Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
The Kennedys in San Diego
Gold Cup article.
Barbara Wood
@All-Some of you may know about this wonderful website.http://www.tbheritage.com/TurfHallmarks/Graves/GraveMattersIndex.html. It is a wealth of info. on Thoroughbreds’ burial places. I found it invaluable in trip planning. Lots of other good stuff too.
The Kennedys in San Diego
@Linda in NJ– Sounds like you are leaving Friday morning so I hope you get this message. The Turf Club opens at 10:30 AM. The first post is 1 PM. We plan to arrive by 11:30. Perhaps we can meet there and then join the others.
Helen (Michigan)
You are right! I have my Saturday Racing Notices posted on my fridge: Calder Summit of Speed HRTV 2-6 (Go Mikey!) and Hollywood Gold Cup on ESPN after. I can’t get enough of Zenyatta.
Abigail from Montreal
@ signofthetimes: GREAT posts and thank you! I was just thrilled to hear about the thoroughbred retirement website. The more publicity that this kind of practice garners, the better! And I believe that Team Zenyatta has been an important influence here because we all are more deeply interconnected in this great universe than we know. A little like the dolphins, sending messages on the airwaves….don’t you think?
@ Trina: Believe it or not, I am not really saddened by the news of Milwaukee’s sale because I really do believe that sharing bloodlines is a wonderful thing for the sport. And I think of my American neighbours as first cousins! I have never felt a stranger in the places I’ve visited in the USA. I am, however, very sad that we lost Azeri & Charismatic & Johannesburg & Scatter The Gold to Japan because it seems so difficult to keep them on the radar. And after Ferdinand, I don’t like it when “our” champions “go dark” in that way.
@ Kari: Thanks for the story of your love for Ruffian. She was so special. One of a kind and probably the best racing mare ever. (Zenny — I know you’ll agree, wonderful as you are!)
TO ALL ZEN COMMUNITY: I hope one of you is able to post the ESPN special on Zenny as I doubt it will be telecast in Canada.
ZENNY & DOTTIE: Love & hugs to my two favourite ladies. Zenny, you look just wonderful!
RE: THE VAULT: I’ll post the final instalment on the POWER OF X later this morning and will re-post on Zenny’s next diary entry too.
Terry Crow
@Gary Moulton-Don’t know that one. Bet on him?@Kari Bussell-Good to see you posting again.@dumplings-It will be easy to spot me on Saturday. Anyone familiar with the Universal Studios commercial running in the LA area? I look like the yelling guy when it comes to the end of his aging cycle. Will need some info on where everyone plans to meet.
Lil from KY
To Laura J——Thank you for the information about the horse named Wallace Station, I did not know this.Wallace Station was an old train station started in the 1800’s. Interesting that the horse is at OLD Friends I hope to be able to go there in a few days, even tho I have not been well, but am determined to go. I will give regards to all at Old Friends from ZEN and all z-sters.Hope we can get Little Silver Charm to play soccer! Laura, I admire your vast knowledge of horses & enjoy your posts. Love to all
Terry Crow
Since I have to be gone for awhile, I will post today’s joke now–One day in heaven, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint John were standing around the paddocks watching the horse play. I’m bored, said John. Me, too, said Paul. Peter then said Let’s have a horse show. John and Paul thought it over and then said “Who are we to compete against?” “Satan,” said Peter. “I will call him and propose the match. We have the cream of the crop up here, how can we lose?” The three saints called up Satan, who laughed at them. “You don’t stand a chance,” Satan said. The trio then said, “What do you mean, Satan? We have all of the champion horses up here and you have the dregs. How could you beat us?” Satan then said “You forget, gentlemen. I have all of the judges.” Speaking from personal experience, I think he has the stewards, too.
Ida Lee
Hey Little Girl!! I see you know a cute guy when you see one BLUSH BLUSH!!!
@AJ from CA
Your welcome. Had only seen photos of the great
Man O War as well.
@Judy MG
Lovely article about 13. All of the great sires and dams produce
Non stakes winners. However, they are just as valuable and
Can be successful in their own way. Would love to have
One of my own.
Susan in TN
Fellow Z friends/fans/Z-sters: What great posts and links! It took me forever to go thru everything because I got lost in Youtube Land-I have to limit my visits there due to an abundance of incredible horse videos!
@Eveline: Hang on to your dog, hang on to Zenyatta and hang on to us-we are praying, thinking about you and your husband during this terribly difficult time<3
@DJ:Beautiful prayer-hope Eveline saw it. Also, I did get your email (!) and now I'm not sure if I sent you one back because I very "efficiently" cleaned out my "sent" folder. I will re-email you today!
@Sunny Boyd: Hope you are feeling 'sunny' today. If your sadness has anything to do with the naming contest and my post of the winning entry, I feel TERRIBLE. Agree with DJ-not a winning sort of thing, really. In fact, I was trying to figure out a way to combine ALL the names into one massively impressive name,like "Sasparilla Spirit of Rollo's Becket in Happy Ever After"-a bit much! Whatever it is, I hope you are having a better day<3
@Mary: I wrote my senators re: the horse slaughter bill and got back very generic responses. Didn't expect more and presumably someone keeps track of constituent's views- that may be a "LOL"
@Terry Crow: Thank you-sincerely!
@Marshall(girl's name): Thanks! Always appreciate your comments!
@Judy M.G.: Got to love the heart of Rapid Redux, don't you? Thanks for the links and your humor!
@Brenda: That's so cute- "14 sleeps until Lane's End"! Hope you and Vic and her mom have a wonderful trip and I look forward to your impressions (and Vic's)! I agree- it WOULD be cute to see The Dumpling's on TV at HP! I'll be watching for Diana S's name tags!
@Diana S: Wow-that video of the dust storm was…don't know the right word! I know you'll have fun in SoCal with Dumplings. So YOU'RE the one who stuffed the ballot box :) You are too funny!
@J Smith: "I'll be bringing good wine when I invite myself over to watch it"-LOL!
@Kari B: Yes, it IS good to be heard from, isn't it?!? You sound happy-YAY! Or is it post-moving hysteria :) The video of Ruffian gave me cold chills- the music(from movie "August Rush") was perfect.
@Anyone: What is a Beyer speed figure? I can infer the general meaning but what is it's application? Also, when Eblouissante posts about her workouts, the time is given with the word "handily"-what does that mean? Thanks!
@Kathryn Cogswell: Glad you are back posting- you write so beautifully!
@Sharon Call: I know what you mean about the dressage riders' legs and I have a VERY inexpert opinion. When dressage first became "mainstream" in the U.S.(1970's?), it seems that the horses we saw in the Chicago area were all Thoroughbreds-as well as in hunter and jumper shows, which is what I rode. Over the years, the Warmblood breeds have dominated and as the horses have gotten HUGE, the sitting trots have gotten bouncier and bouncier and I do think it makes small cues more noticeable. Of course, the majority of the cues ARE invisible and it is amazing what all they do! I,too,was taught(drilled) to keep my toes forward or slightly in and that was so hard for me! When I started riding again as an adult, I was glad to see that the trend was a more natural position. I have ridden in the type of saddle you used and you are so right-the forward seat and knee rolls of hunt seat really help with support!
@Signofthetimes: Thanks for Man O' War link-my first horse infatuation that is still going on!
@Judy B: Ditto about MOW! Sea The Stars is so handsome-and that farm is gorgeous-thank you!
To All: Thank you for supportive comments about Lou<3 Barbara Wood: Thanks for always thinking of Beth, too! Still doesn't have her exam results.
I went to rescue yesterday evening and after a breather(for all of us!), I will tell you the latest.
Susan in TN
@Abigail in Montreal: Agree with your comment to signofthetimes!
@Terry Crow: LOL!
@Trina N: Hi! Have fun this weekend-know you will!
@Valeria Cannon, Signofthetimes and Kari Bussell. Kari thank you so much for the video of the magnificant Ruffian. She truly was special like our Zenyatta. I have always felt that Ruffian has been Zenyatta’s guardian angel. Zenny always came from behind; Ruffian always took the lead and stayed there. There’s no telling what she could have accomphished in her career if it hadn’t been for that tragic day. Those who loved her, and fans alike know it would have been “unbelieveable”, if I may borrow that term from Z. Throughout racing history there have been so many outstanding and wonderful fillies and mares who have raced, but there is no doubt that Zenyatta and Ruffian will be among the greatest horses that ever raced. I’m so happy that our girl finished her career sound and fit. Thank you John for taking such good care of her. Zenyatta, my precious, can’t wait to see you on ESPN on Saturday. Thanks Sarah for your wonderful photos.
Especially Horses
@Valeria Cannon and Kari Bussell: Valeria thank you for the post on Ruffian and Kari for the link to the video. My eyes are still tearing from the film footage and after all these years the memory of that magnificent filly still fills me with deep emotion and heartache. I had no desire to watch the Ruffian movie when it came out (as a matter of fact, though I did see the movie on Seabiscuit, I wasn’t interested in seeing the Secretariat movie either. I guess I kind of feel like I’ve lived and experienced both Ruffian and Secretariat “in real life” and I don’t need to re-live them through a movie). Ruffian, you were my true Black Beauty and a most wonderful creation of God. I praise God for creating you and Zenyatta for our joy and wonderment.
Lisa g
Ms Zenyatta, wonderful, wonderful, news..cannot wait to it. I love the pics, looks like you might have a crush on Matt, eh? I love you, Lisa g.
judy berube
Dear Susan in Tn.:
So glad that Sasparilla finally has a name. Glad you enjoyed the links on MOW and STS. About the Beyer Speed Figure; Andy Beyer came up with a formula to determine a horses speed in each of his/her races. This figure is now a part of the past performance on each horse in the Daily Racing Form. If you look across the page, it’s listed under SPD. It gives the handicapper the ability to compare each horses previous race speed in previous races and to compare each horse to the other. Another Z Fan will probably have more expertise to add to this. Hope it helped a little. Hugs,J.B.
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear Susan in TN: You`re a dear .. . Triaging nine neglected spring cleanings of composted storage — dumpsters like the Seven Dwarfs & a baby elephant train. By ‘call it a day’ time, drundling over the keys produces fits & starts, and testiness; not good for the ‘Z`s’ a`tall. But so good to get to read everyone`s days, checking in. Who says ‘hugs’ major best? Well, ‘hugs,’ minor. Kc.
judy berube
Dear Terry Crow:
Loved the joke. Think the last part might be true too. Got one for you: How do you make a small fortune out of horses; you start with a large fortune. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Lil from KY:
Hope you feel better and get to enjoy Old Friends. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Abigail:
Saddens me too to see our wonderful horses leave the States. Smarty Jones and Sidney’s Candy soon. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Kari Bussell:
Hope the move went well. Glad you’re back posting. Thanks for Ruffian link. Hugs, J.B.
Kathryn Cogswell
Scrolling upward, found DJ`s following praer to yesterday`s so fine one. Peter Marshall, whose chaplaincy of the Senate set a high bar for words that work a team together, wrote similarly. Remarkable & meaningful, these. K.
judy berube
Dear Eveline:
Prayers for your hubby and you. Hugs, J.B.
How exciting! Please let us know the time for ESPN.
Zenyatta, you are just too cute!
Dottie I love your quotes from Zenyatta.
Hope we fans can visit at Lanes End and get a peek of Zenyatta.
Hugs and Prayers
judy berube
Dear Ann from Paramount, CA:
You’re welcome. Hope Rightful Image is cool and comfortable. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
To Karen Gogue:
You’re so funny. Have a happy, lucky day on Saturday. Hugs, J.B.
Gary Moulton
@Terry Crow – yes you are right, bet on him. I knew you knew it or would guess it.
You probably know this one too.
What is the best way to make a small fortune in the horse racing business?
judy berube
Dear D.J.:
My submission (Happy Ever After) was second choice on the foal name. I think Sasparilla is Too Cute. Goes so well with Root Beer. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
@Gary M: Start with a large fortune! :0
judy berube
Dear Gary Moulton:
Start with a large fortune. I just posted that to Terry Crow. Must be mental telepathy Ha, ha. Hugs, J.B.