Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
debbie gustafson
Would you look at the smile on Mr.Mosses face,,,wow he is so happy,,,any day now Zenny,,,High hoofs its soon,,,as i dont have many nails left waiting is killing me,,,,,wondering is it a colt r filly,,,,,You are so loved by the world,,,,,1000 peppermints to U,,,
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Bernie is a very, very popular boy!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Well, dear girl, I was wishing and hoping to see from thee … a b♥by to be from yee, but that is not to be – YET!! So, I must report on my break-away-breather visit to see the ROCK here in Long Beach, California! I must say, girl, it is mighty impressive! Shot some video, but I wish it were uncovered to see the beauty it must be. Get this girl, there are 160 tires on the ‘gitup rig’ that is carrying it to it’s destination! WOW Girl! I know you went through more horse shoes than that in your first year of racing! LOL! I will try to steal away tonight to see how it looks at night with all the lights flashing … and all the hub-bub on it’s way to Carson, Ca. for another overnight stay. Maybe my computer will have flashing lights and hub-bub on your deliverly by then! … Wish I knew how tall it is! That thang is HUGE!! AND CONGRATULATION ON 100,000 FB page fans worldwide!!!! NO ONE IS MORE DESERVING THAN YOU!!! ♥♥
Hi Zenny,
I just can’t wait for the foal
I’m sooooo excited.
Hope everything goes well when it’s time.
you’ll be the best mommy in the world!!
Love Youuu
Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, you suspenseful girl, you! I’m sure you’re more relaxed than anyone else. All I can say is I wish you an easy delivery. In the meantime, I am inhaling white chocolate peanut butter cups to stay calm (sort of).
Anxiously awaiting,
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
haha … yeah, I know what you mean! I must have gained 10 pounds over the last two days myself! Camping out can be h__, and not good for one’s backside derriere! LOL!
Lisag in Texas
LOL, You, Diana (still do not know if she made it to the little girls room or not last night), the nailless Auntie JAP, and Sharon helped relieve some of this tension. I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack last night.
Lisag in Texas
Nailless Auntie JAG, I am sleeping with my eyes open at work…Sorry, Auntie JAG
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m gulping down chocolate like there’s no tomorrow LOL Can you say sugar H I G H !!! :-))))))
Terry Crow
You might be a redneck if your living conditions improve when you go camping.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Thank you. Definitely missed the humor.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Thank you. Have missed your wonderful sense of humor. Hugs, JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Terry, thank you for the humor. I know Kari would have loved a good laugh today, she took so much joy with her throughout all of her days. How I miss her. But I believe in my heart she watches over our beloved Zenny and will be the first to meet the beautiful foal we all await.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Z Family I have been thinking of Kari all day. She must me looking down on the Queen.
Abigail love the picture. Looks like Z : )
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
My dearest Cynthia. You are in my thoughts everyday. I will be sending you a message soon. For now, know that you have my love always!
Love and hugs,
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Dear wonderful Dawn,
Thank you for your beautiful words, which have been such a source of comfort to me; your great kind heart, which is so open to others; and your understanding, which demands no explanations. I am blessed to have the privilege of calling you friend. I pray that all will be well with your mother (it will), and for your precious sweet kitty. I have learned so much during this past year, and one thing I now absolutely know, is that it is not the length of time that matters, but the amount of loving which is in that time.
Love to you always.
Lisag in Texas
I will never be able to look at Zenyatta #12, without thinking of Our Kari. I woud say thatI wish she was here…but she is here, just not like before.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shari V.:
I’m sure Kari B. is with Z in spirit. Hugs, JB
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Terry Crow
The above was in honor of Kari.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Thank you Terry. I’ve really missed your jokes.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Me too Terry. Thank you for the tribute to Kari, I know she is watching.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Terry Crow
I have been thinking the same thing.
Diane Frymier
Can’t wait!!!!
Dallas from Texas
Good morning sweet beautiful baby girl. Although I keep coming into the house to check your website, I still think it’s going to happen Saturday. More important is everything goes smooth and safe. You have so many fans praying for you. Will check on you later sweet baby girl, love you
Pictures – Pictures – Pictures and Videos – Videos – Videos. Take care and hoping everything is OK. How is Tasty doing???
freda hartman
Good luck, waiting to hear your news. We wish you all the best pretty lady!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! You are all I have been thinking about for the last few days! I am so, so excited! Oh my goodness, any time now! Oh my, my Zenyatta! I love you!
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
You are always #1!
I am also on the edge of my seat waiting for the baby too!
Roberta Smith
@Carly…yes, Zenyatta will always have a career! Her new career is keeping up with the thousands and thousands of people who love her! Now that’s a busy job!
Alex Bowdoin
Yes, a very busy job!!
I think your Mikey got everyone excited with his Facebook post last night. He sure got me excited. Why would anyone expect anything from you but to keep us all in suspense until that last desperate lunge to the finish (foaling) line that you were so famous for doing.
Take your time Zenny. Do this on your time, not our time.
Be safe, have a safe delivery.
Love You, Big Mare
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Zenny, you always knew where the wire was, so maybe you are timing things so that you will hit your due date of March 9. Or maybe the full moon tomorrow night is your virtual finish line? Either way, YOU and that baby will decide when to “make your move.” :)
Hi Beautiful Zenny, Great to see the pictures and your Post. God bless you and your little one and Tasty and her little one. LOL, Arlene
Hi beautiful girl! Love the photo with you and Jerry. You can see the love and connection between both of you. I`m very nervous and always wondering if you`re in labor. Soon soon! 100,000 on facebook. If everyone had a computer it would probably be about 500,000. Ok sweetheart. Waiting All I can do…Lots of Big hugs and kisses, Alene….Good luck to everyone at Lanes End!!
ZEN! You bet you had me on the edge of my seat…
All through math class… Science… English… Even orchestra! Just like when
You raced! I don’t have Facebook, so I had a friend keep me updated and when I saw a pic of Mike’s post… I went whack! Please as soon as the Prince or Princess enters the world… Tell us, even though I know you will (; stay safe and healthy big girl!
Still nothing!!! o man!!
Elizabeth in NM
Oh, ZENNY! You say ‘relax’. You are always the surpise at the very last moment… in racing and now in Mommie-ing! (Actually, I think You are ‘on time’, but for all of us awaiting the glorious new BABY Z, it seems so-o-o long! You Beautiful GIRL!!!
Am on the run today, as usual, but still YOU are on my mind almost every minute! Have to race back and forth to snatch a peak at the computer as often as I can.
Loved the pics of YOUR Family today! So cute – praying – checking the phone messages, pacing…. and the one of Your Jerry! He and Ann are such a beautiful couple! Loved Ann’s new ‘assistant delivery’ outfit from the last post too!
Congratulations on over 100,000 on Facebook …. think it will go through the roof when Baby Z arrives!
Many blessings today we are praying for YOU and everyone in YOUR Family and Much LOVE
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Update on the ROCK! ‘I wanna ROCK with you!’ … Just saw on our local news channel 7 KABC that Long Beach is having a ROCK PARTY today! WoooWhooo – and I found out that I was wrong. The ROCK weighs 340 tons!! And it has 196 TIRES Zenny! Whewww – a lota horse shoes girl! Come on down to the Party, it will go until 5::00 pm tonight. FOOD, face painting, games, give-aways, and so on. BBQ anyone wanting to take a break from b♥by-bundle watch!? YUMMMM! All kidding aside, it really is something to see, and so is Bxby Knolls. Thought I give us a break, as our focus is rightly so on momma to be!
Elizabeth G.
Waiting anxiously …. we pray for you in your most spectacular moment. The world will rock!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, I am so trying hard to take Your Advise…Relax. I could not relax when you were running a race (scared my canine baby, Lucy, everytime). and I am having a difficult time trying to relax now. I am glad you are choosing YOUR famous way of doing this as well…I hope that you take your time and then do your little kick right after the sun goes down on Thursday, (make sure the West Coast is home). I have a feeling, even tho we are watching…we will be like all the horses you have beaten…we won’t see it coming till you approach the finish line. I love you. Just a note and observation about Steve. He is the quite one, never wants to be in the limelight, takes a step back so others can be in front….I bet he loves you more than you can imagine…I will try to relax, thank you for loving us back…Lisag
Ha! Perfect picture for us Dottie! Too cute seeing Barn 55 waiting for news too! There sure is alot of buzz out there about the Queen of racing…our SoCal girl Zenyatta! I’m seeing a few crabby tweets from cynical racing folks that just don’t get it….lol,totally clueless! That’s ok,we outnumber them by ALOT! lol
Louise Castello
So excited Zenyatta! Look how many twitter followers there are since just last night! Twitter is a great idea too even though I can’t figure it all out. Pacing with everyone else. SO EXCITING!!!!!!
Shannon J. in Seattle
Tomorrow’s a full moon and I know mares “like” to foal on or close to a full moon so if for any reason our big girl decides to foal tomorrow night I imagine we’ll hear a collective howl at the moon from across the country! LOL!
WE LOVE YOU AND TEAM Z SO MUCH ZEN!!!! Many high hooves and big hugs to all of you! Can’t wait to see your little one!!!
Shannon J. in Seattle
I even got my Hubby on standby in Afghanistan waiting for news!!! LOL! And he didn’t really even follow horseracing until he saw ZENYATTA!!!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
That’s really cool :)
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Best wishes to your husband in Afghanistan.
Alex Bowdoin
God Bless your Husband in Afghanistan. I will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Too funny “On foal watch in Afghanistan”….HUGS TO ALL
Lisag in Texas
Shannon in Seattle, please tell your husband hello, and tell him and everyone else in his company that I said….THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, THANK YOU FOR MY FREEDOM!!
Celeste in TX
Ditto what Lisag. said! Thanks to your hubby from my heart. And my dh is the same way – doesn’t follow racing, but will admit he followed Queen Z!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Seattle:
Hope you are feeling well. How about that even our soldiers are thinking of Z. Too cute. Regards to your husband. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shannon J, in Seattle:
Please excuse me. I made a mistake and confused you with one of our other sweet Dumplings Sharon in Seattle. Hugs, JB
Shannon From Cool
You’re right about the full moon and foaling. We’re all ready!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Shannon, blessings to you and your husband!! How we appreciate the sacrifices you both make on our behalf!! It is too cute that you are both awaiting the special announcement. Zenny’s magic just seems to draw people in.
Therese in Texas
Pacing here in Texas and waiting to hear the good news! Enjoy this special time with your owners and all your Lane’s End family!
LIsa in CO
Laughing as my theory is “a watched mare never foals” and my of my, Zen is being watched and waited on by the world. Pacing and waiting and watching for news.
Lisag in Texas
LOL, as the Queen would say, TOO CUTE.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Hello, gorgeous!! We reached the 100,000 and over!!!!! Isn’t that fantastic, Zenny. You mean so very much to all of us who love you. They always say that the amount of love you give will often come back to you times ten. The amount of love that you, Team Z and Lane’s End express and share just multiplys out into the world. We receive it and we share it with others, who share it too!! What a wonderful Zenyatta world of love we are priveledge to be a part of!!!! We can never thank you all enough for including us in your life. The photos over the last couple of days have been too cute!!! The picture of Ann in her customized overalls was so special and then to see Jerry today is fantastic. How they adore you!! Of course I was laughing out loud at the Barn 55 crew pacing, how fun is that!! Thank you John! This is all very exciting! I am sorry I missed posting yesterday and I still have to get caught up on reading! Mother had her appointment with the surgeon. Her gall bladder will be removed in a couple of weeks and should make her feel much better. My sweet Sassy kitty has been ill too. The vet says it is kidney failure. She is 14, but it is never easy to hear that she may be nearing the end of her life, I shed a tear just thinking about it. She is doing well right now. I make sure she is getting what she needs, hold her close and love her to pieces as I always have. I pray for a safe foaling for you, Tasty and all of the other broodmares out there. Every one is a pearl without price for being the amazing horses they are bringing the next generation to life. May we humans live up to our part of the bargin, breeding responsibly and taking care of the horses we own. You and your fellow equines give us so much, Zenny, it is the least we can do! Pacing with all the rest! Sweet dreams my love. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Alex Bowdoin
I am sorry to hear about Sassy Kitty…My prayers are with you. HUGS
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Hope your mother is feeling better soon.
I had a cat that died of kidney failure a few years back. it’s very sad. my poor kitty, Winky was the best. All you can do is love them until the end. My heart goes out to you. ^-^
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear Dawn–prayers for you, your mom, and sweet Sassy Kitty. And hugs too.
Terry Crow
Add my name to the list. Bless you, Dawn.
Louise Castello
Oh Dawn, you are in my prayers as well. As you know, I just lost my Big Buddy. Everyone here helped so much including you! My hearts hurts for you. Hope your mom feels better soon. I will be thinking of you all.
Jan S. / Houston
Hope all goes well with your mom, and wishing her a speedy recovery.. So sorry to hear about your kitty. I’m sure she has the best home and mommy ever. Take care..
Lisag in Texas
So sorry to hear about your Precious Sweet Sassy, my prayers go to you and her. Also in my prayers for your mom, a speedy recovery and a long, happy life.
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Dawn..will be praying for your Mom’s surgery and quick recovery. Please let us know the date and keep us posted. My heart goes out to you and your sweet sassy kitty. I know she is getting the best love and pampering ever.
It is difficult dealing with two situations at the same time.
Prayers are with you.
Celeste in TX
Having her gall bladder removed should make your mom feel so much better and I will be wishing her a speedy recovery from the surgery. So sorry about your sweet kitty, but you are doing wonderful to enjoy and love on her all you can to make whatever time is left the best it can be. Hang in there!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Dawn: Hope Sassy Kitty is better soon.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I’m so sorry your kitty is sick, Dawn. My prayers go out to her, you and your mom.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Dawn, I’m so relieved to see your post and to know that Mom is going to have her surgery so quickly. It’s taking hours these last few days to keep up with Zenny and all the dumplings – so many posts and replies – I’m sure that there must be a better way than to keep going back to the beginning but I haven’t figured that out yet. I’m sorry to hear about Ms. Sassy Kitty, it’s always devastating when a beloved pet is sick, they can’t tell us what is hurting. Vic and I lost our Blackie last year and now Vic is anxiously waiting for her Mom to come back to Canada with her British Shorthair, Casey Bean. Vic said today that she misses having a cat in the house. Please give Mom best wishes from Susan, Vic and me, is she just as excited as the rest of the world waiting for Zenny’s foal. Hugs to you and Mom.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn C.:
Hope your Mom recovers well and feels better. Sorry to hear about your kitty cat. Hope she is comfortable. Know you will do whatever you can for her. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (in NC)
So sorry to hear about your Sassy. Hope your mother will feel better soon.
Thoughts and prayers are being sent — and Hugs, too.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
prayers ti your mom & kitty.big hugs
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dawn- prayers and warm wishes to you, your mom and Sassy Kitty. <3
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hi my dear Sis. My prayers are with you guys. You, Your Mom and Sassy Kitty. Will keep all in my prayers. Blessings, Peggy
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Dawn, prayers for your dear mom and your sweet kitty, Sassy. I hope your mom has a complete and speedy recovery from her surgery, and I know that your Sassy will be surrounded with love and the best of care with you.
I have a Sassy kitty too. Her full name is Sassafras after the colt Susan in TN took care of :)
Prayers for you too, Dawn, and hugs too…
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Thank you so much for your wonderful words of support my dear, dear Z-friends!! You have warmed my heart with your virtual hugs!! I will share your caring messages with Mom, she will be so touched. Thank you again for always being there!! How I love you all!
Deborah, my Sassy’s full name is Sassafras also. Too cute!!
Terry Crow
Dawn, you are a class act.