Naming a horse is not the easiest thing. Not only does it need to be brilliant but it also needs to be available. So…
Being born on International Women’s Day and Purim a day of celebration, under a full moon and with a star on your forehead Not to mention having Zenyatta be Your mom and be the First born…. Well we searched the stars and with the desire to have Zennie represented too….. We’ve come up with the name that we hope encompasses all:
May the heavens bless him and he has all the chances to be the bright star he is :)
COZ for short?
And…..Thank! You! EVERYONE for All Your Suggestions Hopes and Dreams!
Eh, not really liking the name. Getting “cheesy” vibes from it. I’d have gone with ChoZEN One if available!
Seriously…unless you were being sarcastic…that’s even cheesier than “Cozmic One”
karen forehand
Cool name. Like the references. I like “Oz” for his nickname. Look forward to seeing Cozmic One in the 2015 Triple Crown races! Love you Zenny, hope Oz inherited your warrior racing abilities!
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Thank You Ann and Jerry for sharing the name.
May God Bless and take care of him always.
Pretty name, but no matter what the name, just love him.
Not bad but I agree with Justine. I like Chozen One.
LOVE IT! It’s perfect. The name doesn’t make Coz who he is, his mom did all ready! He’ll be special no matter. God bless Z and her babies!
Resa Davenport
Isn’t Bernardini the sire? Doesn’t he get any mention? How about Zendini? Can’t wait for him to start racing!
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Everybody on the planet thought of Zendini. Obviously the Mosses didn’t like the name. Personally I think it sounds like a pasta dish.
There is no requirement that a name reflect the horse’s parentage; it’s just a common source of inspiration. “Zenyatta” has nothing to do with either Street Cry or Vertigineux.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
LoL, LauraJ! Pasta dish, indeed! I remember someone else said it sounded like a lame magician’s name.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
That too.
I like it! Thanks for sharing :-)
janey boyd
I guess the name will grow with him. Don’t see the obvious link to Zenyatta but he is a stellar colt and we love him. Zenyatta was/is a superb mom! Congratulations !
CC of VT
Great name! And, what a gorgeous guy. Room for a lot of heart in that chest!
Greg Jones
April 17, the day Ruffian was foaled forty one years ago, the day Black Caviar is retired, and now the day Zenyatta’s first foal was named, a great date to remember :-)
Louise Castello
I love this!
Diana Stuart
Gosh Greg! How the heck are you, my old FOB friend? Just had a long conversation last night with Mike Relva, and texts with Judy Glore.
Diana Stuart (aka diastu in tempe)
Alex Bowdoin in MA
WOW! I love the name, I love the reason for the name!! This is the 2nd smile on my face today, I live outside Boston, it has been a nightmare here the past 2 days!! Thank you Mr and Mrs Moss for naming him so soon! Thank you Team Z and Alys and LEF for posting the updating pics of our PRINCE!! HUGS TO EVERYONE.
Debbie G/Kentucky (PUR)
I like the name. I was a little surprised at first, but it’s growing on me, especially after reading the explanation. I don’t care what he’s called, I love him no matter what.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Love it!
Jan S. / Houston
Gotta get use to his name! It is a catchy one though. Coz looks gorgeous.
maryp ny
YAY PrinceZ has a name! I love it!!! Cosmic One! Cosmic One! Zenny’s Cozmic One!
I just love it! May the heavens bless him, indeed.
Thank you Jerry and Ann for sharing with us.
Chozen One wouldn’t be fair to red prince and any of Zenny’s future foals..just my opinion.
Gaby Hoerauf
I love it!
Meh, I wish it would have reflected more of both the sire and dam to name this colt. Wonder if he’ll be as good as his mom or fizzle?? Time will tell I guess.
LOVE IT!!!! ^.^ Naming is no easy feat, and I love how COZMIC ONE is a bold/proud name but at the same time not too presumptuous, and how the “Z” pays subtle tribute to his heritage ^.^ so wonderful to finally have a name to call Coz by!!!
Deanna Garcia
Beautiful name! Been a fan of queen z since day one. Can’t wait to see what’s instore for her colts. God bless.
Peggy (N) South Georgia (PUR)
Dear Keta
Just wanted to say Thank You again for all you do and the nice pictures of Vyjack
Carol in Arkansas, felt I kind of left out Bold Ruler in my post of Vyjacks pedigree, Didn’t mean too. Bold Ruler and Round Table in his pedigree. Could not slight either of these two, just in awe of them and love them so much. I just got all wrapped up in the beautiful picture of Round Table when I was gazing at it again. Bold Ruler just as Beautiful. Lo Just had to appologize.
O K, now I know this is Coz’s day.
Just had to post this back.
yes he will be Cosmic for sure on Derby day in a few years! I am so incredibly excited to see these angels run…they are genetically blessed for sure…such lovely boys…she makes good looking boys that is for sure!!
maryp ny
Lord I love him AND those ears! Just had to say it.
Great Name, he is getting SO handsome.
Wonderful name, it will sound good when the announcer is calling it out down the stretch …… and it’s alllllll……. cozmic one …with the win! Lol no pressure though, he’s great no matter what he does.
very nice name . good luck Cosmic One
Beverly Bonneau
Love the name! It’s perfect after hearing about the day he was born and his Star! I think around the barn either Oz or Ozzie or Coz would be great names. He’s looking so good for a yearling in this picture! Wow. When will he start in training? This is exciting. I’m wondering also if he’s got a little “dancing” in him when he’s happy? ;) I wish the Z team all the best with this new adventure. I absolutely LOVE Zenny and her personality. Now another new colt to name,too!! Awesome!!
I love it! AWESOME Choice!
Super name. Looking forward to him SKIPPING the Triple Crown. :-)
“Coz” is a cute name, and Cozmic he certainly will be…ergo, the Cozmic One! Whatever, he has Mom’s presence and elegance and let’s not forget Bernardini’s contribution (although I truly believe the foal is only as good as the mare). All the stars are aligned. A winner in our hearts for sure and, the stars willing, on the track, too.
Elena Erdman
Fantastic. Perfect name for him. I absolutely love it. Wow!!!