Good Morning Everyone,
I sincerely hope you had a great weekend! Mine was quite nice and very relaxing. I’ll share some current photos with you during the next few days.
I thought all of the weekend racing was quite captivating. I was especially pleased to see Bernie’s son, STAY THIRSTY, win the Jim Dandy Stakes-G II at Saratoga. Bernardini also had some other nice winners over the weekend. This is great news! Congratulations, BERNIE! I’m sending you a HIGH HOOF!
On another note, I am very pleased to share some information with you this morning. It is so special to touch base with an ‘old friend’ and keep up with how he or she is doing. This weekend, Dottie was able to get an update on my PONY PAL, HOOTIE, to share with ALL OF US. You have seen HOOTIE in countless photos with ME…accompanying ME back and forth to the race track. While I was in training, he was with ME on these walks the majority of the time. He has been my very dear friend for years.
One of the many jobs at the race track is to be a ‘PONY PERSON’. In this position, you and your ‘pony’ (which is often a retrained retired race horse) work with different trainers and accompany certain horses from their barn to and from the track. A man named Freddie Wilson owned HOOTIE and he was a pony person at the track. Since I really liked HOOTIE and got along so well with him, MY JOHN worked out a schedule with Freddie so HOOTIE could be MY PONY in the mornings! As we have written in a previous Diary, after I retired….so did he. HOOTIE was adopted by TROTT of Southern California and now has a second career working with them. In the above photo, he is getting his daily “SPA TREATMENT” from Dee, on the left, and Susana, on the right. Per Bonnie, who updated Dottie on all of this, he is truly one of the BARN FAVORITES. HOOTIE has truly become part of the TROTT TEAM!
TROTT is a wonderful organization which ‘adopts’ horses from the racetrack and retrains them for their NEXT CAREER. So many dedicated people work endlessly trying to accomplish this goal to help horses. The organization is volunteer based and the hard work and loving care given by these people is truly appreciated by all of US! MY TEAM and I have also worked to help raise funds for TROTT. I loved the one T-shirt they did with ME on it. MY JOHN came up with the words to be placed underneath my picture stating……’DANCING AGAIN IN 2010′.
I have been told that TROTT is currently planning a Del Mar Charity Fundraiser. They are a 501(c)(3) organization. It will take place on August 28th at the San Diego Polo Club from 6 to 11 p.m. More details may be found on their web-site….TROTTUSA.ORG.
I also understand that Liza G. Fly will be singing at this event . I hope she sings the song she wrote and recorded for ME! I must say…I DO GET A KICK OUT OF LISTENING TO IT! (Blush, Blush)
Watch it here…ENJOY!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (Great to hear from you, HOOTIE! I’m SO HAPPY to see you again!)
For those who would like to share an Evening Prayer/Hymn:
Love divine, all loves excelling,
Joy of heaven to earth come down,
And impart to us, here dwelling,
Grace and mercy all around.
You Lord, source of all compassion,
Pure, unbounded love you share;
Grant us many choicest blessings,
Keep us in your loving care.
Come, oh source of inspiration,
Pure and spotless let us be:
Let us see your true salvation,
Perfect in accord with thee.
Praising God for all Glory,
With His Spirit and Creation,
Everlasting thanks we give thee,
Undivided, love, in One.
Charles Wesley, 1707
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
It is so sad about the 52 horses. Hope they can find homes. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Signofthetimes:
Same to you. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear DJ:
Thank you. Beautiful. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z,
Goodnight beautiful and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
To Diana S: Evening Hymn is for you…my very favorite. And as for frogs, and humor..we don’t only get you..you are already ‘Gotten.’ A Dumpling that we cannot do without. God bless you and thank you for filling our days with delight!
To JB: Thank you for always ending my evening with a hug. You do not know how much that means to me.. blessings+
@Diana S: I’m sliding in with my new Z cap and it has my Dumpling tag attached! Yeah!!!I made it before midnight!!! Happy Birthday Diana in birthday-land! Hope you had a most excellent day.
@all: Once again, I am up too late. Good night everyone.
Marshall (girl's name)
Dear Zenyatta, loved the picture of Hootie! He is very handsome!! So glad that he is loved and well looked after! Sleep well, beautiful girl!
@Barbara Grimaldi: Hope you are feeling better! Falls are no fun!
@Diana S.: Happy Birthday!
@ Karen Gogue: Happy Birthday to you also!
Wow! What a great come-from-behind race run by Coil in the Haskell! Shackleford was wonderful, also!
@Dawn Conrad: Hope you are doing well! Let us hear from you soon!
Kari Bussell
This is by Mr. John Shirreffs -it features Zenyatta mostly, but it has a few shots of El Vino. The reason I am giving link is because at the end it has UTOPIAN- he is by the Awesome (met him wow) Rock Hard Ten and out of Storm Alert…He is magnificent to behold. Congratulations again on your big win!
Kari Bussell
Of course my Queen there has never been nor will there ever be one more glorious than YOU in EVERY way!
J Smith
@WILLIAM, JUDY B, SIGNOFTHETIMES – re the 52 horses, that is an old post and all were placed in homes. For some reason this post has made a resurgence of late, but it is months old. Thanks for looking out for them though. Unfortunately, there are always plenty more that need homes. Currently, a grand-daughter of Alysheba is on Ocala FL Craigslist for $250.! This is not good as a it will attract kill buyers, so if you know anyone in FL, let them know. I think she is 15, and has been trained in show jumping, can’t remember for sure.
Kari Bussell
@DMCQ- A very heartfelt thank you. Zenyatta makes my heart sing too! :)
@Sharon Call -As God is my witness I have had that one in my head since her 2009 BCC at SA. In my mind it should have her race footage. It would start with her 2010 BCC…then flash to first through 20th race skipping 2009 BCC….I want 2009 BCC with her hitting finish
line with fans reaction at high -C point….with her best dance and stills at perfect places… Is that close to how it is in YOUR mind….
@Anne from Paramount- Thank you! I love Ouija Board! Lucky YOU!
@Sue Fredrick- Thank you! In my dreams I have been in California half my life, but in reality I have not made it there yet…but I will!
@Celeste-Wow. Thank YOU!
@Barbara Wood Thank you for all you support and kindness!
@Jackie—@Eveline—@Arelene—@michelle Cross—–@Signofthetimes—–
A big thank you to all of you!
@ Deborah Richman-thank you for your kind, positive words….
I love you ALL …You have all always been so precious and kind to me….
@Karen Gogue- You are too special. :)
J Smith
All, see Jackies post above with link to Equine Advocates, & click on link to look at their site. Some very interesting info on there. Thanks for posting Jackie & hope they raise lots at the event. It’s really worth looking at the Issues section, I did not know about a lot of this.
Kari Bussell
@Sharon Call- that should read start with race 20 then go to first through 19 race no skipping….with 2009 BCC at high C ….I am tired..I bet you can’t make heads or tails out of my “vision”..LOL…I just thought it would be wild if you had the same thing in your mind…
Kari Bussell
@Sharon Call good grief…it was more clear the first time …of course I would need to skip race 14 and go to 15-19 then it at high C…just call me the Space Queen or Ding A Ling Dumpling #1…
Hey sweetheart, I thought about you when I watched Thirsty win the other day. I was so proud of him. I was also so thrilled to see Lentenor win after being off for 10 months due to a shoulder injury. He was born right after Barbaro died so he is very special to me. Just like you. I remember seeing Hootie w/you before your races. He’s such a doll and I’m so glad he’s w/TROTT now. Have a wonderful week sweet girl. I love you.
Hootie is such a doll. I love seeing horses having a happy, content life. And Hootie’s living quite the nice spread. I love these stories. Thank you, Dottie.
Kathy Kimber
My goodness morning coffee tastes so good.
@JAG: My goodness gracious you are such a pretty lady (watched the video) and young. I always feel I’m the oldest person out there anywhere. You my dear are a cutie Enjoy your posts so much
@Zanyatta: Looking forward to the new pictures. I take a knee to you dear Queen you subjects await you.
Kathy Kimber
I think it should be a rule typos are necessary to take part on this site. TEEHEE
@William, Bonnie McRaith, and anyone else: This is VERY OLD NEWS!!! These horses were placed back in February. Somebody is reposting this with just the date changed. Repeat, these horses were placed long ago! The number is for a friend of the family who was helping out. In fact, the horses were mostly placed before the owner dies and went to friends and family of the deceased. PLEASE DO NOT CROSS POST! And please post a correction if at all possible.
Sharon Call
@Doreen. Thanks for the link to Lisa’s facebook page. What a relief to learn that it was a sore in her mouth from previous dental work that was thought to be healed. The girl’s OK.
@Kari Bussell. In my poor little, nonvideo experienced mind, I saw her races with the high C being played when she’s running in the paddock at Lane’s End in the snow, her first time free without tether and showing all the joy she experienced then. Never fails to brings tears when I look at it. Somehow, to me, it seems so appropriate. She made it through all of the racing and training unscathed to be free to run as she wants. I bow to your superior experience in visualizing these videos when you do your magic in putting them together.
Barbara Wood
@Barbara Grimaldi–hope your shoulder is better soon. Thanks so much for the link about Skids and Hank. Just more proof that horses are not just “dumb” animals. No, they may not speak with words, but they speak. They definitely speak if we care to listen.
@Diana S– thanks for letting me know who the SNITCH is–lol! Next time I go to the p.o., I’ll be sure to c=heck for your picture (kidding, of course).
Good morning, Z. Hope it’s a beautiful day in KY. Just got an e-mail from American Airlines about a round trip $250 fare from DFW to Lexington. If I weren’t babysitting dogs in the heat, I’d be there.
Brenda S
@ Kathy Kimber – Good morning to you, I love your new rule, typos are required and the occasional second post when you think the first one didn’t go, especially for the more senior dumplings amongst us.
Barbara Grimaldi
BRENDA K, BRENDA S, JUDY BERUBE, BARBARA WOOD, CELESTE, DMCQ, CAROLYN CASWELL-BROWN, DIANA S, SHARON CALL, DEBORAH RICHMAN, SIGNOFTHE TIMES, ANNE FROM PARAMOUNT, MARSHALL, thanks so much for your kindness about the fall I took. Lovely black and blues, very sore shoulder, green/black knee—other than that, headachy, neckachy, but fine! My therapy and reward to help me get well was to order some racing films from Amazon!! LAURA J, your explanation of a foal’s maturation in the womb was so interesting and clear. Thank you for that knowledge—I had no idea… KAREN GOGUE—then Terry IS a hunk after all!!! No matter! As long as he’s healthy, happy and here, we win!!! KARI B—how do you make these wonderful videos? Did you study how or go to film school or what? I’m lucky I can work a still camera! Congratulations and thanks for giving us these treats. SIGNOFTHETIMES—thanks for the encouragement about Shack and the film. His personality and spirit are just so remarkable—you just have to love him! Also loved your comment on the video of the young colt and his old friend. I thought it was so moving—didn’t know it was old. JACKIE—glad you saw the poignancy in the video. JUDY BERUBE—I always love the videos you post here…they are like tutorials for me. Sorry the sad video I posted upset you. ANNE FROM PARAMOUNT—yes, the paddock is small and modest, but attractive, and the track dudes it up for the Haskell. Monmouth Park is in serious financial trouble and our governor cares not and has cut the Park’s income.
Hi Z:
Nice looking friend your Hootie. At first I thought it was Shackleford. I went to Monmouth Race Track this past weekend to see the Haskell. Shackleford, Coil, Pants on Fire and all were there, the race was great. Shackleford of course was in front all the way. Coil just took him by a nose. Great Race. I only pray NJ Governor Cristy doesn’t do something that would just take it away from the many fans that for years have enjoyed this park. Stay healthy Z. Love you much.
Thanks so MUCH for positng that fabulous video. My husband and I watched it many times over…..brings tears every time. We miss seeing Zenyatta on the track, she made it so much fun to watch. Thanks again!
Terry Crow
@Diana S-At least when you told me to dream on you had the right gender @Barbara Grimaldi-Sounds like you are feeling better. That is great. Some more senior birthday games-Twenty incoherent questions and spin the prune juice. @Anne from Paramount-You’re welcome. Give Henny Youngman the credit. @Kathy Kimber-You are not the oldest as long as I am around. Will post daily joke and more country titles later.
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. Hootie looks wonderful – what a great update on him!! We will be at Del Mar on August 28 for the Pacific Classic. Will definitely go on the website for Trottusa.org for more info. It was a great weekend of racing. I was disappointed yesterday though. A horse by the name of Lisa’s Booby Trap ran at Saratoga. My heart broke – she was in the lead and then dropped back to last. She is named after the trainer’s wife Lisa who died of cancer and Lisa’s Booby Trap is blind in one eye and has a club foot. She has won many races and won one at Saratoga but this was just not her day – broke my heart. Zenyatta, please stay comfy in all this heat, eat well for two and have loads of fun with your BBFs. Love you, Angel in Disguise.
Kari Bussell
@Sharon Call – Your idea really is perfect!! …much better than mine. I love it!
@Barbara Grimaldi- I wish. I taught myself the computer (explains much to Trina-LOL) after receiving my first one for Christmas 3 years ago.There was a time when Zenyatta was not well known as she so deserved to be and she had so few videos and tributes it made me mad.The world needed to know the Joy and be blessed by her. I was determined to figure out Windows Movie Maker. I have a cheap ancient Acer computer. It has been a very long process of trial and error….It warms my heart with joy that people actually enjoy some of them… Only Zenyatta could have ever inspired me to spend so many hours trying to get it right. I do hope your shoulder is feeling better today. Thank you for your very generous, kind words.-