We’re excited to announce the long awaited release of Zenyatta – Queen of Racing on DVD!
This full-length, 87-minute documentary is complimented by over 90 minutes of bonus features, including all 20 of her races, back to back and wire to wire. Over 3 hours of unbelievable footage of Zenyatta – Queen of Racing.
Order your copy from the Zenyatta Shop today.
I can not wait to order! Many thanks, Linda
I’m surprised there’s no tribute or mention of Penny Chenery here especially since Penny created the Vox Populi for Zenyatta.
I remember all the moments shown on this little preview and as usual I start choking up.She is the queen and always will be … Everything about her is magical and beautiful!
I am looking forward to getting the DVD. Thank You for everything you do for this site. It sure brings me alot of pleasure.
I am all teary with just watching the promo!! Love it! Thank you!
judy berube
Dear Team Z:
Looking so forward to purchasing the DVD. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Been waiting for this for what seems like forever! I can’t wait to buy mine. I love that promo reel!
Mary Margaret Thompson
It is a great promo. Anything is great when Zenyatta is involved.
Great promo! I cannot wait to get the DVD.
Thank you Team Z!
Someday, somehow, I HAVE TO MEET ZENYATTA!!!
Marilyn Braudrick
If i could give you every moment i spent with her in barn#55 at Hollywood park, I would. She is 17 .3 hands high. My gelding is 17.3 hands tall and their personalities are so much the same. He chews my husband’s shirts, hair, everything. Zenny does that with Anne. Oh, how I wish for u to meet her.Much luck, Marilyn
Judey Mastain
As was all things in racing for Zenyatta, coming from last to first, I would expect nothing
less but a first place win for this DVD! It will be an early morning here so I don’t miss
out on ordering this extraordinary documentary.
Thank you for future smiles,
Five seconds into the promo, and I already have a case of the weepies. The Queen grabs my heart just as fiercely today as she did when she was astounding us with her heart-stopping grandstand finishes. Can’t wait to cry my way through all 87 minutes of it! ❤
judy berube
Dear hattonsghost:
Spot on. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,Zenyatta was indeed a great racehorse and now we have another daughter of Street Cry as Queen of the turf.He must be so proud of his girls.I posted on the previous blog De Coronado is running tomorrow at Dundalk.Goodnight God bless you LM PC and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Oh yes, Street Cry must be proud indeed! Thank you for this news on DC. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Godspeed gorgeous DC; safe and sound. You can do it! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Z, can’t wait to view your wonderful DVD. Love it all, but especially the last scene of the trailer with COZ as a foal in the paddock and you, ever watchful, proudly chasing after him. Goodnight and Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Barbara France
She still makes me cry tears of joy and happiness, even to this day! Excited to see this new documetary on our Queen! Thank you!
Love it! Marked my calendar for the 24th.
Like the rest of you all, I was weepy about a minute into it. Such joy she brought to us and is still bringing. Joy and peace in this troubled world. And with the new little girl, Hope.
Jan Stein / Houston
Can’t wait!
Janet Morgello
I’m so happy this DVD is finally ready to order! I’ve been anxious to get it since it was announced that it was coming soon. The promo is great and as others have said, you can’t help getting emotional watching Zenyatta. Thank you for putting this DVD together for the Queen’s fans!
Ann NC
Oh boy! Looking forward to this. My late brother loved you, Zenny and the 24th is his birthday. Can still see him doing the Zenny dance. We were headed to the race track and I think the entire crowd danced out the door.
Luv ya, Zenny.
Luv ya, Team Z. Thanks for this.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Dear Zenny,
I CANT WAIT to get this DVD. Thank you Team Z and all involved in making it finally happen and soon be coming to our mailboxes. Thank you!!!
Zenyatta, my angel, I love you forever. Darlene
Denise in STL
Wow!! Love it! I can’t wait to buy it! Thank you Team Z!!! You’re the best!!!!
Carol Rose
Loved the promo and look forward to ordering Zenyatta’s DVD on the 24th. Every little thing about her really is magical. Never tire of reliving her achievements and keeping up with her at Lanes End. Thank you Team Z!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
How exciting! Can’t wait for this wonderful DVD of Zenyatta and her accomplishments. Loved the promo which caused mistiness in my eyes — so beautiful, poetry in motion.
Thanks again to all of Team Z and everyone associated with our beloved Queen Z!
Hugs and Love
Donna Alsabrook
I love you Zenyatta.
Any chance this’ll be released on video download? I know it sounds like a strange question…I’m trying to limit my physical dvd collection. Having them in the cloud is a great alternative.
It’s something to mull over….
How I have waited for this! Thank you, Team Z, for honoring the Great Queen with this DVD.
sue and tony
You danced your way into our hearts,
And took us on a ride,
With every race you did your best,
With your gigantic stride.
This DVD will honor you,
You are the one, true Queen,
Though others come and others go,
You’re still the best that we have seen.
Sue and Tony
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue and Tony,
Thanks for the great poem! Very well done. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sue and Tony:
Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Zenny definitely deserves to have her own movie. Hugs to all.
Dear Judy,
Just saying hi. Hope all is well with you.
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
So good to have a post from you. Hope all’s well with you too. Love and Hugs, JB