Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
Susan In Fl
Enjoy your R & R! Peace & Happiness!
Ann NC
Thanks for the news, Team Z. Z, you can enjoy your mud!
We will enjoy the news about her gorgeous babes.
Princess looks rock solid, great pic, Kyle, thanks.
Lisa B
I’m so happy to hear this news. Awesome decision! It is late in the breeding season. And if Zenny’s babies need more time to mature like she did, it would be nice to be foaled early in the season. Plus, all Moms need a vacation now and then. Thank you for taking such great care of Zenny and her foals.
Enjoy your vacation Zenny! You deserve every second of it.
She deserves it! I’m glad she’ll be getting a break. She’s tops in everything she does. Enjoy your year off, Big Mama Z! As for Zenyatta.com, glad to hear we will still be getting updates on everything Zenyatta. It makes my day! Love to all of Zenyatta’s connections.
Julie McWhirter
Yep. Thought that they would skip a year since it’s late in the breeding season to get her back on the regular foaling schedule. It’s perfect all around since she’s given three fantastic foals to work with. Gives her uterus time to heal and keep her strong. Way to go, Team Z! We love our Zenny as much as you do. And thanks for keeping the blog site up and running so we can keep in touch with how the Z family is progressing. You guys have the most loyal fans. We will be watching!!!! :D
Wendy Treadaway
Owners of The Century = Ann and Jerry Moss
Janie (in L.A.)
Yay – I was hoping for this news. She’s got such a great little family and now she can enjoy being a horse/mom with her baby girl. Thanks for sharing this news with us and keeping us in the Zenyatta loop!
thank you SO much for putting Zenyatta first!!
but then I might have known you have her best interests at heart!
Hey everyone! If you haven’t seen the Kentucky Life episode on Zenyatta, it’s now available streaming. It’s Program 1918 on their site, http://www.ket.org. it’s great!
Thanks LeslieA for posting the link. I just watched the Zenyatta segment and enjoyed it very much!
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Thanks for the reminder and the link. Loved it!
I’m glad to see this news. Zenny is a very good mom, but I whole heartedly agree that a year off is in good order. Plus, it gives her team a more relaxed time to again assess where they want to go with selecting a superb stallion for her. They certainly have done a great job so far!
Nancy Freeman
Good for you for being such loving and responsible owners!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful news. Her health and well-being has always been the priority by all who have surrounded her in her racing career and in retirement. Hopefully, Life Is Sweet will remain her paddock mate.
Thank you so much for this news. I think it’s the best Mother’s Day news ever and a great gift for our Zenyatta . She gets a well deserved break from motherhood. She has the best caretakers in the world and we thank you for continuing to be her voice for her legion of fans. I’m thinking Zenyatta would love to say congratulations to California Chrome and his crew and his “Chromies” He has certainly given racing a well-needed boost. Zenyatta fans we will always be, forever and ever, but our hearts are very big and we have room for many more. He is a handsome fellow Zenyatta and I think you will be happy to know many of the same faces who cheered you on at Santa Anita are there for him too!!!! Enjoy your filly. She is quite adorable.
Dear TeamZ.That’s brilliant news!! Z deserves a rest now after producing 3 beautiful babies.She has done all that’s been asked of her both in her racing career and as a broodmare.She is young and has plenty of time to breed again,now she will have time to be just a horse.Anyway a girl needs to get her figure back after giving birth!!!Thank you for your wise decision Ann& Jerry plus the wonderful team at Lane’sEnd.Love and Hugs Sheena.XXX
Look at that baby girl!!!! I just want to squeeze her to pieces :)
Team Zenyatta, from top to bottom, rule!!!! Enjoy your time off Zenny xoxo
Lynn Martin
My gosh, look at the knees on that baby!!!
Good for Zenyatta to have a year off. Bad for us to not have a new foal to look forward to! But, hopefully, we will have a racing career to anticipate!
My Loki did good things at the Vizsla Club of America National Dog show!! He earned a score of 98 (out of 100) to complete requirements for his Rally Novice title! He also placed 3rd for a qualifying score of 190.5 toward his Beginner Novice Obedience title! I am so proud of my old man! If I knew how, I would attach a photo of him to show him off! After a week off at the show (in San Jose, California) I am back to work.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Congrats to you and Loki that is a wonderful accomplishment!! hugs
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Congratulations, Lynn from another Vizsla lover! My Max has his Rally Novice and it is a fun activity unless you confuse right and left like I do, ha. I’m heading to the GSP nationals in WI this week to visit with Jesse’s breeder, Ann King- Wallace. Jesse was from her first Vizsla litter. Jesse made the first BOB cut at the Omaha nationals and I was thrilled. Fun to get that recognition at the National level. Good luck with Loki in the future.
Hello, Ann and Jerry,
Would Zenyatta enjoy fans visiting her during her relaxing year for just her to have fun?
I understand the number of visitors and the need for reservations, along with the farm needing to put up with us fans.
When else would we be able to visit her, and not endanger her health during a time of her carrying a foal.
Prayers to Zenyatta and her “kids”, always,
Thank you for sharing her news to her fans
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ I like your thinking, Mary :-) We know Zen loves human interaction!
A rest well deserved. So happy for Queen Z.
jane grant
Just so happy for her to be just a horse!! She is the greatest!!!
You have much to be proud of in Zenyatta! Thanks for sharing her with all of us ;-)
That’s excellent news. The queen needs her rest. Thank you for always keeping us up to date on all things Zenny!!! We are ever so grateful.
Bluegrass Girl
Excellent news!
My concern was next foal would have a late April or even May birthday.
Could be a disadvantage in racing.
Have a wonderful year off with lots of mud baths, green grass, peppermints, & love!
We will be here watching over your three beautiful foals while you relax.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Lane’s End caregivers, & Team Z for keeping us informed
Look forward to the continuing adventures of Cozmic One, Ziconic, & the Princess!
Second that comment! Hugs and love to all. KathyR.
Nancy Bradley
I am happy every time I see Zenyatta and her filly. Glad to hear she will have a year off. Concerned for her health, is Z ok. She looks great. Hope all is well. I am also glad to know you will continue to post news of Z and her family. I am following Coz on his fb website. Thank you so much for maintaining these news feeds. It is a great joy to follow Z and her family.
The gorgeous girl can enjoy her Guinness again.
To the Mosses…… the BEST owners ! ! ! The love and care you continue to give to Z and family is just incredible. Thank you for sharing all of the news. AND for continuing this site. Lanes End, our thanks for all that you do. Z news makes our day.
Jennifer Hayward
Great news!!! I love this!!! Z is top priority.
A ps to my post. The Princess weighed in at 151, as I recall. Is this a record?
Ann Maree / Tennessee
I’m thinking she may miss looking forward to having a foal in the spring…she loves her role as Mom and is so very good at it. What about her pal, Life Is Sweet? Will she be given a year off as well so they can pal around together? Thanks for keeping us informed and appreciate so much all that you do for Zenny’s fans. We will have a lot to look forward to with watching the “education” of her foals, hopefully we will see Coz in John’s barn later this year, and Zi and Z14 will be fun to watch their progression as well. Hugs to all both at Lane’s End and at the Mayberrys.
Maryp NY
I never doubt Jerry and Ann’s decisions for Zenyatta. I don’t know what other owners do with their champion mares and I have no experience with horses to speak of but I know THIS mare is loved more than any other. She will meet new friends who are taking time off and will enjoy romping and grazing in the Kentucky sun and snow until next year. She is blessed. Team Z is blessed. Coz, Zi and 14Z are blessed. Because of them we, Zsters and dumplings, are also blessed.
Thanks always Team Z and Lane’s End.
Soooo glad Zenyatta.com won’t take the year off! Things are getting really interesting with Coz, and Ziconic will be getting started! I have to admit, being able to follow Z from the track to the farm to the babies has been absolutely awesome! Thanks Team Z SO MUCH! Congrats on “new baby girl Z”, she’s a doll. Aren’t all Z’s babies just great! :) Zenyatta will have a good year off, she might not know what to do with all that R&R time! More mud rolling, I suspect!