Happy Tuesday!
We added new portraits of Zenyatta’s boys to the Zenyatta Shop today.
Additionally, “The Queen’s Dance” Poster by Jamie Corum is back!
Along with this update we’re offering a promotion on all small prints. Customers who order at least one large print or poster are eligible for a 50% discount on small prints. Enter promo code SMALLPRINT at checkout.
-Team Z
Anna M
Wow Cozmic One looks amazing.. has he started any training yet? I know he doesn’t turn 2 til early next year.. I cant wait to see him race.. Z13 is looking great too
Pati-Caz Girl
Yay! I love new prints of the royal family!
Dear Team Z wonderful to see the 2 young princes. So beautiful! Love and hugs Sheena
The boys are so good looking. Thank you for the shop update.
Perky Green
How beautiful they are. They both have the signature EARS.Coz should be headed to Florida soon, Please let us know as for the Baby, Baby WOW!!! he is quite the looker.. Have to look at finances, but will be back I would like some of the pictures.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Beautiful! Hard to imagine colts who are more gorgeous than these two, but I bet War Front’s Z14 will be awesome, as well. In the last photos, loved that Z was in the paddock with Life Is Sweet and her foal, with Z acting as a “fairy godmother”! Thanks so much for keeping Z’s fans “in the loop”. Zenyatta has turned into the perfect fan favorite. She never disappoints, she is always beautiful, and as John said, “There’s not one thing about her that isn’t exceptional…not one!” Forever the Queen, please give her a hug from me! Best to all at LE.
I love you zenyatta… and your babies too. go team zenyatta …
joan ewing
Good llooking boys z . Thanl you for sharing
Jennifer Renna
Beautiful boys….:)
Both boys are handsome, but I love Cozmic One. He is so elegant. Any plans to offer the Plushies again? Or a new Breyer baby of Z14?
I mean Z13. :)
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Offering a Breyer would be up to the Breyer Company, not Team Z.
PatB from NM
Love my Queen and her beautiful babies!
Alex Bowdoin
Thank You for posting this update! Look at Coz’s Ears!! WOW…Both boys are Looking GREAT and Very Cute!! Thank you Team Z and LEF! HUGS TO ALL
Wendy in MO
Z’s colts are amazing ! Such handsome boys!
I’d love to see a filly as foal #3. She’d be well protected by 2 big brothers.
Wow, I sure can see Bernie in Coz! Such elegance showing in that lovely face. 13Z continues to impress; he’s a doll. Thanks for sharing the new pictures and making them available.
sue and tony
The new photos are amazing! Coz certainly grew into his ears, didn’t he? He is one good looking yearling and probably preparing to travel to Ocala and the Mayberry’s any day now. Our red Prince has always been a looker and seems to have bypassed the gangly age. Our Queen has given us some gorgeous offspring. It will be so exciting to follow them as their lives develop in the racing world.
Maryp NY
Thank you for these new photos of the boys.
I am smitten with Cozmic One…that face and head AND ears and all of him. He has grown and is growing into a handsome rascal.
Z13 is just beautiful and will be the beautiful chestnut brother of #1 son.
Love Zenyatta and her sons, praying they have the best lives and success in all they do.
Amy Kinsey
Saw someone say something about a breyer of 13z – I would buy one of those. Love the updates on whats going on in the lives of these horses.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Beautiful, beautiful boys.
Shannon From Cool
Two handsome boys, I can’t wait see how they develope.
They both are Dandies no doubt about Z!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lane’s End and Z Team:
Thank you. Two gorgeous boys. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, Red Prince and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love you all so much. Hugs, JB
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
Thank you!
I was wondering when team Z will be releasing the much anticipated ♥ Zenyatta Documentary that we saw portions of at last year’s Breeders’ Cup party?
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless You, Lola Mae,Charlie and the Sweeties. Are’nt the boys so beautiful? Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
They are both truly beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC and all the Sweeties
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Oh—These new photos are beautiful!!! Those two sweet boys are SO gorgeous,it just about stops your heart beating to see them! They have to be the most beautiful colts on this earth!! Of course,none of us could be a bit predjudiced,could we?????
I hope the team will consider making a print of the incredible photo in the August Photo Updates where Little Big Red is trotting behind Z perfectly matching her stride. I think that is one of the most remarkable photos I.ve ever seen–catching it was nothing short of miraculous!!
Sorry I haven’t posted in so long–first we had all the excitment and hassle of the fires,then the Labor Day rush of tourists—work has been really hectic–it’s been all I could do to try to keep up with reading the posts–never seemed to get a minute to mreply!!
Was heartsick to hear about Mentor Cane—how terrible for him and all who lavished love and training on his too short life. Sometimes it almost makes you lose heart with racing–makes you want to put them in a “bubble” just so they can stay safe. But—they LOVE to run!!
Barnaby and Traveller were SO glad to get back to East Fork,after the evacuation order was lifted!@! They did well down at River Sage though,one of went to see them every day for the eight days that they were there,so that they knew we hadn’t deserted them. The lovely folks there trailered them down and back and cared for them –all without charge because we are already considered clients,since our contracts for the winter had been signed. I thought that was VERY classy–Sue and I each got the manager who did all the work a gift certificate to a local restaurant to say thanks from us–and,from the horses!!
They both got their feet trimmed by our own Cool New Shoes Man–Barnaby has been a little foot sore,but he is doing better. I got some really neat linament for him and he really seems to like it. We had to get the trough out as a back-up water supply,as “his” automatic waterer freezes when it gets really cold–and it is definitely fall here!! We may have snow tonight in the higher elevations!!! Eeeeek–don’t need that yet!! I still have some transplanting to do this weekend!! The horses love the crisp weather though–Traveller is so funny in the mornings–she just loves to charge around and toss her head–just for the sheer joy of doing it!! Barnaby,most of the time,looks at her like she is crazy!! Have been taking some more photos of them,which I will bring to the Breeder’s Cup. I’m getting SO excited about it!! We HAVE to start planning some kind of dinner get-together–so we can have our own Z party!
@ Darlene Daniels–a belated Happy Birthday to you!! I’m so sorry you’re not going to be able to come this year–I was looking forward to seeing you!! Hope your day was a really great one!! Belated Happy Birthday to Marilu too–LOVED your poem!! Sorry about all of the B Days I’ve missed—you know I love you all!!!
@ Sheena–loved it when you wrote something in the Welsh language–someday,you’ll have to tell me how to pronounce those words!! Have to look again tonight at home at the post today about the Queen (Elizabeth,that is,–looks like she is speaking in it and the sound is off on my work computer. I love hearing her speak. I have never lost the love I’ve had for her since I was a child!!
Love the two giant horses we/ve met this week!! Would love to ride one of those!!
Love to Queen Z,Coz,Little Big Red and all at Lane’s End!!! Hope all have a lovely peaceful night,and I wish the same for all Zsters as well!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Noel:
Great to hear from you. Glad the fire danger is over and that Traveller and Barnaby are settled in. Hugs,JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Loved hearing from you, Sue. Glad all is well. Hugs.
Both handsome in their own unique ways, but they each look like their mother. It’s a pleasure to see them.
Hi Zennie and family. Your boys or should I say ,”young men” are STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!! What faces they have. To die for. Coz is so gorgeous. I can just imagine the crowd the first day he races. I`m from back east but will be wherever he is going to race. I can`t wait. It`s going to be a mind blower…Love to Zennie, the boys, the Mosses, and Lanes End…Hugs and kisses Alene ;-)
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
I’m in love with your two handsome sons Zenyatta!! Coz reminds me of you!
I have the touch of the flu so I just came on to say, “I love you the most of any other horse”, even those who I take care of, and I have growned to love them for sure, they just are not you Z!! I will have to read the blog later.
lovenkisses on your soft nose and to your awesome sons.
Auntie Sally
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
Take care and feel better soon. Hugs,JB
Delrene from Carlsbad, California
Thank you Lane’s End for these gorgeous phographs of Zenyatta’s sons. They are handsome beyond words. Zenyatta you are our Queen and we wish the very best for you and your sons…… Hope all is well with you and that you and the other mares are enjoying some fall weather.
We are your forever fans.