We are happy to officially announce the name of Zenyatta’s 2020 filly, ZILKHA. The name, Ann says, “is strong and beautiful and was inspired by a woman who was as well.”
Though it wasn’t intentional, we’re tickled to note that Zenyatta, Zellda, and Zilkha share the first and last letters of their names.
Already the queen of her paddock, Zilkha is taller than average and loves to be scratched in all the same places as her mom. Those who work with her at Lanes End say they’re more impressed with her every day.
We can’t wait to see what Zilkha’s future holds!

Sally B. (cherish
I had a chance to come on the computer and needed to visit Zenyatta and all the Zsters. Wishing every one good health as well as Z. and her foals.
I get my second dose of Covid 19 Maderna March 22nd. I am very nervous about this. I have heard the second vaccine really makes you sick in pain, fever.
Love you Z with kisses n all your children
Auntie Sally B.
I had my second dose of Pfizer on 2/14 and had no side effects to speak of. Several of my friends got the Mederna and reported they had little or no side effects. Guess it just depends on the person. I was nervous about the 2nd shot but felt whatever side effects it had were better than Covid. You don’t see anything in the media about those of us who experience little or no side effects. Good luck and I hope all goes well with you.
judy berube
Dear Sally:
Ditto everything Shirlee said. Hope your second shot goes well. Love and Hugs, JB
Rose Edwards
Just like Queen Z she is beautiful! Best of luck to her in her training. Who is ber sire?
Congrats to Monomoy Girl. She was remarkable! What a treat to have her back for another year. The mares should be exciting this year with her and Swiss Skydiver running.
Ann NC
Congrats to M Girl.
Love these girls and wishing them the BEST!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Monomoy Girl!!!
Shirlee and Ann, wasn’t she amazing❣️
Big Congratulations to her and all connections!
Best of health and much success in racing to MG. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Shirlee, Ann, Marshall and Z Fans:
Adding my congrats to yours for beautiful Monomoy Girl. Brilliant!
Here’s the replay.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
? ? ? ? ?
Thanks for posting the replay — MG deserves to be seen!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
What an impressive win by MG. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
As it happens, Monomoy Girl will soon be available on My Racehorse, as well as Got Stormy.
She raced in My Racehorse silks on Saturday. Think Got Stormy did too.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful evening; stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love and Big Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish
Hi all Zsters. Monomoy girl is beautiful and I am happy for her . I guess it takes a lot to become the big winner such as our awesome Zenyatta did. But I love them all for their attempts, their beauty. I just happen to love Zenyatta more but that does not mean I think of them less of an awesome horse.
Love n Kisses Zenyatta and to all your foals
Auntie Sally B
Zenyatta is number one in our hearts but we love other great fillies and mares. I am a
big fan of Rachel Alexandra and wish she and Zenny could have run against each other but perhaps it is best they didn’t. If any of y’all remember Hot Dixie Chick, she has a daughter running in the Honeybee, Paulines Pearl. She is a homebred for Stonestreet. Lots of good racing this weekend. Be safe all the horses and jocks.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone! It’s a new month, and spring could be out there somewhere (not here, of course ?). I can’t track some of the references, but the good news is that Hovey has survived a February bath, and Mini Mum had a chance to chat with Mary King in a Zoom call. Guess what they talked about??
As Shirley said – lots of great races this weekend. Derby points on the line in three of them, and I’m hoping for a dead heat between Maxfield and Express Train at Santa Anita!
Hope everyone is well and hanging in there!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Hovis is fantastic! So glad he is doing well and that Mary King has a fondness for our superhorse! After all, who wouldn’t?
Thanks again Sandy for our Hovis Highlights❣️
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update. Happily, Hovis seems to be doing so much better. Continued prayers.
I like your idea of a Win for Maxfield and Express Train. Godspeed all; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, and DC:
Hope all of you had a wonderful day. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Congratulations to Life Is Good and Mike Smith! I knew they would do it today!
judy berube
Dear Lindal:
Thanks for this news.
Congrats Mikey and LIG. So happy for you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Nice race.
The KY Derby line-up is changing every weekend.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Thanks for our weekly Hovis. He does sound as if he is doing much better. Congrats to Idol (son of Curlin) and Hellium (son of Claiborne stallion Ironicus) both long shots who came through. I am sure y’all can’t figure out why I picked them!
Everyone stay safe and warm. Spring isn’t too far away.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
A friend of mine who is NOT really a horse person came to watch some of the races with me and picked Helllium!!! She was very excited. Now about Idol – I was SURE that John’s Express Train had it, and then Idol comes out of nowhere. I’m glad somebody was happy because it sure wasn’t me.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I wonder if we’ll ever get an “edit’ option here? Didn’t mean to put so many Ls in the horse’s name. Grrrrrr!
Good afternoon, Z Nation. Okay, I can’t help it. I worked in the public library for 43 years so I wanted to recommend a book to anyone interested. It is on the Best Seller list. Perestroika in Paris by Jane Smiley. A racehorse wanders away from her stall and befriends a dog in Paris at Christmastime. I’m just now starting it. I think it sounds good!
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Looking forward to this book. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi Kathy,
I’ve heard about this book from another person as well. Guess I’d better figure out how to track it down :-) Thanks for the heads up.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re having a lovely day. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Some sad news. Kind, Dam of Frankel, Noble Mission and Bullet Train has passed away. She was 20.
Hope she’s with our Sheena.
RIP beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Thank you for letting us know the sad news. RIP, beautiful Kind. We know Sheena is with her. Her greatness lives on in her talented progeny!
Hugs, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thank you for posting this article. So sad about this beautiful mare and her orphaned foal who will be well cared for, I’m sure.
“. . . kind by name and kind by nature.” RIP Kind, much too young angel girl.
Condolences to all who loved and mourn her. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
RIP Kind. Hope the foal is being looked after.
Today, eight years ago Cozmic One was born! I remember this site crashed so many times in the ensuing hours/days! It was a time of much joy and happiness for all. Ann was seen caressing Cozmic One and bonding with Zenyatta’s first born. We were all “high” with the news. The next day, Mom and foal proudly walked out to their pasture followed by the Moss’. It was like a fairy tale we were living! Much has changed since those days’ eight years ago. Some folks on this blog have since passed into glory and many remain to share in this special place. Although Cozmic One did not succeed on the race track he has found his niche as a hunter-jumper, who dazzles his fans! Happy Birthday, dear Cozmic One, you have done well. BRAVO!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Bravo Lindal!! Very well said. Glad that I was there then and am still here now!
It should be nine years old, he wears it so well!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Happy Birthday to Cozmic One!!
Hope you get lots of goodies, Mr. Coz❣️
Thanks for the reminder, Lindal. ?
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
See new blog post for the Birthday boy!
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
I watched
Paulines Pearl with great interest. when I visited Rachel in 2012. Hot Dixie Chick shared the barn with Rachel. She was a star in her own right as well.
The groom that took care of Rachel and Hot Dixie Chick was such a kind man and he adored both those horses.
It’s really amazing to follow the babies of these very famous racing mares.
Everyone have a beautiful day and Sprimg and daylight savings time is around the corner. Prayers for Kind. Rest In Peace beautiful mare. I’m sure your foal is well cared for. Such a tough start though.
I am thrilled to know Zenyatta (The Queen) and all her offspring. May this sweet filly be as gentle, strong and engaging as her mom.
Zenyatta took me on the ride of a lifetime but, in perspective, I wish her amazing team, to experience the pure joy of her amazing spirit regardless of the individual hopes we have for each and all of them.
Marilu Villanueva
Such a beautiful filly! Stay safe and healthy dear Zilkha. We hope you will be strong yet gentle like your mom. Wish I could see you right now. Love and hugs!!
Kalar Walters
Zunyatta captured my heart when I needed it most. She will forever hold a special place in my life. I wish them all good health and peace.
This filly is precious. Just knowing she is well cared for is enough for me.
Deanne Graves
I come to this site often to catch a glimpse of Zenyatta and her life. This world has become an ugly place and I wish so bad I could have all the Zenyatta moments all over again! We need Zenyatta..to see her strength and grace was truly magical. Still is!! I miss you Zen!
Your truly an inspiration to me and always will be!
Much Love Sweet Girl!!!
Rachel Oliver
Has this site been updated recently? I would love to know details about Zenyatta’s foals and whether they raced
Sally Blank
Hmmm I love Zenyatta and wanted to find the most current conversation with those that love Zenyatta. I can not find the posts.
Still love you Zenyatta and all your foals. My heart is happy because of you.
Love, Auntie Sally B