(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)
Dear Fans,
Winter has been both busy and a lot of fun at the Farm. Despite that it is February and the middle of Winter, the California Central Coast has felt more like Spring. This has benefited our ability to train outside instead of just the covered arena every day. So Ziconic gets to spend more time with Sarah enjoying warm up and cool down on the track that weaves through Templeton Farms and in the jumping court – his happy place.
We had some BIG FUN at the Farm earlier this month with our good friend, Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film. Chelsea started her career as an equine photographer, and now focuses on weddings and events – BUT, she has not lost her eye or touch for horses. We love what Chelsea does and think she has captured the essence of Ziconic during this photo shoot. And one of several things we can confirm that Ziconic shares with his Mom, Zenyatta; They ALWAYS know where the camera is!

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)
We were so honored to have Jen Roytz, Executive Director, Retired Racehorse Project, visit us last month! The love and effort this organization generates to support Thoroughbreds after their racing careers is truly AMAZING! The next Thoroughbred Makeover will be October 7 – 10, 2020, Kentucky Horse Park, with 616 entries accepted – WOW!! This is where brother, Cozmic One, made his debut competing for the 1st time and came in 5th!

(Photo Credit: Linda R. Moss)
As mentioned in our last post, one of our visions and dreams for Ziconic is to have a role as an Off The Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) Ambassador for the West Coast and beyond. And as he continues his OTTB transition, we truly believe he is indeed becoming a great inspiration as a Sporthorse. Last December 2019, we sponsored a jump to support CARMA and The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show at the LA Equestrian Center. We think this turned out GREAT! So, we are very pleased to have our jump represented at the next Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show Spring 2020, March 21 – 22, 2020 at Galway Downs, Temecula, CA.

Ziconic, Sarah Pollock Sporthorses & Templeton Farms
(Photo Credit: Screen Shot taken from Horse Show Video)

(Photo Courtesy of The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show, LA Equestrian Center)
Please Note: Unfortunately, Ziconic will not be attending this show at Galway Downs, but we do have plans in the future, so please stay tuned.
If you have been following Ziconic on Facebook, you know he has become quite the Jolly Ball player. This has become an everyday occurrence that can go on for 15 minutes at a time. Z-Z, as everyone in the barn calls him, has learned how to “fling” his Jolly Ball, which then ends up in his neighbor’s walkout until someone retrieves it for him. He not only has mastered his twirl; he enjoys having an audience – no surprise!
Video Credit: Sarah Pollock at Templeton Farms
Ziconic’s grandsire A.P. Indy passed away on Saturday at Lane’s End. Heart-felt condolences and R.I.P. to Lane’s End, Family, Connections.
Sending Joy & Hugs!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh what fun!
Love these photos and the great video of Ziconic doing his Jolly Ball fling!
Thanks so much for keeping us apprised of his progress — that is a beautiful photo of him and Sarah going over the jump. So glad Ziconic is doing so well with Sarah, too.
Again, many thanks to Team Z, Sarah Pollock and Templeton Farms! Outstanding photography by Chelsea Smitz, also.
All the Best to our beloved Ziconic! Love that he has a “happy place” in the jumping court.
Hugs and Love
So exciting to see Ziconic happy and doing so well. His tail is flying like a flag over the jump. Jolly Ball extraordinaire.
Many thanks to all of his connections. The OTTB and Retired Racehorse Project are wonderful.
Wishing the same happiness for all retired horses.
Smiles and Hugs.
judy berube
Dear Z Team, Sarah and Templeton Farm:
Thank you so much for this Z-Z update and the wonderful photos and video. It’s heartwarming to see ZI so very happy. He looks stunning in his English gear.
Good luck ZI with your future competition. Looking forward to more news. Love you. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Heidi Kruckenberg
Look at him go!! Zi….., I love you.
Mary Jane
It’s heartwarming to see that Ziconic is in such a supportive environment with people who clearly love him. Happy jumping Z-Z!
judy berube
My Dear Marilyn:
Just saw your post to me on Z’s previous Valentine’s Blog page. Sadly, our beloved Sheena passed away after Christmas day. She is truly missed by all of us. She was an avid fan of Z and a fierce advocate for all horses and animals, as you know.
I hope you are all healed from your injury. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilyn Braudrick
OMG Judy!! I had no idea about Sheena. I am devastated. Was planning to go to Wales to visit her. Just didn’t understand why she never replied to me at Christmas. OMG!! What happened to her? Please email me at braudrim@aol.com. I corresponded with Sheena for years and followed all of her posts daily, Please let me know what happened. I am in shock. Your post to me was the first news I had. Dear God please bess her!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marilyn,
Sheena’s last post was on December 26th. On December 29th, Kathy posted the sad news of our dear friend’s passing. Kathy had been in contact with her, and apparently she had been ill. Her doctor diagnosed a virus. That’s all I know except that there is a tremendous void here on the blog. RIP dear Sheena, we all miss you
terribly and think of you often.
Note: These postings appear on page 2 of the “Happy Holidays” blog entry which
was entered on December 24th. Sheena did not mention her illness here on
the blog. It was a devastating shock to her friends here.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops, sorry about the clumsy spacing above. Computers do as they wish; although, I am sure it was my fault.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
My Dear Marilyn:
I’m so sorry I had to tell you this sad news. I did not know how close you were to our Sheena. She was a dear friend to me too. I just sent you an email, but our Marshall really has told all we know about what happened. We’re all still reeling with the shock of losing her and how fragile life is. Please feel free to email me any time. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Lots of Hugs and Love ❤️
Marilyn Braudrick
Thank you Judy and all who have responded to my shocked reaction to the news of Sheena’s passing. At least I know now. I am still reacting to this terrible loss. If anyone has any new information, please send it to me. Is there any family I should be writing to to express my deep condolences? Thank you.
judy berube
Dear Marilyn:
Maybe Kathy will know more about Sheena’s family than I. I do know there was a cousin that she was close to, but I don’t have contact info. Love and Hugs, JB
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
Ziconic, what a silly boy you are. You like to play just like your Mom. I follow his FB page and so happy with his progress. He really enjoys his training and is doing so well.
What a way to start my Monday. Thanks for the video and pictures of The Red Prince. He looks healthy and happy. Thanks for the excellent care he is getting.
Ann NC
Looking real sharp over that jump.
Thanks for this Zi update.
Mastering the twirl is great! Zi, you can join our teatherball team!
Love to all.
Lynn Martin
I was sorry to read about the loss of AP Indy. Truly, one of the Great Ones!
So wonderful to see Ziconic THRIVING. He looks fantastic and it’s so good to see him enjoying his life. I know Sheena is smiling down from heaven.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
So right; I’m sure Sheena is smiling to see ZI so happy, Love and Hugs, JB
It’s great to see this update on Ziconic, Thank-you! Any news on Zenyatta’s foal date/foaling?
judy berube
Dear Vicki:
Hope you’re doing well. Don’t know Z’s due date, but think it’s close now. Guessing mid March to mid April. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
Ziconic is looking good! Real talent with that ball, too. Thanks for the update.
judy berube
Dear Kathleen:
Good to see a post from you. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish
Ziconic brings to us all such “life” and excitement. He is a gorgeous horse with a cute playful personality twirling that jolly ball!! Zenyatta can be proud of all her foals.
It was such a shock to read about A.P. Indy’s passing. My heart shattered falling to my stomach. It is hard to see such a great race horse and great sire of sires leave our world. Thirty-one years is a very good cared for life, but it is hard to think he is gone. Enjoy those green pastures dear Indy. I am so thankful I visited him at Lane’s End twice but regret I did not get back there one more time.
Life is too short; we all need to remind ourselves to enjoy what is important to us.
I wish all of you sunny skies.
Love n hugs,
Auntie Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally,
You are so right. Life is brief — enjoy those sunny skies and things that are important.
Somehow I think our Sheena knows how much she was loved and that gives comfort to us. She is greatly missed.
Hugs and Love
Sally B. (cherish
P.S. I miss Sheena too. I would never have dreamed in a million years she would leave us this way. I hope she knows how much she was loved. I had a lot of fun on facebook with her as well.
Sally B
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Sally:
Love and Hugs, JB
I think all of us miss Sheena and her posts. There is a void here on the blog. Like the rest of you all, I never dreamed she was ill. Blessings to her family as they deal with her loss.
Yes, Sheena is sincerely missed on the the blog and our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to her family and friends.
Peace be to all as we fondly remember her.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
A big thank you to Sarah, Templeton Farms and Team Z for sharing this terrific news and adorable photos with all of us.
Just love the Jolly Ball swing! What a character — Just like his mom!
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
Oh my gosh. How wonderful to catch up with Ziconic. He looks wonderful!
Love the jolly ball antics.
Thank you so much for these updates on Zenyatta’s boys.
Great photos. ?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another talented Derby hopeful, Green Light Go, will miss Fountain of Youth Stakes on Saturday because of fever. He’s by Hard Spun out of Light Green (Pleasantly Perfect).
Power Up beautiful boy; feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
So sad to hear about AP Indy. Rest in peace.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article on AP Indy by Lenny Shulman of BloodHorse I think you’ll enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this wonderful article — well done Lenny Shulman! Very nice tribute to “the Old Man”. He was much loved.
Thanks for the post about Green Light Go, too. Hope he is back healthy soon. Power Up, GLG! I have a soft spot for Hard Spun so I want his offspring to thrive. :-)
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for sharing this great article,JB.
Yes, they know and know when to put on a show.
Saw Funny Cide one day and received the rear end, head out the window treatment. Figured out he was watching the pretty fillies walking over to the show ring. So cute.
Anyway, enjoyed reading this.
Luv ya!
Power Up, GLG!
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love you too. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish
Judy, I really enjoyed the article. I do believe when I saw A.P. at Lane’s End when Indy was 22, that he had that look of greatness and stood proud and had mellowed. However, I saw plenty video since that showed Indy running and enjoying life in the pasture!!
Love n hugs, Sally B.
Love the pictures and video of Ziconic. It just warms my heart to see Zi and Coz both doing an outstanding job in there new carers. Zelda seems to be progressing quiet nicely with her training also, and another foal on the way. Things seem to be in pretty good shape in Zenyatta land.Thanks Team Z for all the updates.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Hope you had a great day. Love and Hugs, JB❤️
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This is something Sheena would have posted for us. Hope everyone stays safe and well. ?
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s an article on three year old fillies going in the Davona Dale at Gulfstream on Saturday.
Shirlee, one of them is a daughter of Curlin out of Dame Dorothy, daughter of my Bernardini. Her name is Spice is Nice. She won her maiden in January by 12 lengths. She’s got competition in 2 for 2 Tonalist’s Shape among others. Godspeed; all safe and sound.
Potential contenders for the Oaks.
judy berube
PS: Shirlee, she’s a gorgeous Chestnut like Daddy. ❤️