Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.

Queen of Racing
Happy Friday!
Ann’s recent trip to Lane’s End was all smiles as old friends were reunited. Mario and Carmen, who both worked with Zenyatta at Barn 55, joined Ann and got to meet Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly. Scroll down for lots of photos.
These are such wonderful, beautiful and heart-lifting photos because of the love and joy and happiness shining through in all of them! It is wonderful to see Zenyatta being a muddy horse and watch how lovingly she grooms her young daughter. To witness the love on Mario’s face as he is reunited with Zenyatta is so touching. I’m happy to see the glowing smile on Ann’s beautiful face also and it always make my heart smile to see Zenyatta. I am so grateful for the continuation of this site and these glimpses into the post racing life of our Queen. Thank you!
Janet Maas
Zenny is as beautiful as ever I truly believe her face shows so much more love and wisdom as she ages and OMG her filly is truly lovely.
Linda Daly
These pictures are just precious. Ann has a heart of gold to include Mario and Carmen! My favorite is Mario smootchin Z17. I hope she comes to him when ready to race!
Julie from Kokomo
Looking good, Mario! And so nice to see you, Ann. Alys, these photos are perfection. I have no expertise, but it seems to me that through the head at least, this filly really favors her sire.
Oh gosh Mario and Carmen got to visit Z and the baby?! They must be overwhelmed! Such a beautiful sister to our Princess 2014. And Z nuzzling Ann’s hair? My therapy mare did that to me a week ago. There is no better love than that of a horse. And the filly seems really acclimated to humans. LE’s has done a terrific job with her!
With the sad news of the other day I hope Z, breeding and offspring can all be civilly managed.
Thank you to all the folks at LE’s who take care of Z and her foals. To Alyse for her lovely photos. Love to Ann and Jerry, because of your love for Z, your willingness to share your lovely mare and because you care about horses and their lives after racing.
Thank you Ann for being honest with us. So sorry you couldn’t have had a happier ending. Love it that you are going to continue the Zenytta web site. Thank you so much for that. The pictures of our Queen and and little Z, as she is being called, are so wonderful to see. She is growing so big along with those beautiful ears. It was great to see Mario and Carmen! Think of them often. Know Zenyatta must have been so happy to see them. It was great to see the whole family again together. Ann I wish you the best of everything and a happy future. Thanks Aiys the pictures are wonderful. Please keep us, Z fans, updated with Queen Z and her little Z. Much happiness to all.
Paula Higgins
These pictures are fantastic!! Gladdened my heart to see Zenny’s family with her and her baby. Ann, Mario and Carmen will forever be a part of Zenyatta’s life.
Betty in Tampa
Wonderful pictures, I am always so grateful when you share these special moments with all of the Blog and Forum members. Zenyatta and her filly sure seemed to enjoy spending time with Ann, Carmen and Mario. Lots of smiles and happy faces! Not sure who Z17 will favor, dame or sire, but she sure has her Mama”s eyes! The pic of Mario kissing Z’s filly — and she is kissing him back — that moment is priceless.
Sharon Peck
a mutual adoring society!! Seeing these photos is tonic for any ailment and a joy to behold. Thank you TeamZ!! I’m so happy to see Carmen and Mario on this visit.
Donna H
What a wonderful treat!!! Enjoyed every minute of taking it all in. I’ve thought so often of how glad Zenny was to see Mario when she was turned loose and he was there. He and Carmen look so happy to see their special charge and what a sweet kiss for our precious baby. Ann looks so happy to be there with them and got a new hairdo to boot. Thanks so much. Love to all.
Thank you so much for continuing to let us be part of some very prescious moments in the life of this amazing horse. I know she loved Mario and Carmen to pieces and loved their visit. The pictures made me cry happy tears!!!
Marilu Villanueva
Thank you so much Team Z for the priceless pictures. What a touching reunion for Ann, Mario and Carmen with their beloved Zenyatta.
You are right Sharon P. Seeing the photos is tonic for any ailment. Such happy faces and a glorious moment in time.
Virginia Mach Hagler
Happy tears here from viewing these delightful pictures of Zenyatta, baby Z17, Ann, Mario, and Carmen all together. So sweet.
Suzanne Metzinger
One word describes all. LOVE
YlvaG. Ernstson
Thank you for the wonderful photos!!!
Truly a joy to my heart!!!
Shannon From Cool
Zenyatta and Ann lit up the scoreboard with this visit.
So great to see the Barn 55 Gang together again.
Quite honestly, it makes my heart swell with love.
I for one have missed updates but my love for Zenyatta ,
et al, has never waned.
Darcy Frank
Are you kidding me??? These pics are amazing, Brings tears to my eyes. the bond between horse and human is so evident!!
Nancy in CA
So wonderful to see Ann with Mario and Carmen visiting Z and her gorgeous filly. Too bad Ann couldn’t have Z live in her back yard, as she earlier wanted. They both would be so happy, but I know, of course, it’s not logical. I hope these reunions can happen often. Everyone loves to see the happiness. Thank you for these beautiful photos.
debbie sutherland
Hearts over flowing, Zenyatta and her filly and Ann ,Mario and Carmen.
It has long been a dream of mine for Mario to visit his beloved Z, for the grooms are often the forgotten heros and Mario had/has such an amazing bond with Zenyatta.
Zenny is in heaven with her people all around her.
Great photos Alys, many thanks-wonderful to see the happy reunion!
Janis OConnor
In the third picture down where Mario andCarla are to Zs left andAnn has her arm around the baby, Zenyatta is sticking out her leg for Mario like when she danced. She looked so sweet and happy to see her beloved groom.
Jane Titley
Such lovely photos. The filly looks really friendly. Great to see both having a good scratch! Heartwarming reunion.
Anne Castle
It was awesome seeing the old gang together with Zenyatta and her adorable filly. The filly has mama’s ears and some attitude. I wish Ann happiness starting her new life. She always looks the happiest when with her girl.
Thanks for the super photo updates, Alys.
Patricia H. Diers
She is one beautiful filly. Glad to see Zenyatta looking so spectacular. Someday, I am gong to pet that big, beautiful gal.
How wonderful to see Ann with friends Mario and Carmen enjoying time with Zenyatta and Z17! Beautiful pictures, Alys! Thank you so much, Ann!
What a fabulour blog! Mario and Carmen with their girl and her baby! These pictures brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, Ann. You have a spiritual connection with our Queen and it shows in these photos.
sue and tony
Awesome photos…everything seems so right in Zenny’s wonderful world. Seeing Mario and Carmen with her is touching.
Thank you for these fabulous photos! Every time I see Z she takes my breath away. She is one of the most magnificent creatures I have ever seen. It’s wonderful – and a testament to those who have been around her – that she is so calm and kind. Her new filly is precious and precocious! God protect Z and the whole Z team.
Sue Fredrick
Thank you Zenyatta Team and LE for these heartwarming fabulous pictures of a very happy family. I think Zenny was as happy to see them as they were to see her. Ann looks very happy in spite of all the changes in her life…..bless her big heart for continuing to share Zenny and baby with us all. hugs to all.
Alexandra Bowdoin
How WONDERFUL Ann took Mario and Carmen to see Z and her little girl!! Well Done!
Kathy B..
Everyone looks so happy! Filly is growing! This just made my day!