, she was always dreaming of you, wanting you, and wanting the best always for you, needing you closer to give her strength and courage. And she takes you with her, and all the love that her family gave to her each day .. she loved her family so, with such passion and joy … What’s that you say girl? … I know, that was a favorite word she loved to use. I remember how she loved to use the word “JOY”, “LOVE”, and “PEACE and HAPPINESS” too …. Mmmm? … Yes, to spread joy and love to everyone everywhere … the smiles she put upon our faces and in our hearts – that smiling heart of joy! I will miss that, and every head is bowed with memories, every heart is heavy and broken in two, but you know what Zenny? She’d want us to go on and enjoy every day as she did, and never to take anything for granted, to live life to the fullest … Mmmm? …. Yes, her body just gave out, but you are right, not her spirit. What Zenny? … No, her spirit will never leave us, especially you girl … she’ll never leave you, nor her family … What’s that girl? … Well, angels can do those things, girl, they can be everywhere and give those who mourn comfort and peace – they will always be there … How, you ask? Well, she is following the path that God made for her, not to deal in death, but to deal in life and rejoice in remembering … remembered moments, remembered love, remembered family and friends, remembered joy and sunshine, remembered faith and belief, remembered courage and remembered life … What’s that you say? … Yes, Jesus loved her, so much so that God gave the angels a touch of his graceful fingertips, then each angel enclosed her spirit with that touch and breathed upon her soul … that’s how she became an angel here on earth … What girl? Yes, I’ll sing to you … “Yes, Jesus loves me, this I know, yes, Jesus loves me, for the bible tell me so.” Oh, Zenny, there is peace in the air, I feel it. Oh, silly girl! don’t be scared, it is a good thing! No, ha-ha, it is not an illusion of my grief, Kari’s come to say goodbye … to touch you one more time … Mm mm? … Yes, she sees your unborn foal as she touches you and she is most joyful with tears … What’s that you say? … Yes, somehow I knew she would, how could she not? You were her everything, her greatest joy … What’s that? …. You feel her too? I am glad, awww, you are so sweet girl, and I love you too! …. Zenny, do you hear that? ….. Mmmm? … You hear it too, don’t you, girl? What is it? I can barely make it out? What? … Yes! that’s what it is, BELLS! … I remember how she always told us that she had her bells polished! Yes, let’s sing some more and celebrate her going to heaven … Mmm? You want to sing what? Yes, I think that would be quite fitting, would it not? But Zenny, are you sure? You’re…how should I put this? You’re kinda BIG there, girl! Mm mm? … Oh, you want to dance one more time for Kari. Awww, sweet one! You are so precious! Okay, what do you want me to sing so that you can dance? What? …. Oh, that is perfect girl! Ready? I just hope my voice does not break – here goes – “Oh, I wanna dance with somebody, Oh, I wanna dance with somebody who loves me … Oh , I wanna dance with somebody” … Mm mm? … Yes, Zenny, she is dancing with us in heaven, dancing among her beloved Smokie Mountains. To quote Kari, “I have lived here my entire life and I still stare in awe of the beauty … rain or shine, it is one of the most breathtaking places on earth … every day of my life I notice something new …” We will always think of her, girl, and your dancing giving her so much joy. And her elusive dream of Zennyland was no more … her dream come true ….. the magic still lives on … and the bells are ringing ……….
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karen, oh how beautiful you got me bawling again and I just wiped my eyes after my post! This was truly an inspiring tribute to Kari. Hugs Sue
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Karen, just when I started to muster a smile and breathe, there you go! You made me cry again! Beautifully written and expressed. Thank You!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
OH Karen!! I’ve been so worried about Zenny – wondering if she knew (or who would tell her or whether it would be too upsetting). I was going to say thank you for telling her in such a kind, compassionate, ELOQUENT manner – but then I read it again and realized that she already knew. Of course she did. Nothing I can say will convey how much this touched me.
Linda E (Ohio)
Karen, you said so beautifully what I wanted to say but could not. I could never find just the right words. Thank you for such a wonderful tribute to our friend Kari.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Karen, what a wonderfu post. Thank You. You speak so beautifully. .
Debbie G/Kentucky
What a beautiful, moving post, Karen. I’m not very good with words, but I think you summed up the way most of us are feeling now. God Bless You.
Jan S. / Houston
Beautiful words Karen.
sharon in seattle
wow, just wow. I’m speechless. . .
Kate Wheeler
Karen, your glorious conversation with Zenny so beautifully reminds us that the spirit of Kari, like the spirit of Zenny, will always be dancing among us. Your eloquence soothes us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Beautiful post. Love it. Hugs, JB
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
No words have more power, than those written straight from the heart.
Terry Crow
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My wonderful friend, Karen, you have always graced us with your remarkable heart and soul!! Reading your beautiful post, I felt like your arms were wrapping me in a hug and telling me everything was going to be alright. I loved every word. Thank you my dear!!!
Love and hugs,
Eveline / Maryland.
Wow Karen, that sure made me cry.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
One of Giacomo’s boys – Jake Mo – came in 2nd at Oaklawn Park. Congratulations Jake Mo!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Delrene, always so happy to see Giacomo’s offspring doing well!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene:
What a cute play on names. Good for Jake Mo. Hugs, JB
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I have not been posting because I think I have a chest cold and I keep crying about Kari and Miesha. I am going to call my Dr tomorrow. I also have been tending to Miesha. I love you Zenyatta and hope you and Tasty are doing Great. I love you sweet girl. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Eveline / Maryland.
Shari, I’ve been thinking about you and Miesha. Hang in there.
Eveline / Maryland.
I found a lot of info on your dogs disease on the internet .( Google) , while it sounds horrible it seems that dogs live with it for years and grow their nails back with good nutrition and medicaton. I’m sure you’re a fabulous nurse.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dear, dear, Shari. I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I know from our talk, how hard Kari’s passing and Miesha’s pain have been on you. Hopefully the specialist will be able to get Miesha in very soon. Get some rest and please take care of yourself, lovely one. If you need anything, I’m here. I will be praying for your health and happiness.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Shari – Positive thoughts going out to you from California about your precious dog. It appears from some of the responses to your question about the condition your dog that there is a remedy and I hope for a speedy recovery. (And a speedy recovery to you as well)
Abigail from Montreal
@ ALL. Trawling on YouTube, I came upon this treasure. It was posted in November 2010 but has ALL of our favourites, even OUR DOTTIE — enjoy!
Really great video. Dottie is absolutely right in what she said. Words to live by. Zenyatta looks fantastic as always.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, that was a new one for me. Nice to see Team Z at the Barn.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Great video. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, thank you so much! This video was great and one I had not seen before. It was so wonderful seeing everyone!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I just read what sounds like some very good news. Seems like Godolphin is going to completely leave some of there very talented youngsters here in America this year. It seems like that will make some of the trainers very happy. I am always glad when A.P. Indy’s family is close. Yep, just love Ya Bernie and your youngsters. Thank You Sheik Mahammed. Sounds like it might be an exciting road to the Triple Crown.
Congratulations to Jake e Mo and Street Sense’s Son
Did everyone go and try to name Rachel and Curlin’s Colt?
@Zenyatta hope you had a good weekend. I know I’m getting really nervous. Take good care of yourself and baby Z and B. Love, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy N. and Z Fans:
Here’s the article you referenced. It’s the first time in a while I think, maybe since Bernardini, that the trainers will be able to keep the Derby prospects here for training. I love all of Bernie’s Boys too, especially Consortium, Alpha and Algorithms.
I did submit a name for Rachel’s little colt. Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Judy, I hope you and Russ are doing good. Thank you so for posting that article. It sounded really good didn’t it. I submitted a name for Rachel and Curlins Colt also. He is just adorable. Back about Darley and Godolphin, When I visited there at Darley they were just over the top great. I couldn’t have asked for a better time visiting the horses. Well guess I better call it a day have to go back to work tomorrow. Hope you and everyone had a great holiday. Blessings, Peggy
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy N.:
Thank you so much for thinking of Russ and I. We’re doing fine. How wonderful that you got to visit Darley Stud. Did you see Bernie? Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, my dear “Sis” Peggy. Thank you for sharing the great news about Godolphin. It will be great to see their Derby prospects training here. I agree with you about Darley. They are always on my list of favorite farms to visit each year. They treat everyone so kindly and of course the stallions are amazing. Always have to pay my respects to Affirmed, too. I hope everything is wonderful with you my friend. Any plans for gong to the sales soon? I am back to work tomorrow also.
The Shiek has been trying a long time
To win the KY derby. He has a better chance
Leaving horses here rather than shipping in.
Darley has such a very sophisticated international
Breeding program.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
To Kari B.’s beloved and loving daughter:
Dear precious heart, your beautiful Moma would be so tremendously proud of you, your eloquence, and your strength. She would have been totally overwhelmed by your words spoken so well on her behalf, and would have cried buckets of joyuful tears (“the good kind,” as she was so fond of saying). I see so very much of your wonderful mother in you, that I could cry a bucketful of tears myself—-the good kind. That you have been able to step forward with grace and courage at such an emotionally crushing time illustrates more powerfully than anything could that you have inherited her great heart.
You could not be more correct, in recognizing that Kari did not realize the extent to which she was so universally loved on Zenyatta’s Diary, as well as Facebook, Youtube, and any other social site which was blessed by her special light. When she wrote in her notebook, ” There will be a handful of people that may be sad at my passing,” she truly believed that; it was not false modesty. She would have been completely dumbsruck at the river of tears, genuine grief, and words of gratitude and praise so generously spent in her honor over the past three days. She lavished praise, encouragement, and love on others, never asking or expecting anything in return. She loved competely and joyfully, without strings, contingencies, or stipulations. She was the first person to whom I ran to share good news, because I knew that her rejoicing would surpass even that of my own; and she was the comforting presence to whom I turned when my world trembled from inner seismic shakes. When the father I worshipped died 18 months ago, she was the nursing angel who bound my shattered heart, and tendered its return to wholeness. With the news of her passing, there is a virtual hospital of broken hearts here on the Diary and elsewhere, which need tending badly. I was always fearful that the angels would become jealous of her earthly companions, and would one day swoop down and claim her for their own. Heaven’s gain is our irreplaceable loss. We can only smile through our tears, and thank God that Kari is well at last.
To the very many who expressed their heartfelt words of comfort, reassurances of prayers, and beautiful remembrances of Kari, please know that I am clinging to your outstretched hands with all of my might. I wish I could respond individually to all of your immensely kind comments . Please know that I have read each and every one, and that I cannot over-state how very much they mean to me. Please continue to keep Kari and her family uppermost in your thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all.
12th ♥
“Upon those who love, ungenerous time bestows a thousand summers.”
Debbie G/Kentucky
Dear Cynthia, you have once again astounded me with your words. You are so eloquent. Although I didn’t know Kari nearly as well as you did, I feel as though I knew her very well thanks to your words. All of us here are here for you, Cynthia. Hugs, Debbie
sharon in seattle
Debbie G has already written what’s in my heart. Blessings of peace to you, Kari’s family and all of those who never met her but could know her so well through her love and kindness.
Stephanie in San Diego
Cynthia…..I just don’t have words to express my emotions reading your post. God Bless you and give you comfort along with Kari’s precious family.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Cynthia, Thank you so much for your beautiful words and helping express so nicely whats in our hearts.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Cynthia, heart to heart, you and Kari will always be together. God Bless you my sweet friend.
All my love,
Terry Crow
As you yourself said in a post, words from the heart are the most powerful.
Family it’s what we all have here. Sympathy Love and Prayers.
Good evening Zee & Tee,
@ Heidi Kruckenberg
I watched CSI Miami, and was glad to see a horse in the show, didn’t know its name, but was glad to see it anyway. Didn’t know Bo Derek was playing in the show either, she still looks really nice, did a fine job. I remember “10”,
what a breathtaking beauty. And Dudley Moore was just too funny.
interesting for guardians of older fidos
Rest well & dream sweet
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Cynthia H/12th–
Thank you so much for saying some of the things we all feel. Holding you and Kari’s family close in love and prayer.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Just today I learned of OUR Kari’s passing when I returned from Eli’s memorial. It has taken me hours to read all the posts….and my heart aches for Kari’s family, Cynthia, Stephanie and all of us here in Zen Nation. All the beautiful, heartfelt posts that have been written surely reflect my feelings as well. Kari touched every single one of us to our core at one time or another….and I will be forever grateful to her for that.
The Lord has a new Angel, and I know in my heart of hearts that she will be watching over Zenyatta and her baby and all of us who she called “friends.” Rest in Peace, Sweet Angel.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Very much a change of subject, I saw in today’s L.A. Times, Norco, CA, “is best known for being ‘Horsetown USA,’ a city with more miles of riding trails than paved roads and a hitching post” downtown. “Norco is also on the receiving end of 65 tons of manure produced each day by its population of at least 17,000 horses. So now the city is taking a hard look at a proposal to cash in on all that waste by building a manure-to-energy conversion plant.” http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-horse-manure-20120220,0,2576563.story
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
On another day, sounds like we might create a good Redneck joke from somewhere in that.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B.:
Sure TC would come up with something. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
You are right. On another day.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the latest Blog by Barbara Livingston. She has some wonderful photos of horses training and running at Gulfstream and Palm Meadows. Stunning ones of Shackleford.
Enjoy. Hugs, JB
Judy. These are fantastic photos. Love the one of Algorithms having a snooze. Shack does look well. I see that It’s Tricky is back in training. Good for her. Thanks for the link.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
You’re so welcome. Yes, It’s Tricky is back in training. Love her spunky spirit. Hugs, JB
Thanks Judy, love the pic of the flamingo watching the races. Shackleford really is an incredibly beautiful horse. Animal Kingdom also gorgeous, but there is just something about Shack. And we all know about ‘something’ when we see it!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear J. Smith:
You’re so welcome and so true. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
thanks, Judy. The pictures are glorious!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Seattle:
You’re so welcome. Hope you are well. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Cynthia – What a perfectly beautiful memorialization of all that Kari meant to us on Zenyatta’s website. I only knew her through our mutual admiration for all things Zenyatta, but I felt that I shared this lovely connection with her and all of the Z-sters.I’m so sorry that you have lost your earthly friend, but she will forever watch over you and keep you in her warm and loving angel’s wings. I hope each day gets just a bit better for you. Please all, in times like these treat yourself gently. Warm hugs to all.
Karen Gogue
To Kari’s family …. a hundred more HUGS, HUGS, and TIGHTER HUGS …. To Cynthia, bestow a thousand more HUGS for loving Kari they way you have …..
Doreen in CT
@Karen Gogue and Cynthia H. – I want to thank both of you for your eloquent words. They have touched me deeply. I know that Kari was there in spirit inspiring your every word.
Kari B.s daughter
For Moma- This is how she wanted to be remembered. The song “When You’ve Been Blessed” and the words she wrote say it all. She wanted me to post it when I announced her passing, but I did not see her note until now. She did this Nov.-2010. She was so proud of these pictures.
God bless you all for your outpouring of love and kindness.
This is a wondeful video of Zenny being a horse,
No longer teathered to a human and living in
That very small stall. She has a beautiful paddock
To run in with friends. Coming up to the fence when
A human arrives is one of the most glorious things
A horse can do.
In addition, they can also grab a carrot and run, which
Is fun too.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B’s Daughter:
Thank you so much for the video. It’s beautiful, as are your Mom’s words. God Bless you and the family. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Kari B.s daughter — Thanks for that video from your moma. “How she wanted to be remembered” and her pride in these pictures comes through.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Kari B’s Daughter,
Thank you for sharing the wonderful video from your Moma. How her heart must have soared on that day as she was with Zenyatta!! I know it was a dream come true for her!She loved Zenny with every fiber of her being and expressed that love to us all beautifully. I will add this to my forever memories of Kari. I cannot tell you how much your kindness in sharing your Moma’s wishes with us at this time means. I hope you will find your way back here often, we will be here if you need anything. Bless you and your family always!!
Marty R / Colorado
Kari B’s Daughter,
Thank you for the video. You are doing your Moma proud by carrying out her instructions to you. Take some time for yourself to breathe. I hope you will come back here sometime, just because you want to. God Bless.
sharon in seattle
I think we are responding to your mom’s outpouring of love for her family, friends and Queen Z — blessings to you in these difficult days.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Kari B’s daughter. That does say it all. Thank you so much for that video. We will see Kari again. We know she is in a better place. Love, Peggy
Just watched Kona Gold win the BC sprint and
Set a track record: first quarter 20 and 4
So very fast.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Signofthetimes:
Maybe this will be the Sheik’s Derby year with one of Bernie’s boys. Hugs, JB
Marshall (in NC)
To Kari B.s daughter,
God bless you, dear one. Thank you for the lovely video. You are definitely your
Moma’s girl. Love and Hugs!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
To Kari’s lovely daughter:
Thank you for posting this wonderful video of one of the happiest days of your Moma’s life. I will always think of her when I see her beautiful signature photograph of Zenyatta with Steve Willard.
Kari did move mountains in her life, witnessed Zenyatta’s dance, touched her and knew her greatness , and now is in the presence of God. It is we who are truly blessed, who had the great privilege of knowing her.
12th ♥
Vickie A Dana Point
Nicely said and May God Bless. A wonderful soul.
Thanks to everyone for posting all the video
past and present; video’s by Kari, about Zenny and
All that has to do with racing. What a wonderful
Tribute to Kari B.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Kari B.’s daughter–thank you for sharing your Mom’s wishes with us. She will always be a part of us. Hugs.
Karen Gogue
To special “heart” friends of Kari: Stephanie J. Lambert, Dunie, JAG, Trina, Abigail, and many more too numerous to mention, my heart is too heavy for your loss – once in a lifetime will we ever see such a friend as she …..
Possibly letting those on the site grieve the loss of Kari B????
Didn’t hear from Ms. Z yesterday. Anyone think she maybe busy? Is there a foaling pool?