Dear Beloved Friends,
Wouldn’t you know those EARS anywhere? I love looking at THEM and every single part of MY adorable colt! This entire experience is very precious to ME and to my entire TEAM!
On this day, I wanted to share a few more of my favorite photos with YOU. After all, I think this fortunate foal is blessed to have the most GODPARENTS of anyone in history. I truly can’t THANK YOU enough for the way you have embraced both of US….ME for so many years….and now my ‘Dumpling’.
Many of you have asked about HIS NAME. At this time, my colt does not have an official name. Per the standard practice in our industry, he is referred to as “12 Zenyatta”. His halter tag reads this way indicating year born…and Mom’s name. I know Ann and Jerry so well and can only imagine how many countless hours they will spend discussing this to make sure he has the perfect name. I trust their judgment completely!
The most fun he and I’ve shared so far is when he ‘takes off’ to run in the paddock. Just like in MY RACING CAREER, I give him a head start (on purpose)…and then I catch him in a FLASH! This is one FUN GAME we play…and I’m loving every single stride.
I must say, having been a MOM now for a few days, I’m already applying some of the basics of MOM 101. (A HIGH HOOF to my Lane’s End pals for tutoring ME with some special GREAT MOM TIPS.) I’m really doing very well at ‘my new career’ and am rather proud of myself. (Blush, Blush)
My baby is by my side every moment….and I am loving it! We walk together, eat together, cuddle together, and learn together. I’m getting a daily education on all of the right things to do for him…and I’m hoping in return he is learning to be ONE FINE COLT from ME!
In life, things go FULL CIRCLE. I have gone from being a foal…to now having one of my very own to care for each day. In between these 2 stages of life, I have been incredibly blessed to achieve countless amazing accomplishments, a great deal of success in my profession, and to meet and share MY LIFE with some of the finest people one could ever hope to call her FRIENDS!
I do feel at this time, it is extremely important for ME to take some time off from my daily DIARY writing and allow myself the opportunity to BOND EVEN MORE to MY NEW FOAL and FOCUS on being his MOM. (I think in human terms, this is called a child-rearing leave!)
From the bottom of MY HEART, I want to THANK YOU for the joy, support, and love you have brought to ME over these past years. As I’m putting my “writing hooves on the shelf for a bit,” I also want to thank the countless people who have submitted photos (Sarah, you have been so kind) and written so many treasured responses in relation to the Diary entries.
Dottie and I wrote the very first Diary entry on November 1, 2010. We have cherished every single moment of sharing all of these experiences and memories with you….OUR DEAR and TREASURED FRIENDS!
Again, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I will think of you often during my time off…and I hope you will do the same of ME….especially when you see the letter “Z” or hear any of my favorite sayings as ….”Too cute…Blush, Blush…It’s ME…Wink, Wink, BARN 55, High Hoof and I’m a MOM.”
Until next time…
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I so mean this from the bottom of MY HEART!)
I’d respectfully like to add a SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS and a HUGE GROUP HUG to all of the people who have done so much to orchestrate and guide my racing career…and now my life as a broodmare. It is such a large and loving group which would include but not be limited to: all of my dear pals at BARN 55, LANE’S END, MY ANN and JERRY, MY JOHN, MY MIKIE, MARIO, FRANK, CHEVA, MICHELLE, DAWN, STEVE, and so many others!
Then, of course, I’d like to send a very special HIGH HOOF and one very BIG HUG to my writing partner, DOTTIE!
Jan Doyle / TX
Sorry I won’t get to attend your baby shower Zenyatta, but hope everyone has a great time. I was able to purchase the baby poster. Yea can’t wait to get it. Hope you and your little guy are doing great. Lisag did you get my email I sent you?
Hugs to all….
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
My adorable Zenyatta I wish I can be there but I live in FL, I know you are going to let us know how the party was, hope you get many gift, your adorable baby deserve that and much more, I love you very much forever and ever Ingrid.
Karen Gogue PROUD Nanny/Granny ♥♥
Reaction from Santa Anita over “LUCK” being pulled.
Julie Nowicki
Name for Zenyatta’s colt: Brand New Day
Jan Marcott
Please inform us about “THE SHOWER” and all the gifts received. I hope that we get updates on you and your son…..I want to know who the new “date” will be and the date of the expected “new arrival” and when that one arrives and names and on and on. Have SO enjoyed reading about you and please don’t just stop…maybe just post less often….and, maternity leave is usually anywhere from 6-12 weeks…..so PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!
Sue Simpson
Is it normal for a horse to run so long over projected due date? Worried about Tasty.
Allie in Texas
Zenyatta, I second the PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..even if it is only a monthly post. The feeling of loss has overwhelmed me. I suppose I did not understand the emotional investment that I had made with Zenyatta and all the Zensters.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Dear Allie, I feel the same way you do, I am so lost without her and all of you that I fell that some body drop a bucket of cold water on top of my head, I wish they come back soon, I need to know how she and her baby are doing every single day, hugs Ingrid.
Heidi K (easing into the transition) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Head over to the “NEWS” section, there’s more info over there and Most of us Dumplings are there too. Everyone, come join us!!
Carol in Georgia
Precious Zenyatta, you have brought so much JOY into the lives of all of us who love you, and now we have the privilege to share the excitement of your blessed event. There can never be too many photos or videos as we watch his progress. Seeing the two of you romping together is a wonderful experience. We eagerly await each bit of news, and look forward to seeing the two of you in the months ahead. You are truly LOVED!
Stephanie J Lambert
Dottie and Zenny
You have made the largest impact on my life, you both, along with your son saved it in 2010, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will live on those memories for the rest of my life, Zenny will never be far from my heart or thoughts because she lives inside it, she reminded me of what I was made of and what I had within myself…courage, the will to go on and the strength to do it. I grew up on the backside of Foxboro Massachusetts with my brother, I rode my whole life, i have always had it in my blood, but when I married and was hsipped around the world with the USAF and my husband it was back burner, Then I became the care taker of many, his father, my aunt, our children and grandchildren…strokes, death and many more tragedys, too many to mention here drove me to the edge, but Zenny pulled me backed, watching Johns videos of her and Sweetness saved me, visiting you at DSel Mar and seeing her and Scenic Blast saved me from a fate I cant even imagine now. You saved my family from a life without me and I can never repay that debt, This Horse is more than special, not because she is the best female horse to ever grace this planet, not because she is the best athlete ever to eneter the 21st century, not because of her grace and poise and lovein her heart, but because , as I have said many times in the past…ON THE DAY SHE WAS BORN,,,,GOD REACHED DOWN AND TOUCHED HER…HE SAID “THIS ONE”….. I love you Zenyatta, you saved my life and my family’s x0x0x0x00x from Maine
Bernie, San Joaquin Valley, CA
Absolutely beautiful, and you are correct, she is ” The One “. Loving Zenyatta always!
Just thought that I would stop by here and make sure that everyone knew there was some news in the news section. I noticed a lot of people were missing from there. Has anybody heard from Especially Horses or have her email to let her know if nobody has heard from her.
Carol Howard -Traverse City, Michigan
To Dottie, Jerry and Ann Moss and the rest of the Zenyatta Team, THANK YOU!! You have given us unprecedented access to Zenyatta and her new life at Lane’s End. I would like to also thank Lane’s End for accommodating her fans, all of it has meant so much to all of us.
I would like to also thank all of you Zenyatta fans. Zenyatta would have always been great but it was the way she instilled such a fan allegiance that made her even greater! Thank You all for your daily posts to her diary, I’ve enjoyed every one of them. Thank You for campaigning for her for Horse Of The Year. Thank You for getting her face book page to 100,000 before her little Prince was born. Thank You for so many of you logging onto her website the night and day that her little Prince was born that the website crashed twice. Thank You for always being so gracious to each other and supportive. Thank You for never tolerating a negative post. And lastly Thank You for always being so inspiring, you are all awesome!
Louise Castello
ALL: I’m confused again! (Know ya’ll are sick of my confusion, but can’t help it) Where is everyone posting now? Thanks again!
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
On the news about the baby shower and the Lanes end news I think… But I think some major people are missing over there.
Louise Castello
Thank you Sierra! By the way, I left a message for you somewhere on this page but I can’t remember where. It was after the poem you wrote here, almost half way up. Hugs
I will post this in news in case you don’t see it but. I saw it and again I also had the outpouring of love when I lost my horse Spike so it was the least that I could do to return the favor to someone on the site.
Louise, if you find out where everyone is posting, please let me know back here at the Diary. I’m LOST in cyberspace without my Zenyatta.
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
Okay here is the link: https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/zs-baby-shower-at-santa-anita
carol in utah
Hi Louise….I think they are under NEWS right now….until they re-format the site and add the FORUM…Then we will be there…confusing …
trying to get Kari video to play…wont work on my mobile…
Louise Castello
Thank you again Carol! You always are able to help me and my lack of computer skills! I really appreciate it!
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
Thought that I would re-post this on the diary page for anyone who is on here and not on the news part.
Okay I feel the need to thank all of you so much. Every time I post a poem I always hope that you guys will like it and I must say all of the kind words and encouragement you have given me means so much to me. My dad was a poet and I always thought that my dad was the writer, my mom was the artist and I was the performer. But through you all I have found that I am all of these things. All of your encouragement and kind words really have showed me I can do anything I put my mind to. So I was trying to keep this a surprise until it was done but I can no longer contain my excitement/ gratefulness for all of you. I am currently writing a story about our journey with Z and her diary. It involves Z reading our posts and a lot about our posts and how much we inspire each other. Again I would like to thank all of you so much this really means a lot to me. I would also like to thank Zenny and Dottie for giving me my inspiration.
Yvonne Hall
Dear Zenyatta,
You are blessed with a beautiful colt and loving owners/companions, your Ann and Jerry who will always look out for you. Thank you Dottie for allowing us to keep informed on Zenyatta. I used to work at SA and I did see many horses who were not as lucky/ fortunate. The Mosses are an example of how dedicated all horse owners should be. Team Zenyatta is to be commended.
Best wishes to all of you, and blessings to Zenyatta and baby Z.
Yvonne and my Equines
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
Here is the link to where a lot of people are posting now but I think people are going on here and on news as well so it doesn’t really matter where you post. I know I have been posting poems on the news page though if anybody wants to see those.
https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/zs-baby-shower-at-santa-anita one is here
https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/5416 The other one is here.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Just to clarify a bit more, the “news” posts are set up just like the diary posts (i.e., you can write comments underneath the post just like you can (could) under the diary posts, and that’s where many people are now posting). It is very confusing at the moment – everyone is definitely NOT “on the same page”. This page is going to become enormous so switching over to the “news” pages would probably get us all back together again. There are currently two news posts (one from yesterday and one from today) – they have an “older” and “newer” button just like here at the end of a diary page.
Elizabeth in NM
So glad your diary is still up another day…hopefully a few or more, but we’re so very, very grateful for everthing YOU and Your Family have done for us, TEAM Z!
Wish our internet was not so slow, esp this time of day…evening. It’s worth it living in the wilds! But we do miss reading all of the posts daily… all the way through…it usually takes a few days (or nights) – keeps us on our toes… and hooves!
Just wanted to thank all of you (all of Zenny’s Connections and Fan Family) so very much for all of your kind, generous, witty, wise, sometimes off the chart, poetic, encouraging, outrageous, educational, instructive, and esp inspiring and loving thoughts over the past year+ !
It has meant so much to me (us) and the friends and family with whom I have shared the world of ZENYATTA and now ZENYATTA’s PRINCE! At first, I think some folks were wondering ‘what in the world’ is she talking about?!! But as time went on, they began googling about YOU, Z! A few (I think more than a few) have become Z and race fans along the way.
I wish you could all come and see our home….you would love it? ZENNY, YOUR sculpture (by Nina) is next to the fireplace on an alcove – dancing in the center of the living room. Jaime’s painting (well the framed print) of YOU… ‘The Queen’s Dance’ is on the opposite side over the fireplace in the dining room. I have your Christmas ornament in the kitchen. (I could add a few more things that we’ve gotten from Zenyatta’s Shop… esp gracing my art studio – You and Baby Z Plushie are consulted quite often!).
You would think YOU were a member of our family. To us, YOU are!
I wish we could be at your BABY SHOWER at Santa Anita this coming week! Our thoughts will be with YOUR FAN Family, Zenny! Hope everyone has the most fun ever!!!
We’ll be out that way, but not until May. I’ve had 2 exhibits at the Weisman Museum in the past 10+ years. We try to go out the Pepperdine lectures every year we can arrange it.
Still, I hope to see YOU, ZENNY, back out in CA one day!
Love, God’s many Blessings, and Hugs to YOUR WHOLE FAMILY, ZENNY, and esp YOUR new PRINCE!
PS Most especially…
Thank you Jerry and Ann Moss for your generous, patient, untiring sharing of your AMAZING ZENYATTA!
Thank you John and Dottie Shirreffs for the awesome posts and photos!
Thank you Lane’s End (esp Sarah) for the wonderful care of ZENNY (and Tasty) and your enduring patience with us Z Fans!
Thank you Barn 55 – everyone there!
Thank you Mike Smith (our fellow New Mexican…. Yeah!!) for your awesome
rides with ZENYATTA!
Thank you, Zenny’s Fans…. I hope to connect still on Abigail’s Vault and a few other sites mentioned. You have have inspiried and blessed me beyond words!
…………..If wishes were horses
we’d all ride away….
Zenyatta, when I needed comforting in my life, I could come here and I could read the posts and feel better. But now I need you more than ever as my yougest is in the Marines and will deploy soon. This is scary, since I maynot here any news of him for six months. His deployment date was moved up and there was no time to set up addresses. I get this news on the fifthtenth, just after I read the DRF article. Tell it is not true. You brought so much joy to my life. I do not know what I will do. I will be on edge for a very long time. Maybe the milatary will figure out something so us MOMS can stay connected and comunicate with our sons.
Thankyou Zenyatta. Love Always. Kelly Lee of Wisconsin, I am on facebook. Will miss you. :(
Louise Castello
Kelly, Please don’t worry too much. You and your son will be in my prayers and everyone on this site will lift you up. The good news is you can still come here and share. Go to home page here of Zenyatta.com to the news section and read the letter from the Mosses and about the baby shower. We are posting there for now until they start a forum. I hope you understood me cause I’m terrible at directions. Please go there and I will pray for you and your son.
Kelly. I am sorry that you got this news at this time and that you are worried. Louise is right. Go to the news section at the top of this page, click on news and see the posts there from the Z fans. Z will never be lost to you. Her inspiration goes on. I hope that the posts will give you a little comfort. Do not get down and lose faith that all will not be well, as Z never loses her courage and we must try to be like her. There is a wonderful link there to a video about Z from Kari, which you should watch. It may give you some peace.
Kelly. This will get you to the news section.
Darlene Daniels
My Dear Zster friends. I would just like to tell you all that I am still here. I have been reading many posts and trying to catch up. I just havent been able to post anything till now because I was so numb from the emotional roller coaster. It was just a week ago tonight that we all crashed the site because of our jubilation of our most precious 12Zenyatta’s birth and then two days later learning about the diary stopping. I totally understand the situation with Zenyatta and Dottie and really expected it to be coming, just not so suddenly. So much of my pain came from fearing I would be cut off from so many of you I now consider my friends and have grown so fond of. I feel much better now that I know we can still connect with each other from the “News” section.
I will be eternally grateful to Dottie and all of Team Z for this great ride and incredible journey. I will always love Zenyatta and her beautiful colt. I am so thankful to be a part of it all, even if it is only as a great fan.
I hope everyone going to Santa Anita Saturday have a great time. I will be there in spirit only, unless I win the lottery between now and then. Love to all, Darlene Daniels
Marshall (in NC)
To Ann & Jerry, Dottie & John, Barn 55 crew, and Lane’s End
Infinite thanks to all for keeping us connected with Zenyatta — we love her so!
Thank you to Dottie for being such a great communicator/scribe for Zenny — you are wonderful!
Thank you to Ann & Jerry Moss for allowing us access to all things Zenyatta. You are THE Best! Also, thanks for the photos!
To John S.: Thank you for being such a kind, intuitive and patient trainer. All horses should be handled/trained so well. Thanks for the photos, too.
The entire Team Z are the finest on the planet! We appreciate you SO much. Hugs!
Zenyatta's Web Team
Hi Everyone,
We understand that the changes happening on zenyatta.com have been difficult for some, and we’re doing our best to ease this transition. The Diary and your comments will remain here for everyone to read. Nothing will be removed.
Tonight we must announce that we’re closing the comments on this post, Diary Post #457. We’re doing this purely for technical reasons—the large number of comments on this single post is starting to slow things down.
Many of you have expressed confusion over where you should now be posting and connecting with friends. Please head over to the News section. You will find regular updates on Zenyatta, and you can comment just as you could on the Diary Posts.
This link will take you to the News posts: https://staging.zenyatta.com/category/news
Thanks, and you will hear more from us soon!