Cooper Sawyer, Yearling Manager
Cooper Sawyer is the yearling manager at Lane’s End farm, and he is responsible for the daily care of all the yearlings. He came to Lane’s End in 2010 from Mill Ridge Farm, where he also served as yearling manager. Cooper has worked with yearlings since he graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2005. Prior to that he worked with mares and foals.
Keepers vs. Sale Horses
Lane’s End does things a little differently than most other farms. They identify the yearlings as either “keepers” or “sale” horses. Keepers are horses that the owners have decided not to sell but to keep and race, such as Cozmic One. The two groups are separated in May, about two weeks after the Derby. That’s when they start to get “coltish” and play rough.

The colts are turned out into individual paddocks, which keeps them from roughhousing. The sale colts are turned out at 7 pm to protect their coats from the sun so that they look their best in the sale ring. The keepers go out after their noon feed, about 2 pm. This is also the main difference between the keepers and sale horses. One of the things that separates Lane’s End from other farms is that they do give the keepers this experience and that they turn out our sale horses at all. Many farms like to keep their horses in all the time.
The prep process is the foundation and education that makes the transition from yearling to 2 year-old to racehorse a little easier, and it begins in May. The yearlings are broke to tack (surcingle and draw cords) and the walking machine. The walker helps get the horses fit. Putting them in a tight space gets them used to going in the starting gate. They are also broke to a hose, as they receive daily baths and rubdowns. For Coz, this whole process will help him when he goes to the Mayberry’s in Flordia. They will put a saddle on him, put him in the starting gate and will help him become a better mover.

Dear Sue Thanks very much for news of Sue The Vampress Queen I cannot access her facebook page.If you hear anything?? Thanks Again hugs Sheena
Dear Max Am not really sure what my mum would have thought of a horse in our Kitchen. She just didn’t like them only my cousin, Julie and I, are huge horse lovers.The ground at Haydock today was more suitable for “jumps” but the Lord loved it ,must have felt he had a chance for Murtagh to come over.Good day for Kauto parading tomorrow with Nipper, he’s pleading for a DVD now, bless him.Hugs Sheena
Sheena. My mother was not really fond of animals either because one of my older brothers had so many pets. She was forced to take responsibility for their care. He was good at finding pets, but not so good at looking after them. He had chickens, and we lived in a city, or rather on the outskirts. His rooster used to act as the local wake up call.
I saw George run once on tv, but he did not win that one. I hear that Willie Mullins plans to run more horses in England, including the flat. That will be good. Kauto needs that DVD. I would buy it. Hovis needs one too.
Sheena. Just read that Moosie is giving advice to Cartier HOY contender, Trading Leather: don’t forget to come out of the stalls. LOL!
Ann NC
Congrats to, The Fugue!!!!!!
So happy for her. Yeah!!!
Vampy Sue has communicated some information to me today via text. I have listed our text conversation below as it happened. I am not sure about all of the text lingo so I did not want to try and put my twist on her words.
We need to pray for her she is still without internet but can communicate via text.
Sue text to Sue Colins 9-6-13
Hi it’s Sue form florida Zennys blog. Sheena from Wales is asking about you today on the blog. I hope you are ok too. I do have sad news Marty R lost her husband Pat this week. Please let me know what is happening with you so I can share with the gang. Thanks
VPQ Sue text back
Hi sue :) tell sheena & the rest of the zsters i said hi. Im so sorry boutthe death of Marty R’s hubby :'( plz give her my condolences. & let her know im
Praying for her. Im doing soso. My CP is actin up & i have pinched nerve in my neck & lowback. :( so my body is numb-my legs & my leftarm especially.
Its difficult to do things &to walk cuz i cant feel my legs well. TBH it scares me. Plz pray that god will heal my pimched nerves so i can function more normaly
Ive been useing a heat pad & doing yoga to help. On the plus side since ive lost weight from it :))) i havent been sleeping well at nite cuz of muscle spams.
Its irritating me. I havent slept mor than a couple hrs a nite for the past2mos. so i need prayer that i can sleep normally at nite once again.
Thats basically it for me. How r u? Hows zenny looking. I bet prince red is getting bigger as well as coz. Thanx so much for asking bout me. It means a lot :)
I miss all of u zters & pray reg for u all. BIG HUGSS/PRAYERS
I sent her 2 pics of Zenny, Coz and the Red prince. I don’t know if it worked but I sure hope she can see them. If you are a face book friend with Vampy Sue please look up her page and get her cell. She would like to hear from us. If you are not her friend on face book I don’t know if you can see her number. I am not going to post it here but if you have a way to contact me I can share it with you. I can’t post me email here for reasons I don’t want to get into but many other dumplings have my email. It is ok to share if you trust the request.
Love Sue
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
So sorry to hear Vampress Sue is going through this painful time. Please give her my love next time you communicate and let her know she is in my prayers. Hope she feels better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sue–thank you so much for Sue’s update. Please give her our best. Adding her to the prayer list. I think we’re friends on FB. Going there now. Hugs.
Sue. Very sorry to hear this. No sleep is very hard. Please tell her that we are all thinking of her and sending positive power her way.
Terry Crow
Add my voice to yours, Max.
Good news the pics I sent of Z and her boys where revived. So you can send Vampy pics if you text.
Bluegrass Girl
Praying for relief & sleep-filled nights.
Pain is so wearing on the body and the spirit.
Add to that no sleep and you must be exhausted.
Sending loving, healing thoughts to you.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Sue,
Please relay my sincere good wishes to Vampress Sue Colvin. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for healing. Hugs
Ann NC
Captain Sue,
Please give Vamp Sue Colvin my hellos. Tell her we miss her and I hope she will be feeling better soon. Keeping her in my prayers.
Maryp NY
Sue, Thank you for giving us this info on Vampy Sue. I have wondered about her as there haven’t been any posts in awhile. I too join in adding her to my prayer list for relief of pain and to restore the simple abilities needed to make life easier.
Dear Max And Ann Brilliant win by the Fugue at Leopardstown!!!! Girl Power! hugs Sheena
Sheena and Ann. Yes to girl power. But she’s headed for the Arc which means she’s targeting the Big O. Sorry, but I’m going with Peggy’s Big O. Let the red horses rule!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max, Sheena, Ann and Peggy:
I’m with Max and Peggy. Love those Grand Ole Chestnuts. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Go O Go.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Yes, Go Big O, and I want him to get some revenge for getting kicked. I don’t want him to kick anyone, but I want him to win and show all those other horses how great he is. Go Orfevre……………………………………………………………….
Here is The Fugue winning. I see that Moosie’s advice was not enough to help Trading Leather. The Fugue really ran them all down. Impressive. Hope that Kingbairns is okay as he was pulled up.
Bluegrass Girl
Yuji N @meteorshoweryn tweet with Photo
The Fugue (@The_Fugue) en route to winning Irish Champion Stakes
Note: The Fugue is on Twitter-just discovered this.
Bluegrass Girl
Rarely do a cut-and-paste a link and jumble it the way I did The Fugue
Here is the way it should have posted
Ann NC
Gorgeous girl! Thanks BGG.
Hope she went into the kitchen for an apple!! :0 After that win….run of the house.
Dear Sue So sorry to hear of The Vampress’ health problems.She has all my sympathy, especially with her neck pain. I cant access her facebook page but maybe you could pass on my email address,am having trouble with my ISP, so am using my Yahoo account. It’s sheenajenniferdavies@yahoo.com thanks very much hugs Sheena
Vampy can’t get email only text. I will email you her number.
carol in arkansas
Congrats to two the ladies who ran big …so far…today…
The Fugue
& Australia…..
Run Like A Girl!
carol in arkansas
that should be “two of the”
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max
So funny about your horse in the Kitchen. That reminds me of the TV show the New Adventures of Black Beauty when they hid Beauty in this old abandoned house.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So happy to see Belmont Park open again. Hoping for a good accident free season.
Dear Sue Thanks very much I can text her. hugs Sheena
Dear Max Great race by the Fugue, didn’t know she was in the Arc, thought she was coming over to you for the BC.Seems Moosie should take some of his own advice,like run!!!! My mum, being country born and bred, loved all animals but was scared of horses and cows.Hope we get to see Kauto at Burghley tomorrow.Hugs Sheena
Sheena. The Fugue is supposed to be going to both, according to comments from John Gosden. She wants to win at Santa Anita because last year was not her best. It’s possible because the two races are a month apart. Still cheering for the Big O in the Arc. No doubt Kauto will post photos. He’s good at that. It’s the DVD that is the problem.
Well you all, Johnny V did it to me again. He did not win on Boisterous in the Bowling Green. Here’s hoping for Elena Strikes at Churchill tonight. Gotta say, I still love Redheaded Witch.
Shirlee. The Witch has a great pedigree. Her chestnut coat might have come down to her from Secretariat. She’s a baby at 2. Here’s hoping for a win for her. As to Uncle Johnny, who can explain this? Sooner or later he’s got to win or lose correctly for you. Don’t give up on your quest.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Agree with Max; sooner or later JV will win when you want him to. Love and Hugs, JB
JV sure didn’t do well on either of my picks yesterday. Not too upset about Redheaded Witch. Perhaps she did not like running under the lights.
At least Departing won. Too bad he is a gelding.
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless You,Lola Mae,Charlie and all the Sweeties. Bai Yun had a beautiful birthday cake and fun was had by all! The little cub in Washington Zoo is a girl and doing fine.Her stillborn cub was also female.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Glad the little surviving girl is doing well. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC and all the Sweeties
Max and Kathy, your stories of animals in the house reminded of Ma & Pa Kettle in the movies of my childhood. They had all kinds of farm animals in their house. Remember that before setting the kitchen table, Ma Kettle always had to chase the hens off of it. I loved them.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
I remember those movies too. They played them often at our neighborhood theater in the 1950’s. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
They were SO funny!
Bluegrass Girl
Kati Gsell @ruffians_view tweet
Mucho Macho Man breezed 5f in 1.02:34 at Saratoga, he got the 1st rank out of 8
Mucho Macho Man (5-Year-Old Horse) Workout
Date: September 7, 2013
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.02:34 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt training
Rank: 1/8
He is on his way to California. Hope he and Paynter avoid each other until the Classic.
Ann NC
I hope you saw MMM in the photo wrap up from Saratoga. It is on the Blood horse site. Very handsome of him!!!!
Bluegrass Girl
Ray Paulick @raypaulick
Departing (3yo g, @claibornefarm sire War Front) easily wins G2 Super Derby.
Trainer Al Stall, O/B Claiborne/Adele Dilschneider. Won 6-of-8
BH.com tweet with RACE RESULTS
Departing (War Front – Leave) wins the Super Derby.
Super Derby (gr. 2) with Race Replay
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/race/USA/LAD/2013/9/7/11/super-derby-gr-ii#ixzz2eFbfCz9H
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Zentastic Team mates:
Hallelujer, as Medea would say, I’m finally on the Board. Bet $20.00 on Cameo Appearance to finish third. Congrats to Departing; no contest. Love and Hugs, JB
Me too yahoo
carol in arkansas
Me three…..great minds think alike…paid more than Departing to win
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue and Carol:
How about that! We all had the same bet. I was impressed with Cameo’s pedigree. His Grand Daddy is AP Indy on his Sire’s side and Tiznow on his Dam’s side.
This is the first time I’ve made the board. Never scored one point last year. Hugs, JB
We Done Good
Watch out Baby Tapit !!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy,
Great going
Congrats to Sue and Carol too.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Thanks. It’s about time I guessed right. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy B,
Congrats on your big win and to all other bettors!! I took the chicken route and bet on Departing to Place, ha,ha. Won something so I’m still helping the team. hugs
Ann NC
I am so so happy for you, JB. Hallelujer. Medea, LOL.
Congrats to my winning cappers. I played the 20/1. Ha.
Congrats Judy. Happy for you. Except for Departing, I struck out.
Perhaps this is an omen for the future for you.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks. I’m so glad I finally contributed a little to the Team. Wish I could guess right with an Exacta Box.
JV and Boisterous had some problems in the Bowling Green. In reading the race notes, they were making a move and were checked and hit the hedge; bad luck. Elena went to the lead, but appeared to tire. Hope they both came out OK.
One of these times, things will work out just right for you with the “dratted” JV. Love and Hugs, JB
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca (bride to be)
Foiled again! I had the second placed horse as a show on my ticket. I guess, I’m just not into it as much due to the wedding coming up. There’s always another weekend though. I’ll hit the board at some point. Congrats to those that scored!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Good night. Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Zenyatta, I have not told you lately that I LOVE YOU!! My life appears to be really busy especially this past week. I could not even read our Zster friends notes!!
I wish I could be more a part of what is going on; perhaps in winter when things may slow down.
Remember Z, you are the reason we all came here and you have created such great friendships between us.
Most of all Zenyatta, Love you forever with kisses on your soft nose, and to your two awesome sons.
Auntie Sally B
I thank you and my Alpine goat up in heaven thanks you. She was a wonderful pet, tons of fun to play with, and as I recall she was the perfect guest during the event I described. No messes in the lady’s living room. Thank you for your horse-in-the-kitchen post that reminded me of my lovely pet.
Kathy. Best regards to you and your goat. I liked remembering that horse too. When I think of it now, I realize what a wonderful disposition that she had, or, as shirlee pointed out, maybe the filly was used to being in the house like the Kettles. If Zenyatta showed up with the two boys at my door, I would certainly invite them in for some carrots, apples, Fiji water and a Guinness for Z.
It’s great remembering the fantastic animals we grew up with. I enjoyed hearing about your horse so much. Zenyatta and her two boys could have the run of the whole place. I SO want to see Zenny in person. I should have gone to meet her at Hollywood Park before the move to KY. Oh well, now I can aspire to a nice trip to KY! Enjoy your day, Max!
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta Family, Zsters and Dumplings,
I am so overwhelmed at the outpouring of love, prayers and comforting messages from people at this site. What a wonderful group of individuals the love for Zenyatta has brought together to form this community.
I’m sure most know my husband Pat’s passing was not unexpected, but that doesn’t seem to make things any easier. I just wanted to express my family’s and my appreciation and gratitude for the support and caring that has been extended to us.
I hope to become more of a participant here again before long.
Love and blessings to you all,
Marty R.
Marty we all love you and pray that each day you have will be good. love Sue
Janet Newman
Sending you a big hug today. Everything is one day at a time and
will look forward to you participating here with us again.
Marty R. Strength to you at this time of grief. We are all thinking of you.
Maryp NY
Marty, I’m sure that all the happy memories will make you smile as the days go by and I wish the smiles outweigh any tears.
When you get back here there will be plenty of laughs from us “Zsters” and Hovis and of course, Zenny and her boys.
We are with you in spirit. Blessings and hugs,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marty:
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Sending you love and hugs.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks for checking in with us. You know we are here for you, and we also know that you have many affairs to tend to right now. Looking forward to your joining us when you have time. Love and hugs.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Marty
Sending many prayers your way. Love, Peggy
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Marty,
Love and Blessings sent back to you and your family.
Take care and feel the warmth of our Zenyatta Hugs.
Terry Crow
Marty-God Bless you during this difficult time.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Marty, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Warmest hugz.
Dear Marty Love and blessings to you and your family at this sad time.My mum and Dad’s passings were not unexpected either, but it never makes it any easier.God bless you. Love and hugs Sheena
Dear Max Have you seen the lovely pics of Kauto and Nipper At Burghley? absolutely gorgeous!!! hugs Sheena
Sheena. I just looked. They both look fantastic. Kauto is a very good looking horse as is Nipper. It’s obvious that they are also well cared for by their owners. Here’s the photo of the two together.
Do you know why Kauto is in dressage as opposed to eventing or show jumping? Seems that he could do both.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Sheena:
Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo of Kauto and Nipper. They look wonderful. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Max, Sheena, JB,
They are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
Max, I forgot to thank you for posting the Fugue’s race. Thanks!!!! last year in the BC, my favorite, Zagora won. Love these girls. I suppose, Dec of War pulled out because of the turf conditions and nothing else?
Hi Sheena,
Happy Sunday!
If Zenyatta was a football player what position would she play?
just for fun
I think she would be a Free Safety because of those bursts of speed she has from that powerful back end…
What do you think?
I am a bit excited about Football Season.
Coz I Can 2015
Maryp NY
Hi Sue,
I’m definitely jacked up for the football season, especially being a Packer fan! My hubby and I love that team. We have the living room decorated w/Packer cheeseheads, helmet, pillows, throws, game ticket, flags, beads, etc!
Zenyatta would be my pick to play offense as a running back..she could power through the line and run for the TD every time she carried the ball!! LOL!! How fun!!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
So happy to welcome another Packer fan, we are a special group!! Your living room sounds like a great place to watch the game. GO PACKERS hugs
Terry Crow
Wide receiver would seem to be a natural position for her.
carol in arkansas
I think maybe a wide receiver doing a reverse….the big sweep around the whole backfield and then the blazing run to the end zone at top speed…
Terry Crow
Exactly. The Rams were the team of my chldhood and I am still a fan.
Dear Max A 1-2-3 for the kiwis at Burghley. Jock Paget won on Clifton’s Promise. William fox in-a-hole was 4th, we all know he’d have won if he ridden a certain Clydesdale we all love!!!Saw Kauto and Nipper,Was in tears as usual. Maybe they chose dressage, because Clive thought he had jumped enough during his racing career. Thanks for posting the pic.hugs Sheena
Sheena. Good point. Clive Smith loves Kauto and wants to see that his second career is good for the horse. Dressage requires attention to detail which exercises the horse’s powers of concentration. Everyone says that Kauto is very intelligent. He’s definitely got the elegant look for dressage. Same for Neptune.
Better luck next time to the Fox. One day he’ll learn to go with Hovis. Neigh!
Bluegrass Girl
e-Venting on Sunday Sept. 8 2013
Here @CollettEventing and @KingKautoV parade with @NeptuneCol at @LRBHT_Official
Laura Collett on Kauto Star & Neptune Collonges (Nipper) Grand National winner 2012 in Parade of Legends at Burghley
Bluegrass Girl
Kelly McAnespie tweet with Photo
@CollettEventing Kauto Star looked fantastic today!
Good to see he’s enjoying life still!!
Bluegrass Girl
Land Rover Burghley @LRBHT_Official
And Jock does it! Jock Paget and Clifton Promise win here today and
The Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials 2013 #LRBHT2013
Hi Kathy Happy Sunday to you too. Hugs Sheena
Maryp NY
Hi Zsters,
Just have to tell you…..I play Scrabble and Words with Friends every day on fb and today I played – COZ in my Scrabble game and it’s a word! I really didn’t think it would be accepted but it was and the definition is “cousin”.
Surprised me, so all of you who play if you didn’t know it, now you do.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mary:
Play Words on my phone and Scrabble on Pogo and never knew COZ was an accepted word. Will always think of him when I use it. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Are redneck words acceptable?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC:
Will have to check on that. Too funny. Hugs, JB
Maryp NY
We can always give them a try!