Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Team Z,
This is great news for Zenny, but keeping the blog up is even better!! We’ll find plenty to talk about and may pictures of the whole family ABOUND. We never get tired of looking at her and her kids, there is so much ahead without having a new pregnancy to anticipate. Thank you all and thanks to the wonderful Mosses who love this mare so.
To say that Zenyatta excels at motherhood is understatement. Look at 14, the latest addition to her little family. I cannot believe how imposing and well developed she is already. It’s incredible.
So true Max: she’s so comfortable in her skin – but what else would we expect with the magical Zenyatta her mum.
Maryann Lane
Great decision by all connections.
You really are putting our Queens health and well being first.
You guys rock!
Thank you for keeping her blog going. We would love to hear from Zenyatta in her “own words ” again.
Again thank you for all your care and concern for THE Queen.
Deana from Texas
I am so happy for you and your beautiful new filly, Zenyatta. You are the best and you deserve the best. I am glad that you will have some time to heal mentally and physically. I am also concerned about Life is Sweet. I have not seen any pictures of her and her colt and I hope that you are together. Life is Sweet being with Zenyatta is important to her mentally, as they have been thru a lot together. I also would like to know if LIS is taking some time off also, so they can remain together. I would feel a great sense of comfort knowing that they will remain together because foals come and go, friends are forever.
Dani Mastr
I’m so glad that Zenyatta will get a break. You are the most Awesome owners. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date with the babies and Zen. So looking forward to Coz running. He looks so much like his Mom. God Bless Team Zenyatta!
Perky Green
The rest for Z is good news and better yet the website will continue, and we thank-you. It ‘s going to be so fun watching the little one grow she looks so much like her MOM. The first photos of her were amazing,I fell in love at first sight as I did with her MOM. Thank- you for all that you do and will anxiously be awaiting Coz’s arrival to the track, and will be watching for Ziconic’s arrival to Florida. Hold on to your hats folks the fun is about to begin.
I am glad you will continue to let us fans know how Z and her colts and filly are doing. I love this website. It makes me smile to read about Z and her babies. Her filly is beautiful! I am glad she will have a year off. She is such a good mom and it seems she really loves it. Thank you Team Z for all you do for us fans!!! I watched the Derby yesterday and I thought ….hope one day we see an offspring of Z’s racing in the Derby.
Sandra Frey
She has produced such a beautiful progeny thus far and I’m so excited about what the future holds for these “babies”. The year off will be welcomed by her I’m sure.
It is such a pleasure seeing the posts and updates about her. It is with deep gratitude that I thank you, Team Zenyatta, for taking the time to post video, photos and updates.
Have an awesome week!
Sandy Frey
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
It was nice to see you in the KET special on Zenny. I’m embarrassed to have to ask, but could you please share with us how you know her?
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy Frey:
Just saw the KET video of Zenyatta with your commentary. How wonderful that you got to see her race, be there at Keeneland when she arrived on that cold night in 2010 and then to be a part of the video. Love and Hugs, JB
Only nice things for Zenyatta. She does have three beauties and will have more but a rest is in order for her. Thanks to her owners and best wishes to them and Zenyatta.
Michelle G
I am glad to hear she is getting a year off – as much as I would love a new foal every year it is hard on the mare no matter how well she is taken care of – glad to hear as usual that the Z Team always has her well being first and foremost!!!!
Keep the pics and videos of the babies coming – always makes my day when there are new things posted :)
I applaud your decision and look forward to more continued news and photos of Zenyatta and her offspring on this page. Thank you for placing Zenyatta’s best interests ahead of all else.
These owners have class and think of the horse first. I find it so sad when mare’s in their 20″s still foaling. Thanks you Z connections for this great decision.
Happy for all the connections!!! Love and horse kisses to All♥♥
sue and tony
Zenny loves being a mother but even the best of mothers need a break. The Mosses always do what’s best for our Queen so this news is good to hear. We are elated the website will continue as it’s the happiest place on the internet.
Now that our Zenny will have more time on her hands do you think she’ll pen another diary entry for us?
She’ll probably miss not having a new foal next spring but we all know she adjusts beautifully to anything and everything.
I think it is a great decision to give any mare periodic time off from breeding. In the hopes of breeding a superstar foal, Team Z must be under tremendous pressure to keep her pregnant as often as possible, despite the possible health risks. Zenyatta is a national treasure and should be protected. I am proud of her owners for following the advise of Zenny’s team but giving her a year to rest.
Deborah Richman
What lovely news! I’m glad to hear that Zenyatta will have a year off from motherhood and foaling and will just get to enjoy being herself. I know she loves being a mother, but as someone above said, even the best mom’s need a break sometimes.
Thank you for continuing to keep us up to date on Zenyatta and her “kids”. It will be fun to be able to concentrate on Coz, Zi, and Princess Z for the next year :0
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ I agree Deb we are going to be busy keeping track of her babies :-)
Yes! Perfect! Great job everyone!
Celeste/ Massachusetts
Thank you Team Z for this news. It will be nice for Zenyatta to just be a horse for a year. I think it is a great decision. The Mosses surely take good care of their horses.
I am so happy Zenyatta.com will continue. We fans want to know EVERYTHING that is going on with her! As others have said, it is a happy place. I look forward to checking in everyday.
Thank you again. I look forward to more pictures of 14Z. She has such a presence about her.
Dorothy Thrasher
On a day when I just read about the orphaned foals of nurse mares who are left to die or be adopted, it is so heartening to read about the loving and conscientious owners of Zenyatta and also of the birth of her beautiful new filly. Kudos to you and thank you for sharing Zenyatta with us.
Nancy Bickford
I’m so glad that you have given Zenyatta the year off, Team Z. She has done you and herself well. She has done all you have bestowed upon her tenfold. Thank you for giving her time to rejuvenate herself and to be a horse once again, living in the lap of luxury on Lane’s End Farm. Here’s hoping her kids have a healthy and happy life on the racetrack. Even if they don’t turn out exactly like their momma on the track, they will have everlasting love from their mom and the skillions (is that a word?) of fans that have followed them from conception on. Thanks for thinking of Zenyatta’s welfare, first and foremost!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Team Z.–thank you so much for the link to the Kentucky Life video. Every word about Zenny is so true. She is still a rock star.
Thank you also for the update on breeding the schedule. Many have figured that this would be an off-year for her. We love her dirty or clean, racing or not, pregnant or not. Hugs to all.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I agree. The timing was perfect. She gets a little rest and then can be bred again in early 2015. Also gives Team Z a chance to further evaluate her foals to date and determine if they go back to one of her previous “dates” or try someone new.
Very happy they are keeping the site up and running.
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? We have so much to look forward to, watching her “kids” grow up and mature. Can’t wait to see how Coz develops and Zi and the Princess. Zenny and Team are the blessings that just keep giving! Love you guys/gals.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I’m not at all surprised they decided to keep her open this year. Late April/early May is pretty late for a foal to be born. This way she can be bred next year for an early 2016 foal. I hope she will not be too unhappy without a foal at her side. Maybe Life Is Sweet will get a reset this year too, and they can stay together.
BTW, is anyone else having trouble with the Forum?
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
PS Love the picture of the Princess. She has momma’s ears for sure.
Dear Team Z,
I think that’s a wise decision though I’m no horse expert. I think Zenyatta will enjoy the break. You are so kind to continue the website. Thank you from all of us! Nothing but accolades for the way you care for and love the Queen.
Donna Olinger
Yes, give the mother a break. She deserves it….
Even though we know she enjoys being a MOM !!!! And does a great job of it…..
Have fun Zenyatta, with your year off……..act like a yearling !!!!!
Suzy Hooper
Thank you for being the best owners in the world in recognizing that our lovely broodmares need time off to rest and recoup. I had 10 broodmares at my ranch during our heavy breeding years and rotated them in batches of 5, one year bred and one year off. Sure helped to keep them healthy and happy. I truly love you guys! Sending BIG ((hugs)) to Zenyatta and her lovely little princess ~
Nancy in Fresno
So glad Zenny is getting a year off. It would be nice if she could have a break every three years or so. Everyone wants to best life for her, and a long one. Thank you for taking such good care of her.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
hi zsters :)
thx team Z for all u do foe us fans <3 <3
God's Thoughts for You
God wants you to have a good day.
The white clouds billowing in the sky,
The golden warmth of a sunset,
The fragrance of a flower,
The wonder of a waterfall,
And every awesome expression of His creative work was made for you and your enjoyment.
He loves you in so many awesome ways.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. James 1:17
May there be found in your day…
A moment… A thought… A promise…
That will cause your heart to sing.
may god bless u all <3
hugs/prayers, vamp
any1 else having problems w/ right-clicking and not be able to open links in a new tab? or copying words?
ie – i like to copy some of kathy's devotionals that speak to me so i can look at them later. i cant do thatnow. :(
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Thank you Sue Colvin!!
hugs, Sally B