VERSAILLES, KY — (May 17, 2020) Zenyatta gave birth to a chestnut filly by Candy Ride this morning at Lane’s End Farm. The foal, Zenyatta’s sixth, arrived at 5:40 a.m. ET, weighing 148 lbs. She has one hind sock and a star.
Zenyatta and her filly are both in excellent health following an easy delivery. It brings us such joy to see them bonding in their paddock on this beautiful day.
We would like to express a sincere thank you to Zenyatta’s veterinary team and staff at Lane’s End for their dedication to the wellbeing of Zenyatta and her new foal.

She is so GORGEOUS and looks so STRONG! Congratulations to Zenyatta and all her connections! Thank you for sharing the wonderful pics!
Nan Barber
Congrats on the beautiful filly. Thank you for sharing the photos
Mystic Mountain Meadow would be a pretty name for her
Debra Speakes
What a joyful event in these trying times, the birth of a gorgeous filly to her royal mama. Something to celebrate. I love these pictures, thanks so much for sharing them. Zenny is such a wonder mother, you can see how she loves that baby. May God keep his hands on them both and let this precious one grow to be the athlete her mother is.
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
Oh gosh, the grateful tears are flowing. ? We kept checking each day knowing it was very soon! Zenny’s filly is a nice size, and does resemble her brother, Ziconic, but has her Mom’s famous lovely ears of course. Love seeing these two bond already, so sweet. Thanks Team Z for the wonderful news, and relieved it was an easy delivery. You know we’ll be waiting for more beautiful photos!
Linda fazekas
She seems like such a loving mom and happy with a baby by her side. I’d give anything to see zenyatta for 5 minutes. Shes so special
Bobbie Kolehouse
What a beautiful filly and Zenyatta looks so good.
Thank you for sharing the news. It made my day:))
monica in long beach california
happy congratulations to dear beautiful Zenyatta on the birth of her lovely new filly!!! mom and daughter look gorgeous together! sending tons of love and best wishes for great health and happiness for both of them – such wonderful news to read this morning – something we all need these days – as usual…. our Zen brings the happy when we need it!!! please wrap your arms around both Zen and her baby and give them hugs & kisses from all of us fans here…. who love Zenyatta beyond words can express – thank you to team Z for sharing the beautiful photo’s and news today – praying you all stay healthy and safe – send along our best to dear Ann also – cannot wait to see the lovely Ann with her Zenyatta and the new filly – and as always…. thanks for providing the smiles to all of us – with a happy heart… and love to all on this great day, from a forever friend in california!! (by the way, what a great mom Zen is! how attentive and loving she is to her new baby… its just wonderful to see – a truly beautiful thing – Zenyatta is and always will be the best… at everything!!!)
Marilu Villanueva
Congratulations Mama Zenny! So happy for you. What a beautiful filly!!
Praying all these months for your easy delivery and a healthy baby!!
Thank you Team Z for sharing this happy occasion to all of us.
We love you Mama Zenny!!
Linda Rowell
So excited and happy for you all! She is as beautiful as her mom!!!! Hugs and kisses❤️❤️❤️❤️
David griego
Congratulations team Zenyatta
David griego
Congratulations team Zenyatta
Danya Master
She’s beautiful . . .Thanks so very much for sharing these pictures. Been waiting for her to foal and am so happy that all is well with Zen and foal this time. She looks like a Gun Runner. HA! Love it . . .
Congratulations on delivering such a beautiful, healthy filly! God has answered so many prayers today! She already has a cute personality (and your kind eye & fuzzy ears)!! ❤️?
Anne from Paramount
What absolutely fantastic news!! Congratulations Zenny…you and Mr. Candy Ride have a beautiful filly. Just love these photos. You look SO proud. Have been smiling ever since I heard the news, THANK YOU!!! SO pleased that all went so smoothly.
Roberta Gonzalez
I have been praying for this; tears of happiness are coming out of my eyes so much it’s hard to see. Zenny loves her babies so much and shows so much affection to them; I was praying she wouldn’t be disappointed again. SHE IS SO HAPPY: WHAT A GOOD MOTHER!!!!
Robyn Morant Henderson
Zenny , you took my advice about being a great mom. We all miss seeing you here in Cali. You were the first racehorse I touched and fell in love with. Thank you.
God bless!
Charlotte Sveen
Wonderful news! What a way to start the day with the beautiful Zenyatta and her new filly! What a good Mama.
Congratulations ?? One Sock is Good Luck??????
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta and your beautiful brand spNkin new baby girl!
We love you to the moon and back. You both look terrific. Such a strong looking filly.
Thank you Lames End for bringing us this joyful news. The photos and video. THANK YOU .
Zenyatta always the loving Mother. Happiness always. What a great Sunday. Something truly to smile about and celebrate.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Whoops, got so excited, fingers meant Spanking New!
Cythia H.
I have been drinking my tea all week in my 10 Anniversary BC Classic Zenyatta mug, ready to raise a toast to our Queen the minute I learned the news! Finally, on a blessed big breakfast Sunday the announcement for which we have all been waiting was made! Congratulations to Zenyatta and to all of her family, both human and equine! 20Z is stunning and a glowing chestnut, which will no doubt make brother Ziconic proud! I wouldn’t know what to look for in the way of judging conformation. All I know is that all of her parts seem to come together in beautiful way. And she has a lovely mark in the center of her forehead, where perhaps Z Princess kissed her before she left on her journey. Thank you, Team Z, for getting the news and the wonderful photos to us so quickly. You have scattered sunshine in the form of joy over what has been a dreary landscape for weeks. I hope and pray that the racing gods will smile on this enchanting daughter of our great Zenyatta.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So great to see one of your wonderful, eloquent posts here again??
Cynthia H.
So great to always find you and your kind words here, Sandy. Like you, I am bursting at the seams with happiness!
Linda R. Moss
To our Z-Family and to Momma Zenny – we could not be more delighted about the news we woke up to this morning!! Having a new Baby Sis, 20Z, is nothing short of AMAZING. Having another CHESTNUT just makes our hearts sing!!! We love you, George, Linda, Milyone & ZIconic (Z-Z) XOXO’s…
Sharon Peck
The photos are truly precious — heart-melting!! The dancing photo is spectacular!! Congratulations to the whole Z family, Lane’s End and everyone who has prayed for Zenyatta and her foal to be strong and healthy.
Vicki (near the old Hollywood Park)
Alright! I liked that too, with her dancing. I thought, Zenny has still got her moves! Which I expected, but always nice to see. Her filly looks to be strong, and already brightly aware, on her first day.
Sandra Frey
So happy for Zenyatta and all connections on this sweet miracle! My heart was singing when I heard the news and saw the photos! What a precious filly! Congratulations!?
Mary Jane
These photos of Queen Z with her newest princess are exceptional. The love and caring attention of the giant mare for her newborn bring a tear to the eye. Congratulations to Team Z and continued good health for mom and baby girl. What a relief and a hope for the future!
Sarah McCarthy
She may be a different color, but she looks more like her mother than others. Big strapping filly. She is not going to be mighty.
Sarah McCarthy
IS going to be mighty!
Kathleen Marsh
Congratulations to Zenyatta and her team. What a beautiful filly, so big and strong. This is an answer to prayer. Very thankful.
The Kennedys in
BRAVISSIMA, ZENYATTA! She is simply gorgeous. We are so happy to see you with your beautiful filly.
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVISSIMA, ZENYATTA! She is absolutely gorgeous.
Leslie R.
Congratulations to Zenyatta and Team Z on the newest addition to the Z family! She’s stunning, just like her mom. It brings a smile to my face seeing Zenyatta so happy with a little one at her side. Thanks to Lane’s End for the pix and video!!
Hugs to all,
Denise Dorey
What a beautiful big boned perfect baby
Thank you so much Team Z for this wonderful news and pictures!! Zenyatta surely loves being a mom as she looks so endearingly at her foal. The foal is beautiful. She is so alert and strong. It is going to be fun to watch her progress.
Thank you again for sharing Zenyatta with us… her fans!!!
Aww, thank you for these sweet pictures and the video. I love when Zenyatta snuggles up to her babies. Her baby is darling. Best of health to both mama and baby and take care, Team Z. Much love.