Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly is settled in at Mayberry Farm. Like her mother and two older brothers before her, she’s in early training under Jeanne Mayberry in Ocala, Florida.

Jeanne reports that she’s doing well in her lessons and spending afternoons in the pasture with a girlfriend that she traveled with from Lane’s End.
Below, 17Z leads the pack during their first ride in the field.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena and Z Fans:
I think that is Ziconic in the photo you linked from Zenyatta’s Instagram page. The Bend on his rump matches the one in the video I linked below when he was weighed and measured in June 2014. I think his mane and tail turned a deep auburn red since we last saw him or maybe it’s just a trick of the light. Hope he is happy and thriving wherever he is.
What a cute name, My Tent o Yours. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
He is so handsome, I wish they can tell us where he is at…
Thank you for the video. Love and hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube
Dear Ingrid:
You’re so welcome. Someone on the Forum posted that they thought the barn in the photo looked like one at Rancho San Miguel in California. It is a stallion station, so maybe he is there. Linked their website below. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
You are absolutely right about that “bend”. It is right there where it always has been. :-)
Great detective work, Inspector Judy!
Such a beautiful boy — I just love him.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
That’ our boy! Sure nuf!❤️❤️?
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
CC BACK in the USA and looking terrific. There was a great piece I wish I could remember with online magazine. Of the top 8 horses. Our Queen listed at number three I think CC number 2 and Smarty at No one. Not of all time but the recent past. Of course AP Rachel what was great was also their statistics and some of their best races.
I think it was AMERICAS BEST Racing.
Worth the time. Plus that is also where I saw CC homecoming video. Also an article on Songbird.
A great refresher on so many beauties. And their backstories.
Everyone have a great evening and hope you are all warm and cozy especially sweet Zenyatta.
Donna Z
Hi, Delrene,
I found the article you mentioned-it is under America’s Best Racing. It ranked horses by their popularity by the fans and not by their racing records as most articles do.
Thank you for mentioning it because I also found the article about Songbird and enjoyed reading it.
Update on Amy for everyone: she gained back 4 of the 10 lbs. she lost! We’re going to try the Purina prescription food for kidneys & Dr. Holly also gave me another homemade recipe to try as well as telling me the brand of vitamins she likes best. Thank you to everyone for your prayers.
I ordered the pink heather new Zenyatta t-shirt last night & I can’t wait until it comes so I can wear it. Thank you, Team Z for having them for us in time for Christmas.
Judy Berube
Dear Donna Z:
That’s great that Amy gained some weight back. Good luck with the new food. She’s certainly has a Mama who’s taking the best care of her. Love and Hugs, JB
Z doesn’t look in racing form in that picture. No shoes on rear. Not really necked up like a stallion might be at his age. Has that dark spot on his right hind hip. He still looks so beautiful with that bright shiny chestnut coat. I can help but wonder if he has been gelded. Thanks for posting the info on the picture. Hope we get the real story soon for him and 17Z’s name.
Winx back with her friends.She looks in superb condition.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Wow, look at the shine on that coat. She’s gorgeous. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Have a pleasant evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Winx is a very special girl.Turned cold here tonight.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
So happy Chrome is home again. He looks wonderful and as if he could start in a race tomorrow.
Winx looks so good. Best wishes to her and good health. Looking forward to seeing more of her exploits.
Hope we can get news of Ziconic soon.
Judy, my computer is showing its age and behaving badly.
Stonestreet asked for our favorite race horses. I had to give a tie. Zenyatta and Rachel!
Judy Berube
Dear Shirlee:
I love RA too. Both she and Z have touched our hearts. They gave their all every time they raced. Courage, Beauty and Determination; they had it all. Love and Hugs, JB
On this day in 2012 20 children and 6 teachers died in the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre.The school is closed today because of a bomb threat.So sad.RIP the Innocents
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
One of the saddest moments in our history. RIP.
I’ll always remember our President Obama’s tears when he spoke about the deaths of first graders at Sandy Hook. He really tried hard to push through gun reform legislation; fell on deaf ears. Still happening today. Maybe this new Congress with get it done.
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Jeanie Martin
Ms. Berube:
It was one of many sad moments in our history. I will not comment on Obama as I had no use for him.
You are hopeful this new Congress will push through new legislation on gun control. Because of this new Congress I am buying a gun for I fear for my rights. I am 70 years old so I’m not a youngster in this world. Gun control is a very controversial subject. I am beginning to see many subjects discussed here that I thought I never would see. This is/was the only place to go where politics weren’t discussed. For the most part it was a happy site to visit. I am sorry to see it changing.
I wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Judy Berube
Dear Ms. Martin:
I am so sorry that you fear for your rights. I do not believe the 2nd Amendment is in any danger. People will still own guns; some for protection, some for hunting (although I am not a fan of hunting), some for shooting range practice and skeet shooting. I just do believe there should be legislation that will call for a data base to include much stricter vetting of potential gun owners that may have past records of criminal incidents and violence or mental disorders. Also, I do not believe that any rapid fire automatic weapons that are made for war have a place in any of the aforementioned categories. Those babies lost their lives before they ever had a chance to live them.
As far as making this wonderful Blog political, that is not my intention. But, from time to time we Z’sters do comment on incidents that affect us all as humans and Americans. I have a deep respect and fondness for President Obama. He’s a good, decent man I think.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too. Love and Hugs, JB
Jeanie Martin
Ms. Berube:
Thank you for your opinion and lecture on guns. My only comment about “those babies” is that every single day abortion kills babies and they don’t die from guns. It is horrific when any child is lost for whatever reason.
One can only assume “we Z’sters” is an exclusive club on this site for members who have the same viewpoint because you can, from time to time, make comments about incidents affecting humans and Americans. If one dares to have a different viewpoint then they are immediately attacked. I was an example of that. Many wrote in response that they knew where your heart was – I NEVER questioned where your heart was at when talking about the children. One even commented on the Mueller investigation. What in the world did that have to do with the issue of gun control? Your intention was not to make this a political blog, but….
Maybe a Z’ster was being on this blog when it first started. I was. I flew to Santa Anita and Churchill Downs for both Breeders Cup races in 2009 and 2010. I have many of Zenyatta’s pictures on my walls. I have kept up with her from day one and her foals. I have loved her from day one and always will. That was the reason this blog got started when she retired. I read this blog every day faithfully. I didn’t always comment because I worked 70 hours a week until my recent retirement.
My final comment and suggestion is you Z’sters need to let everyone know that they are not welcomed here and will certainly not be tolerated on this site unless they are in total agreement with whatever your topic of the day is.
I miss the days of all pure and good – Zenyatta.
Well said, Jeanie Martin. Same for Lindal. I was chased away over 6 months ago for asking why the blog comments were not about horses.
Jeanie and Max
Well said. I echo your comments. Max, I know you were chased off by some, and than the same ones; have had the nerve to say where is Max? I hope you’re OK! Some people are just selfish and don’t think about their views impact others. I used to be afraid to post because I thought I was the only person who held beliefs contrary to others on this blog.
Thank you, Jeanie and Max. Lindal.
Lindal. Yes, I noticed that. Another facet of the clique is endless self congratulation and mutual praise. I admire Jeanie for standing up to that. Maybe some day the comments will get back to Zenyatta and horses.
Judy Berube
Dear Jeannie:
My original comment on gun reform was an opinion, not meant to be a lecture. Not at all. I hope you will accept that from my heart, I was not attempting to force my opinion on anyone. I was just conveying my thoughts.
As far as your point that babies are being killed every day, that is true and it is also true that people are being killed every day by guns; more in our County than any other.
I do not believe the Blog is the place to promote conversations on gun reform, abortion or other political issues, however, posts occurring as a result of a particular event(s) do happen from time to time.
If you read any page of the Blog this month, or any month, you will see that 90% of the time the posts are about Z, her babies or other horses and animals.
I truly believe, as Z Fans, we are so very fortunate to be privileged to have this Blog. Let’s continue to enjoy it and each other and look forward to news on Zenyatta, her babies and all things horses as long as it’s available to us.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Jeanie,
You are not alone in your thoughts about the directions this blog takes on occasion. It seems to be only a few view points are getting across and turned very political at times. Very sad indeed. I wish everyone here a joyous, happy Christmas and blessed New Year.
Judy Berube
Dear Jennie, Max and Lindal:
It’s good that you are posting and expressing your views. Even if we don’t always agree, we are still, one and all, Z’sters and horse and animal lovers. We can all agree on that.
Max, you have been missed. Love and Hugs, JB
Jeanie Martin
Lindal and Max:
First let me tell you that I am no computer guru!!! I don’t know the difference between Permalink/Reply and Permalink, which is why I am responding to the only message that had reply attached to it.
Good to see you both back here on the blog!!
I’ve been trying to keep up with Explanation Point and Red Ruby. My connection is through my nephew who went to school with the owner/co-owner of EP and owner of Ruby. He sent me a picture of EP on the track at Oaklawn. Good to see he is in training for his 4 yr. old campaign. Don’t have any info yet on Ruby as she was sent to the farm for rest and recuperation. I understand she has an “attitude” with the track pony, wants to push him around. However, I got a picture of her in her stall with her head out receiving some loving from two adorable little girls. Brandi says she is so gentle with kids but head strong with the track pony. Reminds me so much of Zenyatta.
EP is a half-brother to Classic Empire. Both have the same dam, Sambuca Classica which is owned by Brandi. They bred Red Ruby and will keep her as a broodmare to replace Sambuca as she is getting up in age. With any luck I will be able to visit them at the farm this Spring.
That’s my horse news of the day!
Take care.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
You are a kind soul, my friend.
One can only hope for some sanity. As Mr. Alexander Pope wrote many years ago, “Hope springs eternal . . .”
Without hope, we have nothing. Let’s hope for a better, kinder and gentler world.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
My Dear Marshall:
You know my heart. I hope as you do. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
In TOTAL agreement with everything you stated, Marshall.
Judy B has a heart of gold and we are blessed to have her as a Z friend.
Love and Hugs.
P.S. We are lucky to be able to come here during these difficult times in our country and world.
Mueller is also using his legal guns and flushing out those Red Sparrows.Sing, Butina, Sing.
RIP innocent babies……..Safe and Sound for all.
Judy Berube
My Dear Ann:
Nobody makes me smile more than you do. Love Ya! Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.I get emails from the Sandy Hook promise.Such a sad anniversary.Some good racing from Cheltenham this weekend.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
The beautiful Cambridge family wishing a Happy Christmasxx
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Lovely photo of a beautiful family.
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
As Marshall said, thanks for sharing this wonderful photo. That little one is going to be a handful I think. Adorable children. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another Gem by Steve Haskin. This time on Sam Riddle and Man o’War. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
What a find! So glad that Steve was given the task of relaying this wonderful story. I look forward to the next installment. SH is brilliant as always!
Thanks bunches for sharing this with us.
Hugs and Love
Good to see Brain Power back to his best winning the International Hurdle.Not a natural over fences but surely it is the last time we will see the ever popular The New One an amazing career over fences.Waiting for confirmation from Nigel TD.A horrible day at Cheltenham very wet and windy.Nigel just confirmed poor Sam in tears and a great reception from the crowd.Good to see Nigel in his duffle coat!!
Sorry an amazing career over hurdles not fences!
What is the difference between hurdles and fences? I see this distinction all the time and I’m not sure what the definitions are.
Fences are bigger around 4 to 5 feet.Many hurdlers go on to chasing.I prefer the French and Irish hurdles far more sturdy.
We say a fond farewell to a champ!
Ann NC
That’s a great video. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats and Happy Retirement to The Champ! What a jumping bean.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Happy, healthy retirement Champ. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena, Judy and Ann,
Ditto what neighbor Ann wrote! Great video.
Beautiful form in motion indeed. Long live The Champ with health, happiness and lots of love.
Hugs and Love
Did guys name her
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Have a good night. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Memories of a warm saturday afternoon in 2011.Frankel’s grandsire had died peacefully on the previous tuesday.This was Frankel’s day.
Dear Judy.A thoroughly miserable day over here.Ebby’s colt by Oasis Dream is at John’s and Ziconic is still on the farm but should be returning soon.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for these updates, Sheena.
Good luck to Ebby’s colt, and all the very best wishes to our “redhead”, bless him! We look forward to seeing him again soon and to his finding success with enjoyment. ?
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Oh, that’s great. We’ll be able to follow Ebby’s boy. Thank you for these updates. Hope we see Ziconic back soon. Love and Hugs, JB
A different subject I know but one of our greatest Novelist’s was born this day in 1775.Her name was Jane Austen.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Pride and Prejudice; my favorite. Love and Hugs, JB
Roberta Gonzalez
So glad Chrome is home. You can see how happy he is. He has traveled for two seasons, which was the original deal. I hope he stays home now. It is still too much to ask a stallion to do this, there isn’t enough rest between. It doesn’t help to flood the market with his offspring. I don’t know if there has been any study on the quality of the sperm going down with over breeding. I love this horse; he is so full of personality!!!
I think that is a picture of Ziconic, but as he has gotten older, he has darkened, especially in his mane and tail. Remember he has two parents, and he has picked up some of his mom’s coloring and it has blended. I hope I am right, because if anyone is trying to put one over on us because of pressure about him, that would mean something bad for Ziconic, and I don’t want to think about that. It is a mystery why he has been laid up for so long. I love these two horses, and hope and pray for the best for them.
Barbara Brayton
Wow. Glad I missed the previous exchange. You have my support, Judy.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes Barbara, I’m afraid it’s a sign of the times we now live in.
Divided and with short fuses about misconstrued comments.
Walking on eggshells is so exhausting. ?
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Barbara:
I am so grateful that we are still all entitled to express our opinions in this Country we love. I think what’s important is that we go back to when we can discuss our differences without hate and contempt and work out compromises on different issues.
This wonderful Blog has brought us together and I believe we learn and grow from all the posts that we share. Love and Hugs, JB
Huge congratulations to Welshman Geraint Thomas for winning the BBC Sports personality of the year tonight.Da Iawn
Dear Judy.It has become a privilege to call you my friend.You epitomise all that is good about this blog.Always kind and courteous in your comments.Yes,we all have our opinions here but a shared love of the horse and all animals should keep us together.
Of course my comments will be more about my part of the world and I know I go off subject many a time/Take care my dear friend.You know we all love you.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Some horse news.The link is about the Players future plans so good to see he has recovered and Winx’s dam Vegas Showgirl is in foal to Deep Impact,
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thank you so much for this news on The Player. Hoping his wonderful personality and talent is passed on to his babies.
Some great potential in VS’s future foal; great bloodlines. Love and Hugs, JB
Such a peaceful end for Victory Gunner.He raced up until the age of 17 and lived for his races and his food.RIP old warrior
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Oh, my gosh, raced at 17; what a Warrior. RIP Victory Gunner; run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
My Dear Sheena:
You are too sweet. I feel exactly the same way about you and all the Z’sters I’ve met in this wonderful place. We are a family brought together by Zenyatta and our love of horses and all animals. Love all of you too. Sent you an email.
I always look forward to your posts on horses across the pond and I thank you again for keeping us updated on them and on Hovis. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Wishing you a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Love and Hugs, JB