Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Catherine Uher
OMG she is absolutely adorable and reminds me so much of both Cozmic One with her star and her coloring of ZPrincess. These photos just made my day!!! Thank you so much to the entire Team Z, especially Jerry and Ann, who continue to share our beloved Zenyatta with all of us!!! Please keep the pictures coming!!!! They are so uplifting and put the biggest smile on my face and all of us Zenyatta fans!!!! Our Queen looks radiant and beautiful!!! Love, love, love this new little one!!! This is making my heart soar!!! ?????????????????????????
Phil Glifort
Her white spot is shaped like the sun. Why not dub her Sunshinze?
Mark Smith
What a lovely filly!
Just curious — Since Z and Medaglia d’Oro are both both dark brown, will the foal’s color darken as she ages? From the photos, she appears to be a chestnut, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to know.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I had the same thought and was corrected. I believe that her mane and tail give away that she IS a bay but a light one at the moment.
Dear Judy.Frankel has made it to no 5 on the leading sires list.You can guess who is at the top!Have you ever heard of a horse called Business Park Rave his damsire was Street Cry and Grand damsire Kris S.He was rescued from an auction with a fractured sesamoid back in November but is recovering well now.He is the sweetest horse and only 4.Love and hugs Sheena.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to the Champ. No, I am not familiar with BPR. Wonderful pedigree; so happy he was rescued and is doing well; but absolutely heartbroken that he was dumped, badly injured, in a kill pen. How cruel, unfeeling and wrong! Love and Hugs, JB
Hovis has been cavorting around the field like Michael Flatley on acid and now his leg is stiff.Karen is in Scotland Herman is calling Friday and she could kill him!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Sounds like Hovie overdid it. Maybe he needs to rest in stall time for a little longer. Poor baby. He just wants to run. Love and Hugs, JB
Denise in STL
Sending prayers to Royal Mo for a good recovery. When my horse broke his jaw on one side he needed a lot of care. After a couple of days, he didn’t like taking the Meds so we put Hershey’s strawberry syrup in the Meds and he started to come to the door to take them. I just wanted to share this story because there is always hope. My horse did recover and he is happy in retirement.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Denise,
You sound like a wonderful ‘Momma’ for your horse. So happy that he’s happy and healthy now. Hope you have a great day!
judy berube
Dear Denise:
Lovely story; thanks for sharing. As Elizabeth said, you are a caring Momma to your boy. Happy for him and you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans.
Going to see Zenyatta’s baby…..
Love & Hugs Ingrid.
Some lovely new photos of Zenyatta and her new PrinZess.
like to hear about Business Park Rave :-) :-( , Royal Mo :-) :-( your health was tired after two hind races :-( Royal Mo :-) :-( have good very long rest quietly and not quickly recover your health and legs , try to follow your usual everyday routine , if you can and vets allow lil lil time walk on air with groom green grass leaves of hazel bushes clean water lil clean air , :-) Zenny and filly :-) on photos on your page you look well , milk of mare :-) and her care :-) support lil filly foal :-) :-)
Shutter Speed wins in fine style at the Knavesmire despite hating the soft ground.A flying dismount from Frankie she will most probably head for the Prix de Diane.
News is Cunco is heading to the US to continue his racing career.He will always be remembered as Frankel’s first born.Lady Aurelia and Undrafted are preparing for their visit to RA.
Winx the mighty mare is to be inducted into the Australian Hall of Fame.Only the 3rd horse still racing to do so along with Sunline and Black Caviar.Congratulians to WinxX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Shutter Speed and Frankie D. Exciting to know that Cunco is headed our way. Godspeed to the Lady A and Undrafted. Congrats to Winx; Street Cry must be so proud. Love and Hugs, JB
thank Denise in STL
Hovis :-) :-( quietly and not quickly recover your health and legs , summer with green grass leaves of hazel bushes and lil quiet fountain with clean water :-) :-) is friendly to horses
Bluegrass Girl
Funny, informative about Mike Smith-past & present
‘Big Money’ finds mount for Preakness Stakes
Jay Hovdey Daily Racing Form Wednesday, 17 May, 2017
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this very informative article on our Mikey. So happy he is riding Gunnevera in the Preakness. Very good match, I think. Have been wondering about Girvin; can’t find anything on him since the Derby.
Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So very happy Mike is riding my boy Gunn. A Wonderful match.
I have never been a big fan of Todd Pletcher but have to revise my opinion after the Derby. He showed grace and was very humble in his win. Even displayed lots of emotion with Johnny V and expressing how happy he was to win along with JV. Then gave the dollar value of the truck he won to charities that take care of horses. Todd, I apologize.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I agree, have never seen TP so emotional. Also, just love it when anyone in the Industry cares enough about HORSES to make a donation toward their welfare. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee and Judy B.,
I am in total agreement with you. TP has always seemed a cold fish, but he definitely has warmed up with the Derby. Kudos to him for donating the value of the truck to horse charities. It was so good to see the emotion from him.
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Shirlee, Judy, and Marshall,
Had a chance to chat a moment with Todd at the 2015 Breeder’s Cup at Keeneland. He was in the indoor venue where I was seated, and I looked up and just saw him standing there. I was unable to resist going over to talk to him, and he was very nice – even cracked a joke! He has the BLUEST eyes! :-)
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
That’s great; age has a way of mellowing folks. He does have the most beautiful eyes. Thanks for sharing with us. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
What a nice encounter — it’s good to know a side of TP that hasn’t been visible in past TV coverage. Yes, I agree about those ice-blue eyes of his; they are the bluest. As Judy said, perhaps the years have allowed him to be more expressive and less guarded. It’s all good.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy:Cunco will be in training with Chad Brown.Better weather for us today but Maya got a real soaking at Rutland. She did a good job of keeping her chicks warm and dry and 33 kept them very well fed,Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this news on Cunco. Like Chad Brown very much. Will be looking forward to Cunco’s racing. Wonderful Osprey Moms. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Tepin has been covered by Curlin and scanned in foal.Another regally bred foal.Congratulations to them both!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this great news. Regally bred foal to be. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Yes, congratulations to Tepin, Curlin and all connections!
Very good news indeed. Good health and a smooth term/delivery to Tepin.
Hugs and Love
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Just a little thought here. So hope Mastery is doing well. Your not forgotten beautiful boy.
So hope to hear from you a little down the road.
So hope also Dortman finds a good home as a stallion here in the Us. Has anyone heard any news on him lately. Love these two boys.
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
Tried to find something recent on Mastery without success. Hope he’s doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Wishing Good Luck and safe trips to all racing. Proud of Gunnevera’s post position and over the moon that Senior Investment is in the Preakness too. Love Hense too. Well, just love them all but sure would like to see a Chestnut win.
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
Rooting for the Chestnuts! Love and Hugs, JB
I seem to remember Mastery was going to Claiborne to recover and stand at stud. Horsey Heaven. Think your Gunny and Mike have a real chance. I’m still Lookin At Lee. Should be a thrilling race if the Classic Empire shows up. Gotta pull for him a little bit since my beloved Alydar is in his dam line.
judy berube
Dear Peggy and Shirlee:
Yes, I think I remember that he was going to stand at Claiborne. I was trying to find an update on how he was doing health wise; no success.
I like Gunn and Mikey too and won’t be surprised if Lee and Classic Empire are in the mix, along with Always Dreaming and JV. Also, can’t leave out Hence. I just think he’s one gorgeous Chestnut boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Phone rings late into the night at Belmont
Biscuits: Biscuits USA. Our goal: Making biscuits great again.
Gun Runner: Hello, Biscuits. It’s Gun. Calling to thank you for your college care package. Great biscuits. Delicious.
Biscuits: Gun! It’s really good to hear your voice. Glad that you’re enjoying my products. There’s plenty more where those came from. I just heard that you’ve been doing some breezing at Churchill.
Gun Runner: Sure have. The Stephen Foster is coming up soon, and I’ve got to be ready.
Biscuits: See also that your stablemates are both at Pimlico for the second leg of the TC.
Gun Runner: Boy, I’m super happy. I’ve heard enough about those two. And that Dreaming guy is sneaking up on me in earnings. I’m hoping for any chestnut to win the Preakness to protect my ranking.
Biscuits: Don’t worry your handsome whiskers about those stats. Focus, Gun, on your race prep and look after that coat. Forget about those two. Even other chestnuts are not in our league. We might however let Ziconic into the inner circle. That could be an easy introduction to his mother.
Gun Runner: You are so right and so wise. How are things at Belmont?
Biscuits: Good. I’m doing some training between running my companies.
Gun Runner: Maybe we’ll meet up in Saratoga later this summer?
Biscuits: Hope so. My peeps still haven’t said anything definite, but I’ve seen some interviews where they’ve called me – quirky. They think that I can’t read, even though I’m on the internet or my phone in my stall most of the time taking orders for biscuits. Tell me something, Gun. From one chestnut to another, am I quirky?
Gun Runner: Neigh!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Max,
Love, love, love it!!
You have a real talent for communication with these handsome chestnuts.
Thanks for the smiles and giggles.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Max:
Thanks for the latest installment on Biscuits and Gun Runner. Just love these gorgeous Chestnuts. Looking forward to the next phone call. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Another too funny episode Max! Can’t wait to hear their take on the outcome of the Preakness. ?
judy berube
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Renowned California Sire, Unusual Heat, has died at the age of 27. Run free in God’s Heaven beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, Unusual Heat.
You made a name for yourself and your progeny. In the company of angels now, you wonderful handsome boy. Sincere condolences to all who loved you and mourn.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Slideshow from This Week In Racing. Some beautiful shots of horses in motion. Enjoy! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for posting this slideshow! Beauty in motion for sure.
These are wonderful photos.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
A work by our beloved Ziconic today. Isn’t he just gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you Judy for the video of Ziconic. He is poetry in motion!
judy berube
Dear Diane:
You’re so welcome. He sure is. Love and Hugs, JB
Very nice to see him working. Great video.
judy berube
Dear Max:
So hoping he wins his Maiden next time out; beautiful boy. Cozmic One too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Yes indeed that is one gorgeous boy! Thanks for posting this. Nothing but the best wishes to Ziconic and Team Z for success in the future.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, always best wishes for our boy. Glad you enjoyed the slideshow as much as I did. Love and Hugs, JB
Shirley Donoho
What a gorgeous sight to see Zenyatta looking so lovingly at her new filly offspring. God bless them both.
Permian is to be supplemented for the Epsom Derby after winning the Dante at York today.Could he become the first Northern based winner since the mighty Dante?He won when the race was run at Newmarket during the war.He sadly went blind later in life but was known as “the idol of the North”He died in 1956.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats and Godspeed to Permian. Thanks for the info on Dante; didn’t know about him. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Martha L. Fosdick
Excuse me, but I haven’t had Internet for the last few days so I’m trying to catch up. I read that Royal Mo was hurt and will no longer be racing. Darn! Perhaps he can still make a little Mo. What about Gormley? I didn’t see his name in the post-position draw. Isn’t he going to run? Why? does anybody know?
hello :-) Zenny and filly :-) Zi :-) 50,24 good time for desert course have good long rest :-) Royal Mo :-) :-( i think your dream on now time is to walk on clean air on green grass , to eat green grass leaves of hazel bushes , to drink clean water from lil quiet fountain in warm summer weather :-) , Coz :-) Zi :-) and Gormley :-) in some part think about your life in stud mares fillyes foals :-) :-) , on desert course breeze lower distances 4f 5f , keep lil slower quiet time 4f in 50,00 in workouts , have good long rest 11 15 days :-) :-) from one quick breeze to other
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Can’t wait to see a video of you, Z, and your Beautiful Baby Girl. Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Coz :-) Zi :-) and Gormley :-) differences of race on sloppy course , when jockeys dont push horses , dont make horses to cross way of each other , dont breeze long time near left fence , mares in herd usually breeze friendly to each other , google ” youtube 2017 longines kentucky oaks ” , from middle to end of second turn one mare in middle of herd pass forward mare by making quick lil turns on full gallop speed of 35 38 mph , she pass forward mare by mooving more near to left fence and then returns to more wide way , mares rest left row near left fence for hind horses that have no free space in front of their soft noses , mares safely are zigzagging on sloppy course , this kinds of mooving and even lil bumping of horses are not safe for legs of horses when course is dry hard when there are clouds of sand under hooves in first turn and to forward
:-) Zenny and filly :-) Royal Mo :-) :-( Zi :-) Coz :-) Gormley :-) dC :-) Winx :-) and mates :-) kiss your soft noses , lil 16z lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you , lucky photo of mare with foal :-) :-( on page of Frosted :-) one mare lost her foal two days later lil foal of other mare lost his mom on photo what was after
judy berube
Dear andrej:
Thank you for referencing the photo of mare and foal on Frosted’s Facebook page. The most tender, adorable photo I have ever seen. So very sad the foal lost its Mama and this Mama lost her foal. Thank God, now they have each other. Just had to post it here so that all the Z’sters could see it. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thank you for posting the photo from Frosted’s Facebook referred to by andrej.
To think I would have missed seeing this beautiful mare snuggling with her adopted sweet foal. Out of such sadness comes this gorgeous picture of love — apparently, they are meant for each other. So touching. ❤️
Thanks to andrej for bringing the photo to our attention, too.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
That photo is so touching; although I’m so happy for both the mare and foal, the sweetness of it made me cry. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:I couldn’t access the video of Ziconic.Aidan has hinted Churchill will most probably stick to a mile and not go for the Derby.Julie’granddaughter’s cat Tiger Claw was killed this week and she’s just had kittens a few weeks ago.The neighbours are caring for the kittens because Julie is at work.Egg hatching competition starts tomorrow at the Dyfi!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
I’ll try sending ZI’s video to you in an email. RIP Tiger Claw; so very sad. Glad the kittens are being cared for. Love and Hugs, JB
I can’t wait to see more pictures. I miss seeing Ann with Zenny and the new little one.
Congratulations to all