Ziconic made his third career start at Santa Anita Park last Saturday, May 14. He finished third in a field of eleven. These photos by Cynthia Holt tell the story.
Queen of Racing
Ziconic made his third career start at Santa Anita Park last Saturday, May 14. He finished third in a field of eleven. These photos by Cynthia Holt tell the story.
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us—he is beyond beautiful !! Just love this boy SO much!! He’s on the road to racing immortality–he’s going to be in the history books–wait and see !!
Jan / S.
He looked fantastic! Victor was a good match for him!
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
Oh Sheena–Your message came through while I was writing mine and I didn’t see it until I had signed off. I am so dreadfully sorry about the gentleman from your home town ! I woke up in the middle of the night to CNN talking about the fact that the plane was missing–and of course it went on from there. SO terrible !!
Where will all of the terrorism end ?? SO frightening.
I am not sure if this news has been posted but Ebby has a fine colt by Oasis Dream born on March 13th.She May be still in Europe.Congratulations Ebby and Brad Pitt!Sheena
Kay Marie
Thanks for that info!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Can’t thank you enough for this info. I have been searching for anything I could find on Ebby and whether or not she had a foa,l without success. Thank you so much. So happy for this beautiful half sis to Z. God Bless her and her little guy. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Sophia Gates
Oh thank you! Wish we could find a picture, she is one of my favorites, truly a gorgeous mare. It was unfortunate that she was hurt in that gate accident, perhaps it made her less enthusiastic about racing. But with her conformation and bloodlines she may turn out to be a super broodmare.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sophia:
I have been looking for a photo of Ebby and her new colt; so far no luck. Will post it if I find one. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Sophia and Z Fans:
While I was trying to find a photo of Ebby and her new baby boy, I came across this photo of Frankel’s first born, first winner, Cunco (out of Chrysanthemum). Wow, looks a lot like Dad. Beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the photo of Cunco. What a “drop dead gorgeous” hunk he is — simply stunning! Love his coloring.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. He reminds me so much of his Daddy, Frankel.
Having no luck at all finding a photo of Ebby with her new boy. Will keep trying. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the photos! He’s a beautiful boy. What a great finish. I foresee a win in the near future. Congrats!
The last 2 races he reminded me of his Mom, coming from behind and finishing strong! Seems with more track he could have pulled it out. Love you, Ziconic! ♡♡♡
Patty Mongan
So happy for a safe trip and he’s getting better every time around. Go Ziconic. So how is Coz anybody?
Shari Voltz/ Ohio
Oh he is Gorgeous. I will show the children. Thank you for always sharing their lives with us. God Bless and Love you special boy, Shari XXOO
Personally, I think he needs to be trained less like Zenyatta and more like Ziconic. He’s only HALF-Zenyatta. He needs to be up front more. He had plenty of energy left because he wasn’t asked to run until it was too late. He doesn’t need more track. He needs to be run mid-pack, not trailing like momma Z did. He’s not Zenny! He’s Ziconic!!!!
Sue in Indiana
He is such a gorgeous combination of his dam and sire and Victor was a good fit. Looks like he’s figuring it out!
Deb E.
There’s my Gorgeous Boy!
Ingrid Arnone
The photos are beautiful….
Ziconic was great….
I love youuuuu….
lin volk
Thank you, Team Z, for sharing Zi’s day in pictures; Loved seeing Mario and John. Zi is stunning–the blood of Champions in his veins. Stay healthy and safe, young prince. Always enjoy postings on Z, Coz and Zi. Thank you again.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Thank you for these awesome photos of Zi’s recent race day. A couple of photo’s in the paddock showed a bit of skepticism as to what was going on. That is what I see. Zi’s eyes told the story but he is so young! Zi is so very handsome and ran a wonderful race.
I say Yippee!! love you
Auntie Sally B
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Zenyatta, enjoy the peaceful night
Love you with kisses and to all your sons
blowing kisses to Z princess and dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Kimberly in Montana
These pics just made my day! Thank you so much for sharing. I love you Ziconic and Coz too!
Jo in CO
Ziconic made great progress in this race! He broke well and finished very strongly. Hope he will be in the winner’s circle soon, but he is always a winner with all of us who follow Z and her family. Congratulations and thanks to Cynthia Holt on the wonderful photos!
Catherine Uher
These are absolutely amazing pictures!!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!!! I swear if he had longer to run he would’ve won!!! He just kept on going!!! So much like his mama!!! Can’t wait to hear feedback from Victor…I agree with a lot of you on here…he seemed to be a good fit….and Gary Stevens who rode him to 3rd in his first race!!! He is young and with so much power he seems to be quickly figuring things out and I think we will see him win his first race very soon!!! Can’t wait to see his big brother Coz run again!!! He is just stunning and the pictures of his workouts make me believe we have seen what he’s really made of yet!!! Hugs and kisses to my beloved Zenyatta and her boys!!! Hope to hear she’s in goal in the next few days!!! ?????????
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Team Z and Cynthia:
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos of the gorgeous Red Prince. We’re so lucky to be here and to be a part of Z and he boys’ lives. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
OOPs: That should be “a part of Z and the boys’ lives”. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love all of of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Team Z he did his mom proud. I especially agree with Jo in CO. Hope Victor continues with him. In the paddock as soon as victor mounted Zi settled. Love and blessings to all. Xoxo
Ziconic is SO beautiful!!!!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Simply beautiful photos of the beautiful Ziconic. Zenyatta, we are certain, is so proud of you.
Sophia Gates
Oh! These are wonderful pix! He did so well and also, isn’t he just the most adorable horse (sorry if I am gushing but seriously?!)
Thank you Team Z!
We all “gush” about him. He is one of the most handsome horses I’ve seen in a long time. The chestnut Tapits are special. Seems to have mom’s eyes and running style.
Thank you for sharing these dynamic photos of Ziconic’s race day with us. It seems like he is getting the idea of what this game is all about so hopefully he will start getting to the winner’s circle in his next race. Thanks!
It was an honor to watch Zi race! I took my mom on her 75th birthday – and she made it into one of Ziconic’s paddock photos above!! We were so pleased to see him run like his mama!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Kris:
What a great memory for both of you. Thanks for sharing and a belated Happy Birthday to your Mom. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Left a reply to your post on Page 2 of the previous Blog. Love and Hugs, JB
Sounds like you have a good chance of some “bucks” with that box. I am going to stay with Exaggerator even if he looses to Nyquist a dozen times. All those boys better be on their toes because Miss Songbird is lurking in the wings. Think they will see her later on in the summer!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Don’t know if I’ll actually bet on the Preakness, but those are my choices. Exaggerator is a very determined boy with a lot of “heart”.
Won’t that be something, if Songbird goes against theses boys at Saratoga. Love and Hugs, JB
barbara greenberg
So glad to see Ziconic with Victor up. NEXT RACE SHOULD BE A WIN FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL SON OF THE QUEEN. Love him.
Wow, Ziconic is just so gorgeous! Thank you for these outstanding pics, Team Z!
May 20 Cherokee Devotional
He that scatters thorns will sooner or later have to go barefoot. An intentional hurt is never forgotten. Life records it somewhere-the most beautiful place may hide the sharpest thorn. Go back and gather up the thorns you’ve scattered while there is still time. Not one sly plot, no matter how clever, can cover a wrong. Delusion is a boomerang that returns to its starting point with precision, and we cannot afford to stand there waiting Look out for others, dilute bitterness, and have no part of envy. These “thorns” are merciless and have the potential to cause great pain. Avoid them at all costs. Instead, cultivate gentleness, which has amazing strength. It sweeps the path where people walk and it leads them away from dangerous places.
Wolf, I have considered myself, but the owls are hooting and the night I fear.
-Gray Hawk, Sioux