Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Congrats on over 100,000! Sorry but I will not be able to relax until I know Baby Bump is here and you are both just fine. Signed up for twitter just so I could follow you!
Looking good Z! I am confident you will foal when you are good and ready. You just take your time sweet girl. I would just like to remind all of your fans to please be respectful and not call the farm to check on your condition. There is a lot going on right now; Z is going to foal soon, but there are also lots of other mares getting ready to foal too. The farm is very very busy this time of year. Z has more than 100,000 fans and even if it is a small number of people calling the farm, it can be very distracting. We sure don’t want to be known as Z’s annoying fans. So, let just be patient and wait for Z’s family to give us reports on how things are progressing. Now, for you, Z, have another wonderful day with your family.! sending love and smooches to you and Tasty! xxoo
I was hoping for today because 7 is my lucky number…… well the day isn’t over yet. You look wonderful and I’m so happy your owners are there with you. Prayers for a smooth birth and healthy foal and Mom!!
Rhonda Clements
I feel like a nervous father!! waiting for the little miracle to arrive!! Joined you on twitter last night as well! So sending my love to you sweet girl and to all of your wonderful family!! Waiting on pins and needles, so do we pass out carrots instead of cigars????
Hee Hee! Rhonda – I was just wondering if Bernie would be passing out carrots over at his barn once baby Z gets here?! LOL!
I’m thinking peppermints–one of Z’s favs!!
Janey Boyd
Take all the time you need!The best is always worth the wait!! I know your family is awaiting the new babe with all the anticipation we are. Enjoy your day and get some rest-they don’t call it labor for nothing.But you will be in great hands .Mother Nature is so amazing!
sharon in seattle
so glad to hear the Mosses are there! what a thrill for them, along with all of us.
A note to my Dumpling friends from Saturday’s Santa Anita Handicap: I posted a “thank you” on the diary Sat or Sun, but want to repeat it in case you didn’t see it.
Thanks from the bottom of my rain and cold soaked Seattle heart for your warm reception Saturday at Santa Anita. I had SOOO much fun meeting all of you and sharing the day’s excitement. I will always have special memories of that day, mostly due to your enthusiasm and friendliness!!
Janie (in L.A.)
Hi Sharon – we really didn’t get a chance to talk much but it was very nice meeting you on Saturday and I’m glad it was such a beautiful day to be at Santa Anita – even though I didn’t manage to get there until late in the afternoon but in time to see Mr. Commons!
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
It was MY pleasure! I love meeting new Dumplings so we know who is posting :-)
I hope you come back and see us soon!
Auntie JAG
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
It was really fun meeting you, Sharon! So glad you enjoyed the day! Come back soon :)
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Yay!!!! 100,000!! Congratulations!!!
I kept checking until the middle of the night and then first thing this morning,just sure that a photo of the two of you would come up. This photo that did is TOO CUTE and ,of course,as you always do,you will do all at just the RIGHT time FOR YOU!!
Our hearts are with you–LOVE YOU!!!
monica in long beach, CA
we love you zenyatta!!! thanks for the update today – we are all thinking of you all day long – every day – thank you to your team and sweet dottie for the updates – we appreciate them so much – you just enjoy your day zenyatta – you stay relaxed and happy – our prayers and thoughts are with you and your baby to be – with love to you zenyatta and your entire team… you are all the best!!! smiles abound with thoughts of you – love your friend forever… monica in long beach calif
Twitter has over 1200 followers on Zenyatta’s foaling. I guess we’ll crash Twitter too. TOO CUTE!!!.
Everyone go to Twitter.com and sign up so you can get all the Tweet’s as Zenyatta’s connections post them.
This is such fun. I joined FB because of Zenny and now I’m a twittering gal.
She certainly knows how to get things going!
So far, Team Zenyatta (Twitter) has tweeted only 3 times
since it was launched.
Just didn’t want anyone to expect of a steady flow of tweets.
It is another source of info on the foal arrival.
Twitter is fun & a great source of info
But, it is quite different from Face Book.
Twitter has a tight limit on the number of characters you can tweet.
You can’t just flow like you can here or on FB.
Lisag in Texas
Why not, I do not have experience with Twitter, but as of last night…ready to go…let’s crash it.
Reality check!!
News today said the Lady GaGa just passed Ashton Kutcher in tweeps
(peeps who tweet).
She has over 20,000,000. Yes, that is 20 million.
So, although we have enough traffic to jam or slow down the Zenyatta site,
Twitter should be okay with our numbers.
Glad to see the Zen-nation signing up.
If you want to Follow me, I am on Twitter.
I just tweeted my 1st tweet;) guess what about;)
Your diary entries are so wonderful to read Zenyatta! I am not surprised at all how many fans LOVE you on FB. You have charmed us for some time! Good luck with your foal, and as long as you are both healthy, you take your time! It is your style to keep up the suspense. LOVE to you and yours!
Michelle Carter
I am so anxious to hear the news. Will there be a contest for the name. I hope so.
Stay well Z, we all love you gir.
Linda Crowder
Lady Z: I was a foal tech most of my career, delivered well over 200 foals. I loved it! Lived for it! The common denominators I found among the births I witnessed was a low or falling barometer, and the nipples will strut and the wax usually becomes liquid. Now this change in the bag can happen as soon as a few minutes before birth, or as long as a couple of days. It was always fun to try to predict exactly when the birth would occur and I was correct a lot of the time in my latter years. I am watching and waiting for your moment of joy…and in all those I witnessed, that miracle was always wonderful. What I miss most is when the mother realizes she is no longer alone….and the first few hours is always the best! Good luck. Maybe these couple of hints will give you something different to watch for! But then, nothing is written in stone. I HAVE been fooled, even though I was very vigilant. lol
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Linda! Very helpful. I’ve helped with the births of 8 foals- so very limited but incredibly wonderful! One thing I would say, I wouldn’t mind a dime for every time we said, “SURELY she’ll have it tonight!” :) The signs can all be there and nothing happens!
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Glad to see this post – I needed to go teach a piano lesson but was trying to hold out for news. I’m betting tonight after midnight will be the magic hour! Love from all 100,000 + of us. (thanks Dottie)
Colleen Robbins
Thanks so much for the updates. All of us are eagerly waiting the news of a safe delivery for you & Bernie’s foal. How is Tasty doing? Any sign that she will be joining the ” waiting game” with you soon? Stay rested. I know you will have the most gorgeous little filly/colt ever! Maybe a little ” Roxanne”?
Zenny, glad all is going well and 100,000 fans now on fb! WOWZA!
I even opened a twitter acct. this morning to try and keep track of you. I must say I don’t care for the twitter thing but don’t want to miss anything either!
Geesh, no pressure or anything but the whole world I swear is watching and waiting. You are the Queen of suspense my dear Z!
I saw a post from Bernardini and thought that was sooo cute.
I am telling my horses to keep their hooves crossed for you,hee hee
Love you!
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, yes, the world is waiting for you to give birth to your Foal and yes it truely is your style to keep us on the edge of our seats. I’m glad that you are being your same old self by doing things in your given style, however, I don’t think you should start dancing. So glad that you are feeling good while getting ready to Foal and having company makes it so much better even if you can’t have treats. Will be awaiting the birth of your foal, sending my love with many kisses.
Janie (in L.A.)
You let us do all the pacing and fretting, Zenyatta, and you just stay relaxed and happy with your family around you. I am not on Facebook myself but I did email my friends and family a couple of weeks ago and asked them to “like” you and many of them replied right away that they did! So with all of us doing that, it worked! And now you have even more fans than before – people who are just now discovering what a wonderful horse you are almost a year and a half after you retired from racing. Isn’t that great?
Zen girl! I am so excited for you! You DO definitively have all of us fans on the edge, waiting! I had a dream last night about you, that you had a dark bay colt with a beautiful white star! He was as handsome as you are beautiful! :) You had him at 12, so maybe today or tomorrow!! or maybe even midnight! All i know was the clock was at 12 :)
But I was wondering, if its not too much, could you watch this link and please share with everyone! It is very important that the World knows about this cruel man who goes by the name Joseph Kony. Please share Zenny!!
Beth Alexander
Glad everything is going good for you Z! Anxiously awaiting along with tens of thousands of other people! Good luck to you and happy foaling! My happy thoughts are with you and the people at Lane’s End who will be assisting you! Love you always!
Still waiting! I got up at 4:30 PST to check and see if there was an update. So far, we’re just waiting for The Queen to make her move like so many of her thrilling races with a heart stopping finish.
I’m also waiting for my new ereader (a Nook Simple Touch to replace my broken Nook 1st Edition) to arrive. So much suspense on all accounts. Baby Z /and/ ereader… so many thrills ahead.
Jan in WV
I am ”Waiting ” ” Queen Z” !~! How is Tasty doing ? Isn’t she due the same day as you ? Take care and ”Happpppppy foaling !~!~!
Jan in WV
Susan in SO CAL
Zen, My best wishes to you and yours. Waiting impatiently!!!!
S. Kidman
Wow! 100,00+ fans all waiting to hear the wonderful news! Much love to you Zenyatta and to all your connections! Rest and take it easy!
Dear Zenny – 100,000 facebook fans is quite an accomplishment. We all love you so much. I love the picture of your friends waiting in anticipation (as we all are). I, like many others, are following the news on Twitter — I don’t know how to use it, but I am following it. God bless for a healthy prince or princess. A special hello to your family and Dottie and Tasty. I am so excited!!!!
Robin - Ventura CA
Congrats on the 100,000! You deserve it Zenny…
Can’t wait for you to foal, I get so excited everytime I log on. Maybe tomorrow will be the day..
Praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby…
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks for the update Mama Z. Now we can relax somewhat. YIKES!!!!
You look mighty fine there with your Jerry. Don’t forget to relax, relax, relax. We will do all the worring.. xoxoxo.
Janis OConnor
Dear Queen Z I am waiting breathlessly for the arrival of the little prince or princess. A watch pot never boils and you will give birth in God’s perfect time. Blessings on your extended family. Love you Momma Z
Diana Harris
You take all the time you need. All things are better with time. I do admit I am glued to your blog and twitter. I love this it’s just like it was when my horses had her baby and I was on baby watch. I took time off from work, did multiple checks day and night and then as soon as I had to go back to work she had the baby. Everything went fine and she was a great mom. I know you will be too. Love ya Zenny get you rest.
Keri Mattingly
I think that we all feel a connection to you in some way Z and to the little one that you will soon have. You are truly and inspiration and such a beautiful and modest girl! I will keep thinking of you and hoping for a safe and wonderful experience when you do have your little one!
Mary G
Hi Z,
Oh it is getting very exciting! Yesterday I kept a constant vigil on your website–while at work no less–not very productive…and now here I am again. For the sake of my work schedule please have this baby soon! I may have to break down and join Twitter… You are lookiing fabulous as always…Hoping to hear good news soon. Say Hi to your TEAM and thank them for the wonderful updates…