Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
@Sharon Call, I am no expert on dressage or any type of riding, being a novice rider myself. (Hopefully, if someone has experise in this area s/he will chime in.) However, I’ve been reading, watching, and trying to educate myself. Most of the experienced riders I’ve seen in video or photos keep their toes turned out at least some. That seems to be the case regardless of discipline. It’s easier to stay on the horse, control the horse, and keep the legs in position. (Eons ago when I first took lessons as a teenager, I remember being told to keep the feet parallel, too. It may have been more about aesthetics than practicality.) As to dressage riding, the rider is supposed to be quiet and relaxed. Aids should be minimal, but the rider does need to be able to communicate with the horse. The only options are hands/reins, legs, and shift in body weight/position. When you think about it, the riders in the videos are communicating an awful lot of information to their horses with some pretty subtle cues. The horses are responding by executing complex elements; they know what gait they are supposed to use, which lead, degree of collection or extension, the direction they are to go, and then they respond instantly when given a new cue. Although I suppose a motionless rider would be ideal, both horse and rider would have to be telepathic. :-)
Barb France
judy berube
Dear Laura J. and Sharon Call:
Thank you for your always informative posts. Hugs, J.B.
Diana S
@ susan in tn: I should leave this to the master Ms. Burube, but if this link works, here is a video of the “dust storm” getting ready to swallow Phoenix: http://www.620ktar.com/category/videos-article/20110706/Time~lapse-of-dust-storm-moving-across-Phoenix-area-(VIDEO)/
@Yay Sasparilla – I’m guilty, I stuffed the ballot box.
@OraJean: I’ve got you down for Sat and will have a nametag.
diastu in the town formerly known as Tempe that is now somewhere in New Mexico.
Pamela J Hebert
Zenny thanks for the heads up. Can’t wait to see the segment I’ve got to set my VCR to tape it. Lovely photos today Z you always look good!!!! Hugs & kisses!!! Thanks Dottie!!!!
Diana S
@Zenny – I’ll get in trouble for this, but I’m creeky old and am now jealous of you. That cutie Matt – nibble, nibble, nibble :-)
Sharon Call
@LauraJ. I, too, was taught to keep my feet parallel with the horse’s sides. My teacher explained that it kept the entire leg flexed and it was easier to keep your balance (?). It was the one thing I just couldn’t do. I rode saddleseat and didn’t have the deep seat and knee rolls that some saddles have. Just a flat piece of leather with a tree and a cutback over the withers. I did learn to post to a trot without stirrups and to let go and pick up the stirrups on the back swing and to sit to a collected canter without stirrups and pick up the stirrups the same way. Talk about muscling up your body!! I had roped muscles in my legs and all up my back.
As far as dressage is concerned, I may not have written what I meant very well (again). I was told that the essence of dressage is ultimate communication between horse and rider with hands, weight shifts and legs being the means to communicate and the signals should be minimal and barely visible to viewers. This obviously has changed over the years (decades). I wasn’t criticizing these phemonenal riders. I certainly couldn’t do what they do. I was just trying to “catch up” on what is done today.
Sharon Call
@Diane S. You’re a hoot! I get so tickled at some of your posts. I watched the dust storm video (well done on the link). It reminds me of a show I saw on Public TV called “Black Cloud” and it was about the dust storms rolling across the west and mid-west during the depression era. It showed footage of the storms and they looked just like this.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Remembering Barbaro. Hugs, J.B. http://www.horse-races.net/library/barbaro-tribute.htm
judy berube
Dear Diane S.:
That video was amazing. A+ on the link. (By the way I’m just the student of the Master, Trina Nagele). Hugs, J.B.
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, that pic of you and Matt is too cute!
Thanks for letting us know that you’re going to be on TV on Saturday. I can’t wait to see it! I know you’ll look fabulous.
Have a nice evening, sweet girl.
Love to all,
@Judy Berube – love your Twirling come back! Great wit, lady :-)
Zenny, didn’t have any specific plans yet for Saturday, but now I know one thing I’ll be doing and that’s watching you on ESPN. Thank you, Dottie, for keeping us in the loop. Z, you look lovely in your photos (as do Matt and PQ). You are definitely the Queen in all you do. Love you, sweet mama…
Sally (B)
Oh Z how exciting is this!! (for you and us!) I sure hope they show lots of close-ups of the “most beautiful girl (& mama) in the world”. Such cute pictures posted. I’m thinking my sons name is Matt; is thin & dark haired too. Now, it is too bad they can not switch jobs for a day–and my son can bring his mother to visit!! hee hee, there has to be a way!! love with 2 kisses on your soft nose
I just wanted to emphasize something that was mentioned yesterday: Please call your US Senator (numbers can be found on Senate.gov by selecting your state) and ask each of them to cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S.1176). This is a chance for all of us that love Zenyatta, and horses in general, to make a difference. An issue like this does not get much media coverage so when Senators receive phone calls about the bill they will take notice. Phone calls do the most good, especially with a follow-up email. Over 100,000 horses are sent to slaughter in Mexico and Canada every year. The trip as well as the killing is not humane. Horses do not stand quietly and wait to be slaughtered (I will spare you the details). I am telling everyone at work, emailing friends and family out of my state and asking them to contact their Senators. It really only takes a few minutes. Give your name and tell them where you live and tell them you want the Senator to cosponsor the bill. Let’s do this!!!!
This is great news. I’m setting my DVR now. You and your A Team have done so much for racing. There will be tons of people watching racing because of you.
Paula Higgins
Can’t wait to see it Dottie! Thanks for the heads up. Cute pictures. She continues to glow!!
EEEEE! We get to see you on TV, Zenny! Oh, happy day. :-) Can’t wait to see your wonderful self again on the tube. By the way, you look stunning in these pictures. Thanks to Dottie and Sarah for making them available to us!
Barbara Wood
@Trina N.–I sent mine by snail mail–hope it didn’t get held up in the holidays.
Zenny–we can’t wait to see you this weekend. Good to see you sharing secrets with PQ.
@Allen–thanks for the time slot info.
Diana Harris
Zenny you are too cute! I will have to make sure and look for the update on ESPN for I love seeing pictures of you just being you. thank you for all the updates and great pictures. I wish I had Matts job what a lucky guy!
Gary Moulton
@judy berube – Yea, I know, that was the joke, the Dudes will be eating dirt not candy. Twirling has to go from the one hole although there are two Candy horses in the race you never know, racing luck and all.
@ Terry Crow – I’ve enjoyed your jokes, they are too funny. Here is one, you probably know the answer.
What’s the best way to slow a runaway horse?
Gary Moulton
I ment eating plastic, LOL
Terry Crow
@Susan in TN-It is we who are privileged to have you on this site. @DJ-Another talent revealed. Good for you. @Diana S-Old? that is just a state of mind.
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
I thought your post was funny. Yes, there’s Soul Candy too. I do like Twirling Candy. I’ll be rooting for him. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Thought what Gary M. posted was funny, so I had to build on that. Hugs, J.B.
@judy berube. Thank you for posting the article on Z, V and E. That has to be one of the best reads. What a great family of wonderful mares and fillies who are all so well cared for by good owners and others like John Shirreffs and Don Robinson.
@Zenyatta. You are beautiful.
judy berube
To Max:
So true. It’s a beautiful thing. Did you see the video of Sea The Stars? I’ll post it again here just in case you missed it. Hugs, J.B.
Janet Cutting
Ok Zenny, cant wait to see you on tv—but I dont get the racing channels– I have DIRECTV–SO SOMEONE MENTION A LINK IF THERE IS ONE TO SEE IT. Have fun Zenny!!!
Linda in PA
Fabulous! Can’t wait to see you once again.
judy berube
Dear Max:
Here’s that Sea The Stars video. Hugs, J.B.
Queen Z,
I’m so excited to see you again on ESPN.
I’m all set for Sat and so is my DVR. Love you lots.XOXOXOXXX.