Happy Friday!
I’ve shared the clouds and sky Tasty and I see from our Lane’s End paddock with you on many occasions. At about 5 o’clock Wednesday, MY JOHN and Dottie were running an errand in Arcadia and they just had to take this photo. The FOOTHILLS looked as though one could literally touch them…and the trees on the mountaintop were so precisely outlined. The CLOUDS were equally amazing. It appeared as though they were hugging the mountains in a soft and gentle way. What an amazing sight! It is so special to take a moment and enjoy views like this and all of the beauty they offer.
Thank you for the LOVELY COMMENTS about my life-size bronze that is going to be installed at Santa Anita this fall. I must say, I am truly excited about this. It is like I will still be with ALL of you each day at the races. I’ll be right there…by the path I took to the paddock for some of my most exciting races…including my 2 Breeders’ Cup victories. WOW!
I hope you are all getting ready for a FUN weekend of racing. There are 3 year old stakes taking place at various tracks around the country, ANIMAL KINGDOM returns to the races….and BLACK CAVIAR (Aus) goes for #19 on Saturday. She is running in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes-G1 at Flemington in Australia. The race is 1000 meters on the turf. She is shortening up for this race. Her last race was at 1400 meters. Black Caviar will carry 125 pounds in her quest for another victory. From what I’m hearing, the race will run at 12:10 a.m. EST.
I’m sending her a HIGH HOOF for GOOD LUCK! Her accomplishments are something to truly be admired. Etching one’s place in the record books is not an easy thing to achieve. All the best to you on Saturday, BLACK CAVIAR (Aus)!
Many of you have asked HOW I AM DOING? I am doing extremely well. I am due at the beginning of March…but from what I am hearing from Charles and Mike….maiden mares ‘can do their own thing’. Since I have never done this before, meaning have a foal, …it is getting really exciting. My pals here at the farm did tell ME to relax, it is still early. It is only February 17th. So, I am listening to their sage advice! I’m taking life easy, enjoying my time outdoors, and all of these precious days before the big event! The same concept applies to TASTY as she is on the exact schedule I am. This is all TOO CUTE!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the PRESIDENT’S DAY observation on Monday. Many businesses are closed…but several tracks will be open for an additional day of racing. Have fun, handicap lots of winners, and enjoy yourselves.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (A HIGH HOOF to Chrissy and Steve on their wedding!…She’s Dottie’s niece!)
Ingrid Arnone
What a beautiful view, everything coming from you and your team is magnificent, thank you, you people are so awesome, and your fans they are also awesome, love you all, Ingrid.
Love, love, and more love with lots of chucks. Beautiful Zenny, have a lovely day and delightful weekend! Give Tasty a kiss for me. +++
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
@Cynthia – Beautifully stated….. Please write a book!!!!! All about your wonderful experiences at SA and your interesting life…… You are so gifted…..
Dearest Z – Enjoy this time and the weekend. Great days ahead of you . enjoy and savor each and every one. We all absolutely adore you..
Again I sure hope it’s even got the cotton in your ears!
Love and a big kiss for you and TT
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Delrene, you sound exactly like someone else who is very dear to me. I have the feeling that we are quite close in age, and could swap some wonderful racetrack stories. Our Dads are probably doing just that right now!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Cynthia – Jan 22, 1945 ( born on my Mother’s Birthday) Definitely a senior!!! – Dad passed in 93′ and was very fond of the racetrack and the “ponies. My Mother’s “cross to bear” according to family lore. Although I know she admired them, I just don’t think she was thrilled Dad was there more than she felt he should be. When you are a kid, you don’t know or follow all the adult stuff. I know I had my Hoppy guns/ my Roy Rogers horse “stuff” and when I was really little, I had a rocking horse and they playedStrauss waltzes on the record player until I fell asleep. Wow, hadn’t thought about that in years. I know that my Dad would be so tickled over Zenyatta. I would love to be able to talk to him about racing. I think he’d get a kick out of the fact that one of his daughter’s has more than a passing fancy with “ponies”. Wish he could see my Zenyatta wall. Sometimes when I’m at SA or HP, I do get this sensation that my Dad is enjoying the day as well with me. Many a time, I’ve gone up to the window to cash in my ticket and say to myself “Daddy, I think we picked a good one this time!” Thanks for the mini trip down memory lane ( Sorry ladies) hope you didn’t “fall AZZLEEEP”
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Delrene! And you are SO RIGHT that Cynthia should write a book!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Delrene, loved your post!! What very special memories of your father!! I am right there with you in wishing Cynthia would write down her amazing stories to share!!!! So much talent!
Zenny, always enjoy your Johns photo’s. By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you, if your foal’s big ‘brother’, Stay Thirsty, offers to babysit, make sure to specify, NO PARTYING Thirsty. We don’t want to foal to be led astray, look what Stay Thirsty was up too……. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=381194791896248&set=a.197755266906869.59538.197747230241006&type=1&theater
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JSmith:
Too cute. Love Stay Thirsty and hope he has an excellent 4 yr. old campaign. Hugs, JB
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
Too Cute not indeed we don’t want Uncle Thirsty baby sitting at least for a while. thanks for sharing the fun facebook post.
Stay Thirsty looks good. He is still on vacation until the beginning of March, and then he will be back in training. He is supposed to be in all of the big races as a 4 year old. The best of luck to him. Bernie is very proud of his boy, but you are right that Thirsty may not be the best choice as a baby sitter for Z. He will be very busy with his racing. Go Thirsty and run like the wind.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
JSmith, that was just too funny! I certainly wish Stay Thirsty safe and successful racing this year. I hope he does really well, he deserves to shine!!
Thanks Trina & Dawn. If you have time to look at photo’s, the book photographer is on fb. CJ Wheeler. She did have pix from the book, I don’t know how easy they are to find, but her photo’s in general are lovely. Her latest are of the snow. Dawn, are you planning to come to Breeders Cup? Trina, you know you have to, there’s no choice if you live within a 100 mile radius! I’m excited already. I do hope some of our fav’s who are now 4 will be here. I’d be thrilled to see Stay Thirsty, Shackleford, Mucho Macho Man, just to name a few. I think Frankel is coming, wow, it’ll be like the who’s who of horses. Zenny, you will have to come home for the weekend, or at least, send a live message via the big screen.
stephanie in San Diego
Happy Birthday Betty!! Have a wonderful day and hope you get Spoiled Rotten:))
For anyone wanting to watch FreelandGypsyvanner.com (I think that’s the right addy) has a mare that was due on Tues. this person who runs the farm uses milk test strips and ph strips. All of those indicate the mare is due to foal. I stayed up late the past two nights watching. Nothing so far.
This is what foal watch is. A lot of waiting, the minute your backs turned–she delivers.
So the mare has had A LOT of gas. A lot of tail lifting. Last night she didn’t lie down hardly at all. Which means she didn’t get a lot of rest. Could be so uncomfortable that lying down just isn’t worth it. She was very restless and paced a lot in her stall. Her barn mate who was on camera last night was flat out on her side snoozing with her baby.
The mare did bump the camera pretty hard. All of a sudden the picture view went all screwy. Then the folks came out to barn to double check things–reset the camera and wouldnt you know it–the mare hit the camera again! This time we got a great view of the ceiling!
While Gypsy Vanners are not tb, there a bit smaller (shorter) they are VERY heavy horses. They have lots of draft in them. And they are a good all round sport horse. They also have very heavy hairy legs (that’s called feather or feathering). And to be correct the feather can’t just be on the backside of the leg but on the front too.
Back to foal watch!
Whose going to Santa Anita on Saturday? Come visit the Trott tent (and me) in the infield. We will be selling copies of the beautifully photographed Trott coffee table book (pic of Mikey in book). Photographer C. J. Wheeler will be on hand to sign your copy. Also news & tix to upcoming Legends event on March 10. Go to http://www.trottusa.com for details. It is also Law Enforcement day at S. A. big party in the infield. Make sure to hug your local law enforcer! I know I will, if he’s cute!!!!!!!!! Just kidding, of course.
Trott is a charity that retrains off the track TB’s for a second career.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I hope TROTT has a very successful day! High hoof!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Wishing great success and a wonderful day to Trott, such a fantastic organization!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT and Z Fans:
Beautiful photo of the mountains. Glad to know you and TT are relaxing as much as possible. Now, all of us have to learn to do the same thing. So anxious. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
judy berube from Rhode Island
Best wishes to Chrissy and Steve. Hugs, JB
Marian M.
I will listen to the live call of Black Caviar’s bid for her 19th straight win in the Coolmore Lightning Stakes at Flemington race course at 11:10 p.m. CST today on Sky Channel.com http://www.skychannel.com.au/racing/
Good luck to Black Caviar. Thank you, Queen Z, for giving her efforts attention in your post.
I am looking forward to seeing your life-size bronze, a fitting tribute to our mighty mare.
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Sure glad to hear that you are taking it easy Zenyatta and your close friend, Tasty too. Both you girls will truly be busy soon when your foals decide to make their presentation into the world and change your lives forever for sure.
Looking forward to this weekends races and especially wishing the best for Black Caviar in her quest to make her 19th win in a row, she is truly a fantastic horse. She reminds me so much of you Zenyatta and she is such a trooper and champion!
Hope all continues to go well for you Zenyatta. There isn’t a day that goes by that the thoughts of you don’t bring a smile to my face and uplift my heart. You are such a sparkling and shining star that is brighter than any star up above-you light up the sky! Sending my Love & Blessings your way!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear, Zenyatta. I agree, Zenny, it is very important to slow down and really see and enjoy our surroundings. Nature utilizes her canvas to create the most beautiful of masterpieces. We are blessed to witness the scope and detail of each stroke of her brush! Please thank John again for sharing his wonderful photographs with us!! I too am excited about all of the great racing which will be happening between now and the first Saturday in May!! I join you in wishing Black Caviar a safe trip and the best of luck. Her schedule this year is pretty ambitious. #19 to tie, but I still do not compare the two of you Zenny. Your running styles, distances, surfaces and competition have been very different. The same with Rapid Redux, you are all totally unique and special in your own talents. I am so happy you and Tasty are doing well, that is what I pray for. I know the entire crew at Lane’s End is dedicated to taking very good care of you both. Sending my love to you, Zenny! Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
PS – Congratulations to Chrissy and Steve on your wedding! May your journey be a wonderful adventure shared with your best friend and may you both be blessed with much love and happiness throughout your lifetime together. (I am sure your amazing Aunt Dottie and Uncle John are a marvelous example of a great partnership!!)
carol in utah
I agree 100% ….can not compare Z with BC or RR…or Peppers Pride either…all have/had streaks…all good for racing…all absolutely great doing what they did….all cared for by their teams to be the best they could be…
but….there is only one Queen Z…
all this pacing is good excercise…..which is a good thing…
Also, best of luck to Lady of Fifty…oh to be do young again…GIRL POWER
as always…tons of kisses for your soft nose…soft belly rubs…lots of both for Tasty too
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
All – I found a great piece on the Life and Times of Northern Dancer I wanted to share. Brenda, Abigail and all our Canadian friends, I am sure it will have special meaning for you!! There are four parts to the tribute and each lasts around 10 minutes of so.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn:
Just finished watching Part I of the Northern Dancer videos. Thank you so much for the link. This is one of the most in-depth descriptions of Northern Dancer’s personality and background I’ve ever seen. Looking forward to watching the rest of it. Thanks again. Hugs, JB
Celeste in TX
Thanks for sharing that link, Dawn. Very interesting and entertaining. What an amazing horse!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Eblouissante worked five furlongs this morning in 1.02:40 Handily. 12 of 21.
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Thanks! :-D
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
Thanks for the update on Eblouissante’s work. Hugs, JB
Thanks for keeping us up to date
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Hi Zenyatta from austin
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hello, Austin. I hope you will send us your thoughts as often as you can. We like hearing from you.
Cynthia H./Santa Anita Girl
Hi, Austin!
Special for you!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Austin!!!
Kate Wheeler
Austin, it is good to hear from you again. You are becoming a Zenyatta regular poster.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Betty:
Happy Birthday. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Austin:
Good to see your post. Hugs,JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
Hope Uncle Mo is not disappointed when he learns beautiful Awesome Maria will not be meeting him in the breeding shed this year.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Great synopsis of the new stallions entering the breeding sheds this year. Thanks for sharing!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Stonestreet Farms is offering fans an opportunity to name Rachel Alexandra’s new foal. Names must be submitted by February 19.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Go to “Latest News” for details. The winner will receive an overnight stay at Stonestreet , a private tour of the farm and a visit with Rachel Alexandra and her colt. With all the creative minds on this site, I feel certain we will have a winner.
The Kennedys in San Diego
This link should get you there.
The Kennedys in San Diego
An even better link.
Diana Stuart
@Terry Crow & Jan S: Left brief response on #439.
@All who were booked into the Best Western Pasadena Inn for BC 2012: I called Corporate HQ and got a more believable story than we were given by the local person. Yes, the hotel is scheduled for remodeling sometime in November, but you can KEEP your reservations. They might shut off the water during the day, and there might be hammering noise, but water will be on at night and noise will be gone. As a sporting woman who likes to bet, I bet that BW Pasadena Inn will by-pass the angry hoards and bad PR and will not start remodeling until the Monday after BC. If I’m wrong, we’ll all camp out on the street and have a noisy block party!
@Zenny and Tasty: Keep warm. Keep safe. I’m drumming my fingers and pacing the floor. So excited for the wonderful news to come!
diastu in tempe (have to get back to work!)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Great Job Diana, thanks for the update. I mentioned legal action and very negative publicity when they phoned me.
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Dearest Z–I’ve already started pacing in my head, for the arrival of your little one…praying like mad that it all goes well, in every possible way. No reason for it not to…but I’m a nervous Nellie when it comes to baby arrivals!
Santa Anita is so beautiful…it’s my favorite of them all. I love it when it’s clear & cool, not unlike the photo you’ve posted, with the mountains seeming so close you can touch them…what a lovely backdrop to your statue (even though the clubhouse actually blocks the mountain view, but the paddock area is so pretty it’s like a garden)!!!
Cathy Braun-Emig
Queen Z and Tasty, Have a great weekend and take good care of yourselves! Stay nice and warm!
<3 You!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I was reading on and off all day yesterday, but didn’t notice until today that the Title was, “Dairy Post #439”, although @Michael commented to Z how silly that was, and @Tressia in Phoenix wrote, “Holly Cow!!! I love it. I suspect it wasn’t to honor John Henry’s statue.
Tressia in Phoenix
Your right… JH has a nice statue but I can’t Wait to see the statue for the Queen. Did I really write Holly! You all know what I meant!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, Tressia i figured what you likely meant, but it was funny, and I don’t like to edit what others write. Thanks!
Robyn Mullhausen
This photo shows the second favorite place I’d like to be right now. The favorite place would be right beside you Zenyatta.
Thanks John for the beautiful photo.
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Hi Zenny / Dottie – Any word yet on who OR if Zenyatta will be bred to this year? Just wondering as the Stallions lists are being posted.
Just a cautious guess here. I have absolutely no proof one way or the other. But the Moss’s might be holding out on any announcement until the baby’s born and whether Z can be bred back or not.
I guess a good way of saying this is it’s wait and see. Let’s get this baby on the ground before worrying about the next breeding.
Marty R / Colorado
Margaret, I’ve thought the same thing, but know I’m a little lacking in how I state things. One at a time. I’ve also wondered if Bernardini is being considered again and they want to see how things worked out with Z/B.
My next wondering is, after Z/B is born, do they stay in the foaling barn when they aren’t outside or is it strictly for birthing? So many questions for a first time “nanny”.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
YOUR JOHN must take his camera everywhere (and aren’t we lucky that he does?). What a beautiful picture. No mountains in this part of the world so it’s a real treat to see such beautiful scenery (we DO have Lake Erie though). Glad to hear that everything is good with you and Tasty. Hope you have a restful weekend and the weather doesn’t keep you inside. I’m pacing with all of the others.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Kelly J. /ND
Hi Z! Happy Friday, what a beautiful view!
Theresa Buck/Texas
I can’t wait to hear the good news about you and Tasty…..(hehehehe) have it on my birthday in march….have a wonderful weekemd to you and Tasty……hmmm eat pleanty of pineapples
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Which day is it?
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
Pace, Pace, Pace… Be safe big girl.
M. Kern
Happy Friday to you and Tasty. Have fun outside if weather permits. I love you guys so much! Hug and kisses!