Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Good Morning Your Highness – from one of your loyal & (yawn) very tired and anxious subjects. Burnt the moonbeam oil till the wee hours last night, sharing moments of anticipation with other sleepless “Zister’s” , awaiting news from the castle about the forthcoming royal birth. Alas, still nothing. Hope SOMEBODY here had a good night’s sleep & found no peas in her bedding.
*For Z fans who are also into ink. Check out the fan photo with the AMAZING LIKENESS of Zenny that Mike Smith posted on his website. Awesome. This is not a small piece! Took some guts. I don’t think I have that much “good canvas” left anywhere! Could fit the name in someplace though. LOL
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Love the pic of your team there at Lane’s End, they no doubt have and will continue to take excellent care of you and of course, your sweet little foal when the time comes. And Zenyatta, you sure do have just about everyone on the edge of their seats, awaiting the big moment of when your little one makes its entrance into the world. Glad that you are doing so well though and that your friend Tasty is too. Both of you enjoy yourselves because soon it will be, move over mom, It’s me and I’m here!
You are my shining star and hopefully soon, you will give us all another bright and shining star! Sending my Love, Blessings and Prayers to you beautiful lady!
Love the interview with Dottie, thank you for posting it. You stay nice and calm and leave all the pacing and worrying to the rest of us. Glad your team is ready to jump in and help you and Baby Bump!
Maureen From Santa Barbara, CA
It sure is nail biting time. But it sounds like you are doing great as well as Tasty. Dottie, where will you put the news when she delivers? Here, even if in the middle of the night? I saw David with you at the Derby Resturant. Has he gotten back to Lane’s End to be there for the delivery? Ann and Jerry must be on pins and needles and getting no sleep! Love to all and blessings to Zen and Tasty that all is and will be perfect.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
TVG on now with Dr, Brown live.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Thanks Karen.
sharon in seattle
love your new “coma” status — looney tunes! : )
Dear Zenny,
The baby will come when ready. Just relax exercise
And graze. Soon you will have a little one by your side
And a new one on the way.!!!!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta We are having a baby shower today for one of our teachers. Another teacher said it is also for Zenyatta. Tiffany is having a boy and everything is blue. Is that a sign for YOU ? I asked if I could send you the blue baby buggy we are using for favors : )
Whatever you have will be Wonderful as long as you and baby are healthy. I love you so Zenyatta. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell Tasty Girl Hi. Hugs and many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Love YOU Sweet Zenny!!
Hugs to your Great Lane’s End Team!
Thank you Dottie for sharing your interview. You’re a Blessing!
Thinking of Tasty too.
Sharyn - Vermont
Thanks so much for keeping us all updated on you and Tasty!! You sure do have a wonderful team with you, in Kentucky and California!!
So true, we Mom’s can relate to the waiting!! When nature is ready she’s ready!!
Great video, thanks so much for sharing it with us all who don’t have TVG……
Have a good afternoon and no mud baths today!!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hello to all the Lane’s End folks who are keeping Zenyatta happy and comfortable. It’s nice to see a photo of them. They look very happy.
Irene Caty
OK ZENNY, we will keep waiting for you to deliver your FOAL. You can’t ruch this sort of thing for sure. We will be on Foal watch until the darling Foal gets here. Glad you are relaxing and how are thr Mosses doing? It certinly has to be nail biteing time for them. We will keep watching to find out any new news. This is March 8th and tonite is a full moon. I think this would be a perfect time for your Foal to be born. They can call it Z’s FULL MOONLIGHT. How cute is that! Will be watching and waiting Queen Z, love you much.
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenny your horoscope for today:
Try not to get too far ahead of yourself today. Things are looking up for you, but that just means you’ve got to take them more seriously — and that means slowing down and working it all out.
Hummmm ;-)
Auntie Judy
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Chinese Astrology:
….You can’t be much good to anyone if you’re not taking care of yourself. Make ‘me first’ your motto…
You ARE, Zen!! xoxo
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Very interesting, JAG!
No worries Queen Z. Take all the time you need. I love being on baby watch
mary glynn stelmack
I am so excited for you Sweet Z ! Our mare is in foal she is a little older than you Her name is Blou and she is a retired Barrel Racing mare and a former Pole bending Champ from the State of GA! This is her second and last foal as she is 21 but like you she looks great and seems to be feeling fine. I pray for you to be well and Healthy I know that your foal will be beautiful. I have it on my bucket list that i want to see you in person before i die! You are so much more than just a Horse and I don’t have the words to say all that you mean to so many of us. Courage, Heart , Grace I belive that the Lord had so much fun when he made you! With Much Love from your friend in Ga!
Dear Zenny,
This scene looks like the human labor and delivery
Area. Relax relax relax relax relax; ACTION !!!! (not
Yet, though. Good luck and have a great day with Tasty!!!
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
Eagerly awaiting the birth of your child.
I hope s/he is born tomorrow on March 9th because that is the birth date of my dog, Isis, or my birthday on March 20th.
Wishful thinking perhaps regarding the 20th.
Hopefully, there will be lots of photos of you and your child plus videos. I love to see them and watch the videos.
Thank you!
Lots of love to you, Zenyatta, and hopefully, the birth process is not too difficult.
Lise from Maine
Donna from Baltimore
Dottie, I just listened to your interview. You are as gracious as always. As all of Team Z is gracious. It’s no wonder the Queen loves people – she’s always had the best around her!!!
If we could harness all the nervous energy being expended around the world right now – as people from all over anxiously await the arrival of this most anticipated foal – there would be no energy shortage!!!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dottie- what a great interview! You are so warm and articulate and represent Zenyatta so well! We are truly blessed! And I felt like you were addressing “us” when you talked about people becoming friends on this site :) Thank you <3
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
All you knowledgeable horsey people out there who post – YOU ARE RIGHT ON!
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
@ Lynda K,
Don’t mean to overpost – I’m sure about 1,000 more are coming, but I forgot to Thank You for sharing your personal experience of a blessed & magical event. The warmth & love conveyed in your post was a pleasure to read. Your horses a very fortunate to have such good parents, just like Zenny does. I hope Anne & Jerry are able to experience the miracle of Z’s foaling the same way.
Thanks for the update and the video link. Its raining here in Pittsburgh too today.
Continue to relax and feel well. Enjoy your day!
So glad to hear some news. Been checking twitter and nothing. Take care and the baby will be here when it wants to get here.
Zenny, your LE folks are too cute! You sure are loving keeping us in suspense, aren’t you. The link of Dottie’s interview is wonderful…I think we will be getting lots of neat pictures and video. Thank goodness your owners are in show biz cause you continue to be a star! I’ll keep checking in…this stuff is so exciting!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Yesterday I received from the Zenyatta Shop, the two Zenyatta Champion t-shirts I ordered. I got one in St. Patrick’s Day greena and one in gray. They are very nice.
Terry Crow
Would you like a buy a certificate attesting to the authenticity of these items?
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I am waiting to find out if the foal is a colt or a filly before I order a shirt : pink for a girl, surf for a boy! :)
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dottie I so enjoyed your interview. How lucky we are to have You, the Moss’s, Team Z and the Queen. I have made new friends from this site and feel so blessed by it. Thank you for letting us be involved with this wonderful experience. Oh Happy Day !! Love, Shari
Time to go for a trailer ride….
Well this makes my day — hearing from you and your Team. Yes, we are all so anxious and clever with our inter communications to each other….so many either at work or with their kids and yet needing to stay intouch 27/7 with your news…so we have set up teams and response lines to those who are unable to be on computers or don’t have smartfones, erc. You mean sooooo much to sooooo many…you have no idea!
Have a great time outside but don’t catch a chill if it’s raining.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
John’s Blingo
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
My son, Bradley’s, birthday is March 11th.
Also, one of Barbaro’s brothers, I think Nicanor, was born on March 10th. If not Nicanor, then it is Margano. One was born on March 10th and the other was born on March 15th.
Hopefully, you hit one of those dates for the birth process as it will be much more
meaningful for me.
Good luck, Zenyatta!
Lots of love to you.
Lise from Maine