Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Sierra is freaking out.
Am I the only one that noticed it looks like an IV bag is attached to Z’s stall? Or is that just a normal bag?
To me, it looks like a bag with either food pellets or maybe pills.
I thought that, since they can’t give Z her usual favorite treats,
whatever is in that bag is something to hand-feed her.
That’s my thought.
So, no worries.
Maybe Margaret or Dawn have an idea.
Sleep well.
Margaret Patiently waiting--no hurry Z
Are you talking about the bags that are in the first video with Donna Vowles? All the stalls had them. Wondering if they aren’t just empty haynets…
The one I was looking at is in the Jerry photo.
It is hanging to the right of him.
You’re right it may be an empty haynet
Thought I saw something in it.
Have a good night!
Sierra is freaking out.
At first I saw them in the picture but once I saw that all the stalls had them I relaxed. You are probably right about the food. I wonder if Z could answer our question.
Rosemarie Bandura
E X C I T I N G!! Can’t wait for pics!!
Pacing, checking Facebook every 15 minutes, yup we’re all so excited. Most important is your surrounded by your loving family, are in the best of care, your happy, and you are so loved by all! God Bless. Hugs and kisses!
Shannon From Cool
I think this is going to be the most anticipated Thoroughbred birth on record.
Terry Crow
I would have to agree.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Ms Zenyatta, You are so the coolest and calmest of us all. After watching my first ‘foaling’ video, I can just picture you after seeing your precious baby, cuddling him/her, and then you get up an do The Zenyatta Dance, cuz you are thinking….’Look at what I just did!’ Face it, Girl, you know you are good….Just saw a picture of your new half brother, sired by your Daddie..he could be your TWIN. It was amazing…Your Baby is going to be Magnificent, I wish I were there physically. I am going to Twitter to your Team and see if they’ve more news. I have no idea what this Twitter, Tweet, and follow me stuff is! You have also got me into more new technology than I thought was possible. I am babbling..I love you..back to check on you later. Lisag
ok who’s with me on this….we should name Zenyatta’s baby Pins and Needles.lol!
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Tracy…love it. Perfect..
Linda Edwards in NJ
Tracy that’s cute.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Tracy:
Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Too cute!
Sierra is freaking out.
I cannot stop checking on you Z! I love you way too much! What are all of us Aunties going to do if you do not have your baby until the weekend?
Susan D
Foaling time is always so exciting for everyone – it will all work out just fine, Zenyatta. We can’t wait to see your new little one!
Sierra is freaking out.
Thought I post this: http://thesaturdaypost.org/blog/page/3/ it has lots of Z stuff on it somethings are really funny. I also love the picture of Z yawning it is probably one of my all time fav photos of Z.
Sierra is freaking out.
Here is the article with the photo: http://thesaturdaypost.org/blog/2010/12/12/the-next-chapter-the-spirit-of-zenyatta-doesn%E2%80%99t-stop-racing-into-the-future/
And here is the best article that I think will make all of you guys laugh:
http://thesaturdaypost.org/blog/2011/02/05/tips-for-bernadini-on-courting-zenyatta/ So funny!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
I thought I had seen every article written about Z. I was wrong. These are wonderful. Thank you. Hugs, JB
I know that you will have that baby when you are good and ready! You will know when your little one is ready but in the meantime, we are all so nervous and excited. I can hardly wait to get to my computer every hour to see if there’s any news.
How wonderful for your “Mom and Dad” to be with you at this very important moment in your life! They love you so much.
Take care of yourself and your precious baby. Next time I write, I hope it’s to say congratulations to the New Mommy and her Beautiful Baby.
Sending lots of love to you, TT, and everyone on your Team. Thank you all for letting us be a part of Zenny’s life.
JoAnna Liming, Inverness, FL
Still anxiously awaiting. I wonder if your foaling will make the news!!!! No matter what I know that I can come here. I must say the last few days it takes a bit longer to get this site to come up – lots of hits I am sure – all of us checking in!
Your are so blessed, all the love given to you through your connections, your fans, and even equine friends. All of our love will see you through this new journey.
Rest while you can, enjoy every moment!
Abigail from Montreal
GREAT DISTRACTION if you haven’t already seen this: frederic Pignon (of the 1st Cavalia Show) and his three stallions, performing in 2011. Beautiful horses & very entertaining!
Shannon From Cool
You are too cute. Keeping us all busy out here in the “Waiting Room.”
Louise Castello
Oh my gosh! Stunning! More, more…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Louise C.:
Here’s another equine performer, Lorenzo The Flying Frenchman. Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Beautiful! I’ll have to catch The Pignon website in the wee hours. Just tried and saw a bit of it, but our internet is so slow (we can only get satellite here in the mts of NM…no high speed for us out in the wilds!); will have to check site when everyone’s asleep tonight… Like THAT is going to happen!!
Pacing, pacing….Love everyone (all of us) staying up together for Zenny’s all-night slumber (well..’no-slumber’) Baby Shower! Wonder how Berni’s doing?!
This is one of the most fun, rewarding experiences! And we’ve had quite a few adventures in our life!
Many Blessings to everyone. ZENNY, our prayers and very best thoughts are with YOU tonight! Love and Hooves crossed
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
These horses are beautiful and amazing. He’s not so bad either. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Sierra is freaking out.
Okay do we think that Z will have her foal tonight or do we think it will be tomorrow? What are pacing Aunties thinking right now?
Elizabeth in NM
Hi Sierra,
This pacing auntie has no idea! Will just keep wearing ‘tracks’ on the floor. As Zenny said, “Re l a a a x….” . Well I guess we won’t be able to do that. ZENNY, if you’re listening, we’re all breathing with you. Blessings, Sierra
PS will try to check in a few hours, unless news come before that…. isn’t this so exciting?!
Marshall (in NC)
Congratulations on the 100,000+ FB!! Great photos today. Love the Barn 55 humor and the one of Mr. Moss with you brings a big smile!
Patience is a virtue which we could all learn from you, Z! All in good time, huh?
Hope you have pleasant dreams tonight. Warm hugs and kisses, sweet girl!
Definitely on foal watch. So nice to see how you’re doing Zenyatta. I’m as anxious as your team, and if I feel that way, I can’t imagine how they’re feeling. Just gotta say you’ve looked positively radiant throughout these past 11 months while you were in foal. Best wishes to you Zen.
Hey Zen,
March 9th would be a good day. 6 years ago on that date we had a colt. He is showing in the pre-green hunters and starting to get ribbons. It’s a good date! Wishing you an easy labor. Everyone missed him being born. Barely time to get Mom to the foaling stall.
Sierra is freaking out.
Wow I am surprised that not as many people are on did we just get some news on Twitter or something?
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Funny how we are all pacing and Z’s not even a harness horse-I know, that’s bad :p
Th moon looked so large tonight, I thought surely it will just pull that baby out!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Susan in Tn:
Cute. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Judy-Remember our man in Let it Ride was named Trotter.
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
I’m just checking in this evening to see that you are all right. I just watched JJ from Minnesota’s tribute to you and it was wonderful to see you in flight in your races. I relived your races this evening. Miss you so much. You are the Queen of my heart! I checked out a YouTube on bernardini I had not viewed before – Oh, he is such a heart throb too! I never tire of looking at films of the two of you. I pray the foal is healthy and talented like the two of you.
Rest well my beauty. Thanks to Dottie for keeping us up-to-date.
Hugs and Kisses,
Alexa in Jersey
Lady Z,
I just saw this amazing tattoo that someone got of you! It looks so amazing! It was posted on Mike Smith’s FB. Now, I want one just like it!!!
I hope you are feeling okay, and I am thinking Blue for your baby!
Lots of love sent your way for an easy and smooth delivery!
Reported from above, it is awesome but looks
Very ouchy!!!
Z you look so happy and content with Jerry. I’m the exact opposite. I’m pacing, pacing, pacing, nervously awaiting the arrival of your foal. I cannot wait!! But I know the QUEEN cannot be rushed! You are going to be a Fabulous MOM. Congrats on 100,000+ facebook fans!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Zenny: I am going to say nighty-night. Tomorrow morning rolls around too soon. I might have to check back during the night.
Love you!!
This may be more information than you want, but found it interesting.
The effect of the full moon will depend if the moon is in perigee (closer to the earth) or apogee (farther away from the earth).
The Lunar Perigee is when the Moon is closest to the Earth during its monthly orbit. The Lunar Apogee is when the Moon is furthest from Earth. Generally, the Moon looks about 14% larger at its perigee compared to its apogee. The Moon looks additionally larger when it is on the horizon due to atmospheric distortion. Thus when a Full Moon occurs during a Lunar Perigee, the Full Moon will look extra larger, and even more so when it rises on the eastern horizon at sunset, even spectacular with the right atmospheric conditions.
The Full Moons occurring from March 2012 through July 2012 synchronize with the closest Lunar Perigees, and thus will look extra large and will produce increased tidal forces. Later in the year, the New Moons will start to synchronize with the close Lunar Perigees, of course we do not see New Moons, but they will energetically be closer to Earth.
Jan 17 21:29 369882 km
Feb 11 18:33 367919 km
Mar 10 10:03 362399 km (Full Moon on March 8th)
Apr 7 17:00 358313 km
May 6 3:34 356953 km
Jun 3 13:21 358482 km
Jul 1 18:02 362361 km
Jul 29 8:31 367317 km
Aug 23 19:40 369730 km
Sep 19 2:53 365748 km
Oct 17 1:03 360672 km
Nov 14 10:23 357360 km
Dec 12 23:15 357073 km
2012 Jan 9 7:32
2012 Feb 7 21:56
2012 Mar 8 9:42
2012 Apr 6 19:20
2012 May 6 3:36
2012 Jun 4 11:12
2012 Jul 3 18:52
2012 Aug 2 3:27
2012 Aug 31 13:58
2012 Sep 30 3:19
2012 Oct 29 19:51
2012 Nov 28 14:47
2012 Dec 28 10:23
One quarter horse ranch said that when any of their mares were close to foaling that more than not foaled during the full moon.
If only Zenyatta could read…
Sierra is freaking out.
Thanks for the info Molly!
Sierra is freaking out.
I must say I’ve visted Old Friends and Creator was my fav and he seemed to love me too as he followed me all around the perimeter of the paddock even though I had no more carrots. So when I saw this on Old Friends FB page with a picture of Creator I laughed so hard: Creator says he and Zenyatta would do a mean paso double’ on Dancing with the Stars but don’t tell Charmie. In the photo Creator is almost doing a Spanish Walk so cute..
Terry Crow
Zenyatta is certainly a bigger celebrity than some of the contestants on Dancing With The Stars.
Jeanne Johnson and our Herd Scottsdale AZ
Zenyatta –
The 8th of March is the full moon – I believe you will want to foal before this time so our prayers are with you…Let’s send great energy for tonight – you are surrounded by love and loved ones – we are all on pins and needles – your foal will be magnificent just like you and Bernie…Much love to you and all your wonderful connections – what an example you all are to the racing industry -we need to duplicate your story many times to benefit all the thoroughbreds that are racing today.
Many huge rubs from our herd to you and Tasty – Please keep us updated on her as well…We cannot wait to hear your news…
Ama Ray, Ray, Zinger and Marny
Sierra is freaking out.
This is super funny: I hope it keeps all of us pacing Aunties busy as we await the arrival of the foal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTfZ8J-0gAk&feature=related It is Tommie Turvey with Pokerjoe.
The full moon this month occurs March 8th at 1:41 a.m. PST (4:41 EST)…in other words in just a few hours.
Good night Zee&Tee,
looks like you’re not the only one “dreaming’ of Hansen :)
great pics by Barbara Livingston
I can see why you’re taken with him :)
Sleep tight & dream sweet
Sierra is freaking out.
Love the photos I am sure the vision is white will capture us all. Just imagine him with the roses on talk about beautiful!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny Boyd:
Thank you so much for BL’s photos of Hansen. He is gorgeous. Hugs, JB
Sierra is freaking out.
Z you are making us all into pacers! I am not a pacer I didn’t even pace for when I was getting acceptance letters for school and yet for you foal I am making a rut in my floor. I have been so anticipating the foals arrival I have started to make decorations for you stall in my breyer barn. I should take a picture of the foal with you in the stall with the decorations later. But sadly I don’t have straw bedding (My mom would not allow me to bring it in the house) so it will look kind of weird but I still have mats and shredded newspaper. I like all these other pacing Aunties, Nannies, and Grandparents cannot wait to see your foal!
OK, so looking at the full moon dates, I ‘d say that Zenyatta is going to give birth somewhere between March 8 and March 10th. The moon is fullest on the 8th, but closer to the earth on the 10th. JAG may get her wish. (Full Moon on 8th, 99% Full on 9th and 96% Full on the 10th.)
Has anyone heard anything about Tasty Temptation?
Sierra is freaking out.
No which is interesting. I hope maybe by tomorrow Dottie will have an update on her. I mean we have all been asking about her. But I think right now they are really worried about making sure Z is doing okay and that she foals safely and swiftly. I bet you’re right about the date but I really hope it is soon… I don’t know if I can survive much longer. Dottie is she foaling yet is she foaling yet?