Good Morning Everyone,
I sincerely hope you had a great weekend! Mine was quite nice and very relaxing. I’ll share some current photos with you during the next few days.
I thought all of the weekend racing was quite captivating. I was especially pleased to see Bernie’s son, STAY THIRSTY, win the Jim Dandy Stakes-G II at Saratoga. Bernardini also had some other nice winners over the weekend. This is great news! Congratulations, BERNIE! I’m sending you a HIGH HOOF!
On another note, I am very pleased to share some information with you this morning. It is so special to touch base with an ‘old friend’ and keep up with how he or she is doing. This weekend, Dottie was able to get an update on my PONY PAL, HOOTIE, to share with ALL OF US. You have seen HOOTIE in countless photos with ME…accompanying ME back and forth to the race track. While I was in training, he was with ME on these walks the majority of the time. He has been my very dear friend for years.
One of the many jobs at the race track is to be a ‘PONY PERSON’. In this position, you and your ‘pony’ (which is often a retrained retired race horse) work with different trainers and accompany certain horses from their barn to and from the track. A man named Freddie Wilson owned HOOTIE and he was a pony person at the track. Since I really liked HOOTIE and got along so well with him, MY JOHN worked out a schedule with Freddie so HOOTIE could be MY PONY in the mornings! As we have written in a previous Diary, after I retired….so did he. HOOTIE was adopted by TROTT of Southern California and now has a second career working with them. In the above photo, he is getting his daily “SPA TREATMENT” from Dee, on the left, and Susana, on the right. Per Bonnie, who updated Dottie on all of this, he is truly one of the BARN FAVORITES. HOOTIE has truly become part of the TROTT TEAM!
TROTT is a wonderful organization which ‘adopts’ horses from the racetrack and retrains them for their NEXT CAREER. So many dedicated people work endlessly trying to accomplish this goal to help horses. The organization is volunteer based and the hard work and loving care given by these people is truly appreciated by all of US! MY TEAM and I have also worked to help raise funds for TROTT. I loved the one T-shirt they did with ME on it. MY JOHN came up with the words to be placed underneath my picture stating……’DANCING AGAIN IN 2010′.
I have been told that TROTT is currently planning a Del Mar Charity Fundraiser. They are a 501(c)(3) organization. It will take place on August 28th at the San Diego Polo Club from 6 to 11 p.m. More details may be found on their web-site….TROTTUSA.ORG.
I also understand that Liza G. Fly will be singing at this event . I hope she sings the song she wrote and recorded for ME! I must say…I DO GET A KICK OUT OF LISTENING TO IT! (Blush, Blush)
Watch it here…ENJOY!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Great to hear from you, HOOTIE! I’m SO HAPPY to see you again!)
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
How’s it going? Haven’t heard from you in a while. Hugs, J.B.
Sharon Call
@Barbara Wood. I don’t think anyone knows Ensign’s gender.
Awe,I was pulling for Lisa’s Booby Trap.
Love ya Z
Barbara Grimaldi
OHMYGOSH!!! Forgot to say Happy Birthday to DIANA S!!!! What a great team player you are! Thanks for all you say and do for us–hope this birthday is the best ever!!!
Barb G from NJ
Barbara Grimaldi
BARBARA WOOD–I thought Terry was a guy, too! Dear Terry–who cares? You’re such a wonderful person and great treasure on this page–I’m so glad to know you!
Marilu V
Hi Zeny! Ohhhh Hootie is so adorable. I would like to volunteer my time if I can at Trott. I will check their website. Thanks for the information. Hugs and prayers going your way! Marilu
Karen Gogue
@Barbara G. and Barbara W.
Our ‘funny’ Terry is a Man – no mistake about it! A charming, true gentleman! There is another Z dumpling in photo who is a female Teri, a good friend of JAG, who also went with the Z’sters to Barn 55 on Gold Cup day. Hope that clears it up, thought there for a minute that Diana S. had rubbed off on you two! (Awww, we luv our favorite Ditzo Diana – she kept calling herself ditzo dumpling at GC! Too cute!)
s in san diego
and Hootie..You looked spoiled!! YEA FOR YOU.
To Diana S: Wishing you a Happy Birthday Kentucky Style!!
Blessings to you, my “Z” Friend,
diastu DJ
Karen Gogue
@Helen D.
Although you are now childless this late in life, just know that both your sons are at peace and are smiling down at you and your husband with love and a ‘thank you’ for being wonderful parents while they were on this earthly plain…The Angels hold them tight and dearly, for they are now one with Him in HIS heart forever more….Thank you Lord for that, for Helen and her husband….
Karen Gogue
Linda in Fla.
I noticed that Lisa’s Booby Trap was trying some Zenyatta dance moves in the paddock, but no one commented on them. She did not have Zenyatta’s grace but it was cute. I immediately took notice of her sire and dam but she was not related.
What a beautiful pony Hootie is – bet he misses you! Sounds like he is in a good place – how nice. Thanks for sharing his story.
Stay Thirsty looked great – Bernie’s boys have done well!
Terry Crow
@Karen Gogue-Thanks for clearing that up. I was at barn 55 on Gold Cup Day, thanks to Diana S. @Diana S- Some suggestions for games at a senior birthday party–Bobbing foe dentures, Guess my prescription and musical walkers.
Barbara Grimaldi
TERRY–I live in a 55+ community, and I am stealing your senior birthday party ideas immediately! Hysterical!!!!
@ Kari B. – love the new video! @ Abigail – the link on Lancelot was awesome. @ Sign – so sorry for the lost of your hound @ whoever posted the link on Blind Luck – great ride, after you watch that video and then click on the one that says: Richard Boucher at Colonial, you get a real feel what kickback is like! @ Gary -loved the Paul Mellon poem, it was read at the funeral of a Virginian horseman last year, but it was great to see it in print. My horse didn’t do too good today,after he watched the rest break, he was quite happy just to gallop after them. At least he cooled out good, so hopefully he runs better next time!
Sue Fredrick
I just found out they started a FB page for A P INDY to anybody interested…..he is Bernardini’s sire and Z’s baby’s grandsire. There are many nice pics of a lot of his kids and grandkids. I don’t have that “know how to link” gene that many of you do, but if you just request in FB you should find it.
The Kennedys in San Diego
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANA S. Love your sense of humor and our Z Dumpling nametags.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Thank you for the update on Hootie — so glad he is being well taken care of. We have so many photos of Hootie leading Zenyatta to the track for her morning gallops. Always the perfect gentleman around Barn 55.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Very funny. Hugs, J.B.
I tried to look up Hootie’s facebook page and there must be 300 Hootie’s. Could someone (much more techno-savvy than I am, put the link or advise me which “Hootie” is the pony Hootie? page.
I did type in Hootie the pony and didn’t get anything but tons of Hootie’s.
thanks so much. After party with Trott sounds like fun. I sure hope you are still going to sing at the Pacific Classic Lisa. Love, Love, your Zenyatta song.
Kari Bussell
May your year be fill with joy, laughter, love, peace, happiness, and according to Karen Gogue.. maybe lots of kisses….
Sharon in Seattle
this is so like Team Z – never forgetting old friends!! Charlotte, I loved that scene in the Seabiscuit movie that you mentioned. I’ve seen the movie probably 25 times – When it first came out I saw it 6 or 7 times on the big screen and invariably there was cheering from the audience everytime the “Seabiscuit” horse was finishing a race!!
Kari Bussell
@Delrene-It is under Hootie (Zenyatta’s training pony)…I am awful at links, but that should help you find it.
Deborah Richman
What a great picture of the adorable Hootie! In all the videos of Z being escorted to the post by her handsome pony, Hootie not only escorts her, but seems to be a dance partner as well… with his gait he sets the beat around which she dances in her syncopated rhythm :)
Liza G Fly: I am another dumpling who loves your song.
Diana S: Happy Birthday!! Next time I am pulled over, I am going to show my Dumpling I.D. and hope for leniency :)
Judy B and Gary M: thank you so much for explaining about the exacta, etc. box. It is so nice to know that no question on this site is too stupid. You are both so full of knowledge, and your willingness to explain and share is greatly appreciated.
Maggie N: thanks for asking about stalkers, and I agree with everything you expressed about this site…it really is a great place.
LauraJ: I always enjoy your expertise, and your explanation of stalkers, front runners, closers, pace, rate, and rabbits was so helpful. Thanks!
Barbara Grimaldi…hope your shoulder feels better soon!
Kari B: Your videos are so full of love and positive energy, and your newest one is just wonderful! Thank you so much for all the love you bring to us!
Terry and Gary…LOL!!! and LOL!!!
High Hooves to all the winners over the weekend. And lots of love to all you Z Dumplings out there!
tony and sue
Zenny, you and your pal Hootie really were a “Hoot” together. We loved seeing your videos with him always beside you. What a pair you made! It’s wonderful that he has found a happy home because he surely deserves it. And, you are where you absolutely belong…running free and being spoiled by your peeps at LE. We love how you keep us updated on all the races but we still miss you terribly on the track. YOU were a delight for the senses…such excitement surrounded you at each event. Yes, you have left a huge hoof print on our hearts. Dottie, we are amazed that his diary continues but, rest assured, it is greatly appreciated by all of us.
Barbara Wood
@Karen Gogue–thanks for clearing up the Terry/Teri mystery. I’m seriously thinking the heat is frying my brain. 107 here today.
Sally L. Hopkins
Zenyatta, there was good racing Sunday at Del Mar. I saw your John and his wife, Dottie in the winner circle with Utopia. I wished you can be here. Saturday is the Clement L. Hirsch, the race you won three times. Lots of xoxoxoxoxxo from Southern California
Diana S
@All: So whodathunk the “Doofus Dumplings” would become the most popular chapter? By the way, just making typos won’t get you in – ya gotta do more funner silly stuff, like performing virtual gender alteration on others, blaming innocent tree roots for bodily harm, confusing Klingon for Latin, and serving frogs to unsuspecting Happy Hour guests. Sigh. I’m just glad most of you still have a sense of humor (but I’m a bit scared by those of you who get mine!)
@Zenny and Dottie: Have you any idea how much fun we have here – and how truely theraputic it is to so many of us? Thank you!
diastu – chapter co-chair Doofus Dumplings
Trish & Mike in Colorado
Did Utopian get a High Hoof anywhere?