It’s April 1, and that means Zenyatta and Ziconic both have a reason to celebrate!
Queen Z turns 16 today, and she received a special gift from Ziconic, Linda, and George at Templeton Farms.
Ziconic is now seven years old, and we wish him the happiest birthday!
Lane’s End has been hosting live farm tours for fans around the world who are staying safe inside their homes. Zenyatta will make an appearance on today’s tour with Bill Farish at 12:30 pm ET. He’ll start at the stallion barn before visiting the birthday girl. Watch on Facebook Live or visithorsecountry.com.
Update: if you missed the tour, you can watch it here.
See you there!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Happy 16th Birthday, Zenny, and good wishes to your red prince son as well. ???❤️❤️❤️??? What a thrill to see you “live” during the Lane’s End tour. That is probably the closest many of us will ever come to an in-person visit. You were looking great – so nice of you to come up to the fence for us, but then you always know where the camera is. Fun to see comments from many of your blog friends, too, and to get the word on your expected foaling date from a very reliable source! Take care and feel all of the love being sent your way
Happy Birthday Ziconic! ??????????????
Thank you so much to Lane’s End Farm, and I’m sure Zenyatta’s connections, for the live farm tour today. What a special gift to see Zenyatta especially now with things so worrisome in the world. It was a pleasant break from the sad news that we all hear each day. It is my dream to someday meet Zenyatta and today was so amazing. She is so sweet and walked right up when she saw people coming to visit her. I’m sure she knew there were treats for her. It was so interesting to see how she didn’t want her pasture mates to get too close to the treats. She wanted them all to herself. She certainly looked like she is carrying a good size foal. So exciting that we will be meeting her (I think it’s a filly) soon. Stay healthy Zenyatta; we all love you.
Lane’s End Farm is a beautiful place. It was so enjoyable to see it and visit the stallion barn. Those stallions are magnificent. Thank you again Lane’s End Farm.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZICONIC! I have been checking in on you. You are an amazing jumper like your brother Coz!! Stay healthy!
Took my breath away watching you walk up to the fence! Happy Birthday beautiful girl! ?♥️???
Maddy Wentling
Birthday Greetings to The Queen and her Red Prince. From what I heard she was bred on the same day as my mom and dad. Dad however was 3 years older. in fact he would have been 103 this year. I just know she will be extra special and mom and dad would be honored and pleased to share that date.
Thank you Lanes End for a great tour of your great farm. Happy Birthday to our Queen and of course Ziconic! Zenyatta looks very pregnant but happy! Made my day!
FYI…for those of you who wanted Zenyatta items from the Breeders cup, they are now on sale! A nice t-shirt is $12.00. If you sign-up, initially, you get another 10% off.
What a great tour, many thanks again. Lindal
Leslie R.
Happy 16th birthday Zenny and to your beautiful son, Zi! I hope you both are enjoying your special day! The pix of Zenny are beautiful! I look forward to watching the farm tour later today! Thanks to Team Z and Lane’s End for the update!
Hugs to all,
Brenda Springer
Happy Sweet Sixteen Darling Girl. What a thrill to see you “live” and up close, so relaxed and happy. You are as beautiful as ever and I love those ears. Hope you enjoyed your birthday treats and that you got the pears from Ziconic with your dinner – what a good boy to send you such a nice gift.
Thanks to Lane’s End and the Team for making it possible for us to share in your birthday.
Marilu Villanueva
Happy Birthday dear Zenyatta!! Happy Birthday Ziconic.
How time flies. We miss you both very much. Thanks to Team Z and Lanes End for making it possible for us to stay in touch with you.
Wishing you both good health, a beautiful and happy life.
Love and Hugs, Marilu
Janet M
Happy Birthday Queen Z and Ziconic! We will always love you and wish you the best of everything.
Patti in VA
Happy Sweet Sixteen to our Girl! The tour today was awesome and as always, the best was saved for last! Loved seeing Zenyatta come to greet her people and seeing that she is the boss mare – no surprise there. She is lovely to see. Thank you all very much for making that happen today.
Dominique Daynes
De la France Joyeux et bon anniversaire belle Zenyatta, aussi pour son fils Ziconic qui a le même jour d’anniversaire que Zenny. Pour ce beau jour j’envoi beaucoup de kisses et d’amour à tous les deux et leur souhaite mille bonheurs. ?????????
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta. What a wonderful birthday present you gave to us. Such a wonderful tour . You were the icing on the cake. May you be blessed with health and happiness for many more years to come. Thank you Lanes End. ❤️❤️❤️?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Reed
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!♥️ ??????????
Ingrid Arnone
Happy Birthday dear Zenyatta and Ziconic !
Thank you for giving so much pleasure seeing you run, and also for your blog !!
Big hugs love you Ingrid.
Susan in Fl
Happy Birthday Z and Ziconic! Great to see you on the video tour.
Barbara Brayton
The Lanes End tour was awesome! It was great to see Zenyatta, she is definitely in a family way.
I noticed her paddock mates hung back. They know who the star is.
Liked seeing all the stallions too.
MaryAnn Donahue
Belated Sweet Sixteen wishes to the most exhilarating equine of all time. Your stretch runs and all those wins aren’t likely to ever be equaled.
I watched yesterday as Zenyatta ambled to the fence line for her birthday treats. It would have been fun to see her run but she is definitely heavy with foal. It was amusing to watch the other two mares hold back; they know who the “boss” mare is.
Looking forward with great anticipation to seeing your new foal. Wishing you a safe delivery and a strong healthy filly.
Hard to believe you are 16! Time flies faster than your remarkable stretch runs. Thank you for all the great memories.
Donna Heim
So glad to see you on the video. You still have your love for people and treats. Finally, we know when you are due. They said mid-May. I have wondered and wondered about it. You are so precious to all of us who love you dearly. Anxious for the arrival of your new baby girl and the joy she will bring you.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to see our Queen. Happy Birthday to you, Zenny, and to Ziconic.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a peaceful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta,
Sorry to be late with these greetings, but I fell asleep last night before I could reply!
So glad you had such a nice birthday! Really enjoyed that tour of Lane’s End and the wonderful visit with you, sweet girl. What a lovely home you have! Looking forward to the arrival of your foal — prayers for a smooth uncomplicated delivery and a happy healthy baby, 20Z.
Big thanks to LE, Team Z and all staff for this video! Love you, Z!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gorgeous Z!! Oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your redhead son, Ziconic, too! Very nice of him to send Mama pears and apples for her birthday. I am sure he got some special birthday treats, too.
Thanks again for the gift to us!
Hugs and Love
sandra jakowpck
Maddy Wentling
Now that he have an approximate date for Z20, perhaps just for fun we could start thinking of possible names. My suggestion considering the names of mom and dad would be Zandy. Be safe. Stay Well..
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi all,
Hope everyone is hanging in there during this lengthy siege. Every day the predictions for “peaks” keep getting pushed farther and farther out. Have about decided to try having groceries delivered rather than tempt fate any farther by in-person visits to the store. We’ll see if this actually works.
On the Hovis front, the title is certainly self-explanatory, but several of his suggestions are not. We need some kind of interpreter (missing Sheena, of course). Anyway, he gives it an interesting try and does his best to keep us amused.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks a million! Where would we be without our Hovis episode? His humor saves us from the “human strangles”, aka the corona plague. Three cheers for our fearless friend, Hovis, a real superhero!
Take care and stay well.
Hugs and Love
Thanks Sandy for our weekly “Fun With Hovis.”
I have been stuck at home except for 2 trips to the grocery since 3/14. Getting pretty boring.
Hope the having the groceries delivered works. Walmart just announced they are limiting number of people who can be in the store at once. This is going to present some problems especially for we older folks. I can’t win a pushing shoving match with younger and bigger and stronger people. Think I will try the home delivery way.
All you Zsters out there take care of yourselves and try to make the best of this. My neighborhood has a get together in one of the cul de sacs. We bring out yard chairs and sit 6′ apart and shout at each other.
Fox Sports is having horse racing on this weekend.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
You take care, too! Hang in there, my friend — I think it is going to be quite some time before this plague goes away, but I sure hope I’m wrong. How nice that you and your neighbors can get together even with widely spaced seating. That’s good for keeping spirits up.
Thanks for the alert about horse racing this weekend! I watched most of it this afternoon. I especially enjoyed the retrospective on American Pharoah’s Triple Crown winning Belmont Stakes run. The folks at TVG looked to be as excited as I was! It is so moving to revisit that amazing day and to remember AP’s personality — he is such a kind soul and as BB observed “a sweet horse”.
Stay well!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy, Marshall, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Sandy, thanks for our weekly Hovis update and smiles. We sorely need them.
I too tried to have some groceries delivered from my local Walmart. They were so backed up, couldn’t get a delivery date so I decided to go to the store. Darned my homemade mask and off I went. There were Walmart associates monitoring the number of customers going in and coming out of the store. Wasn’t too bad. Waited about five minutes to get in and didn’t have to wait at all to check out. Took me about 30 minutes to shop. Still no paper towels or necessary paper though. Hope you have better luck with delivery than I did. Love and Hugs to all of you, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Glad your trip to Walmart went okay. It will surely be nice when this irrational obsession with paper towels and toilet tissue subsides so that we can find stock on the shelves again. I just happened to get a large package of both at Walmart just before the madness hit a couple of weeks ago — never expected paper products would become so rare. I am in good shape with that for now but will be on the lookout again before long, I guess.
Take care, stay well and good luck with the shopping list!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
We’re all having to learn to navigate in a totally new reality! Only ones really happy are the dogs! lolololol They’re over the moon that their mommies and daddies are with them all the time!
Hug, Kathy
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I totally struck out on both delivery and pick up an online order. When I tried on Friday, there were no pick up times available, and the first delivery date was Monday afternoon so I wound up going myself. They are going to start limiting the number of people inside stores here tomorrow. Having learned my lesson, I did an order for delivery on Thursday. I understand you can add to the order right up until when they actually take the stuff off the shelves. We’ll see
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much, JB
When is Zenyatta due to foal? Does anybody know.
I thank you if you do knowi . It would be nice to get good news in this dark time.
Janie (in L.A.)
They said she’s due mid-May during the Lane’s End tour on Wednesday.