Cooper Sawyer, Yearling Manager
Cooper Sawyer is the yearling manager at Lane’s End farm, and he is responsible for the daily care of all the yearlings. He came to Lane’s End in 2010 from Mill Ridge Farm, where he also served as yearling manager. Cooper has worked with yearlings since he graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2005. Prior to that he worked with mares and foals.
Keepers vs. Sale Horses
Lane’s End does things a little differently than most other farms. They identify the yearlings as either “keepers” or “sale” horses. Keepers are horses that the owners have decided not to sell but to keep and race, such as Cozmic One. The two groups are separated in May, about two weeks after the Derby. That’s when they start to get “coltish” and play rough.

The colts are turned out into individual paddocks, which keeps them from roughhousing. The sale colts are turned out at 7 pm to protect their coats from the sun so that they look their best in the sale ring. The keepers go out after their noon feed, about 2 pm. This is also the main difference between the keepers and sale horses. One of the things that separates Lane’s End from other farms is that they do give the keepers this experience and that they turn out our sale horses at all. Many farms like to keep their horses in all the time.
The prep process is the foundation and education that makes the transition from yearling to 2 year-old to racehorse a little easier, and it begins in May. The yearlings are broke to tack (surcingle and draw cords) and the walking machine. The walker helps get the horses fit. Putting them in a tight space gets them used to going in the starting gate. They are also broke to a hose, as they receive daily baths and rubdowns. For Coz, this whole process will help him when he goes to the Mayberry’s in Flordia. They will put a saddle on him, put him in the starting gate and will help him become a better mover.

Joanna from TX
Coz looks amazing! Thanks to everyone who helped bring us the pictures and information. I, for one, really appreciate it!
Ditto! Coz looks wonderful. So handsome and what beautiful bangs. Thanks to Lanes End and the Z team for the pictures and videos.
On another note. Lea is running tomorrow in the Forego. Of course, the V guy has a mount and Jackson Bend is in there also. I saw Lea run on the dirt at Churchill and he can do it. Beautiful chestnut. Not a big horse but very nice looking. Godspeed to all of them. A nice safe, slow and comfortable trip to JV.
Kim Rockefeller
WOW…thanks for sharing as usual…but I must say WOW again, ‘cuz CoZ is magnificient looking. He is truly Queen Z son. WOW WOW WOW
linda puhala
Very confident and proud just like his mother!
Kathy R.
Agree Kim and Linda: He’s one very, very good looking colt. But what else would we expect from the magical Zenyatta.
Louise Castello
RIP Saginaw! Another beautiful boy who gave his all. I am sick for this loss!
carol in arkansas
Just devastating …..fractured both seismoids….sorry about the spelling…I cant see to type….
Janet Newman
RIP Saginaw
Another very sad day. I seen him pulled up during the race.
Run free and without pain with all our beauties who have gone ahead.
judy berube from Rhode Island
RIP Saginaw. Beautiful Boy. Hugs, JB
Judy, I just heard about Saginaw. Makes me so nervous tomorrow for Muchie, Paynter, Lea and Jackson. I don’t know how much more of this we can take. It seems as if every day this summer someone has gone down. Perhaps I need to take another break from racing.
Louise Castello
Me too. It’s getting traumatic.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
I know. It is the tragic part of racing. I rather listen to the live audio than watch the races. Can’t stand to see them go down.
Praying safe and sound for all the horses everywhere. Love and Hugs, JB
Oh, no!!!!! I’ve been following Saginaw for some time and have had his owners always posting good things on facebook and now he’s gone. Oh, no!! I had not heard until I’m looking through these comments on this wonderful new post about Coz’s training and I’m so defeated and deflated now. So sad. Rest in Peace, Saginaw. My heart goes out to all his connections.
Leslie R.
Coz looks great! He’s so beautiful and he reminds me a lot of Zenyatta.
Thanks for sharing the vid and all the pix! You made my day!
Hugs to all,
Pati-Caz Girl
Poor Sagi, my big brave Saginaw. Such a hero who passed on from a freak accident. While this is an inherited risk, it hurts all the same. Hurts the soul, and it takes a little piece of you; never to return.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
It does hurt the soul. Love and Hugs, JB
Kendra Luebke
Coz you are looking good!! :) Thank you to All involved on all the pictures, videos, and information on Queen Z and the boys!! They are all looking amazing, can not wait to see what the future holds for this royal family!! Appericate all the hard work everyone!!
He is gorgeous just like his Mama!! Great information and love the pictures too!
Maryp NY
I was so enamored with Coz that I thanked Sawyer instead of Cooper. I am sorry for my error.
I am sorry Cooper and I thank you again for taking such good care of those yearlings and especially Cozmic One.
This is AWESOME! I love that I can follow Coz…Zenyatta and Z13. What a great bit of information and I have learned ssssoooo much. THANK YOU!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Team and Lane’s End Team:
Thank you so very much for these gorgeous photos and video of Cozmic One. Thank you for taking the greatest care of these yearlings and for the very important early training you give them. Hugs, JB
I so appreciate Lane’s End and zenyatta.com for sharing all of these details with us. This is a part of the life of a racehorse that we never get to see, and it is very fascinating and gives me a new appreciation for all of the dedication and expertise that goes into the top echelons of the sport. Lane’s End sets up such a great model to be emulated by others, thank you so much for the inside view. And best of luck to lovely Coz and all the others!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Dare I say it. Cozmic One reminds me of Z in the way he moves. My gosh, he is filling out so wonderfully and is just stunning looking. He is full of himself and confident. So looking forward to updates on his training with the Mayberrys. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Cozmic One is living up to his name. He looks fabulous!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Absolutely! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Judy, I looked at some photos of Zenyatta’s conformation alongside Coz and also Bernie’s. Coz looks to me more like his mom, and he definitely has her butt! LOL!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ann Maree:
I agree. Did you see how he moves like Z in the paddock. He is just magnificent. Love and Hugs, JB
Please thank Mr. Sawyer for taking the time to do this interview and thanks so much for putting it up for us. I enjoyed learning more about how Lane’s End works and I loved seeing new video and photos of Coz. He looks wonderful.
I also saw Saginaw and I am so sorry. I loved following his career and I will miss him. My heart goes out to his connections and all his fans.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
WOW!! Coz is a gorgeous boy! I’ve looked at Bernie’s conformation photos and Zenny’s and there is no doubt in my mind that Coz takes after his mom! He’s got her beautiful butt (not as well developed, yet), his withers and neck seems to be more like hers, and I think his front feet/ankles look more like hers. I sure don’t know anything about these things….I’m totally untrained in assessing these issues. Wish David Ingordo would comment on Coz’ conformation. Coz also looks like he will be tall, maybe not as tall as mama, but I’m thinking he makes it to over 16.2 h. Thanks LE for all the updates and keeping us posted. It is so hard to believe that it has only been three short years since we watched Z on the track. Now she has two beautiful boys, and a third — hoping for a filly — coming in a few months. How blessed we are to be able to watch Z blooming in her new role. Thank you again. Hugs to all! :-)
Dear Team Z Thank once again for the lovely pics and video.Your devotion to the horses is second to none!!!Coz has turned into a handsome young colt with his mum’s good looks and maybe one day her talent!!!Enjoy yourself at Mayberry’s, Sweetheart ,remember what mama taught you when you were a young foal at her side! hugs Sheena
Phewww…..Coz is a keeper! thank goodness. I was worried :)
Coz has filled out so nicely now out of that awkward stage. What a beauty!
Mr. Sawyer isn’t so bad to look at either..hehe..bring us more videos! :D
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
Fascinating information that makes so much sense. The video makes you almost feel like you are there.
It’s so good to see this video and these pic’s of Coz. To me, he looks like his mom and I hope he has her good mind. I also hope that we get to follow him a little when he goes to the Mayberry’s for training. I wonder if John will have him to train and race? Maybe not, now that John is working out of NY. The Mosses may want Coz out in CA where they can see him all the time. Oh well, it’s all speculation right now. He sure is maturing into one gorgeous horse. Can’t wait to see him next year when he’s a full-fledged 2 year old.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon:
Hope we are able to follow COZ as he trains in Florida. Also hope JS does get to train him and Mikey gets to ride. Wouldn’t that be wonderful. Hope you are doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Perky Green
Coz is Gorgeous I watched him in his paddock when he is at a run he holds his tail the same way as his MOM. He is really going to be one to watch. Time has just flown and he will soon be in full on training,WOW!!!!!! Thank=you so much for the video it just came at a perfect time.
So proud of Cooper! A graduate of the Kentucky Equine Management Internship (KEMI) Program!
Wow what a handsome and well-behaved boy Coz is!! When will he go to Florida?
Wow, Coz is looking fantastic! Thanks for this entry. :)
Alex Bowdoin
THANK YOU TEAM Z!! Coz looks FABULOUS. He is maturing nicely and is behaving himself on the walker, which is pretty cool!! LOTS OF HUGS
Shannon From Cool
What a fine mover Coz is. Nice insight to his daily routine, thank you.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you Lanes End and Mr. Sawyer for sharing this great video and pictures with us. It’s very interesting hearing about how they get the horses ready for their future career. Coz has turned out to be such a handsome guy.
RIP Saginaw. It breaks my heart hearing about all these breakdowns.
@Terry Crow – If you’re really bored tomorrow night, turn on ESPN News at 7:00 Eastern Time. My Kentucky Wildcats are playing their first game of the season with our new coach Mark Stoops. There is so much excitement here in Lexington about our new coach. Everyone is thinking that he’s the guy that’s going to turn our program around. I hope it’s true, but I’m also a realist. Not only is UK a basketball school, but we’re in the toughest conference in the country. Only time will tell I reckon.
Terry Crow
Stoops?-Related to the Oklahoma coach? and if he is, did he bring some of their players with him? If he didn’t, better circle the beginning of basketball season on your calendar.
Hope our Wildcats can have a good football team. Tired of being the Homecoming guests for all the SEC schools. Of course, I have been waiting almost 50 years for a great football team.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Debbie–we’re pumped for basketball here too. Bring it on. All the best to the Wildcats! Hugs.
Especially Horses / So Cal
The photos of Coz today have me thinking “maybe we need a Bernie filly”. LOL. What a handsome colt Coz is…be like mom Coz…be like mom!
Dear Judy Goodnight Sweet Dreams for you Lola Mae, Charlie and all the Sweeties. Very sad to hear about Saginaw it’s been a difficult year Love and Hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Too many gone too soon. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC and all the Sweeties.
Beth from Indiana
Thanks for sharing the wonderful and informative video. It’s very interesting to learn how the Lanes End program works. Cozmic One looks great. He does seem to reflect his mom in many ways. I think z13 does too. I like the pictures.