Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Donna in Cincinnati
Please think of Old Friends Equine Retirement Center in Georgetown, KY., when thinking of Zenyatta and her fabulous colt on the day of the Baby Shower at Santa Anita this Saturday. Old Friends is one of Zenyatta’s charities and it is so very worthwhile. Ann and Jerry Moss have been instrumental in supporting Old Friends, and their great stallion Ruhlmann is living out his days there at Dream Chase Farm. Not all thoroughbreds are as lucky to have owners as wonderful as the Moss family that is for sure. This important and deserving charity needs our help with donations. If all Zenyatta’s fans sent 5 or 10 dollars to Old Friends it would make such a difference! Visit Old Friends on facebook or google their website to see the pensioners living out the rest of their days at Dream Chase Farm – Bullintheheather, Marquetry, Tinner’s way, Ogygian, Gulch, to name just a few. Please Please help this wonderful charity for the sake of our retired racehorses who gave so much to us!
Thanks, and cheers to Zenyatta! What a beautiful lass and lad.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I fell in love with Ruhlmann because he looks like our grandhorse.
Unfortunately, Ruhlmann has gone to that great race in the sky. He died a sudden & peaceful death not too long ago.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Rhulmann’s gone, but the Mosses have other horses at OF: Falcon Scott, Cherono, and another one that I can’t remember off hand.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Kudos, that’s the horse’s name.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I love Old Friends. I love all the horses there, but the ones that made me laugh the most were Popcorn Deelites and Special Ring. They stay in their paddock together all the time and when a tour is going around, they will both start showing off trying to get attention so they’ll get a carrot or peppermint. They’re always trying to outdo the other one. Too cute. They do such great work there. I’m sending them a donation too.
Eve from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
So glad to hear you are doing well. Love your picture as a baby too. Hope to hear about Tasty soon. Thanks for the update. Please let us know where to send shower presents “$ to charities” in your honor.
He is cute looks like you I Am thinking ky derby 2015 l will send a donation to old friends to honor his birth love ya
elizabeth harris
wish you both the very best and thanks for sharing your joy with us.
I want to thank the Moss’s and the Sherriff’s for all that they have done for racing, for horses, and for people like me that find such joy in the story of Zenyatta and her beautiful foal. The diary posts take a great deal of time, and Dottie’s generosity to Z’s fans is off the charts. She has a busy life, and that she gives so much to all of us who revere Zenyatta is beyond heroic.
I just posted a donation to the horse rescue project the J mentions in an earlier post, and I hope others do as well so that the $6500 goal can be reached. This website not only enables Z’s loyal followers to keep abreast of her life, it also makes connections possible among people who value horses and care enough to help make their lives better.
One last thing: what is the story on the name of the new foal?
Love to all at Lane’s End, and most of all, to Z and her gorgeous little boy.
–Leah from Washington State
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
No name yet. The Mosses have until his first start to name him, although they will probably do so before then.
Dottie said there is going to be a lot of debating in The Moss household about
his name.
What a nice picture !
Thank You for all the updates and pictures.
Love and Greets !
The Netherlands
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Estatic
Momma Zen, been busy with company so just catching up. Such wonderful posts to LE staff, your whole family and to you and ” Precious”. I am so moved after seeing the HRTV video of you two and your new experiences together, but the part with Ann laying in the straw with the baby and how they bonded to each other brought tears to my eyes. It was just amazing the way Precious reached up to nuzzle her, and you looked on completely at ease! Thanks to your whole family for sharing this with us, can’t wait to hear what they name you. Every day is going to be exciting to watch the baby grow.
Give kisses to TT for me, we are awaiting her baby too. I’m sure she misses you.
Love and kisses to Z and Precious, Auntie Sue ( I’ve finally calmed down.)
Beautiful photo – CONTENTMENT.
Love you
Thanks to all the Zenyatta team and
Lanes End
Just can’t get enough of you and the little prince. Your team is just so special. Dottie I loved listening to your HRTV INTERVIEW. I could just hear the pride and excitement in your voice. During my last Kentucky Derby I got to visit Old Friends Farm. Such a worthwhile charity. I too will contribute to them in honor of your Baby Shower. Kisses and Hugs to all
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Suz. I chuckle when I think of their puzzled faces when they receive all the donations. I’m sure they are too busy to follow the diary much.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Actually, I bet that several of the Old Friends folks read the Diary fairly often. Michael has even posted here a few times.
Pattie in South Carolina
THANK YOU, to Team Zenyatta and of course Zenny for sharing the photos & updates on Baby BZ. He is HANDSOME :) I love the video that was posted on HRTV & YouTube. We are so Blessed, to be part of the Zenyatta family !!
Dottie, you do an AWESOME job keeping us informed.
Allie in Texas
Jeanie, I wish you success in saving the Nevada 7. $5,580 still needed is a lot to collect before March 19th, but if any group can do it, the Zensters can. We made the 100,000 mark on Zenyatta’s Facebook before she foaled, we came from behind in the Bloodhorse vote for the Most Intriguing Horse of 2011, and I believe we can save these 7 lives in honor of a new life, Zenyatta’s Prince. There are many good charities, and this one needs immediate help. http://www.valleyviewranchequinerescue.webs.com.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Allie. I hate to sound like a broken record, but rescuing these wonderful horses is my life’s mission right now.
Terry Crow
A life’s mission worthy of anyone.
Elsie Martus
I will be attending the “Big Baby Shower” this Saturday @ Santa Anita. I hope I can be able to have a photo taken next to Zenyatta’s life size painting. Maybe the colt’s chosen name will be announced ! This colt, along with his mother has captured the hearts of so many. They both are now a big part of my life. With all that surrounds us in life’s ups and downs, its wonderful having so much to look forward to, watching this beautiful colt grow daily with love and anticipation regardless of his future racing results,but for my love of horses. To the Moss’s, thank you for sharing “my big Zenny” & son with all of us. Dottie, you sure have a way with words! You are one special lady…..E.Martus, Ca.
Raylene/ So Cal
That is my hope too! I want a pic taken with her lifesize photo. I bet she is huge to stand next to. We need to make a plan to meet there. I already suggested it to JAG.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed for good weather on Saturday. I’m looking forward to attending the Shower of the Century.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rosemary McCauley:
Have a wonderful time with all the Dumplings that will be there. Wish I was one of them. Will be there in spirit and will look forward to your post telling us all about it. Hugs, JB
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
If it rains it will bring new meaning to the term “Baby Shower”! :)
JAG / ♥ Welcome Zillion Dollar Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
You are welcome to join us Z Dumplings at the John Henry statue by NOON on Saturday!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Don’t know if this has been posted before, but it’s a great article about Z’s foaling. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Thanks Judy. That is a great article!
Lisag in Texas
AAaahhhh, makes me cry! Can you just imagine..I pictured it…”Wow, this is a colt out of Zenyatta”…Thank you JB>> This is a new one for me.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Darlene and Lisag:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
I just read this article this morning. I got a bit amused at Bill Farrish’s comments about not having had a horse there before that had gotten all of the attention that Zenyatta has gotten. I remember when she first went to that farm and Mr. Farrish’s comment was, paraphrasing “yes, she’s getting attention now but we’ll see how it goes on down the line”. Mr. Farrish understands now just how much this mare means to all of us. Flowers and balloons everywhere. I can’t even imagine how many phone calls their office got before Thursday night. I’m sure it was staggering.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta:
You are so right. I don’t think Mr. Farish had any idea, until now, of just how loved Zenyatta is by her fans and how much she means to us. Don’t think Lane’s End Farm has ever seen anything like this before. Hugs, JB
sue and tony
We agree. All the folks at LE have come to understand how special Zenny is and always will be. She is our national treasure.
Terry Crow
When old horse players sit around and talk about the great ones they have seen run Zenyatta will always be a topic of conversation. If she has not already been brought up, I will introduce her name into the conversation. I can see the heads shaking in agreement in my mind’s eye.
Afternoon to you, Zenny & Little Prince. Hope you are having a wonderful day. It appears the sun in on vacation today but you light up anywhere you go. Here’s wishing you and the prince a wonderful Monday.
Love You, Big Mare
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
I am so happy that things are going so well for you and your little one, Zenyatta. You both are looking great!
It is fantastic that Santa Anita will be having a baby shower for you this upcoming weekend, now how neat is that? Wish’d I lived closer, as I surely would be attending, hate though that I live so far away and have to miss it, but will be waiting on hearing from others how it goes, bet it will be real fun.
Thanks for giving us the updated info on your dear friend, Tasty, was wondering about her and am wishing the best for her. Hopefully, she will have her little baby soon, and you both will eventually be able to be reunited together with your little ones, that will be great and I am sure that the foals will enjoy growing up and developing together.
You are a fantastic momma Zenyatta and you and your little guy both sparkle and shine brighter than any stars up above-you both are my shining stars! Sending my Love & Blessings to the both of you!
Zenyatta, Baby Z is so cute. I love seeing him. You are an amazing mom. I know you love him very much. Blessings and joy to you and your son. I love you.
Imm so happy for you “Z”. I love your baby and yes he looks just like you, his mom.
Have a fun day and enjoy the sun.
Love you Z and baby
Stella Bagwell
Dearest Zenyatta,
Your new son is soooooo fabulous! And very, very handsome! He’s going to grow up to look so much like his mother! Just seeing the two of you together and the love that you have for each other, fills my heart with happy tears.
God Bless You and Baby Boy Z! I hope this week goes great for the both of you. I can’t wait to see more pics. And thank you for the update on Tasty–hopefully she will foal soon and the four of you can be together.
Love, hugs, and kisses,
Mary in MA aka eastcoastkid
Such a happy time of life…how wonderful that Zenny and “the little prince” came through foaling with no troubles or problems. I cannot tell you how mch that meant to me. Moondancer is a great possibility for his name.
Both Allie and I have spoken to Morton Porter about Omaha and I cannot begin to explain how much he LOVED that horse. He is an elderly man now but strong of body and spirit..his memories are clear and wonderful. Omaha spent the last 10 years of his life as a member of the Porter family… I don’t think too many Triple Crown winners were thought of as family members and had such a devoted group of people as Omaha did with the Porters.
A “HIGH HOOF” from Zenny and the prince on 03/24/12 for Omaha’s 80th birthday is a fabulous idea and and I hope you will consider it as that diary day approaches. GREAT IDEA Allie!!!!
Dear Zenny,
What a beautiful post and photo of you and your
foal resting. Guess when Tasty has hers you can both
Take turns watching over your foals. He is so precious.
Those foal papers are very important; saw an Inside Information
On HRTV about the fire at Arlington race track and how
Some of the men had to go into the office to get the
Foal papers other wise they would not be able to race
Their horses. Have a wondeful day with your new boy.
How very fun, ZENNY’s BABY SHOWER, honoring
Your charities!!!! You are really awesome along with your
Teams and special owners; Ann and Jerry Moss.
Margaret Story
Your baby is absolutely gorgeous and thank you for sharing him with us..
Thank you also for keeping us updated on TASTY, I cant wait to see her beautiful baby as well, and see all the pics, hopefully some of the 4 of you together.. :-)
Sending love, kisses and BIG hugs to you all
What a beautiful Mom and Colt..how I waitied patiently for the big event.
What long, long, legs on your little one..he will be a flyer for sure..good name Phantom Phlyer
Dear Zenny – Your baby is absolutely adorable. He is so lucky to have you as his Mom. I am sure you will give him all the guidance and love he will need in his life and will always know that you are his Mom. He has a great teacher and role model. Needless to say I have been glued to the internet looking at his pictures. God bless you and your beautiful son. A special thank you to Mr, and Mrs. Moss for sharing this happy occassion with us and to Dottie for keeping us updated. Tell Tasty that I can’t wait to see pics of her little one also.
lil bunny foo foo
Enjoy your darling little one, Big Mama. Enjoy this special time that’s mostly all yours, just the two of you. No one doubted you’d be a perfect mom. You’ve loved everyone that comes along and opened your big heart to them. Now you have someone all your own and you deserve so much happiness as do your special family, the Mosses. God bless you and Team Zenyatta.
Your beautiful boy looks very much like you…….so, so sweet. You are such a good Mom. Your photo as a filly is too precious….no doubt hou grew up to be a beautiful, beautiful lady!! Happy Shower….I think the charity “gifts” are perfect.
Happy to hear Tasty is doing well and won’t be long before she too is a Mom. It’ll be great to see the 4 of you together.
Happy day, happy health, happy baby……hugs to you and your little one.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zenyatta I forgot to mention when my Homeroom came in today they each got a Whirly Pop in Baby Z’s honor. It was Baby Z Day in Homeroom 215. Yea !!!!!!
PS I will make a donation in Baby Z’s honor : )
Your BABY is just wonderful Z! I’m looking forward to following all of your mothering adventures as much as I did your racing career! Thank you once again to Dottie for writing your thoughts in such delightful and informative manner and to your wonderful owners Jerry and Ann for allowing all of us to follow along your life as it continues to unfold. Bless you all Team Z. Happy Monday!
ZEN, you and your Baby are just the sweetest on earth! I’m so proud of how you are handling your MOM duties! I was so impressed with the HRTV video! It made my heart burst when I listened to Ann Moss discuss you and when she started to cry, I did too! To know that you are loved and cared for means a great deal to many of us. You are not just a mare, you are part of their family and will always be cared for the way you should be. That makes me very happy! Bless you Zen for your charity work and for bringing joy to so many who needed to be uplifted! YOU ARE SO SPECIAL! <3 U!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Darlene Daniels–thank you so much for asking. He is much improved. Awaiting test results this week.
@Carol–can you tell me the location of Last Chance Corral (what state?) I believe they are on our Equi-Army list of rescues, but I want to be sure, and I have them listed by atate. Thanks.
Thank you so much for the pictures!
The video was so precious, I really liked when Baby Z walked underneath you, made me laugh out loud!
I love how you now seem to have this serene look on your face now…another new chapter for you, and you’re handling it like we all knew you would…like the chamtion you are.
I love the baby shower idea and I wish that I could attend but I’m in Iowa. I too have made a donation to Old Friends in your and Baby Z’s name.
I heard that Bernie sent you flowers and carrots, whatta man he is!
Love always to you Z and Baby Z!