Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Whoa Zennie—I will watch-there are about 16 ESPN stations–which one will you be on? Love to know. Wish we could see ya every week.
To Sunny B: :( I am sorry… Did you suggest one of the other great names for the little foal? They were all so individual and heartfelt. I do not believe there is such a thing as ‘winning’ when it comes to something as sentimental as this. As it means others ‘lose.’ There are no winners, except hopefully for the litte foal. I would be most happy to give to the next runner up the honored name chosen. Was it yours? They were All alike in beauty as they were chosen with the same love and concern in the one shared heart which is Zenyatta. Especially yours! :)
Irene Caty
Zenny, you are so cute and you can bet a bunch of carrotts that we will be watching on Sat. I would never miss a segment about you, I always like to hear all the nice things they have to say about you and also to hear how great you are. Thanks for the update and if you know the time let us know. Love you sweet Zen and cant wait to watch the program.
Shanda Hooton
Can’t wait to see it: ) You are the such a special girl…Love the pics!!!
Anne from Paramount, CA
@Queen Z: I just LOVED these photos…they are so precious. I agree with everyone who said you always look great,no matter what side “shows.” And @ Melissa, I agree, a breath of fresh air for sure! @Zenyatta, you and your good friend Matt were sharing a really good laugh in addition to your terrific TV news. Perhaps it was a Terry Crow joke? :) Nice to see PQ, too. Gal pals.
@Judy Berube, thanks so much for your links. I heard it rained “heavily” in Hemet on the 4th–hope that didn’t adversely affect Rightful Image! (Or perhaps it cooled him off!)
@JSmith, see you again, sorry not this Saturday. Have fun up there!
@Trina N: thanks for your attire description. I will probably be in blue shorts, haven’t decided about the rest yet. Have many caps–not sure…perhaps Ms.Z’s, but I don’t want it to get worn out from too much wear and tear. We’ll see. I carry a red purse. Outside I’ll have on sunglasses. I’ll look for you. I must be careful about my trips to the paddock (knees–sigh!), so I can also be found sitting inside near winner’s circle, lower level.
@Linda in NJ, hope to see you somehow!Enjoy Barn 55. (you are probably almost on your way by now.)
@Zenyatta, once again that ESPN news is WONDERFUL!! Do you know know how therapeutic you are?
@All the dumplings and Z friends: good horsey dreams everyone. Before I go to sleep,I’ll review some links I missed. My thanks to all who post them. They are fascinating. @Dottie: THANK YOU!!!
Peggy (N)
Zenny can’t wait to see you Saturday. Love, Peggy
AJ from CA
@Signofthetimes – wow, thanks for finding the link to video of Man O’War. I’ve only seen pixs of him before and was in awe but to see actual video clips is even more awesome. He will always be the King and one of the most beloved thoroughbreds of all time.
Maria K.
Thanks Queen Z. I will definitely have to watch it this weekend. You look so lovely. I love you so much. I am sending you hugs and kisses!!!
Brent Zimmer
I sure hope a clip gets archived on the net. For example, YouTube.
Trina Nagele
@Valeria Cannon—Here’s to the great lady, Ruffian, gone too soon! Love your heavenly image of her racing ahead of the other departed greats.
@Sunny B—I see you’re not feeling so sunny today–maybe in remembrance of Ruffian? Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow.
Marshall (girl's name)
Good evening, Queen Z! I am truly envious- I would love to be receiving that wonderful soft-nose nuzzle that Matt is getting!! You look gorgeous, as always! Many thanks to Dottie and others for the ESPN show on Saturday. I will be tuned in for sure (thank you for the time info, Allen). Love you, Beautiful Girl!
@Trina Nagele: Love the “Z-sters” tag!
@Kari Bussell: Great to hear from you! Hope things are okay after the move. We love hearing from you! Take care!
Susan in TN (and DJ): Great name for the colt! Sasparilla is spot-on! Love the Rootbeer tie-in!
@All Posters: Zenyatta fans are the BEST!
Judy (Maass) Gadwood ~CA
13 in a row good at any level
myrna miller
Zenyatta you look wonderful and so happy and full of joy!! I want to tell everyone about the wonderful new movie I saw today called “Buck” – a true story about horse whisperer Buckshot Brannigan who claims that breaking a horse is no different than training a child. It takes lots of love and gentle discipline – no harsh words ever. It’s an art house film and not in full release. So I hope it’s somewhere in your hometown Enjoy!
For those who would like a prayer..
Almighty and Eternal God,
You keep together those you have united.
You have placed all the powers of nature
under the control of man and his work.
May we bring the Spirit of Your Truth to all our efforts and work together at our common task, establishing true love and guiding your creation to perfect fulfillment.
Dottie Combest
Hi QZ ~ lookin forward to your ESPN update ~ your sure tower over PQ ~ next to you she looks petit ~ but then again, I think they ALL look petit next to you ~ lol ~ stay well and happy cause you sure make us happy ~ love ya sweet girl :)
Trina Nagele
Nitey-night, sweet Z, and sleep tight till tomorrow.
@Marshall–Thanks, I liked the Z-ster tag too– I owe it to someone else, but can’t remember who at the moment, or else I would give credit. A high hoof to all the creative people on this site!
Dear Z. Love how you are looking at PJ so cute! Love you my dear Z.
Oh so sorry..I met PQ!
Kari Bussell
@ Dottie – Earlier today, I forgot to thank you for the picture of Zenny with Pirate Queen. It is really too precious…I just fell in love with her face…Please keep us updated…I hope she and Z stay close to each other….
I am way behind-
@Dawn Conmrad thank you for thanking Karen Gogue for a beautiful message she addressed to me as it was “move day” and I had managed to miss it in spite of thinking I had read all messages…It was far too beautiful ….to have almost never seen….
@Karen Gogue -Thank you for the beautiful message you left me days & days ago…I was moved to beautiful happy tears….
@Judy Berube-
@Trinia N-
@Kim S-
@DJ-@Mardhall (girl’s name)—–I hold all of you and others here very close to my heart…thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers for me….and for taking the time to let me know…I feel very blessed by all of you!
@Everyone May your world be filled with Love-Joy-Happiness-Peace & I will add Hugs Always- Kari-
Kari Bussell
oops so sorry Marshall (girl’s name)…typo
Kari Bussell
@Susan in Tn- Good to be heard from….LOLOL!
@Terry Crow- still loving the jokes…keep them coming….
@ Judy M Gadwood- thank you for the whale link on previous diary…(way behind on links)….Love you GF….
Kari Bussell
Okay- I’ll jump in feet first with this…..At the age of 10 I fell madly in love with the most beautiful filly I had ever seen ….I watched the famous match race in horror with all the innocence, hurt, angst, pain and heartbreak.. all of us who remember felt that day. I vowed (with the honesty of a 10yr old) that I would NEVER-EVER-EVER….stop Loving her or forget her….As the years marched on I have done my best to inform others of what to me the mere name Ruffian evokes from those of us who lived through it …..If anyone had ever told me I would ever love a race horse as much or more than I do her I would have laughed in their face…(then along came Zenny)….but this moment is about Remembering The Late Great Ruffian—RIP –Beautiful Great-One….I kept my promise along with the rest of America for YOU have Not been forgotten. We celebrate your greatness always…You will Aways be Queen of the Fillies…
This is by Carly Kaiser (all real footage and all races not movie)
Oh, Zenyatta, you’ve never taken a bad photo in your life! You are STUNNING. Have a great photo shoot!
Diana S
@All: probably my last post – – – until I’m on my natal soil in sunny SoCal Thursday evening.
@HP Dumplings: Dumpling Director hasn’t given a time and place, so I’m gonna wing it a bit – the gates open at 10:30AM, and the paddock area seems like a reasonable place. Look for someone who looks like a lost puppy – – – me (and don’t tell my cats!) until Director Karen shows up with a leash. I will NOT be in shorts!
@Marilu V, OraJean, and Mary Copelin and others: I’ll have name tags. I worked up a little sumthin’ sumthin’ – we’ll see if the glue holds or I get more creative! I’m not counting on either prospect :-)
G’nite Zenny, Dottie, Team Z, Z-sters, and – – – ahem, Matt – nibble, nibble, nibble.
shameless-hussy-stu in tempe
Lovely Zenyatta, I’m so looking forward to seeing you on ESPN Saturday! Thank-you, Dottie, for sharing these great photos with us. How adorable to see Z giving her buddies the latest news.
Hope everyone at the Gold Cup has a great time. Wish we were going too!
Hi Zenny, reading your posts and all the comments
(and my dog) is about the only thing to keep me going right now. My husband is in the hospital and the prognoses is very poor. Looking at your pictures really helps a bit.
Karen Gogue
‘She’s baaack’! I’m flying like the Flying Nun – no, the Space Shuttle! 8GB and 1 TB HD and i5 processor! WooHooo!!! Zenny, I really, really missed you! I love you more than ever too!
Good Morning Zenny, In two weeks, at this time in the morning, Vic, her Mom and I will be getting ready to head out to Lane’s End. When Vic was little she always wanted to know “how many sleeps Nana?” and so today I could tell her that it’s fourteen sleeps. I wish I could say “until we see Zenyatta” but just being close and sending you some kisses from Versailles instead of from Fort Erie will be an amazing experience, plus we get to see Curlin, Langfuhr and the rest of those famous stallions. To top it all off, we are looking forward to meeting Dawn Conrad, the much envied owner of Zenyatta #19.
@sign of the times – loved the videos of the young Zenny. Loving care from Mr & Mrs Moss, Dottie, John and the rest of Team Z made her the happy. contented horse she is today.
@The Dumplings – enjoy yourselves on Saturday. How CUTE it would be if you showed up, all together, on national TV.
Karen Gogue
You also have ‘HIM’- and his Angel Hands and Kisses to Bless Ivin and keep him with you. Squeeze your eyes tight and believe, and know the prayers of all Zennyland are with you and your husband.
Barbara Wood
@Kari Bussell–Glad you’re back. Hope the move was ok.
@All–speaking of Kari’s remembering news, Bloodhorse.com reports sad news this morning. A horse named Naseeb broken down yesterday and had to be euthanized–RIP. Rosie Napranik suffered a broken arm and is scheduled for surgery.
@DJ–thanks for the prayer–a lovely way to start my day.
@Zenny–I am so glad you were protected from injury.