Happy holidays!
Each holiday season we ship packages from the Zenyatta Shop to fans all over the world. Through tomorrow, we’d like to give everyone 25% off any order of $100 or more. Use promo code CHEER.
Our favorite new item in the shop is the limited edition Hall of Fame 2016 Commemorative Pin. We made only 250 of these pins, inspired by Zenyatta’s Hall of Fame plaque. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for a Zenyatta fan!
Remember to order by Friday, December 16 for holiday delivery.
Come back to the blog next week for some jolly new photos from Lane’s End Farm!
Team Z

I bought both of the pins when they were first offered and I love them! Merry Christmas to me! And Merry Christmas, Happy 2017 to Team Zenyatta.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Team Z. Thank you for all the great offers. Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Dear Judy.A wonderful offer from TeamZ.I am so glad you received my card safely.Blueberry and Barney were back out in their paddock today just as it should be.He will be going to the Netherlands in the New year to a show.Still keeping very mild over here.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
sue and tony
Great, stuff in the store! The pics of Zenny and Ann are always welcomed…Zenny really enjoys spending time with her. Human mom.
December 16 Cherokee Devotional
The old year is nearly gone, and if there could be one word that described it in general, it would be “complaining.” People are so unhappy about so much, and they make it known through any avenue available to them.
There’s nothing wrong with letting others know what isn’t acceptable. But much complaining is simply that, and goes nowhere and accomplishes nothing. It gets to be just grousing and it only furrows the brow.
We were given freedom to speak our minds, but the freedom to do something doesn’t mean it serves a good purpose. We could be using our voices, our words, to build and make amends, to encourage and enlighten. When we only complain, we waste a precious privilege and simply add to the turmoil.
We are all children of the one God. God is listening to me. The sun, the darkness, the winds, are all listening to what we now say.
-Geronimo, Apache
Thank you, Team Z, for all these wonderful shopping opportunities you are offering!! As much as I adore our Queen, I am the only one in my family who follows racing and continues to love Zenyatta and learning about her every day life after retirement, so the focus audience of most of these beautiful items would be for me to give myself for Christmas – lol! If my budget allows after I get my loved ones presents checked off their lists I will definitely try to find something special for me! Thank you for sharing Zenyatta with all of us. I look forward to this site every day!
Dear Kathy.It’s a pity you cannot access Valegro’s routine I have reposted Katy’s video try that.I don’t know if you saw his 2012 routine at the London Olympics I didn’t know you then.My FB friend Liz was there and Julie has gone up today.She is staying overnight so I couldn’t go I just love my own bed so don’t get to travel much!!!I posted Hovey’s video and Felix’s typical Yorkshire accents!It all started as a bit of a joke with a passenger and a rail worker.Now she is internationally famous.Still mild here so far.Hovey was thrilled to bits with Nip and Tuck shop’s win and paid tribute to “that Viagra dude”Maybe Hovis will become the next stressage sensation.Your devotional reminded of a story on the radio this week.A lady was getting a voucher for petrol to drive 3 miles to take her child to school because the pathways were muddy and the weather!Wait until this little snowflake enters the real world.What about the poor children who have to walk miles early in the morning just to fetch water?I walked to school every day in all weathers.Our modern generation are wrapped in cotton wool.Princess from the British embassy in Cuba has sent greetings to Palmy and he has adopted some Sumatran tigers at London zoo.Photo of him with “his”humans!Alaa and Yasser are safe and Alaa is determined to build a new home and sanctuary for the cats.He is in a military zone now but heartbroken for his city and country.
Charlie the cat from Marty’s home doesn’t seem to be looking forward to Christmas and Mango and sissys are settling down well in the camper ground.Lovely rescue story on Zoe about little Scooby.It is always sad to see a pet abandoned.If you cannot access Valegro you can see his 2012 routine on you-tube.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO.Sad about Holly the dog who died.I head one of the last of Nijinsky’s sons died this week aged 28.
Dear Sheena,
I was sad I couldn’t access Valegro, but I have watched his routines on YouTube and some of the routines you shared. He’s just marvelous. I will look for Hovey’s and Felix’s videos. Yes, Hovey was so proud of the Nip and Tuck wind. It’s so hilarious when he talks about “Viagra.” A lot of kids nowadays are very spoiled. Walking in all kinds of weather made us stronger. The Sumatran tigers sound wonderful. Lucky Palmy! Glad to know Alaa and Yasser are safe. We can’t imagine how difficult to see your city and country under siege. It cracks me up that rats are living with cats. I think a lot about Mango and family. It would be tough living in the RV. I haven’t read about Scooby. Will look for it. I felt bad about little Holly. She was beautiful. I wish you a lovely day as well. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Susan in Fl
Great picture , great shop! Peace & Happiness
Love you, Queen Z!
Ann NC
Thank you, Team Z.
Happy Holidays to ALL.
Zenny, your coat looks so soft, fuzzy and warm. Oh to give you a loving hug!
Stay cozy and warm folks.
Merry Christmas Zenyatta and Team Z….ordered my Zenyatta goodies today! Always love seeing your posts. Keep warm dear girl; it’s cold out there. Take good care of the little one you’re making. Hugs to all!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks to Team Z for all of these great offers. So many new posts lately – I’m even farther behind than I thought I was. Like many, I had no recollection that Garret Gomez was riding Blame when he beat Zenyatta. This was just at the very beginning of my even knowing about Zenyatta. In any event, it is very sad to learn of his death and an important reminder about how crucial funding for treating those with various addictions is. Please keep yours ears “to the ground” and speak up against efforts to decrease insurance coverage for these illnesses.
Looking forward to seeing Chrome tomorrow (although I will be attending a Christmas Concert when it happens “live”). I join Shirley in others in worrying more and more about his safety with each race. He is certainly the horse to beat tomorrow, and I hope he comes back in great shape (and with a win, of course). Can hardly wait to see who, exactly, will be running against him in the Pegasus.
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is a little more than a week away. We had such a long, warm autumn here that adjusting to the sudden switch to snow and cold is difficult, and the holidays seem to have arrived out of nowhere. Hope all of my Dumpling friends are doing well as I will never catch up on all of the posts.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Good to have a post from you. The link below is a list of who the contenders might be in the Pegasus. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Well . . this would, indeed, be a “dream field,” but unfortunately, I THINK it is what the author thinks would be keen rather than actual contenders. Maybe I’m missing something?
AP Indy loving his decorations.
Frankel looking as majestic as ever gets a visit from Father Christmas,
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wonderful photos of AP Indy; he looks great. Frankel is magnificent. God Bless them both. Thank you for sharing. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Have had a post from you in a while. Hope all is well. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Opps: Meant to say “have NOT had a post……”. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Thinking of Max too.Always miss her posts about our races.Hugs Sheena.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Thinking of you and hoping you are well. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Have a restful, peaceful night and Happy Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Dear Judy.Our flat jockeys beat the jump jockeys at Olympia tonight.Frankie was delighted and we got the flying dismount.The jump jocks will never live it down.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties/Love and hugs SheenaX
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Always so thankful for Z’s team and their offers to us. Zenyatta, who can resist.
Goodnight Z, stay warm and cozy
love you with kisses and to all your sons
Z princess and my dear Sir,
Auntie Sally B
What makes us believe everything we hear? So much is said to titillate, and so little of it means anything. This is the “he said-she said” syndrome, and truth to tell, none of it has any validity. Don’t pass on gossip, because it will come back to haunt you, and you will know how silly you were.
While we’re talking about talking, don’t lie to save face, and don’t hint at excitement that was never there. Avoid such foolishness. People who are wise never waste their time filling in blanks that were meant to be open and free. As the saying goes, “If you can’t say something good, don’t say anything at all.” Just hunker down and wait. Your time will come, and when it comes (and it surely will) what you say will do good.
My brothers, the tongue of Kicking Bird is straight, and I cannot tell of all I saw.
-Kicking Bird, Kiowa
Dear Sheena,
Happy Saturday! I have a busy day ahead of me. I have to finish baking cookies, and I’ll deliver them to some people, including Cheryl and Ray. I have to pick up a present for Gail at work, then we’re having dinner with friends tonight in Irvine. All the furbabies I visited are fine. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.I have had a busy morning as well.I haven’t had much time to visit the furbabies.I can hardly see the horses at Ascot dense fog poor Ballyoptic fell at the last fence again but youknowwhatImeanharry extended his winning sequence.I am sure Ray and Cheryl will enjoy your biscuits.Have a great dinner tonight.Reading your devotional today we love a gossip in Wales.Larry has a huge hangover today and Evie is wrapping her presents.Enjoy your day.Love and hugs to you,kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Zenny and Fan Family,
Praying everyone has a good pre-Christmas week. Know we’re all a bit ‘frazzled’ with everything happening this time of year. On a light note, we took our usual daily hike up the mountain behind our home a few days ago, and baby (now ‘teenager’ . . .uh-oh-h-h) roadrunner caught up with us on the way up and went ‘hiking’ with us for a few minutes – so, so cute! (Even though he is a little velociraptor – at least he ‘behaves’ when he’s around us . . . sort of). His tail feathers are getting so long – about 18 inches – and he runs holding them straight up in the air – so funny! He thinks he’s in charge – probably is! I’d better get back to my Christmas project. Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. with love, Elizabeth
PS Zenny, it’s calming during this hectic time of year to see you and your Ann having a nice ‘gril-time’ together. Love the photos above!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Thank you for the update on the little Roadrunner. Beep, beep. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
PS ‘girl’ time – not ‘gril time’ . . . am trying to go to fast today!
A horse did win the 3.15pm at Haydock It took awhile to find out it was Clyne.Sad news from Ascot as Eduard was euthanised after breaking a hind leg.Thankfully he didn’t seem to be too upset.They got to him quickly.RIP
Judy B from Rhode Island
RIP beautiful Eduard. Run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Perfect story for Christmas!
Clydesdales help Purina deliver surprise to horse shelter in need
Published on Nov 20, 2016
On November 5, 2016, Purina surprised Far View horse rescue shelter in Colorado
with a special delivery for their horses. It’s all part of how Purina shares greatness.
Purina is proud to be the title sponsor of A Home for Every Horse that supports shelters like Far View to ensure every horse finds their forever home.
Watch the surprise unfold!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
This is just wonderful!!! Thank you Keta for sharing (and for those about to “click the link,” get some Kleenex first!!!!).
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Just heartwarming and uplifting. Thanks BGG for sharing and thanks to Purina.
Sandy, you were so right; needed Kleenex! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for this post! It’s all warm and fuzzy — very nice. Great job, Purina and of course, the Clydesdales. Also, many thanks to Far View Rescue for all the fine work they do.
Hugs and Love
Beautiful! A good feeling story to help celebrate the joy of Christmas. Thank you for posting. My ex, who passed away several years ago, worked 40 years with Purina and would have loved this story.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Wonderful article from Paulick Report on Bebe, Maggie and other cats at Old Friends. All individuals with different personalities. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Now I’m disappointed that I didn’t see Bebe :-( Next time I’ll know to look for her – she sounds like quite a character!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Doesn’t she! Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Swipe (Birdstone) to stand at stud in Sweden. Wishing him a long, healthy and happy life. Love and Hugs, JB