Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I simply could not wait to tell Matt the news…and I gather he thought I was just being
TOO CUTE! During the last few days, Dottie has been working with Jeannine Edwards
and Amy Zimmerman from ESPN on an update about ME. They want to present this
segment on the ESPN racing broadcast this weekend.
Dottie just heard back from Amy and the piece will be aired during the Hollywood
Park Gold Cup racing program this SATURDAY on ESPN. I’m not sure of the time yet…
as so many of you live in different time zones.
I know they will have some very current photos of ME as they are being taken this
Thursday afternoon. Oh my…I must get my beauty rest…and look fabulous! Now, this is
so special!

I had to stop and tell PQ about it as well. I’m such a lucky, lucky girl!
Hope you get the opportunity to watch the broadcast.
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Dearest Sweet “Z” and little “z”,
I will check back later for new Hoof-Print! Hope to see some racing today :)
To Barbara W: You are very welcome!
To Kari B: Thank you! Blessings to Y.O.U.!
To Eveline: I lit a candle for you and your husband together. May God hold you both in the Palm of His hand!
To Susan in TN: Your ‘Native American’ name is TOO CUTE! Can we squeeze in ‘Secret’ in honor of his mother? Maybe…”Secret Spirit” :) Also, the Beyers number takes into the account track variance and speed of the horse and the number itself is comparable. The rationale of the Beyer’s is to compare one horse to another. ‘Handily’ means ‘easily.’
To Terry Crow: Since your minds on heaven, can you spell Czechoslovakia?!
judy berube
To the Kennedy’s, Barbara Wood, Judy M.G.: Thanks for the links. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
@Judy B: Thanks-that helped a lot!
@Kathryn Cogswell: You are the first person I know (personally) to reference Peter Marshall. Wasn’t he Catherine Marshall’s husband of “Christie” fame?? And a “baby elephant train”-very funny!
Susan in TN
@DJ: Thanks and thanks for info! Yes, I’m sure we could squeeze in “Secret”!
judy berube
Dear Trina Nagele:
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed them. Have a great time on Saturday with the rest of “Z’s Dumplings” and Mr. T. Crow. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Valerie Cannon:
Love that image of all of them healthy and running free. Hugs, J.B.
Susan in TN
@Lil in Kentucky: Hope you feel better and get to Old Friends. Thank you for “representing”!
judy berube
Dear Valeria Cannon:
Sorry I misspelled your name. Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans and Ruffian Fans:
http://www.racingmuseum.org/hall-of-fame/horses-view.asp?varID=128 Hugs, J.B.
judy berube
Der Z Fans:
Here’s another article on Ruffian. She was a gorgeous looking filly. Hugs, J.B. http://www.tbgreats.com/ruffian/bio.html
Kathryn Cogswell
Hi, Susan in TN: Catherine did write ‘Christie’ & her book, ‘A Man Called Peter,’ about the love of her life and husband, Peter Marshall, was made into a quality film, same title. His Scots roots and stubborn, single-minded faith, lead him right out of some church callings, but into the US Senate as Chaplain, while sometimes going against her more yielded, open views, but theirs was a match made to ennoble both & they kept their humor through some heavy going, such as her near-death health issues, and even to his death much too early. Her writing, as taut as his could be, never is treacly or religiosity run amuck, but inspirational and classic. She is wonderful to know, all these years later. [More minor-grade hugging] . .. Kc.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans and Gio Ponti Fans: Man O’ War Stakes a Belmont http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/63902/gio-ponti-seeks-third-straight-man-o-war Hugs, J.B.
Cara Ezzell
Hi Queen Z, That photo is absolutely tooooooo cute!! That is fantastic that ESPN is doing a story on you!! I don’t get ESPN so please have Dottie post any new photos of you. I have a friend that lives in California & she goes to the races @ Hollywood Park all the time. She recently sent me some of you see took back when you were racing. I downloaded some of them to a CD & immediately had some prints made! That was so generous & awesome for her to do that for me!! I miss seeing you race, but with all the injuries that have occurred with numerous horses (Archarcharch, Animal Kingdom, Nehro, Dialed In, Unrivaled Belle, etc.) I’m glad you’re safe & sound!!! That’s b/c you have an amazing team & John is the BEST trainer!! I also have a photo of one of the new fillies he is training. I know this has already been discussed, but how about that Zazu!! She’s great!! Glad you are doing well & again, many thanks to Dottie & the rest of your team for keeping your diary going! I’m looking forward to seeing the new photos. Major hugs & love you baby girl, Cara from Texas xxxooo :):):)
Gary Moulton
@Susan in TN & @judy berube – I can’t get nothing by you gals. Yes, you are both right.
Mental telepathy – I love it, LOL
Zenyatta, you are a marvelous, amazing creature…I can’t get over you…too beautiful for words, and unpredictable in a very funny way. What a girl!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! Love to you, always, Jean
Zenyatta, congratulations on getting on ESPN!!!! If I find out what time you’re on, I’ll do my best to catch it. The fame and fortune simply don’t stop for you! I don’t think it ever will!! I am so happy for you! I rarely ever hear your name on TVG-maybe because they felt it was time to move on. I’m hoping that someday, they will do a segment on you like they have done on Lava Man and maybe the Legends show will one day interview John Shirreffs and/or Mike Smith.