Dear Fans,
I am delighted to share with you that Ziconic is moving on to his next career as an Off-The-Track-Thoroughbred! I couldn’t be happier that he now has a new home and is being welcomed into the loving arms of Linda Moss (Cousins of the Heart) and her husband, George Bedar.
Filled with enthusiasm, Linda remarks, “George and I are so incredibly honored and over the moon to have the opportunity to provide for Ziconic and to take the journey with him in the coming chapters of his life as an OTTB. This is the stuff dreams are made of, and having him join our family is beyond words.”
Ziconic will also be joining his Mom’s stablemate Milyone (also a Moss horse trained by John Shirreffs) at Templeton Farms, a Sporthorse Farm in California. We have known Linda and George since they welcomed Milyone, who has now been under their very special care for seven years.
It is our belief that horses let you know what they like to do. As Ziconic settles into his new home and new program, it will become clear what he is destined for. We are confident that Linda and George will be there to ensure that he can enjoy life and thrive.
We look forward to Ziconic becoming an Ambassador for Off-The-Track-Thoroughbreds in California and beyond, just as Cozmic One has become an OTTB Ambassador based in Kentucky.
Linda & George recently shared two things that they have already noticed about Ziconic: He is very proud of himself, and he ALWAYS knows where the camera is!
We look forward to continuing to update you on Ziconic’s transition, his new Team members, and his new happy life.
Hugs, Ann Holbrook Moss

Sheena Davies
Some great photos of Stanley and mini-mother at a small show today.His Lord and master Hovis would’nt even speak to them when they returned home!They used HIS chalk!
Ann NC
Cute, cute, CUTE!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy Birthday, Ann Moss. Have a nice birthday week!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for posting these great photos, Sheena!
Mini-mother and Stanley make a great team. My, my what luxurious feathers little Stanley has! Too cute!
So glad that Hovis’ hoof is intact once again — no hole of Hovis anymore. Yay!
Hope Mr. H can have a nice long spell of excellent health from now on. Never fear Hovis, you are our Number 1 manly man! :-)
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Mini mother is beyond adorable!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Not sure Hovey will ever get over her learn to ride on Stanley?
Belated Haply Birthday to Ann!,??. Best wishes for a wonderful year and many, many thanks for all that you share with us. Was so happy to talk with you at Coz and Isabella’s grand appearance at the TBM last October.
❤Auntie Judy (So California)❤
I hope your birthday was everything you wished for. Happy Birthday ??
Marshall (NC Broad)
Has anyone else had “Not Secure” appear in front of zenyatta.com at the top of the page?
This occurred about 3 weeks ago, and I haven’t changed any settings. Just wondering.
The person at the Spectrum(TWC) Cable office said it shouldn’t pose any problem as long as no personal information is shared. Still, I wonder what caused this.
Any thoughts?
Hugs and Love
Sheena Davies
Dear Marshall.Yes it appears with me too.I was told there could be a problem with the website’s security and like you not to share personal information.Hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone. :-)
Also, thanks for posting that gorgeous photo of Zenyatta taken by Alys. It really is beautiful — of course, Z is a thing of beauty and a joy forever!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
That hasn’t happened to me, but I couldn’t get on to the Forum the other day when I tried. That hasn’t happened before. Hopefully, it’s a temporary glitch and will be resolved. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Glad you are still “secure”. I just signed in to the Forum with no problem — it has been quite a long time since I was there. Maybe the glitch has cleared up and you can now get in, too.
I still have the “not secure” notice at the top of the page though.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
I tried going into the Forum again and no problem. Whatever it was, seems OK now. Hope the “not secure” resolves soon too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Zenyatta on FB today.BeautifulX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Lovely photo of Z. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.It was good to hear Binga was PTS at home.She never had one particular vet and everyone at the clinic signed the sympathy card for her,Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Sheena Davies
As we thought Masar has been retired to stud after disappointing on his comeback after injury.A son of 2008 Derby hero New Approach he will be missed but wishing him good luck in his stallion career.
Such a beautiful photo of Blue24’s son Roli who fledged yesterday.Blue who for many years was Monty’s ‘other woman’ is turning out to be an excellent mother.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Happy, healthy retirement to Masar.
RIP beautiful Binga. You will be missed.
Happy for Blue. Sad not to have Glesni there with new chicks. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely evening and Happy Dreams. Love You, JB
Delrene from Carlsbad, California
Beautiful photo of our Queen. So so pretty. Happy summer! Thank you for all the joy you bring to so many of your fans each and every day
Delrene from Carl’s, Ca
I need to check in more often! Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. Moss. Thank you for giving us the gift of Zentta and her blog and all the updates.
I am seeing sad news of horses and one that was injured and later euthanized was Fight Night. Who came in Second and then went down. My deepest sympathy’s to all connections.
Just so sad.
Here is hoping for a safe summer at Del Mar. opening Day is tomorrow. All eyes will be upon this meet.
Barbara Brayton
Gaah! Toasty here. Will be 99 on Thursday. Can’t wait until fall.
Judy Berube
Dear Barbara:
I’m with you; waiting for Fall too.
Heard they’ve cancelled racing at Saratoga on Saturday due to the heat. Don’t believe Sunday will be any cooler though. We’re expecting temps here at 100 degrees over the weekend and humidity to match. Cranking up the AC. Stay coollove and Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
Seems like if they cancelled racing in New York, it would only be right to consider New Jersey too.
Judy Berube
Dear Kathleen:
I agree. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara and Judy,
It’s unmercifully hot and humid here in NC, too. Definitely not my time of year!
Come on October. ?
Hugs and Love
Judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
Let’s think cool thoughts. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Yes, COOL thoughts, that’s the ticket! Maybe a song, too?
“It’s a Marshmallow World” anyone? Dean Martin’s rendition always cools me off❣️
Hugs, Love and Cool Breezes
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB ❤❤❤
Sheena Davies
Frankie gets mobbed!
Dear Judy.Rain here tonight first time in weeks.The Dyfi chicks are ready to leave the nest think Peris will go first.Bless her Telyn still sleeps on the nest perch.Goodnight God bless youLM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hooray for Frankie!
Great to have him ride in with Lucy — she looks lovely, and I would like to see more of her.
Strawberry roan Percheron, she must be gorgeous.
Thanks for posting, Sheena
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Frankie’s a popular guy; one of the best!
Safe fledging for all the chicks and safe travels. Love and Hugs, JB
Roberta Gonzalez
I have a hard time understanding the sales process. Can anyone explain to me how California Chrome’s offspring are doing at the sales, and if they are selling at the normal price for an unproven sire? For me they seem low for what he accomplished on the track, and his durability (which is needed in the breed). They keep saying that his pedigree is lacking, but on his sire’s side there is Seattle Slew and Pulpit (who was a great sire until his untimely death) and on his female side he traces back to one of the greatest produces; I don’t understand the prejudice against him. Any input would be appreciated.
Sheena Davies
Such sad news from Del Mar.RIP
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
OMG, how awful. Condolences to all connections. Rest In Peace innocents. ?
Rider was very lucky to escape serious injury. God Bless.
Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena and Judy,
This is so tragic — just heartbreaking. Condolences to all concerned. Rest in Peace Charge A Bunch and Carson Valley — you were babies. Farewell. :-(
Best wishes to both jockeys.
Here is an uplifting article which I hope I can post correctly:
Best of luck to Bethlehem Road and to Maximum Security! Good health always and safe racing to all.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Heartbreaking indeed. Just unpredictable what can happen when a horse steps onto the track. Poor babies. Run free in God’s Heaven.
Thanks for sharing the story of Bethlehem Road. I was not familiar with him at all. Godspeed all of them; safe and sound. I am concerned about the heat and humidity the horses and riders will have to contend with at Monmouth on Saturday.
Saratoga did cancel Saturday, but Sunday is still on.
Love and Hugs, JB
Kathleen Marsh
That is just plain horrible. Sounds like even BB was shocked and he has probably seen just about everything.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Peris fledged just after 11am he flew to the camera pole.A lot think the Haskell should be cancelled too but there will be misters there.We are promised more hot weather next week but nothing like you.Take care my friend.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Good for Peris! I have to agree with all who think it’s just going to be too brutally hot for horses to race if the temps are triple digits in NY and NJ and anywhere else there’s racing scheduled. Lord knows, we don’t want horses’ safety in jeopardy due to heat exhaustion. I think they’ll do what’s best for the horses and riders. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Rosemary:
Some of the great ones are just under appreciated and underrated. Sunday Silence is a perfect example. He won the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness and the BC Classic, among other races, in 1989 and still was so overlooked by US owners of broodmares that he was sold to Japan. Result; leading sire in Japan from 1995 to 2009 and Foundation Sire of Japanese Champions. His sons and daughters continue his legacy. KY made a huge mistake there.
I believe as CC’s babies show their racing talent, you will see a great monetary increase
In his offspring at auction. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Roberta:
So sorry; the above post is meant for you. I don’t know why I typed Rosemary instead of your name. Please forgive my brain fog. Love and Hugs, JB
Roberta Gonzalez
Dear Judy,
I get brain fog a lot, and I’m terrible with names!! I hope he shows them, and becomes a great sire like Seattle Slew, Pulpit,and Tapit. Hope he passes on all his great qualities, especial his great heart and will to win. his great qualities especially his sa
Judy Berube
Dear Roberta:
I loved CC from the first time I saw him. He’s got the heart of a warrior. Just love him. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Hovis is extremely upset neigh angry with his family!Hope all horses stay in the heat this weekend.
Sheena Davies
Stay safe I mean!!!
Sheena Davies
Life is good for superstar Istabraq.Now 27yrs old he has spent his retirement at Martinstown(JP’s Stud).No 2nd career for him he is allowed to be just a horse!
Judy and all,
Thanks for the picture of Zenyatta. She is beautiful as always.
So sad to hear about the death of the baby horses. This has got to stop.
Hope all racing in the Midwest and East Coast is cancelled this weekend. It is going to be 99 here tomorrow and it is just too hot for the races to be held.
God speed to all who do race.
judith Berube
Dear Shirlee:
Sure has been a sad year for our beloved TBs. These latest fatalities really were just a tragic example of the unpredictability of the sport. Unexperienced baby just panicked and the worst happened. So very, very sad.
Hope they cancel racing too. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Still a long way to go but a little more postitive news about Sea of Class.Come on you can do it!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for this encouraging post. Power up, Sea of Class — you are a brave girl and you can fight this fight! Continued prayers for healing. Bless you, Sea.
Thanks also for our Hovis article. Poor Hovis, the things he has to endure! The very idea that the little upstart gets groomed with Hovis’s brushes and shampoo, and then he gets to go to a party while Hovis is ignored. Oh the indignity of it all! :-)
So relieved that the hoof has healed and hope it stays healthy now.
Good news that Istabraq gets to be a happy horse, too!
Hugs and Love
Barbara Brayton
Too hot for racing, or anything else, for that matter. Stay indoors. Good decision on the part of the racetracks.
Kathleen Marsh
I just read that Mary Lou Whitney has passed away. A great lady who is in a class of her own.
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP Mrs. Whitney
She contributed a lot to racing and was indeed an iconic figure — a very nice lady.
Thank you Kathleen for informing us of her death. I was very sad when her Birdstone denied my beloved Smarty Jones the Belmont Stakes win; however, Mrs. Whitney was the epitome of graciousness always. She will certainly be missed.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
RIP Mrs. Whitney. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Hope you are coping with the heat.No one has left the nest today too wet I suspect.Hope Sea of Class continues to improve.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Our Hovis is really worked up over little Stanley. Hope he doesn’t run away from home.
Peaceful photo of Isty and his BFF. So happy to know Sea of Class is doing better. Continued prayers for her. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening. Stay cool and Happy Dreams. Love You. JB
Sheena Davies
Congratulations to Star Catcher,Frankie and John Gosden for winning the Irish Oaks this afternoon.She is by Sea the Stars and last won on Frankie’s fabulous Thursday at RA.
We finally had lift off at the Dyfi when Big Bertha took to the skies.Well done cariad only Bobby bach left.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hearty Congratulations to Star Catcher and all connections on the Irish Oaks win! Well done Frankie and Mr. Gosden. Love those Sea the Stars offspring!
Thanks for the news, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Star Catcher, Frankie and Mr. Godson. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z Friends,
Here is a very nice article about Mrs. Marylou Whitney’s passing. It is most informative and a tribute to a great humanitarian and philanthropist. There was so much that I was unaware of. A real role model and legend. RIP Mrs. Whitney and infinite thanks.
Enjoy the article, my friends.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks for this. She was a special lady for racing, just like Mrs. Chenery was. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Marshall.Thank you for sharing this lovely tribute to Mrs Marylou Whitney.I did’nt know she owned Birdstone Smarty Jones was a great favourite of mine and I was sad Birdstone beat him in the Belmont.She was a good age and enjoyed life.May she rest now.Love and hugs