Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
Zenyatta – We did it!!!! You have over 100,100 Facebook Fans!!! Congrats – I hope you are feeling ok and that you are enjoying your time with your Owners!!!! Be safe and Happy
Congradulation on number one today Gloria Jean and Zenny for 100,000 fans on facebook.
Will you have a career outside of being a broodmare?
Tillie Jenkins
more than likely not… unless she doesn’t throw decent racers, which I’m thinking she will, then she will more than likely only be a broodmare from now on
Zenyatta doesn’t “ONLY” do anything!!!!
Rusty O'Brien
Zenny, If all us pacing Zeesters out here lined-up behind Mario and your Barn 55 pals, the line would run from Barn 55 all the way to Lane’s End and YOU! So many of us are pacing now…….All our love and best to you and Baby!!!
Patricia/Far northern CA
@ Carly
Zenny will keep on being a broodmare until Nature says otherwise, and then she will live a happy life very similar to what we’ve seen over the past 15 months (except for the honeymoon trips to visit Bernie or other handsome fellows). She has done everything she ever needs to do, and yet she keeps drawing more and more people to her, doing wonderful PR for the breed and lending a hoof to worthwhile causes. I’d think that’s pretty much enough, don’t you, Zenny?
Zenny, stay relaxed and we’re all still here waiting, some with bated breath (I tried that, couldn’t get past about 30 seconds without almost bursting!), and hopefully we will not crash your site trying to get on it tomorrow!!
… and as to being “only a broodmare,” that’s a wonderful life, but it’s also sort of like being “just a housewife,” which we all know is vitally important and includes being a teacher, protector, provider, and doing all sorts of other “everyday” things, and rarely gets the credit it truly deserves.
Darlene Daniels
BRAVO!! I so agree with you!
Patricia/Far northern CA
PS — I forgot to say this photo is hilarious, and pretty much says it all for everyone!!!
Terry Crow
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Harriett in Oklahoma
Thank you for keeping us posted. Love you so much!
I am so glad you are excited about being a mom. Its the best.
How is Tasty?
karen cook
I ‘m so happy for you .. you take all the time you need sweat Queen and i’m sure the delivery of your foal will go great .. we are all waiting for the arrival of your sure to be beautiful foal… so, take all the time you need… your in all of our prayers.. Everyone loves you!!!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
@Gloria Jeanne and all, I have to piggy back on your announcement about the odometer rolling over 100,000 at Facebook. That happened fairly early this morning. What is amazing is, but not so surprising considering the “buzz” in cyberspace about the Queen and her “status”, she has added more than 350 NEW FANS TODAY ALONE, and that is just so far!! I believe that number will rise close to 500 before midnight tonight, in one day!
I’ve mentioned this before in other forums, but I have to smile when I recall shortly after Z arrived at Lane’s End, Bill Farish was asked what he thought about his new “star” in the House of Indy! He made a casual comment that her popularity would likely fade as it had happened with all past horse racing celebrities. Time would cause interest in her to die down. Well, Mr. Farish, with all due respect, we call your attention to how her popularity has not only NOT died down, but in many respects, she is more famous now than ever. I don’t think the interest in her will ever fade. Zenyatta is totally unique among equine heroes. For one thing, she created the Facebook phenomenom for horses. Before Z, horses didn’t have Facebook pages! Not only that, but almost without exception, most of the posts at any of the Facebook horse pages are DIRECTED TO THE HORSE!! Z and Dottie are responsible for this, totally. Z’s personality and charisma created a magnetic field around her from the beginning….she was the light that shone like a bright star that only got brighter with time. She continues in her sweet way to attract positive energy and bring good news to the sport. Dottie’s comment about her when she was still competing is still true today, but in a different way: “Every time she crosses the finish line, she carries all that is good about the sport with her!” Zenyatta for 20 races threw her body down every time she went out there and she always “showed up” and gave a star performance. She never disappointed, not even in her one lone defeat, in fact, her aura took on a new brightness and her greatness grew in the eyes of even those who had once tried to dismiss her. Her Mikey said it best, I think, when he was asked what makes her so special during the 60 Minutes piece: “She’s just who she is — she’s Zenyatta. I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom of her.” Z with her new career is taking us to the next chapter…we will marvel and shriek with joy watching her with her foal….and we will continue to be interested in her because, well, because she’s who she is, she’s ZENYATTA!! Long live the Queen!
Still pacing, pacing, pacing! Hope it’s tonight or early tomorrow!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
Hi Ann Maree,
I don’t mind at all, in fact it was nice to read, it brought a tear to my eye- Zenyatta’s Magic will never go away or stop as long as people have pictures, memories, videos and TEAM ZENYATTA !!!
Thanks again for sharing and helping us/Zenyatta get to our goal – current FB total is at 100,471 – 12:11 am 3/8/2012 FULL MOON – Two more days until my mother’s 74 birthday – maybe just maybe
I know i have been pacing can’t wait maybe you are going to wait for my bday! that would be the best present of all!!
All Hail The Queen – It’s a Full (Worm) Moon Tomorrow nite Sunshine. Get ur rest – I’m so excited for all of you!! I too love surprises! Much love from Kentucky!!!
Ur facebook is one of my 1st checks when I sign on. Too Funny – but your style makes me SMILE!!!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
It would be cool if the News agencies would make an annoucement when Zenny has her foal – maybe even 60 Minutes could come out and visit her. TOO CUTE!!!!
HOW ABOUT A YOUTUBE posting or something – Yahoo?
Finally! This post showed up a while ago and then disappeared. :) Glad it’s back! Yes, we are all pacing and checking your FB, Twitter, and website compulsively. Congrats on getting 100,000 fans!!! If any horse deserves it, you certainly do. Lots of love from us all, and keep staying healthy and safe!
Love this post.
Scroll down on Mike Smith’s facebook page to see Pirate Queen being very motherly with her colt by QR; may be a grey as he is very dark. This photo is TOO CUTE !!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks for the link!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
I think you’re right. He’s a dark gray. PQ has lightened up in color quite a bit since last year. What do you think. Here’s that wonderful shot of all four mares from Diary #189. PQ’s the second from left.
Hugs, JB
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Judy B. I would bet he will be a gray. Love his little expression and ears. Too CUTE.
Susan from Fl
And my pup signed up just for U! Peace & Happiness to U!
Fingers crossed for a safe foaling and a healthy foal!!!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
love you Zenyatta!
Best wishes, Z.
Good advice!
Ray Paulick tweeted:
Note to #Zenyatta fans.
Please don’t call @LanesEndFarms every 10 mins to see if she has foaled yet.
And don’t forget to breathe!
Breathe in & out, in & out!!
Judy from South Carolina
Dearest Queen Z……………we are anxiously awaiting THE BLESSED EVENT and wish you a safe delivery.
ALL of us are on pins and needles and will try to not phone the farm every 5 minutes for news!
We love you! Have a wonderful day and SO glad that your ANN and JERRY are there with you!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
I love the photo’s Zenyatta – And you are welcome and loved by all!!! Tomorrow is the full moon so maybe tomorrow night will be the night. Enjoy the day!!!
100,120 Facebook fans and counting!!!!
I read that article (DRF?) about foaling and found it interesting that more foalings occur during the full moon and they also mostly happen at night. Sort of a head scratcher for me but I guess – if horses were out in the wild, it would be safer to foal at night & baby should be able to walk by morning. Anybody have other reasoning? Just curious…
Z – I sure hope it’s tomorrow night. I’m glad YOU are comfortable. I know you will have the VERY best care. The rest of us ARE on the edge of our seats, compulsively checking FB, Twitter, etc. waiting for news. I think I’ll go bake some cookies now to distract myself for a while :-) ♥♥♥
Debra M
Foals come when they want. Believe me! I have 6 mares and all of them have foaled during the day at one time or another. Some at 5:00 pm, some at 6 am, some at 1:00 pm, one at noon. No sleep for me! ;-)
It’s an exciting time, and even knowing what I do about mares, even I didn’t sleep well last night hoping the best for Zenyatta!
Thanks Debra! I didn’t get to bed until 2am either for the same reason. :-)
That’s awesome Gloria,you put alot of time into making sure she reached the 100,000 fans,thanks! Love seeing she got there today! :-)
Kinga K
Congrats on the 100,000 facebook followers! Stay safe and sound Queen Z!
How is Tasty doing??
Karen & Family
We wish you the best of luck beautiful girl! xx
At least we have an update and can relax for a bit. LOL Can’t wait for the news of the foal and many, many, pictures.
Pattie in South Carolina
Good Morning Precious, Zenny. Yes, we are all walking the floors :) I know God will take good care of you and Baby BZ. Besides, Lane’s End and all of your connections give you the BEST care, so I’m not worried, just excited !! Enjoy the day with your family. Love & Hugs to ALL :)
Something to study while pacing!
Pedigree of Zenyatta & Bernandini foal
Just looked it over, but haven’t checked for accuracy.
FYI–Team Zenyatta is now on Twitter (if you tweet)
Happy Wed. !
this is the best part of your life Zen…you are a mom….show us peics of your foal….god bless you both..thanx for being beauty
Stella Bagwell South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
I, too, have been pacing and watching, along with my family. We have loved you from the moment we first saw you step onto the race track and that love has only grown over the years.
Everyone is anxious to see Baby Z, but what we want most is your good health and happiness!
Have a nice day with your family and loved ones!
Hugs and kisses,
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. So happy you have over 100,000 facebook fans. Sorry, but we do not have facebook but I am on this diary daily!!! Love you big girl. So happy to see your Ann and Jerry with you. This is so exciting! Cannot wait. I go on this website every 1/2 hour to see if there is any news – perhaps everyone is right that you will give birth tomorrow on the full moon. Love you and Ann and Jerry and everyone at Lane’s End. May God Bless you and your new baby. Cannot wait! Love you, Angel.
That means there are over 100,000 honorary Godparents just waiting on the arrival of this bundle of joy.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Pattie in South Carolina
I Agree :) Zenny is so loved by her fans!! Thank You to ALL of her connections, for sharing Zenny with us. You make us feel like family :)
Dear Zenny,
Love the photo of Barn 55 friends doing the Zenyatta dance waiting for your foal.
In your photo by ANN, you are too relaxed looking to be in labor. So your body
may be ready but it may take some time. JUST RELAX AND SMELL THE “ROSES” AND LOVELY KY GRASS, since you are not allowed any treats. Have a wonderful day.
So loved the photo your Mikey posted on his facebook page of PQ and her little QR
colt. They are such a cute pair; what a wonderful mom she is. She was always such a
kind an gentle mare. !!!!!
Susie Cartwright
You could say I’ve been pacing!! I hope the Moss’ got some rest last night! We can’t wait to see if the baby looks like you! I hope he/she comes out dancing! Good luck Z! I love you!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susie C:
Too Cute. If he does, what do you think of the name Legend’s Dancer? Hugs, JB
WOW that is 100,000 people full of love you Momma Z.
Im sitting on pins and needles and excited to hear news when it happens. You will do great and your baby will be as beautiful as you. You Rock “Z”. I love you, gentle hugs and ear rubs to you today.
Jeanenne Cliffman
Dear Queen Momma, We all love you so much and yes are pacing just as much as everyone else – including Bernie – CUTE!!! We can’t wait to hear that you and Baby Z/B are great and see you both. Again, love, we just love you so much!!!! Waiting very patiently – Love you, xxxxoooo
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
congratz on getting 100K + followers Queen Z. Your pic is adorable :)
luv ya beautiful girl.
i joined twitter this AM just so i could keep track of YOU Z ;) ;).
im so excited.
i found out that tommorow is International Women’s Day. now that would be a perfect day for YOU to give birth.
hooves crossed my dear Z.
God bless. hugs/prayers to TT too.
hi Z! full moon tomorrow, it’s time;) I can’t sleep through the night waiting for the news… I keep getting up and checking online for any news… I’m just sooo happy that YOU have YOUR Ann and Jerry there with you!!! How’s Tasty? Maybe YOU and Tasty will have YOUR wee ones at the same time;) Love YOU gorgeous girl and yes, YOU always look good (blush blush) xoxoxo
We are all with you, dear Zenny!
Oh my thank you Z! The drive to 100,000 was wonderful fun yesterday — kept fb ing and pushing and pushing. and wow, the number went over when i opened my eyes this am.
not much sleep for most of us — but so happy to hear from you today. thank you. rest well. Listen to your pals and know that we are indeed all rooting for you and your little one-to be.
OH MY, Look at this tatoo; IT IS UNBELIEVABLE !!!!
Wow! Work of art.
Must have taken hours to do.
Not something I could/would do–but, it is amazing.
wow! I’ve been thinking of getting a tatoo, hmmm…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sign:
Wow. Excellent. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
gorgiuos tat. luv it :)
Celeste in TX
Wow!! But – ouch!!
Lucy-Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Words cannot describe the love you so deserve