VERSAILLES, KY — (May 17, 2020) Zenyatta gave birth to a chestnut filly by Candy Ride this morning at Lane’s End Farm. The foal, Zenyatta’s sixth, arrived at 5:40 a.m. ET, weighing 148 lbs. She has one hind sock and a star.
Zenyatta and her filly are both in excellent health following an easy delivery. It brings us such joy to see them bonding in their paddock on this beautiful day.
We would like to express a sincere thank you to Zenyatta’s veterinary team and staff at Lane’s End for their dedication to the wellbeing of Zenyatta and her new foal.

So heartwarming – thank you for sharing these beautiful pics with us Queen Z fans.
Barbara Wood
Zenny, Zenny, Zenny. You have gone and done it again. In the midst of this year that has brought so much suffering, these pictures are a beacon of love and hope! What an absolutely gorgeous filly! Are you sure she’s not really a couple of weeks old? Just kidding. The pictures are magnificent. You are the best mom ever, and we simply can’t wait to see this baby shine. So thankful for good health and safe delivery. I’m babbling now, so will sign off.
Shema Satya
oh thank you and so happy to hear the birth was easy, the pictures are wonderful and video! thank you!
Christine Klass
So thankful the Queen & her baby are both doing so well. I love the bonding between them. And thank you Zenyatta, for delivering this little beauty on my birthday!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I am over the moon Zenyatta. She is absolutely gorgeous. And, such a big girl.
Zenyatta you look like the best mom ever
Love You all so much
Betty Helms
I am so happy and relieved — Zenyatta looks like a very beautiful and proud new Mama and Z 20 is absolutely gorgeous. A BIG filly and a Chestnut === lots of good, solid bone in those legs and already has the “look of eagles” in those eyes. 148 lbs at birth, now that’s a lot of newborn filly!
Congrats to all of the Zenyatta team and her Lanes End family, too.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Studying the photos, just noticed the little one doesn’t have a halter and neither Z or baby have Foal tags yet. Probably tomorrow.
I love those long, long eyelashes. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen in Indiana
She is beautiful and has her mama’s ears!
Lou Naylor
So happy our filly is here and healthy! as well as Mama Z! Love all the pictures and video. Her color reminds me of Ziconic! Of course she has Mama’s beautiful ears. Thank you Team Z for all-you do for Queen Z’s fans. Know you will keep us posted as she grows. Any hints as to what her name might be? Love you Queen Z and all your family❤️❤️❤️
Martha Fosdick
WOW! What a gorgeous and stunning big girl from our beloved Zenny! My goodness when I first saw the picture for a moment I thought it was Ziconic. In some of the pictures it seemed that Zenny was already coaching her on where to look for the camera as well as showing her a dance step or two. Even if she’s not named Zandy she looks like one to me.
So happy to see Zenyatta with her beautiful filly. Wishing nothing but the best for them. Thanks for sharing them with us! Wonderful treat for all of us who pace and worry as if she was ours.
A great horse.Makes fabulous babies.Maybe she will get a break this coming year.
Soooooo happy!!! Congratulations, Mommy Zenny. We love her already.
Kathleen Gordon
Well now this really brightened these dark days. So happy that Zenny had an easy delivery and a precious new filly. And she is a doll! Best to Ann and the crew! Any news on Zellda? Haven’t heard when she will be getting to the track for her debut race. Cheers to you all!
Patricia Wasson
Congratulations Mommy and to your new beautiful little girl! Looooooooooooove you both!!!!
Jo in CO
So sweet! Zenyatta seems to just thrive on being a mother. Over the moon for Z, her beautiful filly, and Team Zenyatta! Many. many happy wishes to all!
Donna Heim
Zenny’s new filly looks so bright and precious. And Zenyatta is so happy to have her. What a blessing!!! We all needed a boost and this is it. Thank you for all the adorable pictures and so happy to see Zenny dancing in celebration of her new wee one.
deana dameron
Oh my, such a beautiful sight to see! Thanks so much for sharing. With Zenyatta dancing and looking at her filly, she obviously approves and is happy to see her, as all her fans are as well! I am so excited and happy that it was an easy delivery and the result is a healthy filly. I look forward to seeing this filly flourish under Zenyatta’s care and watching her other daughter, Zellda, excel in her racing career. John Shirreffs posted such a sweet video with his Team on Zellda’s quest to wish Z a Happy Mother’s Day, too cute! Wishing Zenyatta and all her progeny all the best in whatever makes them happy.
Priscilla Andrews
aww…so awesome and beautiful…Very happy for our precious “Z” and her baby. Be safe and happy..Love you all.
Marilyn Braudrick
Her sire is what I call a “Bright Bay”. Their coat is VERY chestnut colored. She is BIG and Strong like her MOM. With an entirely chestnut coat.!! Beautiful. Lovely. I am so thrilled for her. She will love this filly. This filly with her LONG STRONG LEGS and huge body will become a great racer, like her famous Mother. BIG and Strong!!!! I do hope Sheena can see her from heaven. She would be thrilled!!!!
MaryAnn Donahue
Thank you for all the photos. The little filly looks adorable, especially the front view of her face. And Zenyatta as always is beautiful to see, such a loving mare. Congratulations and continued good health and good fortune to all involved. With love!
Patricia Dawn Beck
What a beautiful Candy Ride/Zenyatta filly! Love you always, Z, and all your gorgeous babies here and in our hearts.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh what joy!
Thanks to Team Z, Lane’s End and everyone for this fabulous news! Big Congratulations to Queen Z and Candy Ride on the arrival of this gorgeous filly!!
Special thanks to Alys for the great photos and to Mike Cline for the photo of Z dancing in the enclosure with her new baby. So glad they are doing well.
We needed this very much — once again Zenyatta thrills and uplifts us! ❤️
Hugs and Love
Anita Branch
She is precious! So happy that Zennie and her new baby are both healthy and doing so well!
Brenda Springer
Thanks to Alys and Mike for the great photos. I think I see a sign that Z2020 already has some dance moves, that right front leg in the first photo looks familiar!!
Ann NC
Welcome Baby Girl. You are precious and have filled our world with joy.
Love to all.
Congratulations Zenny that is a beautiful filly. Wishing the very best for you and your baby, Thank You Team Z for taking such good care of Zenny and her baby, and Thank You for keeping us informed on Zenny and all of her girls and boys.
Dianne Marroletti
Congratulations Zenyatta on the birth of your gorgeous filly! 148# is one big girl! May she become the duplication of her amazing mother!??????
Sue Fredrick
Congrats to our Queen, what a beauty you’ve given us!! If I;m not mistaken she’s got the Zenny ears too. So happy you have a new baby to love and nuture. Thanks to LE for the excellent care you give our girl and the wonderful pictures you share. Will enjoy watching this sweetie grow up. hugs to all
Thank goodness Zenyatta and the little princess are both safe and happy. She is beautiful. The ray of sunshine we all need in this difficult time. Thank you Zenny and the Lanes End team. I am a sucker for the chestnuts!
Sandy Cadwalader
Another beautiful foal by my all time fav, Zenyatta !!!! Thank you for sharing the pics & hope to see more of them both, brightens my day :-)