Dear Fans,
I am delighted to share with you that Ziconic is moving on to his next career as an Off-The-Track-Thoroughbred! I couldn’t be happier that he now has a new home and is being welcomed into the loving arms of Linda Moss (Cousins of the Heart) and her husband, George Bedar.
Filled with enthusiasm, Linda remarks, “George and I are so incredibly honored and over the moon to have the opportunity to provide for Ziconic and to take the journey with him in the coming chapters of his life as an OTTB. This is the stuff dreams are made of, and having him join our family is beyond words.”
Ziconic will also be joining his Mom’s stablemate Milyone (also a Moss horse trained by John Shirreffs) at Templeton Farms, a Sporthorse Farm in California. We have known Linda and George since they welcomed Milyone, who has now been under their very special care for seven years.
It is our belief that horses let you know what they like to do. As Ziconic settles into his new home and new program, it will become clear what he is destined for. We are confident that Linda and George will be there to ensure that he can enjoy life and thrive.
We look forward to Ziconic becoming an Ambassador for Off-The-Track-Thoroughbreds in California and beyond, just as Cozmic One has become an OTTB Ambassador based in Kentucky.
Linda & George recently shared two things that they have already noticed about Ziconic: He is very proud of himself, and he ALWAYS knows where the camera is!
We look forward to continuing to update you on Ziconic’s transition, his new Team members, and his new happy life.
Hugs, Ann Holbrook Moss

Sheena Davies
An amazing win for Enable.She really showed courage today in a battle with Crystal Ocean but no one was going to deny her the race and the reception she got!Congratulations Enable,Frankie and John Gosden.A race for the ages.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
What a race!!!!????. Didn’t get to see any of the celebration though – the feed we get here switched immediately to another race?. Hope they will consider the BC??
Sheena Davies
I think a 3rd Arc is the main aim this year.We got the flying dismount of course!Reminded me of the Grundy/Bustino battle in 75′.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
OMG, that was the best one yet. Just amazing; the two of them. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
The whole race.The Coolmore horses set a punishing gallop and Enable found herself way down the field.Great to see Frankie using mainly hands and heels in such a titanic battle.A wonderful race.
Subbie continues to battle.Graham visited for an hour today.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
What a race! Thanks for posting the video. Congratulations to Enable, Frankie, J. Gosden and all connections! Also, congrats to Crystal Ocean and his connections for an exciting second place — brave fighter.
Thanks for the video of Ziconic in his stall, Sheena. He is too cute with his eye on the camera — like his mama!
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
I was awestruck by that fact too. Frankie just rides with the whip in his hand; making one true strike maybe. Fantastic bond these two have. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the video of Enable and her brave fight. Only 2 more races for her from what I have read. She is an Amazon! Will be sad but happy to see her retire. She has earned her time to go out in the pasture and just be a horse. Thanks to all her team for keeping her racing since all the colts seem to retire so early. The real turf stars of the last years have been the mares. Godspeed to her in the rest of her career.
Sheena Davies
The mares are the saving grace of racing these days.They are thinking of retiring our Epsom Derby winner already,They will see how Enable comes out of the race may rest her and send her straight to the Arc.She usually bounces back quickly after a race though.Despite everything going wrong for her in the race she still won.She is a superstar.
Sheena Davies
Yet another horse laid low with colic.Roaring Lion by Kitten’s Joy had just arrived in New Zealand when he showed signs of discomfort.He is recovering from surgery and David Redvers has flown out to NZ.Owned by Qatar racing he stands at Tweenhills Stud.The next 24hrs will be crucial .Hopefully he will arrive home safe and well.I am no fan of shuttling stallions.PU Lion.
Subbie is slowing improving and has been out enjoying the sunshine.Hopefully he has turned a corner.Enable has come out of her race yesterday in’good order’A decision about her future plans will be made in the next week.
Come on your Majesty a knighthood for John?
Kathleen Marsh
Hi Sheena
So sorry to read this and praying Roaring Lion will recover. Good quick action by the stallion manager. The article mentioned how difficult these things are to those close to the horses. When tragedy with a horse strikes i often think first of the grooms whose hearts must break over the loss of their charges. We mourn these horses from afar; they mourn them as personal friends.
I noticed an article on the same page about Kingbarns, who sired his first G1 winner. He succumbed to colic.
Good to hear Subbie is improving.
Sheena Davies
Yes it’s always the Trainers and staff I think of when a horse is lost or ill.They know and love their charges so much.We only get to see the horses on TV they are with them day in day out.I just pray Roaring Lion arrives back in the UK safe and well.
Sheena Davies
It’s certainly a year for mares as Laurens wins her 6th Group one the Prix Rothschild in Deauville.Congratulations to Karl Burke and team.
Mary Jane
Congratulations to the great Enable and Frankie Dettori for a thrilling victory in the King George yesterday. Prayers for a speedy recovery for Roaring Lion. And, best wishes for Paradise Woods, John and Mike as they attempt the Clement L. Hirsch at Del Mar later today. It’s been 10 years since Queen Z won it for the 3rd time. https://www.paulickreport.com/news/people/ill-never-forget-shirreffs-reflects-on-zenyattas-remarkable-run/
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Prayers for Roaring Lion. Congrats to Enable and Frankie D; what a team they are. So glad to hear Subbie is doing better. Continued prayers. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Hope you’re all keeping cool and comfy. Love You. Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to TAX on his win in the Jim Dandy yesterday. Love that boy. Here’s the replay.
Below is Imperial Hint winning the Vanderbilt for the second time. This year breaking the track record.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting both of these replays. Congrats to Tax and all connections on the Jim Dandy! Tacitus did well after that bad stumble out of the gate, too. Tax refused to yield though — Cheers for him!
Wow, Imperial Hint exploded into a super-high gear in the Vanderbilt! Congrats to him and his connections. He is a fast little guy! Cheers!
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
So happy for Tax too. Tacitus really came on strong in the end after that terrible start.
I know, Imperial Hint really turned on the jets. Love and Hugs, JB
Tax was my favorite. Loved his sire, Arch, and of course the Reeves who own Muchie are part owners of Tax. Do think Tacitus had really bad luck at the start and perhaps could have won had he gotten a better trip.
Sending up prayers for Roaring Lion son of the wonderful Kitten’s Joy. It seems as if so many who are coming down with colic. Healing prayers for all of them.
Sheena Davies
A lovely tribute to Zenyatta.
Dear Sheena,
What a joy to watch! Thank you so much for posting!
Hugs, Kathy
judith Berube
Dear Sheena and Z Fans:
Sheena, thanks so much for posting this TVG’s visit with Zenyatta. She looks absolutely beautiful.
Below is the list of favorite horses that will be represented in TVG videos as they celebrate their 20th anniversary.
Sheena, look who else is on the list; two of your favorites.
judith Berube
Just can’t watch Z’s 2009 BCC win without welling up with tears of joy. Happens every time I watch it. Nothing beats that win; except maybe her 2010 BCC effort. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.It was good to see Zenyatta.Yes I saw my boy Frankel and Winx on the list.I do have a soft spot for Beholder too.Glorious Goodwood this week but forecast does’nt look good Some gorgeous photos of Enable doing the rounds,Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Looking forward to seeing all the videos. Wonderful tributes to our beloved, amazing champions. I hope the weather cooperates for Goodwood meet. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Sheena Davies
Concerned about Roaring Lion he has not eaten yet and had a so-so kind of day.Why send this horse to NZ .Such a long journey for him.I just pray he can make the return trip in one piece.PU Lion
Kathleen Marsh
I pray he will be well again. I agree on the issue of shuttling. Too proven to be a detriment to the individual stallions. I wonder too if it could eventually be a detriment to the breed. We leave not enough room for diversity of bloodlines.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena and Kathleen:
I hope they change their minds and let RL stay home. Feel better beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
I am really happy for Tax. I loved his sire, Arch, and he is partly owned by the Reeves who also own Muchie. I do think that Tactius would have perhaps won if it weren’t for that horrible start. But, our boy Tax hung in there and showed his heart.
Sending up prayers for healing for Roaring Lion a son of another of my very favs, Kitten’s Joy. I grew up just a few miles down the road from the Ramsey farm.
Healing prayers going out to all of them who are fighting these dreaded cases of colic.
judith Berube
Dear Shirlee:
I totally agree; expected a big effort from Tacitus. Tax was determined though. So proud of him as I’m sure are his connections.
Wonder if Tax, Tacitus, Max and Omaha Beach (if he’s ready) will meet in the Travers. Wow, that will be some contest for sure. Love and Hugs, JB