Hello Everyone,
I can’t believe it is already the 22nd of February. The time is really going by so quickly. I am definitely getting to the final weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve gained just the right amount of weight and the ADORABLE BABY does move around a bit and even gives a little ‘kick’ now and then. This is all TOO CUTE!
Rachel from California asked “How I would let my pals here at the farm know when I am ready to foal?”
As I’ve mentioned in earlier Diary postings, I was put under ‘foal watch’ on February 1st. This is done so everyone at the farm is monitoring ME each day very closely to observe everything going on with my body.
From what I am being told (as I have not done this before), my body will start giving signs as the big day gets closer. It is a natural progression of things that will take place until the time I am ready to give birth. As MY JOHN was commenting to Dottie, this is the exact way you would want things to happen….a slow changing of the body to get ready for the big day. You do not want things to happen all of a sudden or too quickly. You want to observe and note the subtle changes.
One of the first things that begins to happen is the forming of a small ‘bag’….which gradually increases in size. This begins to develop so there will be enough milk to nurse the baby properly when he/she is born. This is very important!
I am happy to report that per my last evaluation….I am starting to do this. My ‘bag’ is about the size of a “small marshmallow”, per the farm.
I will keep you posted. I have time yet to go and my due date of the first part of March continues to be ‘on target’. It is all so exciting!
Thank you for sharing this journey with ME!
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Oh I am so excited about the baby’s impending birth. It has really been so much fun going through this journey with you. I can’t wait to see the first pictures of the little baby. You are going to be the best mommy!!!!!
Hi Zenny!
I’m so excited for you! Prayers for you and your baby to come into the world happy, healthy, and safely.
Lindsey in IA
Zenyatta, you are simply glowing!! :) When my mare was about to give birth, I was paying close attention to not only her bag, but also the muscles around the base of her tail (they loosen up when the birth date is nearing) :) Also, the “arrow” shape of the belly as the foal is positioning to enter the world :) Are you showing any of these signs yet?? I am super excited for you!! :)
Also, I was kind of curious… when you go to bed at night in your stall, do you have someone watching a camera or checking in on you every once in a while at night?
Beautiful Zenyatta :) <3
Marty R / Colorado
There is a night watchman who is on constant patrol in the barn checking on the mares all through the night. Zenyatta will be looked in on several times during the night.
Leslie Stidham
Good morning Z……….hope your feeling well and taking it easy for in just a short time you will be busy looking after a much anticipated baby. We all love you so much and wish both you and Tasty a great day. See you tomorrow <3
Jan S. in Houston
Nice picture of you out in your paddock. Hope you are staying as comfortable and calm as can be. It won’t be long Mama Z. I think it’s wondeful not knowing the sex of the baby. Makes it more exciting :) I have a feeling that your little one will be a big legged filly like her mama.. xoxo
SOOOO excited awaiting the arrival of your little one…..can’t wait. Sending love & high hooves to you and all who surround you.
Ann from Indiana
Been sick, haven’t been on for a while. Can’t wait til you foal. You’re making a bag and that’s good. Can’t wait till you start waxing, that means your very close. keep up the good work. I know your connections are anxious. Will any of them be there for your foaling? It is a wonderful sight to see. I’ve foaled many a mare and there’s nothing better. Will be waiting.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Ann, hope you feel better!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann from Indiana:
I second Dawn’s thoughts and hope you’re feeling better. Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Well wishes from me too!
Linda Edwards in NJ
And well wishes from me too!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
I hope you feel better too. God Bless : )
This is soooo exciting Zenyatta! The time is almost here. As others have said, stay safe in your paddock. We cannot wait to here the news of the birth of your foal. You will be such a wonderful mother; what a lucky baby!!!
Enjoy the day!
I am soooo exicted to see your foal!! Who are you going to bred to in 2012?!? Cant wait to find out! :)
Great news!!! Who will be there for the birth???
The experienced Lanes End foaling staff.
Linda it could be quite crowded!
LE will have the on duty foaling person there, Z’s grooms will be there. At least one trainee and that doesn’t include any vets or techs–but I’m not thinking that way!
I know it sounds scary. But remember LE does this for a business. This is WHAT THEY DO. Z is a high profile horse–we know that.
Here’s the general idea of what will happen.
Z’s water will break. At that point someone will check the foal to determine if it’s positioned correctly. At that point everyone will step outside the stall and allow Z to carry out delivery on her own. This is what Mother Nature does.
Have no worries. Everyone will be right outside the stall ready and willing to help Z should it become necessary. Staff will know if she’s any help.
I know your anxious. Stay calm. I know that’s much easier said than done. This is what foal watch is. Watch and more watching. Yup, it’s nerve wracking. Yeah, it’s a bit scary too. But I’m trying to remain calm, trying to help calm others (and funny enough it helps calm me down hearing myself preach!) and trying to stay focused on being positive. I can’t do anything to help Z in Kentucky–so I try to stay positive that all will be well. This is my way of “helping”.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Margaret, thank you for your info and CALMING influence. Forgive us we are all nervous nellies and even though we read all this stuff, we think of our Zenny and fall apart. Keep up the good work. Hugs
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Thank you so much : )
Linda Edwards in NJ
I hope the Moss’ and John and Dottie are there too. I am sure Zenny will be a little nervous.
The Mosses and Sherriffs by web cam.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dearest Z, While we await the birth of your little one, here’s another birthday to celebrate.
A Birthday Poem for Sharon Call
(February 22, 2012)
Our Sharon with us did share
The story of her dear mare,
A strawberry roan named Jess,
A cross of Tennessee Walker and Saddlebred,
One of the best
To be found,
Who as Sharon said
Could rack a hole in the ground.
For seven years
In the show ring,
Jess did as she was asked
Midst the crowds’ cheers.
Then Sharon desired
For Jess to be free at last
To do her own horsey thing,
So she Jess retired
And let her run free,
In a pasture,
Unrestrained by human master.
Sharon’s heart was deeply stirred
To see
Jess running by day with her herd
And at night enjoying her stall.
But then in the course
Of a bitter divorce,
Sharon Call
Lost her sweet horse.
’Twas truly sad,
But she no longer had
The where-with-all
For the care
Of her beloved mare.
For Jess’s own welfare
She was sold,
And the new owner by Sharon was told
He’d better always be good
To her Jess,
And he understood
That he surely would
From Sharon face redress
If ever she learned
That he did fail
To act as he should.
I imagine he might even have turned
A little pale
Contemplating what him would befall
If he ever earned
The wrath of dear Sharon Call.
It’s fortunate for him, I suppose,
That such a tale
Never arose
And there was no need
To come to blows.
Reports via the grapevine
Always were fine
And no harm
Did ever befall
That dear Jess,
Who had Sharon Call
So blessed.
She continued a good life to lead—
After two more years of shows,
She retired to pasture on the new farm.
Today Sharon’s still a guardian angel
For horses in need.
With cohort Susan in Tennessee,
She this fall
Did wrangle
Safe haven for Chester and Chopper
As was eminently proper.
Sharon Call,
We salute you
In all
That you
Continue to do!
Happy Birthday, Sharon, and many, many more!
Note: The adventures of Chester and Chopper can be followed on Susan in TN’s fb page “Chester and Friends” http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/pages/Chester-and-Friends/207035532688552
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Trina- that’s fabulous!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Sharon Call, how fabulous, I didn’t know your whole story. We had saddlebreds and they were wonderful horses and so easy to ride. Have a Happy birthday and many, many more as you continue your good work. God Bless you.
Trina, what can I say, you get better and better.
Hugs to both of you
Terry Crow
This site is full of remarkable people. Happy birthday, Sharon, truly one of the most remarkable.
Good heavens Trina! You are so gifted! You write at least one of these a week! What is your secret?!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHARON!!!! You are a remarkable lady and I admire so much all that you do for horses in need. I remember the when I visited Chester and Susan told me that you had started furnishing the special food that he required. Such kindness!
Love and hugs,
Trina, loved the poem. Perfect!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Trina N.:
Another fabulous Birthday tribute. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’ve outdone yourself, yet again, Trina — High Hoof-ray!
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Sharon !!!!!
Hope it is such a wonderful day for you.
Thanks for sharing Chester, Chopper and Annie with us.
Love your Facebook page.
Trina, another lovely touching poem for our Dear Susan Call.
Sorry Sharon Call not Susan, darn I phone!!!
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday, Sharon!! Thanks Trina, for the wonderful poem!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Happy Birthday Sharon!!! Sure hope you had a great day.
Trina: Thank you for yet another GREAT birthday poem. We really appreciate your talent.
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Birthday Sharon.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Birthday Sharon and many more.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday Sharon!
Another beautiful poem, Trina! I honestly don’t know how you do it.
Marshall (in NC)
Another great poetry accomplishment!!
Sharon Call,
Kate Wheeler
Happy birthday, Sharon. You are truly a horse guardian angel of the highest order. And we so appreciate what you do.
Trina, it’s no surprise, you are a marvel.
Terri Z
Terrific poem Trina. What a sweet soul your are.
And happy birthday to Sharon Call. Glad that your girl is being well looked after.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
One of the first signs is when the foal turns in the uterus to position itself in the birth canal. When that happens, the bottom of the mare’s belly temporarily makes a V shape. My mare experienced that 4 weeks prior to foaling. And besides “bagging up,” the bag will start to drip milk and the teets will get waxy. When that happens, you’re probably less than 12 hours from foaling. Also, the area around the tailhead, the part where the tail connects to the body, gets extremely soft and relaxed. I’m sure Lane’s End staff will be monitoring her very closely for signs of labor. They’ll clean her up and wrap her tail. Fingers crossed and prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy foal. Normal labor and delivery can happen very quickly, sometimes in less than 15 minutes.
Judy from South Carolina
@Roxanne-thanks for that simple, easy to understand explanation! Even none horsey people will now be able to watch for those “signs” here on the Diary.
I never was in a position to breed my Saddlebred mare but was around many others and you are SPOT on!
Great post!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
HugZ to you, Judy–I know you still miss your beloved mare intensely.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Yes, Judy thank you. You mean the labor and the birth can maybe only take 15 minutes?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Roxanne:
Thank you for sharing all the knowledgeable info on the changes and process leading up to foaling. For those of us who have never experienced the miracle first hand, it’s helpful to have it explained by those of you who have. Wishing our Queen an easy and safe delivery. Hugs, JB
Trisha from VA
Thank you gorgeous girl and of course your fabulous team for allowing us the privledge of taking this oh so sentimental and exciting journey with you.. You make each day special.
I am having a difficult time containing my excitment anticipating the coming event.
Love, hugs and kisses to all
Dear Great One,
There are some things in life that are mysteries. Like the mystery of why you were so exceptionally fast on the race track. Four legs, tail, head, ears, chest, etc. The same as every other horse. But somehow the combination of those components of YOU, how they were put together and that beautiful mind of your’s that guided all those components with courage and honesty created the mystery that is Zenyatta.
I think your labor and delivery should remain a mystery as well. I have no need to see the Queen of Racing go through that. I don’t think anyone should. YOU are too special. I would just like to see you beautiful and serene with your newborn foal.
Your humble J
Marty R / Colorado
I fully agree with you and you stated that position beautifully. I do hope for photos and videos as soon as appropriate.
Louise Castello
me too!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I agree also. This is something that is very personal and I think it should remain private. I can’t wait to see pictures though!
sue and tony
Nicely said!
Z – anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Z – this has been the most exciting year ever in terms of waiting for the arrival of 4 legged babies – you are my all time favorite racehorse right next to Secretariat! I heard you are booked back to Bernardini for a full sibling to the baby you are about to deliver. I sure wish you were on MareStare so we could watch! Can hardly wait to see your beautiful baby! You are one lucky girl to be where you are with the best handlers in the world and access to the best horsie doctors anywhere!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin
Karla, where did you hear Zenny was booked back to Bernie, I’d like to read that myself, I hadn’t heard a word?
Marty R / Colorado
Please share where you heard Zenny was being bred back to Bernardini. I’m sure everyone here would like to read that announcement. Thanks.
Nothing in writing on Zenny being bred back
To Bernie!!!!
Diana Hanson
I am so so excited for you Zen! Racheal’s little man is adorable. I can’t to see your little one bouncing around and exploring this new world. You are going to have so many laughs as the little one goes through all the steps. You are looking great. Dottie and John are wonderful in keeping us informed. Have a beautiful day Queen Z. Tell Tasty I said hello.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- you look so good! I wonder what you are thinking about. Is Tasty making a bag yet? I am thinking about both you girls and am so happy you are both healthy and at such a wonderful place like Lane’s End! Please thank Sarah for the photo. Love you, pretty mama <3
Take care, Big Mama Z. Love you! I’m getting teary-eyed reading all of this baby stuff…
Sharyn - Vermont
So exciting and you are looking as beautiful as ever – out there in your paddock thinking!! Can’t wait to see pictures of you out there with your baby!! And most of all, THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful journey with all of us!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Time is definitely flying by!! That beautiful little foal of yours will be here before we know it. I have to say it is just so much fun to be going through this experience with you Zenny! I know it has to be such a special time for Your John, Dottie and all of Team Z, especially your wonderful Ann and Jerry!! The anticipation is exciting and I have really enjoyed learning so much about the whole process along the way. You and Dottie have been great at providing information and of course we have some very knowledgable individuals on this diary site who have shared as well. You are a beautiful mother-to-be my love. The “small marshmellow” discription was too cute!! I know everyone at Lane’s End is taking very good care of our girl and Tasty too. Of course wonderful Sarah and David are right there everyday and I enjoy all the pictures that Sarah shares with us. You have a wonderful day Zenny. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Oh, if you look at Bernie’s babies now, they are ALL gorgeous!! Can you imagine the stunner Z’s baby will be?? Two words:
Abigail from Montreal
Hi my sweet Dawn. Thinking of you & your mum and sending you warmest hugs.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you so much, dear Abigail. By the way, how far are you from Ithica, NY?
I will gladly share Feb 27th with your foal. Its Kent Desormeaux and my birthdays.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Chester’s eye looked SO much better last night and this morning. It is about 2/3 open, much less swelling and heat, no tearing and the corneal edema is MUCH better! He seems to feel better over-all and is eating better. I know we still aren’t out of the woods as far as infection goes, but I am very optimistic- hooves crossed! Thank you to anyone who may have thought about or prayed for a funny, wonderful pony – so much appreciated! <3
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Susan you are such agood mommy. Happy to hear Chester is better : )
Here is hoping that Chester continues to improve. Eating well is a good sign.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great news, Susan!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Happy to hear the good news Susan.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Susan, thank you for letting us know how sweetie Chester is doing. You take such amazing care of them. I hope you saw my little note to you yesterday.
Take care my friend,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susan in TN:
Glad Chester is improving and hope he continues to heal. I know he couldn’t have a better more devoted caregiver than you. Love and Hugs, JB
Jan S. in Houston
Susan, Good appetite, :) that’s a good sign that your Chester is feeling better. Keep us posted on the little guy.
Marty R / Colorado
That’s wonderful news about Chester. Thank you for updating us so quickly. The boys have a big fan base here, too.
So glad Chester is doing well; love hearing about your boys and girl
all the time. So please do keep us updated.
Celeste in TX
Good news! Thanks for letting us know. Keep it up, Chester! Feel all better soon!
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so glad Chester is doing better Susan! That’s fantastic news.
Marshall (in NC)
Thanks for the update on Chester! So happy that he seems to feel better and that his eye is improving. I will continue to keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming.
Take care!
Terry Crow
No one could have done a better job of looking after my man Chester.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, A tiny marshmello for Baby. Too cute. Take your time with all your changes. I cannot wait t see your beautiful Baby. I love you, Lisag
Lisag in Texas
Jill in Jersey
We are all so fortunate to be taking this journey with you. The highlight of my day is to “check” on you (and Tasty too!)
MC Parris
Hello Zenyatta! I wanted to let you know that I recently adopted/rescued an Off the Track Thoroughbred from Kentucky. His name is Joe and he is a gentle giant! He is also making a great transition from racehorse to retired a new career at being my friend and sport horse. I also can’t wait to celebrate the arrival of your baby. I think we will have a 3-way rivalry. It should be fun watching Baby Z race both Tasty’s and Rachel’s!!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations, MC! Keep us posted on your fun times with Joe.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
MC, that is fantastic that you have adopted an off track Thoroughbred. I wish the two of you a long and happy life together!
MC Parris
Have you been watching Clinton Anderson; he is a trainer from downunder;
and is currently training an OOTR Thoroughbred. It really gives one a lot
of insight on how they are ridden on the track and what skills they need to develop;
clamness, suppleness and lovely slow gaits. I have so enjoyed this show. It is on HRTV, but if you goggle Clinton Anderson his website comes up with all sorts of videos and
I have a very old (29 year old gelding; 17 hand; OOTR TB); he is so very much fun, crazy at TB are, quirky and very powerful; he really know how to take me FLYING.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, I am a little behind and have just discovered that our Beautiful Kari will not be posting HERE anymore. She will be posting in all our hearts, there will always be a post from Kari in my heart. Prayers to all of her family and friends. I love you, Girl… Lisag
SO excited, dear Zenny!
Laurie Collins
Your gorgeous Z! I can’t wait to see your baby. Hope Tasty is doing well also. Love ya Z