I have a question about the colts. When is the decision typically made whether to geld or leave them intact, and what factors go into that decision?
Nancy Schaffer
Tucson, AZ
A:Typically we will never geld a colt before it leaves the farm, either for the sales or to be broken in, unless there is a medical issue involved. We often have a good idea that they may become geldings fairly soon into their training careers though! Some colts are definitely more “studdish” than others.
Buyers usually don’t want to purchase a yearling gelding, as this will often indicate they have a difficult temperament. On top of that, this is a dreamers game—when someone buys a colt they like to think they have a shot at owning a horse that will have a stellar racing career and go on to leave his legacy as a stud.
The other reason to geld a colt is if they are clearly not going to compete at the levels that would then lead to a career at stud. A gelding is usually easier to handle and deal with on a daily basis. I know a lot of people will say they have had difficult geldings or easy colts, and of course that can be the case but generally it’s easier to have a gelding in the shed row, especially when there are fillies in the barn.
Our Expert
Yearling Manager, Lane’s End
Cooper was born in Lexington, KY and graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Agriculture. He started working with horses in 1997 in the training barn of Al Stall Jr. Before coming to Lane’s End as the Yearling Manager in 2010, he worked at Wimbledon and Mill Ridge Farm.
can’t see fb, tweet is more convenient….. Faith is not cool, she feel her leg, to give help to milk baby and to guard,she knows that foal is near, vet seeing, care of in stall…..foal want milk, may be nurse mama like one of rachels filly….. when weather will be better and leg became better too, Faith will can to see foal and nurse mare…..zenny 12z stay warm and cozy……..
sheena.davies(wales) waiting for Z's big day
dear max a very happy birthday to tasty temptation hope she has a very special day.another cake and ice cream at yours !!!! hugs sheena
Jan S. / Houston
Good Morning Mama Z. Is today the day! Stay warm & healthy. Thinking about you. xoxo.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, all–Just had to check to see if there could be any baby news. Happiest of birthdays, dear one-of-a-kind Tasty! And Trina–you outdid yourself with the last lines in her poem. Just love it! Hugs.
@Zenny –my hubby says it’s time to “start foaling around”. Love you!
Ann NC (PUR)
” Foaling Around”…cute!
I have a T-shirt w/ that on it.A cute foal running around while the Mom is rolling. Maybe if I put it on,Zenny will ” foal around”!!! OK,going to go change now.
Please little one, come on!
maureen phi-llips
Good morning to all, hope today is the Best day yet with Blessings, Peace, Joy and good health. Praying for everyone that’s sick for God’s Healing. It is well.
To you my dearest Queen Zenyatta, hope you had a restful night, here is wishing you a pleasant day full of rest and love from your Z nation family. Say hi to Prince if you run into him or he comes around, he is looking mighty handsome it’s crazy. How is little Princess doing?, we cannot wait to welcome her, that’s not to say were’re pressuring her into anything, she can take all the time she needs!. Eat an extra carrot for her though as we continue to wait.
To everyone, God’s Blessings I wish you all. I am ever so Proud to be a member of this Z nation family, you all Rock!
Kathy R.
Dear Maureen: Many thanks for your morning blessings! Hugs KathyR.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen:
God Bless you too. Love and Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / So Cal
Checked in to see if anything had happened over night. Guess not. I’m beginning to think Easter morning or April 1. But I’d love to be wrong.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Zenny,
No matter where I am, or what I’m doing, or how busy I am, you are always in the back of my mind. Someone said on here a time or two, you are gentle on my mind. So true. Have a wonderful and safe day my angel.
We had 14 inches of snow up here in Indiana, hope you did not get that much.
Still pacing…Wishing you another beautiful foal, Zenyatta. On another note, the Horsemen’s Park Facebook page has a new photo album which sports the original Omaha grave marker and oval portrait on suede, the 2 Omaha items sold at the Aksarben Race Track auction, then lost for a time.
Kathleen O'Mara
They can shut it down for up to 12 hours.
trying again….second attempt…first attempt erased when one of the “garden harvested” kittens sat on my keyboard…
Happy Birthday to Tasty…..love you ….would love an update on you and your babies…
I like the stories….about the old ones or new….so the stories about Kinscem are great and she is to this day considered a national treasure in her homeland…
Steve Haskins new blog on John Nerud is worth a read….its filled with breeding history and is amazing how many of this years runners trace directly to his breeding program
Good Morning Zenny…..love you….
Play hard 12Z….school is coming sooner than you think
ps-we learned from one of the breeding articles that mares can “shut down” labor…
wonder …if Ann and Jerry are there….did Z shut down to keep them around? oh well
just a stray thought…..
Zenny love….eat …sleep …rest….exercise…..keep all spa appts complete with mud baths..remember how well it worked last year…
Ann NC (PUR)
Keta and Zfans,
OMG is right. That Midnight Lucky is something else.
Thanks,Keta for posting her race,otherwise I would have missed that superb run!
Correct me if I am wrong, she did not even need coaxing in the home stretch.
Stay sound Missy!
Happy Birthday Sue F. So nice about the new foal and naming.Stay strong,mama Faith.
Happy B-day TT. I could hear,max singing for you,Ha!! Trina,sweet poem.
Lead changes,I can still hear my daughter,years ago at about 10 yrs old shouting out,while we were watching one of the Triple Crown races,” Mom,did you see that lead change?” I don’t know what was better, the race or knowing she could spot that already! HA!!! Simple Pleasures.
Love you ,Zenny!! 12Z,you are so handsome.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Maybe your daughter could take me on as an “extra credit” project :-) There must be some distance learning approach we could use.
Ann NC (PUR)
Must keep a watch on this incredible filly.
Still amazed by Midnight Lucky’s record setting run–made it look as easy
as Nelly’s wins.
I know a lead change, I can spot a lead change, But, I can’t explain a lead change
Thank you to Heidi
Hugs, Keta
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sue F.–sent a donation for Faith and Fred. PUF&F! Baby is adorable. Praying for Faith to get well and blossom, now that she will be cared for. Hugs.
Sue Fredrick Pacing in Earnest
Barbara, you are such a honey!! Bye the way I responded to your comment on the previous page. I told Penny (rescuer) to give Faith and Freddie a nose smooch for me and she did, took a pic, and sent it to me. It’s on her Facebook site. Mama is starting to get some life in her eyes, and looks like she wants to live. So wonderful!! Told my kids they are Aunts now, so they are rounding up some of their horse friends for donations. I’m one happy lady. hugs
Rosemary McCauley-Pres./AZ/New Mexico RNC
Looking forward anxiously for the birth announcement of Z13. The Mosses must be very excited I wish them and the Queen all the best.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Hoofray! I just saw on Stonestreet’s FB page that Rachel is home! I’m so happy for her. This just makes my day. Our prayers were answered. Love you, Rachel!
Happy Birthday, Tasty! I hope you get lots of carrots and peppermints.
I guess there’s no new word about our girl Z. I think she’s going to have a filly on April 1st, her birthday. As long as mom and baby are healthy I’m happy, though. Still pacing, pacing….
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Great news!!! Thanks Debbie – our prayers certainly were answered! I know you must be resting easier now :-)
Debbie G/Kentucky (PUR)
Yes I am, Sandy. I’ve been worried sick about poor Rachel. I can concentrate all my efforts now on Z having a safe, uneventful birth. Pacing, pacing…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Debbie and Z Fans:
So happy RA’s back home. Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / So Cal
RA home….the best news yet today….
Kathy R.
Thank you St Francis!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Just saw the Rachel video. She looks amazing. PURA!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Where is the video????
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Never mind – found it!
Jan D./ Texas
Barbara, where did you see the Rachel video. So glad she has been able to return home. Just can’t wait to get up each morning and check to see if 13Z has arrived. It should be very soon now.
Louise Castello
Someone posted the video on the forum side under Rachel Alexandra.
Pam Homeier
Good news about Rachel!!!! Now Z get busy! Although having 13Z on your birthday would be nice.
HeidiK Vallejo,Ca (lost in the drama)
Wooohoooo, Rachel is home!!!! For those of you pacing, there’s a cool and fun “Waiting Room” on the forum side.
Happy Birthday to Tasty Temptation…
BTW… Just to update those that have been following my “woes,” I am not going to my Aunts service. Mom wasn’t mad or upset with me, thank goodness. So, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. However, I am working on a story from the days we went hiking to send to my Uncle, Cousin and to Mom. Kind of my own special lil way of paying my respects.
Ok, back to pacing and cleaning.
Sue Fredrick Pacing in Earnest
Good for you, you made a decision that you can live with. What an excellent idea about writing the story. I bet your mom and uncle will just love having that memory of her.
God Bless you and your family. Hugs
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Jan D.–here is the link:
@Heidi–thank you for sharing your decision with us. Hope you have fond memories while you are writing. Prayers for the family.
Jan S. / Houston
Can’t seem to get the video to work!!
Trisha Veazey
I did not know it was Tasty/s birthday also. have not heard about her in a long while. Hope she is well.
sheena.davies(wales) waiting for Z's big day
dear Z family wonderful news about dear Rachel .thank you God our prayers were answered!!!!hugs sheena
Ingrid Arnone
Yes dear, they were! Hug Ingrid.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Zenny, love you.
Big hug Ingrid.
Kathy R.
Dear Debbie: Just went to the Inglis site – Rockstardom has been sold by the owner to Inglis, as agent – doesn’t give any more information. Hope it all goes okay.
Kathy R.
Hostility to Black Caviar owners:
Biggest problem with twitter – people with cranky issues can just post with no responsibility. Very sad. The only true comment these people are making is that it should be all about the horse.
by Stonestreet Farm
Rood & Riddle
A video of some of the moments as Rachel shipped home! Can’t say enough about Stonestreet Farm and the amount of access that they have given Rachel’s fans to this entire process! Truly great people to work with who love their horses!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Bummers for some reason my computer wouldn’t load the video. Kept trying looked like it was going to but wouldn’t. Wouldn’t you know it my computer picts now to act up. Thank You anyway Keta Will keep trying.
carol in arkansas/PACING
Pati-College Bound
My picture is at the 3:04 mark! I took it in 2011 on Vanity Day, the day Blind Luck won it!
It’s a dedication to the knight, El Vino!
Pati-College Bound
I did not make this wonderful video. El Vino posted the video on his page. Just thought I should put that out there.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
What a wonderful video of El Vino. Made me smile and cry. So happy for him. I hope he has a very healthy, long life after his racing days are done. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio) PUR
Thanks Pati for posting this great video of EV – it was his birthday too yesterday. It’s a very touching trip through his racing life and certainly shows his devotion to our queen as well as his own recent successes.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Rachel Alexandra
So So Glad that you are home. Such wonderful news. I am so Happy. Thank You Dear Lord. And, Thank You Stonestreet Farm for sharing our beautiful Girl
Take it easy.
Rachel we love you very much.
So happy Rachel is home. Such good news. I have been noticing a few people refer to Zenyatta’s unborn foal as a filly. Has anything been announced about this or are they just assuming? I thought the Mosses weren’t going to find out what it was.
carol in arkansas/PACING
I think there is a lot of wishful thinking going on….don’t think anyone knows for sure
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Zenyatta,
Just wanted to say Love Ya Very much. It’s almost the full moon. Here in Ga the moon looks pretty full tonight. Beautiful Night, and a little chilly.
OK now, tomorrow’s the full moon, But are you going to foal then???Zenny our beautiful girl you just be safe. Prayers for you so hard for a healthy birth for you and foal. May God and lots of Angels take good care of you.
Hint Hint I think its going to be a filly too. I bet your Ann and Jerry are there.
I’m really pacing now.